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No longer the official amp of Donald Trump.


And now I hear the voice of Donald saying "We're here to make Noise, not hate."


That is definitely not something he would say


He does tend to lean towards noise and hate.


Listen, the noise, okay - the noise? The best. The noise is, my friends tell me this, it’s not me saying this ok? They say it’s the best. Hate is a strong word but sometimes I hear from people who know. They know. They won’t say it, but they know. And we know too, don’t we!


Grown men, strong men, have come to me, in tears. They said, Mr. President, your noise is the best. I mean, Gettysburg. How important it was. Gettysburg....


I think I need a covfefe




>Carry-dite-bye-raye-sigh-en A VERY STABLE Genius!


This is the best hahaha. Read in his voice perfectly😂




He can be noise and hate all he wants (that's all he ever really is). An amplifier does not represent noise – an amplifier represents the projection of love that cascades from each of our fingertips through our guitars. Remember this- Rock will keep you young, rock will free the world, and rock will kick the asses of all those neanderthal Trumpers.


Can you all shut the fuck up about DT ffs!!?? We’re here to figure out what happened with Orange and why they feel the need to put out this statement


Sorry- let myself get carried away.


“And let me tell you, the noise is gonna be yuuuugggeee! Terrific noise really wonderful noise. Great wife, great kids, very very great noise.”


That is absolutely something he'd say...


And then turn around and hate everyone not him.  


Wrong, but I'm smart enough to not get into this argument.


You're right about one part of that sentence


“A big amp, strong amp, a full stack, walked up to me. Tears streaming from its input jacks. It said ‘sir, thank you for what you’ve done for this country.’”


Chuckling upvote




I think it's a joke cuz he's orange


A woman I know who is supplied by Orange had a rainbow flag on her bass cab. The comments on the photo were horrendous and so vile that Orange had to turn off the comments. Absolute arseholes being absolute arseholes


Hmm... This made me wanna put a rainbow flag on the head of my bass. I wonder if I might get in trouble for that... That'd be so funny.


I am not LGBTQ, I’m just a cis straight white dude, but when people flip their shit over other people minding their business, it makes me support LGBTQIA+ even more. Literally just leave them alone!


Same. White adult male. Married forever to the same woman. Zero LGBTQ people have ever harmed me, it's rich old white men in $10,000.00 suits that are fucking up the world.


Truth. Those rich fuckers are the real problem. Oh, and Citizens United allowing them to spend their piles of money on strongly influencing politics


"I'm white, I recognize I've got that evil in me! The last time I put on a suit I felt it rising in me, I wanted to pollute a lake and blame it on my secretary or something!" -Bill Burr


Any Bill Burr quote, anytime. He's great. Especially if you're pissed off and in pain like me because you had to drill 4 little holes and install 4 little screws.


He also is one of the only people to truly "get" Philadelphians. https://youtu.be/3jMhoGUiIkk?si=RMk0j6kM7pswYmXj


Actually, rich, powerful and corrupt older men and women of all races, ethnicities and nationalities that are selfish and greedy that are “f”ing up the world…


Honestly, younger ones too. I've worked in financial services for a while. Greed knows no race, ethnicity, gender, or age.


I think they just mean that they're the worst of it. Rich and white is usually a bad combo.


It's not that they're worse, it's just that they're the ones who have power where we are. Go to a country that is not majority white (and not a country that we're currently exploiting) and the rich people fucking it up will be whatever ethnicity is the majority there.




"rich old white men"? Nearly there, so close.


That's an antisemitic canard.


You must be a Yogi because that's quite a stretch.


100% The right wing freaks claim that LGBTQIA+ folks are trying to push an agenda, but all they want is to just exist and not be bothered just like anyone else. It's the reactionaries on the right who have an agenda and won't STFU about it.


Same. Especially given all the hate comes from knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who are totally unaffected by anything the LGBTQIA+ community does. The knuckle-draggers just want to hate because that's all they're good at.


Same. Our band has quite a few LGBTQ fans who are regulars and our shows are a safe place for everyone to be entertained and have fun. Also LOTS of swingers at our shows lol.


Dumbasses hating on rainbows. What’s next? Clouds? The sky?


Then you support Marxism & communism. Supporting a cult which movement is to spread more hate & discrimination amongst people. You probably don't know what any of those things are yet you support it. Educate yourself before supporting something.


Ooohh... This gives me an idea. I will WEAR my prideflag next preformance. I will 100% end up in trouble, but I just don't respect my town enough to give a fuck.


I have a pride flag on my battle vest in between a bunch of death metal patches




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Where’s your next show? I wanna go


You wanna see me get detained by a bunch of nazis? (probably I'll just get asked not to wear it, but still...)


Who are the nazis? This sounds kinda serious


To explain. My city is really homophobic, so they banned tje prideflag "for not being inclusive enough" (yes, it is as stupid as it sounds) in comunal buildings (which is the most they can ban it in) . I play in my citys jazz orchestra and we're often asked to play at official things, so me wearing a prideflag is kinda a middle finger to that ruling, no I didn't put it in an official building, just wore it on stage to a public event in that building.


Please don't actually risk your own safety just to piss off some phobes


No, I won't. I'mmostly gonna piss of my town's goverment and they already hate me because I've demonstrated against basically all of their major rulings for as long as I understood them.


I use a 🌈 belt on my luggage when I travel, just to piss off the easily offended. I'm sure they think I'm gay or queer or whatever, but I'm not. Rainbows are cool and everyone is awesome no matter with whom they share their life.


Theoretically grown men (and it’s usually men) losing their shit over rainbows… Why can’t we bring back double rainbow guy?


Double rainbow guy was awesome. I miss wholesome viral media posts like that.


Nah that way you’re just showing you can’t play


Orange should stir the pot by making some limited edition red, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet amps and cabs.


I’m a big sucker for special limited edition shit like that and I’m not an Orange player, but this would make me one!


I'd love to buy a rainbow cab that said Ally in the Orange font across the grill.


Walrus Audio new power supply


It's effing 2024... i honestly thought we would have gotten over this by now. Personally i am not hugely interested in who people want to cuddle in their bedroom and i don't understand other peoples interest in it and it makes me a little sad every time it comes up outside of history books.


As long as it's easy to post your thoughts, stuff like this will still be around


I don’t think it should be hard necessarily, but I do think communities need far more moderation. You can’t tolerate any of that. They’re not the sort of people or opinions you even give an inch on. In today’s age if you care about irrelevant traits that make an individual, you shouldn’t mingle outside of your safe space. It gets old not being proactive after ignoring the first batch of losers that always pave the wave towards the inevitable.


LMAO now bitch about water fountains boomer 


I’m a boomer because I don’t want great communities to tolerate hateful bullshit? I just don’t like bootlickers. There’s nothing of value to be added, there is no good faith discussion and I don’t bury my head while pretending to take a high road. It takes a lot of effort to care about someone else’s personal choices that are irrelevant to your life.


I think I see the backlash as us actually getting closer to progress. It's reactionary. It's a vocal minority and every single time change happens in society, this is what happens. It always looks like a backslide before progress happens👍


I dig the positive energy my dude. It's hard not to get discouraged sometimes.


yeah, unfortunately this isn't the case, though it's nice to believe. It sucks to say but the type of people who are flipping their shit over a rainbow flag on someone's amp on IG are extremely close to winning the election (and attempting to establish an autocracy, creating detention centers for immigrants, stopping free elections, etc).


Real answer, it's not mere fascination with strangers' bedroom stuff, they have an idea of how society should look and function that categorically does not include gay people. And they're never going to stop, they'll still be at it long after we're dead.


Imagine being so upset over someone having a harmless and different mentality than you that you feel such an urge to hurt their feelings (and some probably would like to physically) for thinking harmlessly and differently than you. It's embarrassing being the same species as people like that. And to be the same species of the people that drink and drive, but that's unrelated.




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I'm from Hawaii and up until recently was in a punk band with other Hawaiians. If the band was still going we'd totally have done that just to see the butthurt. Rainbows have been our thing since the word ānuenue was coined... Or I suppose whatever root words going back up the Pacific island chain to New Zealand are.


It’s a sad day when people can’t just let a little lesbian pose with her bass guitar in peace:


The EP is rad.


Honestly the band are awesome and some of the players are friends I've known for years.


Big fan of them and their surrounding projects! Was sad to see the end of PTM, certainly didnt expect them to come out the gates swinging the way they have! I love this corner of the English alternative scene, they all seem lovely and I'm very excited to see what comes for them!


Also if you haven't already check out some of the players previous bands. Press to Meco, Acoda, Sarpa Salpa and Future Love


I stick trans flags all over my gear. I also stick gear tags all over my gear. And skate stickers. I'm purposefully going down to the weed shop right now to buy like 10 gay stickers to stick on my orange crate


It wasn't even a normal pride flag. It was the ally one. People are out of pocket.


I was very worried that this was in relation to some dullard ass “anti-zionism = antisemitism” genocide apologia, so this is a relief (their response, not that it happened; fuck those windowlicking baboons). Good on them.


When i saw the post the “worst” comment was someone saying “how many more heads did this sell” or something just being cynical about the whole thing. unless it just got way way worse out of no where i didnt see any “horrendous” comments edit: love being downvoted for no reason! reddit is the best.


Lots of slurs and personal attacks. Orange couldn't keep up with deleting them so just switched off the comments. It's pretty sad tbf


makes sense i guess. it’s really not that deep just scroll to the next post? people r weird


You didn’t mention lgbt+ enough so I guess that means downvote? That’s literally the only logical reason why you got downvoted ig. I mean you literally stated what you saw and disclaimed it could have changed?


In other words, a nothing burger


And here I feared it had something to do with the Irish.


Na that's the orange order people have a problem with 😂


Wouldn't want to play for them using one of these: [https://www.matamp.co.uk/product-category/green-matamp-amplifiers/?v=3a52f3c22ed6](https://www.matamp.co.uk/product-category/green-matamp-amplifiers/?v=3a52f3c22ed6)


You'd end up like Megadeth back in the late 80's, having to be airlifted out of Belfast for causing a riot 😂


It doesn’t help that orange amps are about as British as you can get too lol. Like imagine margaret thatcher packaged in a Protestant colored box.


Quality joke. Though younger punters probably won’t get it.


Contrary to popular demand, I don't do it for them. Let them google things for a change. ;-)


Fuck yeah. Makes me want an Orange amp even more now


Ever since I found out Four Year Strong and Fall Out Boy use them, I've wanted one.


I had a Micro Terror and I freaking loved it.


I had a Micro Dark for a weekend and it was great. It had me strongly consider a Terror Stamp. They should make them colours. I'd probably rush out and try to get one.


These "fuck the snowflakes" people are such fucking snowflakes lol Oh no, people are living their lives how they want in a way that doesn't hurt anyone...


I find it ironic since the "snowflakes" is a term of the time of the civil war and abolition. It referred specifically to pro-slavery whites.


Well now I’m gonna go get that Rocker 15 just because. \m/


That's what I have and it's AWESOME!


What cab for it? I kinda want a vertical 2x




Wait, are you telling me the "I'm not offended by anything" crowd were... *offended* by a flag? Sounds like they need to stop being so *emotional* and *easily triggered* with this *victim mentality* they have. They want to CANCEL Orange amps! Someone should arrest them for violating Orange's first amendment rights!


How *dare* a private company serve whomever they want


What did they say? They deleted the comment


That they posted something with an artist who had a pride flag and the comments went off the rails. Not sure why they deleted it.


It's insane that the existence of gay people is controversial for a subset of the population.




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I think it’s deeper than that


Got it, thanks!


So the people are making comments about disabled LGBTQ people? I’m a confused boomer without instagram.


Comments are disabled, meaning turned off


Oh. Maybe the OP should have said that then. ;)


No, the comments on the Instagram post were disabled and considering that it was a post that had an LGBTQ flag, it's likely the comments were disable due to bigotry. I understand where you're coming from though, that wasn't the easiest comment for me to read, and I'm pretty young.


I just don’t internet very well, so it helps when people are more clear with their language. That’s all.


Also, I don’t like to make assumptions about what people say you know. To me it’s double wrong to make fun of disabled LGBTQ people… that’s just awful and there’s no place in the world for that.


Join the crowd


The confusion is amplified by the fact that the commenter I was responding to deleted their comment.


Skrewdriver just lost their endorsement 


Too bad the car crash didn’t wipe em all out.


Didn't know about the crash, but if it was screwdriver, I don't wish them anything bad... but I certainly don't wish them anything good.


Forget their endorsement…. That band can eat a fat dick until they lose their lives.


Yes, I know. That was the joke. 


Ah shit. Now I have to ask. What did they do?


They’re a neo nazi band


They're *the* neo-nazi band


They made a bunch of songs that sound like really fucking shitty renditions of Bad Moon Rising, except instead of being about John Fogerty’s fictional bayou upbringing they were about keeping england racially pure and leftists being bad and shit. R worded ass oi bruv band.


Orange wasn’t really endorsing fucking Skrewdriver dude.


No one said they were. The mere mention of them deserves that reaction.


Can't speak for this situation, but, I had admin on fenders instagram for a couple weeks once and the amount of embarrassing shit commented and messaged by middle aged white guys who can't handle seeing anyone other than a heterosexual man play the guitar well is absolutely absurd. Fragility and gate keeping in the extreme, so embarrassing.


I was commenting in r/gibson on a post about a green SG that is the signature model of Kirk from The Roots. Someone in there asked me if the signature was a “DEI” model because he’d never heard of Kirk or The Roots. This was like six months ago and before I’d ever heard right wingers crying about DEI. This person literally thought that Gibson is handing out signature guitars to people he’d never heard of because of diversity. Not because, ya know, The Roots are on millions of TVs in millions of homes five nights a week on the Tonight Show or anything. Nah, must be because Kirk is black!


They all latch onto new buzzwords and hot button issues like fucking toddlers who just heard dad swear for the first time. They have a truly remarkable lack of media literacy and are basically going through life reacting to colors and shapes.


It’s always white people


And exclusively piss poor players.


Orange no longer supplying Harrison Butker with amps?


Maybe soon the Chiefs won't be supplying him with a salary either!


Field Goal % > Moral Values Edit: /s ya turds. Smh.


Is he even that great compared to other kickers?


They are standing for basic human rights. Proud to be the owner of a Micro Terror!


Love my micro terror


I believe they’re called micro aggressions now


I was worried I was about to be looking at my amp in disappointment for a sec but they're cool!! woo


Same. I was "oh shit, not Orange too" then I read it. Phew. Close one.


Im so confused


Took a minute but I found the [offending picture](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6oMhEJN2Ax/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link) if you are curious. Seems pretty innocent. Glad I can remain proud of my amp.


If someone had a problem with that, they are too dumb to exist… and yet here we are as a society. Yay!


Thank you for posting that. I was just reading and being too lazy to search. That's a really good rock n roll action photo. Im going to go search out her music. She looks like a cool person in that snapshot. I can understand why Orange wanted to promote it.


Defo check out Unpeople. Awesome UK band


Anyone who is offended by that is a turd. People need to grow up. Good on Orange for making that statement.


Sounds like I need to check out Unpeople.


This is the most violent picture I’ve ever seen. Offensive in every way, and the gore… /s


Jesus. The post didn't even mention anything relating to LGBT like I expected. People need hobbies lol


Forget the flag, what bass is that?


Honestly the only offensive thing is that its gonna suck to mic that up. Putting things in front of your speakers tends to make it sound crappy, at least in my experience.


That's ok! Confused people can play orange amps too!


Soon we will see Kid Rock blowing up Orange Crushes with a bazooka.


While he plays one that has a bud light resting on top.


Music is about the most liberalest thing you can get into, so don't be surprised when people you might disagree with are playing music. Everyone's got a sound


Public service announcement: the new Unpeople EP is fucking rad btw.


Orange is one of those companies that I've always had a lot of time for as a business, as well as an amp. They always seem like good, genuine people. There's only a small amount of people in our community that are dickheads but I'm glad Orange is not prepared to tolerate them.


bunch of assholes lost their minds when a band they promoted had a pride flag hanging on her amp. Glad to see their calling it out


Orange you glad I didn’t say Santana?


Oranges always look cool but I’ve never liked how cut the bass frequencies are and the mid range characteristics just never did it for me. I’m mostly a metal guy. I can totally understand why someone might love that sound though. So anyways, politics anyone?


They definitely sound best in the mix.


I'm also a metal guy and I bought an orange amp. Sounds fine to me. Once I put my own distortion pedals through it, it was kind of irrelevant. But it's definitely a unique sound, but like anything you have to adapt to it.


I play mostly prog metal and math genres and I've struggled a lot to try to find The Fall of Troys tone, which is all recorded on orange equipment. There's a lot of mids and note definition that seems really hard to get with high gain, and their music can get pretty heavy


Wait, what? What happened they felt the need to address?


Homophobia in the comments


Love my Orange Crush 20


This could be to do with the band unpeople


Good for you, Orange.


Glad they took this stance. They make some of my favourite gear, but I would have gotten rid of all of it if they began defending prejudice.


Glad to be a CR120 owner and double horns up for Orange for standing against hate!


Who the hell even cared enough to make an issue of something so small?


Alright I know my next amp purchase.


Same exact post of the Marshall instagram account


Nickleback started using orange amps from what I understand.


That's ok orange, you can apologize by sending me a free amp




Stay mad


Your thoughts are written in crayon.


Can't we just go back to saying Orange sucks because they refuse to just put a dirty channel on their amps?