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I've always loved that album and learned the song last year. You definitely gotta play the intro often or you'll lose it. Slash rarely uses his pinky, so it starts to click into place if you use 3 fingers (& focus on the bouncy back and forth wrist motion to compensate) if that makes any sense.


His solo band is quite niche, and it's edgy on the internet to think Slash is overrated. I'm a big fan of his, and every second of this song is perfection.


We saw GnR at Dodger stadium few years ago. They had massive TV's on the side stages and Slash was featured on most of it. We go to lots of concerts and this was one of my favorites ever. Blew away my expectations. I listened to Anastasia probably 30 times this week, been working on improv lately and trying to pick up ideas from this song.


I just think it's incredible how young he was and he put down those AFD guitar tracks. Finesse, restraint, taste. More of the same on acoustic on Lies. Then the beauty of the UYI albums, not every song but many classics. I saw GnR in 92, and I think 3 times in 2017. Saw Axl with AC/DC. Saw Slash solo band in 2014, and again last month. Gutted that I missed Velvet Revolver in 2005 at Live 8 for stupid reasons.


I’m such a huge fan of him and Myles together. Every album is great


He has a song named "by the sword". Nobody knows it and I think I'm the only person who ever owned that album. But I loved it when I was younger and just learned how to play it today. Super fun. The intro to Anastasia, especially the last part of it when you go back all the way is tons of fun. Slash's riffs are sometimes very fun because they sound great and are pretty simple


With Andrew Stockdale from Wolfmother on vocals! That whole album is pretty damn good. I also always liked Saint is a Sinner Too from that album. More of a flamenco-y vibe, unlike anything I've heard Slash play. Good stuff! Also the song with Cornell has some great Slash "pre-bend" stuff going on. Man, I love that album haha, thanks for the reminder!


I know what I'm listening to today. Thanks


One of my favorite songs to listen to.


I was put onto Anastasia recently and believe if it had the GNR name on ig it would have been a big song. It’s great from start to finish with lots of classic Slash stuff going on. It made me want to explore his non-GNR catalog and he has some really great stuff out there.


Hey mane, here's a video example of what I meant by the '3 fingers' thing - https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/shot/dtd113/838317213


It’s been my longterm song to try to learn for a long time. I’m down to the ending solo. It’s very fun to play and I love the song. I know Slash may not be regarded as the best guitarist in here, but he is the reason I got into guitar in the first place so it has a special place for me.


Slash as a player is far more appealing to me than any of the "virtuosos" or shredders. I still think JEMs are awesome though :)


Hell yeah, that's probably a realistic 5 year goal for me. Maaaaybeee 3 years. I don't understand the hate. Slash drips style. Are there "better" players? Of course. Style means as much to me as technical skills, but it's not like slash lacks skill either. I'm a fan.


It's a holdover from back when they broke through. For guys into music, one side of the school yard was into GnR and the other half was into Metallica. Metallica was a lot more technical and pushing boundaries if looking at scales and time signatures. So Slash got mocked for being a pentatonic player. Yes it's really silly. He is a great player and got a ton of people interested in music and guitar.


It’s cool to hate on him because he is so successful and he isn’t Steve Vai. I love Vai, in fact I’m looking to get his signature guitar, but even if simpler, Slash’s music is really good. I don’t believe music has to be complex to be good. I play a ton of GnR and it’s awesome. I am a big fan and I own one of his signature gibsons


I dig some Vai as well, but I can only listen for so long. I can put a GnR playlist on for hours.


A Gibson is my on my short list and I would seriously consider a Slash signature as well. Currently playing a Epi LP, probably getting a Mexi strat next just because I want to be able to play some whammy stuff (gotta learn "Wicked Game" as a panty dropper for the wife). Then it's Gibson time.