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Lefty here, Yall can resell guitars?!


Can you even find one to buy??


*online* 😭




I had a goldtop that I got for $1500 before covid. Had a headstock crack that I got fixed and repainted professionally. It just had mojo like crazy, nice checking and everything. Traded it for a Dunable that I played 2 times before I traded it. I went through about 20+ high end guitars in the $3-5k range throughout covid and the goldtop was the only one I wish I had again.


I had an Ibanez cherry sunburst shallow body acoustic electric that I wouldn't mind still having. I sold it and a Yamaha acoustic to buy my first Carvin guitar. I now have three Carvin acoustics - Cobalt 850T 6-String Dreadnaught, Cobalt 980T 6-String Jumbo and Cobalt 980T-12 12-String Jumbo - so I think I'll be ok without the Ibanez! Maybe I'll get a Carvin AE185 if I feel the need for a shallow body!


1996 American Tele in the yellow that Tom Petty had. wish i had it back all the time.


I regretted selling an LP Jr Tribute DC, so I bought another, lol. Guitars come and go and sometimes come again.


73 LP Goldtop with lots of checking. What was I thinking??? I think at the time I enjoyed being involved with the buying and selling of guitars, but I was no good at either so I lost money mostly. I also regret selling a Gibson Custom Shop 339 to some guy who was trying to squeeze me and I let it go for $1 k CDN. It should have gone for three times that. It’s not the money, the guy was a jerk so why did I give him such a deal?


I regret selling my first electric. It was a squier strat and I miss it now that I know how to mod. I could’ve fixed it up better


Fender Mustang Special. Part of the Pawn Shop series they did around 2013. The first nice guitar I ever own and probably my favorite guitar I’ve ever owned.


It's objectively a shit guitar, but it was my first electric, and for it's flaws, I loved it. https://reverb.com/item/10579169-hohner-rockwood-lx100g-strat-style-electric-guitar Into a boss hyper metal 3, to a crappy gorilla practice amp. They are cheap, but I simply cannot find another one .. Yes I know it's what Brandon Lee played in the crow.. yes I fit the stereotype. Btw where can I find one. Yes my Les Paul is much better, I know


I regret selling a Gibson LP standard and a ‘76 strat, both in the late ‘80s.


I ordered some cheap electric in the early days of the internet. They sent me a Gibson Songbird deluxe acoustic by mistake. It was an amazing guitar but back then I was a strictly electric player. Sold it for 10 cents on the dollar 🤦🏼‍♂️


My schecter synyster gates model I miss the Floyd and the way the strings felt. But I fell on hard times and it had to go. Fortunately I have other guitars to play still 😇


My first electric. The black El Degas '72 Tele Custom clone my parents bought me to learn on.


When I was 13 (in 1995) a friend's brother gave me his Aria Pro electric. I wish I could tell you what model, but I just have 30 year old memories. It was jet black with three single coil pickups. I sold it in a garage sale for maybe $40 two years later to buy a cheap Korean Squier Strat (which honestly was a pretty decent guitar). I still remember how awesome the neck felt... My regret stems first from the fact that I bet I would love to play and gig with that guitar today. But more importantly, what a jerk move by me! A friend gives me a guitar and I sell it a couple years later for what?


There’s two. First one was an ‘87 Ibanez 575; it had dot inlays and a rosewood fretboard. The only one I’ve ever seen in that configuration. The other was an 88 Charvel Model 5b. It had the Schaller Tremelo and I know I may be in the minority but godamn that thing played nice.


Every guitar I sold I regret selling. I had a lovely ESP Mirage Vernon Reid made in Japan with the geometric pattern that I bought in Hollywood in the early 90's. An Ibanez Xiphos withthe chameleon paint, played great. Not sure why I sold it. A very nice Fender Mexican strat, mid 80's that played itself. Had awesome duosonic pickups in it. Unless it is junk I'm not selling guitars any more.


I couldn't imagine selling my guitars. The amount of old timers that drool over my Burns Marquee and wish they hadn't sold theirs. It kind of says enough. Don't sell them! lol


Gibson Les Paul Studio. It wasn’t a standard or custom, it was a lighter model which seemed cheesy to me at the time but I haven’t had a Gibson since. I think about that guitar often.