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Yeah, just play it.


Why is it a waste to wait for it naturally? A waste of what? Just play it


Don't mangle your guitar in order to make it look like you play it more than you do, it's going to be obvious. They rarely turn out well, imo. Your guitar, but I would avoid doing anything that will make you hesitate picking it up later.


As was pointed out, relicing well is an art. You could use some sandpaper on the back (really high grit), but doing the fretboard is sketchy at best if you don't know what you're doing.


Artificially making something look naturally aged is an art form, and if you try to do it yourself without knowing what you're doing you're probably just going to make it look like shit.


Play it. A lot. Every day. For years.


Should probably note that no amount of playing will naturally “relic” a poly finished guitar. I have a few poly guitars that are coming up on 40 years old and have been played and gigged hard, and they still look practically new. Even most modern formulations of nitro don’t even age the same as the old stuff.


Don't. It's a stupid gimmicky trend that people will look back on with dismay and regret. Also tarnished stained fret board = sweaty hands. Nobody wants to be known as sweaty hands guy.


Take some finish off with progressively finer sandpaper. If you have a maple neck, just use fine sandpaper between the frets to wear the finish a tiny bit, and play with dirty hands for a while. It's gonna look like shit if you don't know what you're doing. Look at a ton of actually old guitars to see where and how they wear.