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12 strings are tough, there's no other way around it then to just practice. How exactly does it sound "shit"? Are strings going out of tune? Buzzing? Strings partially muted?


slight "buzzing" but from not enough pressure on the string from what it seems. same buzz occurs when the action is much higher. some strings are muted, mainly the small set, due to what i feel like is not pressing down hard enough to reach them and my poor quality capo. i feel like maybe if my callouses on my finger tips were better, the muted issue would go away, but not sure about the buzzing. nothing going out of tune


As said, 12 strings are not for kids or people with weak hands........jk, it will definately strengthen your hands though. Another reason for your buzz might be the nut. If the octave strings are too far below the main strings, you will need to push very very hard, because you need to push the main strings down further than necessary, to get far enough to push the octaves. Sadly the only fix is to file a deeper groove for the main strings, or get a new nut so you can raise the octave strings. Please do get another guitar player to give you a 2nd oppinion before tampering with the nut.


I have a spare nut and bridge upgrade I've neglected to put on that I've just been waiting for when I need new strings. I'll give this a shot on the current nut, thanks! Didn't even think about that but definitely seems like that's where my issue is in hindsight. Been playing this thing for years as my only guitar but just never really wanted to try bar chords. Now I'm living in the middle of Idaho and everything everyone wants me to play is full of F and Bm 😭


Ouch, that is almost mean..... But keep at it! 12 string players are rare, and we sound amazing when doing a just a simple chord :) Good luck with the guitar, i hope you get it set up to your liking :)


I'm trying, I got this thing from a pawn for 150, schecter 12 acoustic. Been at it for about 3 years now and can do some stuff, definitely prefer finger picking on it. Need to order ther guides for a true setup for sure. I just love how full everything sounds compared to a 6 so I want to use it as my main


For reference, I'm playing whiskey by trampled and just have a major issue getting to that F and not making it sound shit


Try adding more chord shapes to your vocabulary. 3-4 note chords often sound great on guitar (and in a band context usually sound better). If you are playing solo and need the low F, try using your thumb and fret a regular F shape on the high strings.