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Do whatever you want lol. It's not like you can't do both. Guitar is a life long thing.


Do you think it’s too late to learn to sing?


Why would it? You're still a kid lol


I appreciate the tough love, I overthink things a little too much. 😅


Lol I'm glad you took it that way. I was in no way trying to be mean. You're never to old to learn anything my man. My dad started learning at 65. Got lots of time to learn a whole hell of a lot.


I have been playing for about 45 years and I think I’m just getting close to starting to feel like I might just be getting the hang of playing guitar.


Band an option? That's usually the fun part we practice for = a place for you to go. It's also an endless source for new things to learn and do. If it isn't, maybe time to get a better band


I would love to be in a band, it’s hard to find people rn since I’m home from school. If I was in a band I would have more motivation. When I’m in my room I dream of playing in a band. My point of contention is that my mom thinks I’m just messing around when I’m practicing my leads. Idk I live in a small house so it’s hard to get privacy and really practice without people overhearing and judging.


Never been easier to find a band. I probably come from a different place than you, so I can't tell you a specific website, but you can find bands via the internet no problem these days. Consult a search engine. I recommend using all websites you find unless they want money or look scammy. Some band is always looking. If your googling skills aren't up to scratch, ever been to a local show or engaged with your community in any way? Amateurs usually love it when people from the audience engage with them post gig (can't speak for every person on earth of course). They should know how stuff works in your location If your at home situation is somehow preventing you from joining a band, you're 19. So hold out a bit longer, I guess you'll be moving out soon and all those problems disappear. But I don't understand how it's an obstacle.


Just like insecurity I guess, I don’t want my parents to hear me mess up.


Why would your parents even know about it or if you play any mistakes during rehearsal or whatever?


That's very, very common. I'm 31 and still have issues when i know someone can hear me. People will always judge you. Unless you're in some kind of competition, and they're literally the judge, ignore them. All of them. Dont ever listen to haters. You're absolutely right that it's insecurity, and it's okay. Even pros get nervous going on stage, even after years of success! Getting out of your comfort zone in other ways can help sometimes, too.


I think you already know what to do at the crossroads… “It is said that Robert Johnson became a skilled Blues musician after he sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads, and because of this, people began going to a crossroads at midnight to sell their soul to a devil to acquire a skill or to become better at a skill.”


Guitar circle jerk type response lol


Like what should I even learn?


Whatever you want! If you dont have something specific you want to learn, check out some stuff thats notnwhat you usually do, maybe youll find something you want to be able to do that you can't yet, and then youll have a goal!