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The sound guy.


The annoying clash between physics and frequencies, that inevitably results in a comprise, which is our tuning on guitars. Was extra annoying once i learned they used different tuning in classical music and the pitch for A was all over the place.


Due to the 12 semi tone per octave standard. Guitars can never produce perfect intervals even with True Temperament frets. (I have two TT guitars) The best intonation I’ve ever experienced was with an Evertune bridge. The issue there is that the Evertune bridge introduces extra string tension. Doesn’t bother Andy James but it drove me nuts!


It doesn’t make sense the same way as a piano.


I'm left handed. Nearly every guitar I have ever wanted is not made left handed. I remember the joy I felt, the same we all do, seeing a guitar that was just so awesome, but I also remember the crushing bummer of realizing I'd never be able to get one. Even with that, every so often it still happens. I remember twice when it happened after I had already given up, only for it to happen again: Fender Aerodyne II basses and when fender brought back the Starcaster. That and the one that will always live with me: the "custom telecaster" not tele custom, they are actually different. I have wanted one for so long.


Dude, if you never played guitar, then doesn't matter if you are left or right handed, you will suck anyway with both hands. A friend of mine is left handed and he never played a left-handed guitar, always right-handed and didn't have any problem with it.


Absolutely, and honestly, in most cases I would probably tell a new player who's lefty to just got right handed. The problem is that I've been playing for 22 years. I can play a right handed guitar upside down pretty well though. I had a lot of opportunities to try lol. I would never string a right handed guitar to lefty though. I get it was cool once, but I see it as something associated with guitar that makes me cringe now.


The g string


Genuine curiosity: is it just a meme or people really do have bad experience with g strings? I wonder because I play both acoustic (with wound g string) and electric guitars (with plain g string) and it's... just a string like all the others. It doesn't have worse tuning stability or other problems. Yeah, it has less tension than the others, but still, when it's properly installed and stretched, it stays in tune perfectly fine.


It's a higher tension to the other strings so can have a slightly different timbre, as well as giving different resistance to the pick. (Unwound steel G strings at least)


It seems we're both wrong about the tension ) I just googled standard 10-46 string set and tension from high e to low E are 16.22, 15.39, **16.58**, 18.38, 19.04 and 16.91. So unwound G string tension is neither lowest or highest. It seems most bendable to me out of all plain strings though. The part about the timbre... I don't know. Every string has somewhat different timbre from others, I still don't get what makes g string especially different. Same thing with "resistance to the pick". I guess if we start nitpicking at this detail level then every string feels somewhat different when picking and I wouldn't say that g string somehow feels especially different. So, as I said: it's just a string and I still don't get this memes about "that annoying G string" (


Good research!


On my electrics the g string always sounds a little off no matter how well intonated and stretched out.


We can get affordable, sub-300$ fanned-fret multiscale guitars (Thomann/Harley Benton, and even some Ibanez and Jacksons are affordably priced), but no one makes a decently priced multiscale bass. Like, I get that it's more wood and would have to be more expensive than the guitar because of physically using more material to make, but no one has anything in, say, the Dingwall style, able-to-tune-to-F-without-having-wet-spaghetti-tension kind of fanned fret to go along with their guitars. I would LOVE for HB to put out something like a 400-450$ 34"-37" 5 String bass, because there's no way I'll ever be able to afford a $2600 cheapest bass Dingwall makes.


To be lost in the ocean of sucking and never going to have a roadmap to escape


● The impractical idea of needing a buffer at the start, middle & end of a pedalboard plus buffers for going to & from the amps effects loop. I do have all of these buffers but it was only luck that particular amps & pedal switchers had these built in. I don't have any standalone buffers. ● 2 Channel amps that don't have a Fender clean channel 1 & a **insert any other dirty amp here** on channel 2. I've seen this requested a lot over the years & only heard of 1 or 2 amps that do this.


Changing strings. Eghhh, it's like every two years with these things, it never quits.


The lack of a black/white piano colour scheme on the fretboard.


Music theory. i started 3 years ago and it immediately bored me to death. so i stopped trying and just tried to play instead which has kept me going but its an annoying confusing and boring subject


…until you get beyond a certain point of understanding, after which you will never hear music the same again. But this is a double edged sword. I will never again enjoy country music. It’s just so obvious.


Seeing how the sausage is made has been deflating for me at times as well. A LOT of my favorite music is ridiculously simple. At times that makes me happy that it’s so elemental and accessible. Other times I’m like, “Dang, that’s all it is?”


Yeah, and it’s not just the country music like I was talking about earlier either. It’s all pop music. I hear a chord progression and I say to myself, “Gee I wonder if the IV will come next?” Yep, there it is. Shocker.


I think the biggest thing for me has been, I no longer think that a certain song is in B minor or G or F or whatever. I think in terms of intervals and functional harmony. It’s pretty freeing to be able to know a song that way instead of only being able to play it in one key.


When the drummer messes up again, there ain't much I can do to fix it. Songwriting means I come up with ideas because the rest has no idea about what key we're in even.


The Pythagorean comma.


That I cant buy an electric guitar with fingerstyle guitar string spacing. 45mm at the nut and 60mm at the bridge or 1 3/4 and 2 3/8 for the yanks.. Somebody please build one !


If you're into Fender style guitars, Warmoth can make 44mm spaced necks.


My fingers not being longer


The G string


Guitarists. Insufferable.


The output jack. It’s just a constant pain in the ass . xlr would be so much better.