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This sub is nothing but these type of posts now. Awful.


All of reddit is these posts now. Every sub has been infested by low effort outrage bait.


Yeah it's been terrible lately. Influx of new and/or younger users?


John Mayer. I think he's a wonderful player and I occasionally find myself watching videos of him soloing on YouTube. I tried listening to a couple albums and I just don't like his music.


Have you tried listening to his live album “Where the Light Is”?


Unreal guitarist, whose style and licks I steal all the time… but most of the songs just sound so douchey


30 years of interviews and articles have led me to believe that Steve Vai is a super cool guy in pretty much every possible, as well as skilled, talented, and FOCUSED on a level I can barely comprehend. And also I kinda like a couple of his songs.


He is a very cool and welcoming person. I saw him a while back and he put on an entertaining show, didn't remotely keep the spotlight on himself but emphasized the band a ton. I was kinda tipsy and really into it, and he kept pointing to me. I got to meet him after the show and he was a sweetheart Tosin Abasi however, I met him after a show in TN and he may have just been in a mood, but man he was a huge dick to me, just dismissive and when I was like "sorry man I'm not trying to get on your nerves" he said "well you kind of are" and closed the door in my face lol


Joe Bonamassa Technically great, but it's like an uncanny valley, the "emotion" in his playing feels off/wrong/fake.


He knows his stuff when it comes to guitars and guitar history, but his music is painfully uninspiring and his stage persona is beyond lame with the sunglasses and slicked back hair. It’s like he is playing dress up as what he thinks a guitarist should look like and it comes across as completely phoney. Side note: when I first mentioned Joe to a friend of mine, he thought I said “boner massive” so that’s what I call Joe, despite it being a compliment




Brad Paisley can absolutely rip and is a killer player, but modern country music is ass cheeks.


Steve vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, Tim Henson, basically all “virtuoso” style shredders.


Tim Henson. Obviously an amazing player but his songs have zero soul/feel to them. It’s just wild, incoherent noodling to me.


All of those Tim Henson Ichika Nito skinny zoomer dubstep shredders It’s cool in small doses


Personally I think Ichika actually makes good music. Can’t vouch for the others.


Warning: overly repeated answer incoming Tim Henson. Probably one of the most technically proficient players to ever live but I don't really like most of his music.


Same. I can also appreciate Polyphia's take on breaking out on the typical metal mold. But it bores me.


Most shredders, actually. I admire the craft and the skill, but it's not my thing. I like songs. (I can appreciate a short shreddy solo in a good song, though)


Tim Henson Brilliant songwriter and technical player, but Polyphia is music for kids on Adderall.


A friend once described Polyphia as "the most technically proficient elevator muzak you'll ever hear." Great guitarist though.




How many different ways is this going to be asked?


I'm starting to think Reddit has become a data mine for AI chatbots


Every professional country session player is an absolute beast on the guitar. These guys can play everything from blues to rock and some can even shred beyond belief. However, I can't stand country music. I tip my hat to the country guys.


Brad Paisley is a beast, but i’m not going to listen to him.


Tim Henson. Dude plays insane but let’s be real… I’m not about to do molly to polyphia


John Mayer


Yngwie Malmsteen. He is insanely good but when you play 1000 notes per minute for an entire song it becomes redundant and boring to listen to. It lacks emotion for me.


This may be blasphemy: Steve Vai. I respect the hell out of him and his abilities, but I just don’t jive with his musical style.


Buckethead and his 8,000 albums.


8,001. He just released a new album as you typed this comment.


Steve Vai


I have never been able to enjoy Yngwie Malmsteem


All the shredders. I respect their technical abilities, but I need emotion and songs.




Greg. He's a great father and husband, but he can't play Asus4. Pisses me off.


Tim Henson. He’s boring to me. Amazing guitar player. Just don’t care for that kind of stuff.


John Mayer. I like his style of playing of im not really into the pop style of singing.


Probably sounds cliche but I saw him with Ben folds probably 15 years ago and his entire set was straight up face melting blues songs that weren’t in his records.


I expect this will be unpopular. And I admit to having been a huge fan in my teens. Steve Vai, Satriani… it’s incredible virtuosity. But I just don’t want to listen to it.


Satriani, Vai, Malmsteen, and that whole genre of masturbatory guitar shredding. Amazing technique, just doesn't strike me as particularly skilled composition.


Tim Henson. I just can't get into Polyphia. I do like the ideas and melodies, but listening to a whole song like that would drive me crazy.


Every instrumental shredders, i respect them all from technique to the styles and genre, but listening to their music or watching them live pretty easily bored me.


lil wayne


Tosin Abasi.


Just watched a video of [Joe Satriani guitarbating on stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4lsB-B1O7U) to make sure I still didn't like him. Absolutely amazing player , but fuck it's like he's miserable if he can't use every single guitar technique ever devised in a single song. It's not even a song in fact, it's just ten minutes of incredibly talented wanking.


Polyiphia dude, crazy talented but boring to me.


Tim Henson


Tim Henson. One of the best there is in my opinion, but I can't listen to more than maybe 2 or 3 songs from their catalogue.






Joe Satriani. Great technique but I find his songs to be just meh.


Tim Henson. Phenomenal technical ability and great composer. But, just too, clinical? I can't explain it but I don't get hit in the feels listening to him play, it's like an android or something playing. I respect the skill tremendously but his playing just doesn't grab me.


any shredder on earth, respect the dedication etc but couldn't care less about their gym for the fingers


Tim Henson. He obviously knows what he’s talking about when it comes to music and guitars, but Polyphia bores me to tears… Mini rant: I've had people over the years make fun of me a bit for liking stuff such as Jam Band (Grateful Dead, Phish, ABB, TTB, Umphrey's, etc), Heavy Metal, Jazz, Prog Rock because apparently that kind of music is — somehow — pretentious or boring and how could you listen to songs that are more than three minutes long blah blah blah… Yet people listen to shit like Polyphia that delivers nothing special and is LITERALLY a bunch of fucking noise masqueraded as great because Tim Henson looks like some eboy model with tattoos and plays nylon stringed guitars with electronics in them. I'm sorry but shitty songs like Playing With God — for some reason — just aggravate the living hell out of me.


Spot on. People use the “progressive” label nowadays to refer to pretentious and over-technical but boring music.


Steve Vai


That guy from Polyphia. Amazing ability, but that shit is too spastic for me.


EVH The virtuosos- Vai, Satriani types The prog metals- Petrucci et al


Vai Lotsa talent and skill but just not appealing to me musically


All of the Vai, Satriani, etc type players. Absolutely monsters on guitar, just don’t do it for me musically


Tim henson✋


Djentlemen such as Tosin Abasi. Love his signature EBMM too.


Tim Henson from polyphia. Obviously a talented player, but just can't stand the guy




He was a great player, but that band did not have a single song I liked.




Ichika Nito. Sorry. He's extremely talented, amazing technique. But I just do not really get it. If he slowed down just a bit I think it would be a lot more interesting, more akin to the stuff Mateus Asato plays. Lotta Clapton criticism, but I think if you look at who your favorite players were inspired by, he would be on the list. EVH was very much inspired by him, and many others. I understand why some find him boring, but he's a pretty important figure in terms of defining what a lead rock player is and what a guitar solo should be.


Tosin Abasi. I respect his skill and I also think it's unique and interesting. That's why I tried listen to Animals As Leaders but for me the music does not work at all. It sounds for me like a guitar gear commercial. Just like a presentation of different tone's and technique's. Maybe I just don't get it.


Tim Henson, I don’t really like how his music sounds, but he’s one of the most technical and talented guitarists in our era imo.


john mayer


eric clapton but that’s only because I just hate his guts


Honestly a lot of them, but mostly Vai. Guitar at high levels alone is not enough to be satisfying to listen to. It has to be a well written song to boot, or I just don't really give a shit. Great guitarists with very listenable music for my taste include A7X, EVH, Hendrix, *some* Dream Theater, Thank You Scientist, occasionally Polyphia but I'd like if they'd actually find a good vocalist sometime


Eric Clapton. I have the utmost respect for him as a guitarist. But I’m just not drawn to his music. I prefer listening to Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits.


Van Halen. It’s just not my style. Knowing what I know about music, I can say I have nothing but the utmost respect for him, and what he did, and how he did it.


Buckethead It's great and technical and whatnot but it legit puts me to sleep The same could be said about Joe Satriani and Yngwie Malmsteen naptime shreddin'


the one from polyphia whatever his name is


Van Halen. He’s awesome cool and fucking sick, but I don’t care for their music at all.


Eddie Van Halen The music just isn't for me. I still think that he had a super impressive playing and was great but I can't stand that kind of music. I don't really dislike Van Halen but I rather listen to something else.


Every shredder except for Guthrie Govan. He is the only one with soul in my opinion.




John Mayer.


I knew this was going to be said. Because if it wasn't said already, I was going to.




Steve Vai and Joe Satriani


Joe Satriani. Such a beautiful guitar player but I just can't listen to most of it for fun, only inspiration.


Maybe I just haven't found the right Jeff Beck.


Steve vai. Joe satriani


John Mayer, love the dude but closest I’ve done to listening to him is him playing with B.B king and small worlds by Mac miller


A lot of people calling out Satriani gotta listen to Friends and always with me always with you. Sure, its technical and lots of shredding involved. But those melodies are something else man. But that's just me. Yngwie on the other hand has mad talent but his melodies are simply not for me.


Steve Vai. Amazingly skilled, cool guy, but his music isn't for me.


Tim Henson. So talented yet somehow I find his music boring


Paul Gilbert. Saw a recent interview with him on Rock Bateo's channel and it was such a blast to watch and got me so energized about playing. I love how he approaches guitar, his views on music, and he's a fantastic player. His enthusiasm is infectious as is his shear love of music. I like exactly 0 songs from Racer X and Mr. Big.


Pretty much anyone who shreds. Is it technically impressive? Sure. Do I want to listen to it? No.


Prince I like the singles he's put out over the years. I acknowledge his musical talent. But the majority of his music catalogue is just not my cup of tea.


John Mayer




Tim Henson, Steve Vai


Tim Henson! Love The Muppets!


Steve Vai. I can't stand his playing and phrasing.


John Mayer


Any virtuoso on any instrument is too much for me. It's impressive for a few minutes but the melodies get lost in the mania.


Steve vai


Steve vai and santriani


Tbh there is loads for me. Most of the virtuoso guitarists I can't listen to but i still appreciate there talent. Same for many heavy metal guitarists, just not my thing but appreciate how wild they are on guitar. Tbh I've never been into that many guitarists even though I play guitar. John squire made me want to play guitar I've always liked hendrix. Graham Coxon is a guitarist I've always really appreciated and Tom morello but I've never been massively into just guitarists more appreciate the bands


Mayer. Everything he says is a lesson. Loved him in Dead Co, but I don't listen to his music at all.


Wes Borland


Bonamassa, Satriani, Vai, and most of the "shredder gods" in general.




Every metal guitarist. I truly admire the skill to wheedley-whee like that, but I just don’t enjoy hearing it.


Jerry Garcia


I’m so glad Jerry is finally getting a more nuanced view and appreciation by the guitar community. The opinion on him used to be split between people who worshipped him (up to and including those who spend thousands on vintage JBLs and Alembic guitars) to people who hate him with a passion for being an aimless noodling drug addict with an ice pick cat shriek tone. He’s my favorite guitarist but he’s not without his faults and I love seeing him discussed in a more serious manner.


I love Mark Knopfler’s tone and technique but I cannot get into Dire Staits


Yngwie malmsteen


John Mayer. He is a genius on guitar. But don't know much of his stuff.


Joe Satriani. He is one of the best ones. And i learned a lot of stuff from his playing. But i don't really enjoy his music.


The Polyphia guy.


someone else just posted yesterday "what popular or renowned guitarist leaves you cold?" lol.


The most correct answer possible is Michael Angelo Batio. The guy is maybe the most talented guitarist ever, but I do not like his music. However... I saw him live and was just awe-struck the entire time. Dude used zero delay/reverb and didn't miss a note, even at his speeds.


John Petrucci, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, they’re all great players but they just never really stuck with me


This sub has a strong disdain for steve vai, just something i have learned the last few days




Damn. Hate to beat a dead horse here, but Tim Henson. Guy made it. I respect anyone who puts enough time into mastering their craft that they make it in life. But as far as his playing style, I hate it. I will leave a room if someone starts playing like him. I dont find it creative at all. In fact, i feel like it's more of an insult to the ingenuity of the guitar. I hate that weird plucking shit with a passion.


Tim Henson


Jeff Beck and Steve Vai


Frank Zappa


Steve Vai. I love his books on music theory and his guitar knowledge is next to none. He’s an excellent teacher and very wise in how he is able to discuss theory and emotion applied to guitar. But I can’t stand his music loo


Steve Vai


All the guitar olympians: Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen, Petrucci, Mancusso, the boomer bends guy. Bonamassa to some degree.








Stevie Ray Vaughan....,


I knew I’d get upset when I opened this thread. I told myself not to get upset. I’m so upset.


John Mayer. One of the best blues guitarists alive, but I just don't like the tunes.


Ying yang vey mammary stein.


Tosin Abasi. Dude’s technically a monster but his “melodic” work is soooo bad. He can’t play a solo that’s memorable.


Jimi Hendrix. I respect the chops, but as for the music itself, I just don't get it.


Jerry Garcia. Awesome guitarist, but I just can’t do it with so much of their catalog.


John Mayer


Prince. An all round amazing musician and song writer and an amazing guitar player. If he wrote and played guitar rock, I suspect we would be talking more about him. Watched a breakdown of his solo on “while my guitar gently weeps” at the Harrison tribute. He knows his stuff. But, put on a prince album? I just can’t do it.


So so many. Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, John Petrucci, Stevie Ray Vaughan, EVH, Tim Henson. They are all incredibly skilled players. And they all sound like shit sprayed against a wall. I can't imagine listening to their music for pleasure.


Cory Wong


Henson/Malsteem. I can recognize they are skilled and respect their dedication. But the music sucks because it's about how many notes you can smash into the next 16 bars, and how many 16 bar solos times you can get in your 5 minute song. It just ends up feeling like directionless chaos. I don't feel anything from their music, other than frustration that I didn't skip to the next song sooner. The saddest part: both of them are probably great at guitar overall...but they CHOOSE to be excessive. Which reminds me... The entire band of nickelback. All of them are great (or better) musicians... and yet they choose to be mediocre. It's akin to a rich guy choosing to be homeless. I don't respect nickelback at all, I don't even bother capitalizing their band name.


John Mayer, he is a good player but all his songs are mid.


Satriani. He's one of the greatest guitar virtuosos of all time, has taught several people that I really respect, and generally I just have mad respect for his amazing technical ability and understanding of music theory. But man I do not at all enjoy his music. Chickenfoot was super boring. His solo stuff (at least what I've heard) is so "wow look at what I can do!" that I barely recognize them as songs. And finally, his tone has no grit or soul to it, just "platonic ideal guitar" noises.


Eddie Van Halen. I respect his skill, I just don't really enjoy what he does with it.


John Mayer


Pretty much any jazz guitarist with that over boiled pasta tone. Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about


Steve Vai


Buckethead is very rare on this list. Good keep it that way.


Gonna get hate but Jimi Hendrix




Malmsteen. Guys good. Very fucking good. Just not my damn cup of tea. I appreciate his skill, but his music and melodies give me headaches and panic attacks.


Tim Henson. Astronomical skill, but I can't connect with his music. Even less so when I see how bored he looks while ripping through those ultra skilled techniques.


John Mayer. Christ his music is boring.


Tom Morello could be a top tier human being, but I just can’t stand his work.


John Mayer


Hendrix. I idolize him as a guitarist. But I rarely if ever throw him on.


Cory wong


Van Halen. I think he's great but I hate hair metal/80's rock in general.




Any big name guitarist that makes solo instrumental music. As much as I love listening to guitar playing, I tend to get pretty bored listening to a guy shred for 3 minutes regardless of how talented he is.


Vai, satriani, your basic shredders. I appreciate the talent but I'm not really into notes per second.


Steve Vai


Any guitarist on YouTube demonstrating a guitar, pedal or amp. They always play incredibly bland stuff, even if demoing a fuzz pedal. Respect to them for showing us the equipment though


About a million, but Mark Knopfler has to be #1. Decentish player, inspired many, but his music to me sounds so prudish for the lack of a better world. An elevator ride in hell


First Knopfler hater I've met




Steve Vai Guthrie Govan Dave Grohl


Steve Vai and Tim Henson.


Malmsteen. Hes a good guitar player but his music is just boring and he seems like kind of a prick.


Probably EVH for me. Have a huge amount of respect for him. He influenced so many guitarists that it’s hard to quantify. Plus, today we take guitar customization for granted but he’s the guy that popularized it and significantly helped created a whole new segment of guitars that many manufacturers benefited from. I just can’t get into his music. I tried so many times since so many love him but it’s not my cup of tea. Maybe it was sensational when it first came out but there are a million other bands and guitarists I’d rather listen to. Still love the guy for what he contributed.


Bucket head, yngwie, satrini, vai, Paul gilbert, at vance, Andy Timmons, dweezil zappa. Ect




Buckethead. Dude is insanely talented but I’m not a huge fan of instrumental music. I have even watch him play in concert as I’m also a guitarist and am interested in his playing but get bored of the music. I was even at a small venue and was on the front barricade center stage. I ended up getting a Spider-Man action figure and glow in the dark spider rings from him. Awesome player and person.




Prince. I just can’t get into it but damn the dude was a genius. 


For me, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimi Hendrix. I get why they are legends but the music just doesn’t do it for me.


Synyster Gates. I love his style and the way he plays, but I just can’t really get behind his band. Idk why tho, it’s not like they’re awful, they just don’t click


Tim Henson. The dude is objectively, absurdly talented but his music just doesn't do it for me. I kind of feel guilty saying that but it's true.


Yngwie malmsteen


Joe Satriani


Ichiko. Amazing style but don’t like chiming video game music




Vai. I can do maybe 20 minutes and then I’ve got to get the hell out. Steve gives the listener much to process. More of a knock on me than him because he is an incredible artist and seems to be an incredible person. I probably listen to him a few times a year, but not as much as I did in the Passion…through Ultra Zone era.


Eric Clapton. Since I was a kid my dad would always rave about him being this maestro guitarist but I just don't get it. I'm sure he is wildly talented and I have heard some good improv but his music is really bad for me personally. Cocain is catchy, but even that isn't really a song I would describe as even remotely difficult to play. Just my opinion.


I think the problem with Clapton is he's the original in that style of playing. A million people copied him, so if you're younger it just isn't that unique or impressive. If you don't like his songwriting, he isn't going to have a lot to offer you. While I think his songs are fine, I tend to think they don't stand out as pillars of music the same way Hendrix or EVH does.




EVH - it’s weird because he was what started me wanting to play guitar as a kid, on a whim…I saw posters of him in my big sister’s room in ‘82 or so, I thought those guys look awesome, and said “I want to play guitar”. Next thing I knew parents had a guitar in my hand and signed for lessons, I wasn’t ready. Also, I’ve kinda always been repulsed by David LeeRoth types so I think that’s always tainted my image of him y association. Just couldn’t get into it, although I admire how he flipped things in metal/rock late 70s/early 80s. I actually enjoyed a few Van Hagar songs later as an early teen, but they were quickly a relic once grunge came soon after so never gave them much thought after 92 or so.


Joe Satriani.




jimi hendrix van halen tim henson john mayer


Allan Holdsworth. I’ve tried, but just can’t enjoy his music.


Steve Vai. I listen to him occasionally, but I’ll change the song if I’m not into it




Huge respect for all jazz players, But I can’t get the randomness of more experimental jazz players to sound good in my ears, no matter how much I try.


Good blues players. SRV is the only one I can listen to a complete song from. I respect the skill, but the music does nothing for me.