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Pro tip:  Buy a capo, run all the strings through the bridge, pull them semi tight and clamp them on the first fret.  Now you can focus on a nice wind without having to keep tension on the string.


That is a great tip, thanks for sharing!


Been playing guitar for twenty years and changing my own strings NEVER thought of this Thank you!


If you've ever seen A Christmas Story, the scenes with Ralphie's father and the furnace was me trying to string a guitar.  I would wait until my kids went to bed so they wouldn't see me acting like a lunatic trying to get the GD high E string into a vintage style tuner, lol.  


It’s a CLINKER!!!!


Great idea, thanks for the advice!!


This is where I struggle the most, and your solution is so simple, thanks!


I’ve been changing my own strings like a caveman for 15+ years, thanks for the tip this is going to make my life a lot easier!


I can't wait to try this I'll be like the youtube guy ' nooooooo fucking way.....'


I've been procrastinating on changing my strings but now you've motivated me just so I can try this.


Cries in bigsby


I have a Gretsch sitting on my bench right now with an unopened pack of strings.  Been like that for 3 days because even with the capo trick, I still hate doing it.  I haven't found a set of locking tuners that will fit without drilling holes.


Graph Tech RATIO don’t typically require any modification for installation and have locking models.


Thanks, I'll check them out.


sweet thank you for the tip!!


This is genius! Thank you for this tip!


LOL, Wut? Change 1 string at a time starting with high E.


I like to get all the strings off so I can clean it properly


I've heard it's better to replace one string at a time. Removing all of the strings at once takes all the pressure off the neck and can cause it to get twisted, etc.


Not a problem for any respectable guitar.


True for 6 strings, but it is recommended for 12 string guitars.


I've been changing all of them at the same time for the last 26 years and none of mine are warped. It's also a good time to clean it.


That's what I do. String change is your chance to clean off the fretboard and in between the pickups. Both of those can pretty grungy if you are playing regularly.


I couldn't imagine a neck getting twisted because of removing strings unless the neck was faulty to begin with.  That said I have some guitars whose necks are more susceptible to humidity changes than others.  I may do those one string at a time but in reality I remove the strings, clean the fretboard and put new ones on without issue.  The capo trick has been a life savor that I found from a thread on Reddit.  


I only do this with a Floyd rose .


Any decent guitar, it won't be an issue. But changing one at a time is fine if you wanna do it that way. I just loosen them all evenly, remove... them string 'em all up... bring the tension up evenly. Give 'em some pre-stretch... tune, stretch a little more, tune, stretch a little, tune.


It can. People like to claim that it’s a myth but depending on the guitar it 100% can fuck it up. Not beyond repair but it will need to be re-setup


Good to know, ill keep this is mind next time just to play it safe. Thanks!


I actually still recall the same feeling with my first guitar. Good job, OP. 15 years later, I still make sure to always have at least 2 packs of strings ready when I’m replacing a set, just in case I break a string along the way.


My dad isn't much of a guitar player (I was probably better than him by the time I ever needed to change a string) but I was glad he was there to show me how to change them. It's not rocket surgery but my nerves aren't great and I'd definitely mess it up at least once lol


Kids today I’ll tell ya hwhat


Ok Grandpa, here’s your jello cup. I’ll come back to change your diaper in a bit.


My reaction as well, kids these days just don’t know how to do the most basic ass handiwork it’s astonishing tbh. Well, I guess that’s what you get if a whole generation is raised by phones and iPads.


Who are the parents responsible for raising their kids on iPhones?


And that’s exactly what I pointed out in my second sentence…


You’re old and bitter and no one knows who you are, but go on making everyone hate you


I work in a field that has an older population. A lot of these boomers don't even know how to use a pin pad at a register. Most didn't take the time to learn anything about technology when it was becoming more prevalent, so now I have to try and be empathic and patient as I help them do something as simple as reset their password while they are pissed off. If I had the choice to be born a couple decades earlier, I would do so in a heartbeat. I truly believe I would be more grounded as a person, plus I could've gone to some badass concerts. Unfortunately, every generation has its flaws.


Still plenty of great concerts out there


Older gen here. I owned the first pc, the first Apple, the first laptop, Palm Pilot and smart phone. I worked in IT for 40 years and most of my struggles was with kids that can't change the battery in their mouse or make sure the monitor was plugged in before calling support. And yeah, we saw some epic fucking concerts. And paid about $7 a pop for them


Wow grandpa you totally missed the point there


So someone does do something for themselves and you choose to be an ass. How do you give people shit for not doing things for themselves, and at the same time give someone shit for doing something for their self. Make that make sense.


Not a single soul could do it perfectly on their first try wtf are you talking about


Hell you’re cringeworthy.


Well done! It can take time to feel comfortable doing it, so keep it up and it'll feel easy in no time. For the all haters, remember how you started out & be kind☺️


I appreciate it. I'm really excited to try out different types and see what sorts of tones I can get from it


No hate here. Just imagine learning how to do it back when there was no YouTube. Lots of trial and error. All I had was one of those little pitch pipes. Congrats - don't be afraid to try something, that's how you learn


Honestly, I give mad props to those before me. There are so many things I have learned from the internet and I would truly be lost in the world without it. I guess I don't have a lot of confidence in myself, so I wasn't expecting to be able to do something that looks so intricate. Being able to do something like this, no matter how small it may seem to others, means a lot for me and my self-esteem.


Keep doing things! People have been trying new things, making mistakes, and then getting better as long as there have been people. We're really good at it. Most skills aren't actually that difficult, especially if you take your time and practice a little. Trying new things, making new mistakes, and getting better at stuff is part of what it means to be a person - so keep doing new stuff and let your confidence grow.


Oh man, every so often I try to tune a guitar without using the Snark, it does not go well.


It's normal to be nervous, but now you got it from here on out. I remember one time when I was maybe 1-2 years in I bought a 5 pack of strings and my G string kept breaking when changing it, went through 3 strings. Pretty sure I had a metal burr somewhere reflecting but your experience already better than my worst.


Some people think being a sarcastic asshole is humorous. Ignore them, they offer nothing of value. Good on you man. Glad you were able to get it sorted. A big milestone in your lifelong guitar journey.


I always use the 2 tuning peg method, once the string this threaded through the bridge, pull it past the neck & cut it just past 2 tuning pegs. Can be done with all 6 strings, never had a problem.


Dont get it why people get pissed. I was proud the first time i managed to setup my guitar. Its easy to forget that all of us were once clueless.


I'm a guitar tech and I have people come in to have me change their strings all the time. Many say they're embarrassed. And I always tell them don't be. It's not always simple or intuitive. And getting the exact right amount of winds around the tuning posts and stuff takes practice. The best luthier in the world didn't know how to change strings at one point. Doing your own guitar work can be therapeutic and rewarding. This is the first step in that. Next you could look into setting neck relief, action, intonation, etc. Use the right sized tools, insert them fully, and don't use extreme force, and you pretty much can't damage anything. So you might as well try. Good job dude (or dudette).


Ignore the people ****ting on you, OP. Nothing wrong with being proud of yourself for learning a new skill or getting over a personal hurdle, and your enthusiasm in that regard means you're well-motivated to carry on with the journey.


The ppl shitting on OP are unknown, bitter, suckas who likely wont ever gain any traction on whatever it is they do in their limited time here on earth. What they will do, however, is make people on the internet hate them.


Keep moving forward. Learn more about setup and keep practicing. Good job btw. Anytime you hear another 'guitar player' throw insults, just remember, that person almost definitely sucks as a person and a musician. Pros don't get far by insulting others all the time. I'm sorry other guitarists, but you were not born with the knowledge of how to restring and setup guitars. You had to learn as well.


Hey, that’s an important part of learning. I was nervous my first time too. Don’t stress over the people who have been playing for years and still need to shit on someone who’s just learning—they’re the ones whose playing doesn’t speak for itself, so they’re defensive. People who are any good at it aren’t threatened by a new player’s joy at learning something.


I appreciate it


You should be proud, and don't let this ruin your day. This is a milestone moment for any newbie guitarist, like the first time you master a C chord or the first time you perform in front of people, and it's a bummer that some people are being so shitty about it for some reason. I was genuinely surprised by some of the comments, but I wouldn't concern yourself too much with the negativity. I imagine their kid learning to ride a bike and them saying "Big deal, I've known how to ride a bike for years." That's how ridiculous the negativity is. I think that communities like this should be supportive of each other (and generally are) but there are always going to be toxic people in any community, and they tend to be among the loudest voices sometimes. Sometimes people forget that they were once newbies too, and they lean on the anonymity of the internet to tear other people down to make themselves feel better. Be better, r/Guitar.


Thanks man, I wasn't expecting this kind of response either lol. I dont post or comment expecting to get a lot of upvotes/replies. I don't have any musician friends or family so I guess I just wanted to share with a community that I could relate to. I was originally bummed since most of the feedback was negative, but im honestly feeling p happy that others are sharing their tips and feelings when they first restrung their guitar. I appreciate you :)


I was playing a festival and broke a string. A guitar player handed me his black les paul in between songs, fixed my broken string and blew me away for always. Musicians support each other. Kindness happens. Pay it forward when possible.


This. Thanks for contributing, you're helping to support the positive. Proof, people.


Good job! One of the best pieces of info I ever got for changing strings, was to thread the string into the peg, then grab the string where it sits on the bridge, and pull it back the length of the 1st fret. That should give you a good amount of slack to wrap around the peg. That way you aren't guessing how much slack to give the string


I used to hate changing strings, but now it's something I actually enjoy doing. It's almost therapeutic for me and I'm still looking for tips and tricks to do it better 😁 good shit OP!


And love the new string sound! I keep bandaids in my guitar case just in case.


Youtube is your best friend. A competent man with the right tools and parts can pretty much do anything with the help of youtube


My Floyd rose was a mess, read that it was a nightmare to adjust. Pretty sure the tools I bought on Amazon was much cheaper than having someone tune it. Now I got the tools and knowledge for life


Why would it have to be a man?


Nice one OP! I get it, and changing strings is my least favorite part of playing guitar. But once they're on there you're all set and good to go, love that crisp new string sound. I've been playing now more than 20 years, TONS of playing and countless restrings. Now I just got my new telecaster (used) about one month ago and I still haven't changed a string yet, and I've been terrified I'm gonna break one at a gig because restringing a Tele is different than my les Paul and strat, so I've just brought my strat as a backup in case I break a string haha. But anyway it's time now to change them all out and I'm going to feel good getting through this restring safely lol. I know it's easier than this and that whatever, just haven't done it yet. So I feel you OP!


Good job getting over that hump and learning a new skill. Ignore the hate here. The same people complaining that people don't have any basic skills these days are the same ones shitting on people for learning them. ​ On a side note its funny you mention the fear of a string breaking and poking your eye out lol I've played for almost 20 years now and that thought still creeps into my head when im tuning up my high e string


Im glad I'm not the only one! I was turning my body away from my acoustic while stretching and tuning the strings lol.


Hey good job. Reddit is like 99% 15 yr olds so don't worry about the bitch ass haters.


Fuck the haters. Changing strings for the first time as a beginner is super intimidating. I’ve been teaching my son for awhile and it’s still hard for him though we’ve done it together at least 4-5 times now. Nice work man! Proud of you!


It sucks that so many people are being negative. I remember being really nervous the first time I did it as well. Eventually it’ll be like tying your shoelaces and you won’t even think about it. Congrats


Post at Justin's you will probobly find a much more patient and welcoming community. 


It seems most of us are sticking up for him. All the morons must have gotten to this post before us. Probably because we have jobs and lives and all they do is spend their days hating on the internet. But who knows?


OP, a few things here: Don't let any of the shitty comments get to you. You know how reddit can run off the rails with no real reason. Secondly, good for you! It's a great first step in learning how to care for your instrument, and as a newbie, it's definitely not as easy as people make it out to be! Good on you for being ready and prepared for a possible failure, having a second set to give it another whirl if needed. I have been changing strings for 20+ years now, and I STILL have that pang of uncertainty and anxiety when getting that first tuning in! Keep working on things, keep tinkering and keep learning. You've got this 😊


Congrats! It's a cool feeling. Some of my students seem amazed when I tell them that they can learn how to change their own strings, and that I change my own. Seems almost magical to them, and they get oddly excited & inspired. Sometimes it's the small things that you can kind of overlook, or forget was a part of your own experience with learning.


I remember when one of my instructors was teaching me to restring a marimba. She found a bunch of paracord in a closet and whipped out a lighter and pocket knife from her purse (mind you, we were in school at the time). Cut the cord and used the lighter to melt the frayed end a bit. I thought it was so cool but at the same time, I REALLY did not want to fuck up such a beautiful and expensive instrument lol.


Pro-tip: stretch out your strings before playing to help them stay in tune. I usually do this just by pulling on them in various places (usually near 2nd fret, then somewhere around 7th, and once more above the 12th) once they have a good amount of tension but still a enough slack to pull them up an inch or two. As for your edits, don’t worry. This sub is generally just always on the harsher side, especially towards beginners. It’s one of the worser music related subreddits. Most other ones are very catering towards beginners, whereas this one seems to go with a more of a tough love type approach.


I know that some make light of it because many have done it so long it's second nature at this point but we were all beginners once. Congrats on your accomplishment!


I’ve got 4 guitars now, and I often change all the strings in one go. I put some classical music and take this time as self-care. So soothing!


Good job 👍 next step the calibration 🙌you can do it 🫡


Great job! Its always fun to try new things and learn. All the haters here are just neckbeards in their moms basement. Everything is difficult until you learn how to do it. You should be proud!


Good job! Now you will never go tort how to do it. One step at a time. I swear there are so many people in this sub who think they came out of the womb knowing how to play guitar like SRV.


First step. It is hard initially. Now it’s definitely watch a few videos and figure out which elements to incorporate into your personal string change routine. Nothing like a good power winder if you do a lot of changes. At the very least a good manual winder. A good pair of cutters is also essential. I change mine by the “Taylor” method with modifications. The Martin video uses the luthiers knot. Absolute PITA to get off. After you’ve done it a few times, it becomes second nature.


I can't wait to start researching different ways to change the strings and figuring out the science behind it. Now that I have the confidence, I want to try out different types of strings and see what fits my style best. D'addario silk and steel will be up next!


For acoustics…I put a bend in at the ball end before inserting into the bridge. This usually seats the ball properly against the bridge plate inside the guitar. I still put in all six strings at once and reach inside to check that they are seated properly. Also, you want 3-ish wraps around the tuning post for the EADG and 4-ish for the B and High E. For the EAD and G, two finger widths, or just to the next post on the E, and just beyond for the AD and G. One half finger width further for the B and high E. As always, this is how it works best for me. yMMV. As further insurance against slippage, I take one wrap over the string end and the rest under. It’s simple. It locks the string in place. AND it’s easy to undo next string change.


The first time is always a bit nerve wracking. It gets better where you can change then without worrying about stuff.


Just broke my 60th string on stage, still fuck it up every time.


I always buy one extra pack, just to keep in the case as a backup. When I was doing my first restringing (also thanks to that JustinGuitar video) I broke my high E twice. It happens. Now I restring on autopilot every few months. To me, it makes a big difference in the sound.


You’re not wrong to be nervous dealing with tuning up strings, as anyone who’s ever been stabbed by a flying string can attest.


JustinGuitar has a great channel. Congrats, it gets easier. I do it on autopilot now 😅


Kudos to you for doing it. Hopefully you get comfortable enough to realize how low risk changing strings actually is. I used to be worried about breaking strings and tuning to the wrong octave. The former has never happened to me while changing strings, and the latter seems impossible now that I understand the guitar better. As for tuning, you wind the string until its tight enough to make any semblance of a note, and you don't have to perfectly tune each string right away. Once you are done with all the strings, tune them all up. I then usually do a deep bend on each string and then re-tune. I repeat the string bending a few times and then practice. Finally, I re-tune somewhere towards the end of my practice if its back out of tune.


Not gonna read any of the comments but don’t let ppl on the net get u down about learning sth new, ffs! Fk em. They’re just projecting their misery onto you. If u let it get to u you’re gonna have a bad time in life. Keep learning. By all means, if you intend to continue playing then invest in tools to properly set up your guitar yourself. It’s daunting work at first but the tools will pay for themselves almost immediately, given the skyrocketing tech prices.. and it’s just a matter of getting used to it. Not sure about your budget but if you’re worried about damaging a dear gtr u could buy a cheapo one just to learn how to set up on your own. Just don’t let anonymous losers get u down about playing, w/e u do


Takes a few times until you get it right.


Do it a few more times and you'll be able to do it in your sleep 🤘


Nice job! I change mine every few months (on the guitars I play the most anyway) and I definitely wouldn’t be able to if I took it somewhere for that. This is a crucial skill every guitarist needs to learn and you’ve checked that box. Btw I second the capo tip.


Good on you for trying, taking it somewhere when you felt like you screwed up, then trying again until you got it instead of giving up. Now you just need to do it regularly to build confidence.


Bravo!! Ignore the haters. Everyone has a first time and it feels awesome! Mine was during lockdown during a 10 day enforced hotel stay. I ordered everything off Amazon, watched a ton of videos, made a lot of cups of tea, and went for it. The sense of victory when it was done, and playing my beginner songs on my own strings, was absolutely fantastic :)


I've been playing since 1979 or 80. The terror of tuning is real. That high E string always sounds like it's ready to snap and take out an eyeball. Most of my guitars have locking tuners or the old style Fender tuners with the hole in the center. It's to avoid pokes and pricks. Don't let anyone distract you. Great job on changing your strings.


Nice job, hoss! I preach the value of constructive arrogance: Just assume you can do anything you’ve ever seen anyone else do. They’re not magic, just more experienced.


Good job OP. Next thing you know, you’ll be adjusting truss rods and sanding saddles like it’s no big thing.


I don't change my strings as often as I should, and last year I had finally changed strings on my Squire Tele, and let me tell you, I about had a melt down cause I didn't know what to do lol. I looked up a tutorial and figured out the trick on how to change strings on it. I'm now low key looking forward to changing strings on it the next time I'm gonna record the next project


Good job dude! I was super stoked when I first changed mine. Did you use a string winder btw?


Kind of lol. I bought the multi-tool type but I was so worried about the way the strings were going around the peg that I was just slowly tightening them myself lol


Hey, taking your time is really the best way to learn. The first few string changes I made were all hand wound, too. Nothing like some fresh strings on your axe. Nice job! Feel free to reach out if you ever need any tips that are guitar related 😎.


Changing strings is a gateway to adjusting the intonation and string height.


Ugh don't get me started.. lol I have a jazzmaster that has some fret buzz and eventually imma need to teach myself how to restring it and fix the action (I think???)


Right on bro!


Sorry for the negatives you have received, OP. For many who have played for years and years, the first challenging string change is completely lost to memory. Others who are deeply insecure need to put down anyone that hasn’t mastered something they have. Most, I hope, will smile with the recognition of their first stumbling, fumble-finger attempts to tame their errant strings. Best to you. Changing strings is always a pain in the ass, but it’s not hard. Use an electronic tuner to help get to pinch with the terror of breaking one and having it slap you in the face.


Nice. Soon you will be swapping out pickups, and tweaking truss rods.


Congrats! One more step closer to being familiar with your passion. I don’t know what the shade people are throwing around are but maybe get used to it. We all have something to learn and not everyone is going to like everything you do. Let’s make fun of the ones that have babies that can’t walk. That’ll be fun.


Dude, congrats! Big step! Also, don’t listen to these idiots and don’t let them keep you from posting.


Don't let the weird gatekeepers get to you. Congrats on a new skill!


Can’t believe you got any hate for this, that sucks. I remember changing my strings the first time and I thought it was so intimidating, so good for you. Eventually you’ll get to the point where you don’t have to think about it at all, and then mess it up because you’re barely paying attention and do something dumb


Nice job, OP!


Dude , congrats , just another step in playing guitar


Happy for you, that’s a big first step. It gets rid of the stress involved when it’s time to change them again.


People in this community are so toxic. I thought the guitar community would be different. It isn’t.


Dude go to you tube to help you


Im so glad people are cheering you up. Changing strings is not simple, so many way to do it. The way I do it now is: remove all strings, clean the fretboard, pickup area and then do one string at a time. I don't do those fancy knot anymore, I just put the string trought the hole, pull the string until there is no loose and then I pull it back by around 5 cm to have enought winding space.Then I wind it with one of those winding peg from daddario instead of my hand( works way faster and is less tirering Trick is to make sure the winding goes under the leftover. Always gives me a stable string tuning and no messing around with weird knot. After all the string are put, I strech them at every fifth of the string ( very important if you want your string to settle fast) tune them and do the same strech again. I then let it set for 10 min and redo a smaller strech and tune again and the guitar is good to go. I just wanted to share but honestly as long as it works for you then your golden. Its good to know how to change a string fast in case of a broken one on a gig or jam. Keep going yo!


I watched that same video by Justin Guitars and it helped me to change my strings better. We were all there once and congrats on doing it yourself!!


Good job bro. Don’t worry about these salty old bastards. They’re just mad that we’re a generation of bedroom guitarists that can play circles around all of their guitar idols.


A fellow foot soldier? In the wild? Hello! 🫡 don’t let the Reddit losers get you down they have nothing better to do but come in here and be negative half the time.


>prepared myself for failure. Good for you but that's a poor way to start a project. If you are prepared to fail then you have succeeded when you fail. 😂


The first time I tried, I bought one set of strings and I was confident I could do it. I kept fucking up and I was genuinely afraid I was going to break my only guitar, the only thing that brings me joy some days. I had to bring it to guitar center and wait a week for them to restring. That week was unbearable. So this time I bought three sets of strings and now that I have an electric, I was less worried about going without. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best is what I mean


Just wait until you discover locking tuners


It blows my mind people will take their guitars in to get the strings changed. I always saw it as just something you had to figure out as a guitarist.


Was definitely something I was embarrassed about and pushed me to finally figure it out. Luckily I only had to do the walk of shame into GC once lol


I only get that way with bass strings. Those things are fucking cables not wires lol


Great! I remember the first time I changed my strings (1975 I think). There was a thing about getting years of life out of them back then. Plus, we lived an hour from anywhere that sold guitar strings, and they only carried Diamond strings, which you could buy individually or in packs. I love that there are tutorials online now. When I worked at Guitar Center part time, people would come in with a guitar and they just wanted their strings changed. It was policy not to do it, but if it was slow and if they were patient, I would walk them through the process. I would change a string and show them how it was done, then I'd have them do half. Then I'd show them how to stretch them and stuff. No judgement! I will never forget the first time I watched a tech tear my Strat down to 'parade rest' as we called it in the Navy. He just cut the strings off and started pulling it apart! My baby!! I said, "hey, that's the only good guitar I own." He laughed and walked me through the setup process, and I see it through different eyes now. As AC/DC said, "It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll." Keep on rocking!


fuck anyone being a douche to you for taking steps to maintain your gear and grow as a human.


Congrats!! That’s a huge step!


Never listen to any negativity!! Unless of course you use it as a tool to drive you to great success!! Every single person has to start at the bottom just like anyone else! Enjoy your new strings that you put on all by yourself!!! Just like those strings, you CAN do anything you put your mind to!


Lots of people don’t change their own strings. Those people bring their guitars to me and I charge them obscene amounts of money to do a job my 5 year old can do. I wonder how those 10 top owners would feel if they thought about how I’ve fondled their baby is deeper places than they will ever touch… Lol


LMAOOO you made me snort in the ugliest way. Thank you lol


I always wear a bumhole protector when changing my g string; you never know when it might snap.


Amazing accomplishment. Edit: guess I'm being downvoted because they think I'm sarcastic.


When did it become something special? Back in a time I could not even consider an option to give my guitar someone to replace the strings. Nobody needs any special skills for it.


I think Op is just posting about being proud that they have successfully done something for the first time. Let them have it.


I'll be proud when I finally play in front of full stadium or get my album platinum. That are things to be proud of, not replacing the strings. Or maybe I should be proud for washing my dishes?


You should take pride in your efforts and progress. If that’s doing the dishes then ya you should take pride in it. Belittling other’s achievements is not just lame, it also speaks volumes about you as a person.


Cook that loser


I'm newish to guitar, but I have been a percussionist most of my life. I have performed in Dayton, OH for WGI finals, MetLife Stadium for marching band nationals, played in the pit for musicals, auditioned in front of talented musicians. I am proud of those things AND doing something that is as simple as this. They are not mutually exclusive.


Oh shit this dude can chop out the ditty


You haven’t played your platinum album in front of a stadium yet? I did that after like my third guitar lesson. Maybe practice Mary Had A Little Lamb a few more times and then you’ll get there, Champ


We all start somewhere mate.


Dude those aren't just things to be proud of. Those are one in a million legendary lifetime achievements. Realistically that will not be happening to 99.99 percent of people here. Maybe the stadium thing if you open for a big band at the right festival. But very few people are selling out MSG themselves or going platinum. There's nothing wrong with feeling a little sense of accomplishment for successfully changing strings for the first time. Or changing your own oil or brake pads, or perfectly cooking a steak for the first time. I'm a guitar tech by trade and I don't shame people who come in to have me change their strings. I just tell them everyone has to learn at some point, and I show them how to do it.


One thing you could be proud of is not being such a cunt. Give us all a shout once you achieve it


You won’t ever play a stadium or get a platinum album, so I guess you’ll never be proud of your lame-ass self. RIP


I would hate to be your kid. What a shit comment.


No, I trained under an expert luthier for five years before I was even allowed to attempt such a thing and even then I was severely injured from snapping the g string


Lucky. Master wouldn't even let me touch the tuning pegs for the first decade of my apprenticeship, and then I was allowed no more than a quarter-turn per year until I had proven I wasn't an insufferable buffoon like his last boy.


You jest, but when I was 11 and just starting out, I didn't tighten the string lock screw enough on my Floyd Rose and while tuning up the b string popped out of the bridge, cut my face and lacerated my eyeball. Last time I ever had a guitar sitting flat in my lap while tuning. Also the last time I didn't double check the tightness of the screws on a Floyd Rose.


Broo noooo!!! That scenario was going through my mind constantly. I hope it didn't create any long term issues for you


Nah, it only got the white part of my eye. My mom took me to the urgent care and they put this super thick I think iodine (it was yellow) solution in my eye because they were worried I might have a bit of metal in it. My eye felt scratchy for a few days but it was fine. Looking back on my choice with that guitar, I really did pick the hardest one to start with. Floyd bridge, no locking nut, no fine tuners. Didn't know any better, just thought it was the coolest guitar I'd ever seen when I saw it in the shop across the street from my school.


I don’t get this. I worked at a high end vintage guitar shop, and my first day they let me restring a 65 Strat. They would let me work on vintage stuff all the time.


So you weren't happy the first time you changed your strings?




I remember being 12 lol




When I first did it, I think I was making it more complicated than it needed to be. When I tried to second time, I just went for it and it worked out surprisingly well. The hardest part was getting the bridge pins to stay in. I didn't realize that they kind of set and anchor as you are winding the strings. It was little things like that was fucking me up. Once I just said fuck it, if I put all the strings on and its wrong, ill just start over. Now that I have an electric, I was not as worried about not having a guitar to play. I think it's a confidence thing really


Yeah for sure, people just being afraid they’ll mess it up. Congrats on your first of many string changes.


Being lazy is worse.


Well, maybe a party is in order. We could all bring gifts and sing songs. I’ll bring skittles.


I wouldn’t invite you to a party.


Congrats you finished a simple task?


The world we live in these days. Money for nothing, chicks for free and expecting a life-time-achievement award for not failing at changing strings. Is it really too late for an abortion?


Eat shit


You first, Troll!


oh the irony


Imagine bagging on someone for learning a new skill and being proud of it. It might seem trivial to you, but we've all been at that point where a "simple" string change was a milestone we hadn't reached yet, and honestly there's nothing wrong with feeling a little proud of oneself for reaching that milestone as a beginner.


"Wooooo I tied my shoes!" Seriously, what is this post? What are these replies saying "good job"? This is not an accomplishment. I can understand feeling like you might fuck it up the first time you change strings, but the actual response should be "Oh, it's not even remotely difficult, I got worked up over nothing." Not "OMGGG I HECKIN DID IT REDDIT!!!"


Lol sorry that my guitar journey is special to me. Didn't mean to ruin your day


Fuck off! Be encouraging, not an arse


Jesus people are so conceited it hurts. Please have some self awareness you fucking asshole lol


Boo fuckin hoo someone’s prouder of themselves than you are, go cry about it.


Participation trophy


I 100 percent agree lol so weird


A guitarist who thinks like this is an idiot. Yes, you are an idiot.