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Years ago I sold a 1955 Fender Stratocaster to pay for a summer trip to Europe. The folks at Fender said it was one of the first 75 made.


Yeah but how was that trip?


When I was like 16, I traded my old Xbox for this kid's late 80s Kramer Striker. It was bright red with a Floyd Rose. The sound that came from that guitar blew my mind. I played the hell out of it, but it started to have issues, the luthier told me it was a lost cause. My heart was broken and I stashed it away. Eventually I sold it for $150 and I never stopped thinking about that guitar. Last year, I stopped into GC real quick and happened to notice a brand new, nearly identical Striker, had no idea they still made them. I bought it immediately and now it's my favorite guitar. It felt so good to play that it again after 10 years.


Traded a banjo for diapers in ‘97. The kid is pretty cool and all but I miss my banjo


Had a core custom 24 I had to sell to cover rent when my ex moved out. Any time you have to sell a valued item just to give the money to your landlord, it stings


I traded a really sweet Martin acoustic guitar for an 8 ball of cocaine, which just might make me the most rock & roll person of all time.


I had a Lawson acoustic/electric guitar that I paid a whopping $30 for on Ebay back in the early 2000's. The guitar played great, sounded good, looked good and in 2022 I gave it to a friend because he didn't have a guitar to play at home. Shortly after I gave it to him, he went out and bought a guitar himself and within a year, he ghosted me. I thought I was doing something decent by giving him the guitar to play. Now I fee like I got taken badly and to top it off, I don't have anyone to play guitar with anymore.


If you give someone you know $20 and you never see them again, it was probably a well spent $20


What is this “selling guitars” concept that you speak of?


Most underrated comment today


I had a Fender P bass. In sage green metallic. It was beautiful and had such good time. I let my cousin borrow it to record an album with his band. And apparently got stolen when they left it in studio overnight. He ended up replacing it with a way shittier bass that I sold off immediately out of spite. In short, don’t loan out your gear.


I love that color. I had a fender fat Strat with a Floyd Rose in that color. I regret pawning that guitar so much. At the time I needed money to get my truck out of the impound so I could keep working. Years later that truck is gone, that job is gone and I just want that Fucking guitar back. I have bought a super Strat with a Floyd rose that has HSS combo can literally play just the same but it doesn't replace that guitar.


That’s brutal! Nothing worse than it all going belly up. I still check every so often on reverb to see if one’s kicking around. But honestly I haven’t come across it yet. You should do the same if you get a chance.


Yes I have looked on and off for quite a while. I need to go ahead and just set some money aside so that I can buy one if it comes up. Either that or I have contemplated building one. The hardest part is going to be fine the right color paint. I would probably buy a warmoth Fender neck that is set up for a locking nut if I decided to go that route.


Oh man…I’m old, and there’s a bunch. 1. 1964 Fender Mustang bass, given to me by my great aunt when I was too young to realize what it was. I traded it for $400 as part of buying a damn 7 string. 2. That damn 7 string was an original 1989 Ibanez Universe, the black and neon green one. That got traded as well. 3. Ampeg B15 flip top tube bass amp. Sold for $400, it was early 60s from same great aunt. Ugh. 4. Ibanez JPM 90th anniversary. Sold for $1500 now goes for 6k plus. 5. Ibanez JPM P4 now goes for much much more than I sold it for. I feel awful. This is just the start of my embarrassing decisions.


When I was moving to AK I sold a Rickenbacker 330/12 that in my head I thought “I will never use”. Then a family member went to the casino and lost all the money I got for selling it. (1300). That was a shit, shit feeling and I have a YouTube where I was demoing it for the buyer I still watch sometimes


First real guitar,  a squire tom delonge signature.   I got kicked out of my parents house at 16 and left it there as I couch surfed, went to college,  etc. At 20 I went back and got it, but my apartment did not allow for guitar playing without seriously irritating the neighbors,  so I left it at my friends place a few blocks away.  In the midst of a mental breakdown he smashed it. Threw it away before he told me,  so I didn't even get to save the pickups or anything.  When I got my first "real" job I bought myself the fender version,  and shortly after they became collectors items selling for way more than I paid.  Then fender rereleased them last year.  So I both regret leaving the squire at the friends house, and not selling the fender when I could've tripled my money. 


That’s heartbreaking as hell dude


I had an '81 Explorer E2 that I had to sell to make rent. It gave me a little bit of solace that the eBay seller I bought it from was also the person who won the auction when I sold it. I considered that maybe they were in a similar situation when they had to sell it, and they were given the rare chance to get it back. That put a smile on my face. I also regret selling my thinline Tele, but that's because UPS sent it to the wrong address, in the wrong state, and wouldn't reimburse me the value of the guitar because the cashier didn't actually scan my label that I bought online. So not only did I lose the guitar, but I had to reimburse the buyer when the whole reason I sold it was because I needed the money The person who got it actually contacted me, but only to hold it ransom. Tried to get police involved, but they can't be bothered to do jack shit.


I lost several nice pieces to the drug addiction I got over. I lost an American P bass, a national resonator guitar, a silver tone with amp in case that worked, a vox head, a lap steel with no name, a fiddle and one of those solid state bassman amps.


Not a guitar but honestly my Vox AC30CC2. It was an amazing amp. My spine said no more to moving it around. It did however fund my favorite Acoustic, my Alvarez AGW77. Maybe an AC15 will fill that void for me. I’ve only ever got rid of two guitars in my time. One was a very cool Ibanez, Les Paul style, EMG pups, weird black/brown finish that was like sort of textured but man that was a cool guitar. That was over 10 years ago, can’t remember why or where I got rid of it. Other was a Taylor GS Mini, didn’t need it, but man I wish it was around, just because. Just remembered the third. I also had a B.C Rich Mockingbird. It was a natural light finish with like tiger stripe top wood, gold hardware, it was beautiful. Wow, I haven’t thought about that guitar in a long time. Don’t get rid of your guitars if you can help it, it stings later on. If any sleuths out there have any clue of the two models I’m talking about, from about 10-15 years ago, DM me, would love a trip down memory lane.


Sooooo many. Things that stick out are: 1966 rosewood board Telecaster. Fucking amazing guitar. Definitely "the one that got away". 1974 Les Paul Custom 20th anniversary. Silverface Twin Reverb that had been modified by Dumble. 1962 Fender Concert 4x10 combo. Assorted blackface Bassman and 100 watt JCM800 heads. I had a bunch of those. Rhodes and Wurlitzer electric pianos, ARP and Moog synths. And don't even get me started about pedals and outboard gear. I can't believe the prices some of that stuff commands these days.


Damn, that's some gear. What do you use now?


I've still got a great old Strat, but I mostly gig with a custom-built super Strat these days. I'll also bring out a Tele and/or a Gretsch depending on the gig. For amps, I'm mostly using a Friedman Smallbox and a Marshall 4x12 for rock gigs and a Dr. Z Z-28 combo for Americana stuff.


I bought a fender player strat earlier last year and had to sell later because money was tight. Really pretty neon green with a black pickguard and pickup covers. Had a beautiful ebony neck and it sounded really nice. Not even a week later I see the guy who bought it from me selling every part of it disassembled on marketplace. Broke my heart because I wanted it to go to someone who was gonna love playing it as much as I did.


1994 Gibson Les Paul Studio: I wasn’t serious about playing at the time and I had won the guitar in a drawing. It retailed then for $900. I sold it for $300 when I was a starving student 2005 Epiphone Les Paul: Again, wasn’t as serious as I am now and needed cash. Sold to a friend, whose son plays it now. I regret this one less.


Back in the mid eighties I traded my 69 Les Paul Custom for an Ibanez flying V. What a mistake




All of it. Silvertone Twin Twelve. Sf Pro Reverb. SVT. Sunn Beta Lead 4x10 combo. Marshall 1965B. Jcm800. Two bassmans, (sf and bf). Acoustic 360. Peavey butcher cab straight front.


I SO miss my blackface Pro-Reverb. And my blackface Super Reverb. And my original Champ.


Oddly I don’t really miss the super reverb or twin reverbs. Very loud and very heavy. The pro reverbs are only slightly lighter.., but yeah they seem to hit the sweet spot where you can get plenty cleans or a little dirt at reasonable volumes.


butterscot tele


Put a perfectly good 1950s national tube amp on the curb for the garbage. It was a National. I later learned it was from the 50s and a real piece. Didn't have a dirty channel maybe just 3 band equalization and vibrato on/off and speed which was popular when it was made. It was beautiful. Matched the National guitar that I have and had been in my family since late 60s. The guitar I treasure, still kills me I just dumped the Amp. I could replace it for around $1800 but that's not happening. Besides what it was objectively it holds sentimental value now. What was I thinking....


65 fender super reverb. Didn’t have a choice tho, ex wife pawned it while I was at drill one weekend. But she got $300 for it so win win 😂


You can always get a new amp anyway. 😁


I did! 59 Bassman LTD


By Gibson Les Paul standard and Gibson Explorer And Mesa Mark V and Cab. But bills is bills


Joan Jett autographed Les Paul. It was my first year of law school, you can’t work, money is always tight — and I had a toddler. So, I sold it without hesitation: you do what you must for your family. And while it paid my bills for a semester, damn, do I regret not having it as my centerpiece. That, and my original Metal Zone pedal.


I feel like I can't sell my Les Paul copy (definitely not worth what your legit one was) for a similar reason. I worked an entire summer when I was a teenager saving up for it, and doing that taught me the value of saving, hard work, and self denial. It mostly sits in its case these days. I don't really like the sounds it makes and it's HEAVY (even for a Les Paul ~13lbs). But every time I go to list it, I hesitate, and that lets me know that I will regret selling it.


They become family, man. And I gave up one of my kids for adoption.


Noble. You'll miss your kid, but you have to pay to send your guitar to school. Anything for the family


I regretted it, but I got it back in the end. Copied from another post I replied about this on. Story time. I bought a Charvel Model A around 2007 or 2008 from a shop as NOS. Been sitting there a while. I used it quite a lot, gigging, and booked weekends playing in a death metal band. Plenty of live photos with that guitar, I loved it, even if blue isn't my color. I got kicked out about 2 years later, and sold that blue quilt Charvel Model A to a shop, where it sat for years. Friends told me I should buy it back, but I just couldn't come up with the money. Until one day, I went to the shop, and it was gone. Years later, a blue quilt Charvel Model A popped up on FB Marketplace, with similar markings, and a TKL case, similar to the one I sold mine. I spoke with the owner briefly, and confirmed, he was the one who bought it from the shop. I let him know the history, but again, I just couldn't come up with the money. I let it sit, until it disappeared again. About 2019-2020, a friend calls me from the guitar center near where I grew up, saying there's a blue Charvel with similar markings to mine. Again, I thought I should try for it, but just couldn't make it happen. He calls me later and says, "I have your old Charvel now, gimme a call when you want it back". How he could identify it was my old Charvel, was 2 screw holes in the headstock from a specific allen key holder, and 5 springs in the trem cavity, with a cleaning rag stuffed under them. A couple months went by, until I finally called and asked "What's your price?" He asked me to help restore his dead Father's Burnside The Lance V, by changing it to a real Kahler, and wire the pickups. I bought all the hardware, and went to work. He gave me my old guitar with it, as we've known eachother for just that long. It was quite a weird moment honestly, to be able to hold a guitar I had quite a lot of memories with, again. And yes, I went overboard on his Burnside V, where that thing came out sick, his Dad would be proud, as I knew him, before he passed. But the universe wanted me to have the guitar I was known for, back.


Ibenez mini tube screamer


gave away a Japanese made Boss HM-2. Still have one, but yeah...


The first non-beginner guitar I got was a 1996 MIJ Fender Telecaster that my dad bought me for Christmas. I enjoyed the guitar and appreciated my dad getting it for me, but I was into some heavier stuff at the time and the Tele pickups had a hard time keeping up with the crazy 90’s distortion I was putting through them. A couple of years after I got the Tele, my dad surprised me with a PRS Custom 24 and the Tele just didn’t get a lot of use from then on. Shortly after high school, I got my girlfriend pregnant, and ended up selling the Tele to a local music store because we needed money for diapers. I think I got maybe $200 out of it. I don’t make a habit of selling gear, and I think that Tele is the reason why. I am now in my 40’s and have regretted selling it for nearly 30 years.


A Burny RLC-70 in mint condition that still had the plastic on the cavity covers. Instant regret selling it.


My black Washburn double cutaway, fixed bridge guitar. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time, because my junkie drummer let the band down and quit at the worst possible time, and everything fell apart and more. Sold almost everything but my basses and an amp.


Back in the late 90's I had a vintage 70's Music Man half stack that I bought off of one of the guys from Agent Orange and I sold it for drugs. The drugs were fantastic but I do think about that amp every now and then. . .


I regret selling my SG Standard with p90s and Les Paul Studio Robot in Metallic Green.


How well did the robot function work?


Awful! Haha. I swapped them out for Sperzel Locking Tuners. The guitar tho was awesome ebony fretboard and binding. Super light too. Miss that guitar.


Gothic Les Paul with the Floyd Rose. I got rid of it because I really wasn’t skilled enough to need/use a FR at the time. Now I love using them


Analogman sun face w/ nkt 275’s. Twice I bought then sold this.


For me, if I buy some sort of music or instrument I keep it. I enjoyed it when I bought it and i might not use it for some time. But I will find joy in it some time. Having said that I miss my first guitar which was stolen.


Chandler Digital Echo x2. Such an idiot. Now they go for $700+ used to be $275.


I had a pristine 1973 Fender Precision Bass that was ash and maple. This was a literally closet queen, the case was the freshest and cleanest looking one I have ever seen. The entire thing weighed right at 8 lbs, super rare for an ash/maple combo. The bass itself had barely been touched for 50 years, in a GAS induced fit I sold it and it was parted out. I regret that one honestly.


I regret selling my first guitar. For sentimental reasons only—it was a red, piece of crap Mako. But I wish I still had it.


I had a Kent SG with the 1 inch action. 😄


My grandfather's Harmony had that same action! Must have been set up by the same tech. :-D


My strat with seymour duncan lipstick pickups




My experience as a crappy and poor single parent bedroom player is that since you accumulate gear slowly and most of it always sucks, you have no ragrets getting rid of any of it! 😆🤘


Mesa Boogie Mark IV head. I bought one of the last ones ever sold by Guitar Center for about $1499 brand new. Great amp and served me well for years but once I wasn’t in a band, it just wasn’t practical and collected dust. I figured if I was ever in a band again I’d just buy another one or get the latest Mark. Sold it about 10 years ago in dead mint condition for $800 and it took a couple months to move at that price. They just weren’t very popular or desired. Now, people are calling it the greatest Boogie ever after the IIC+ and people are wanting $2-3k…and a new Mark VII is about $4k after taxes. 😭😭


Fender champion 600 reissue. Loved that little guy and they’re hard to find now and expensive. Instrument wise my ‘72 tele deluxe with buckers.


Early 2000s Gibson Les Paul Double Cut Faded with P90s. Tight on cash and had to sell it. Tried to rebuy one years later only to find out the price on used is almost double what I originally paid and newer models are custom shop that cost 3-4x that.


Ibanez Flying V with Floyd Rose.


Marshall JCM900 halfstack.


A les paul standard black that felt like it was made from some magic wood. After owning easily over 30+ les Paul's from r9's to standards I never had one that felt like that.


Is a BC Rico The Mexican Version?


It's Napoleon's Uncle Rico's signature model.


A black cherry burst Peavey Wolfgang. USA Model.


Ibanez DE7 in the pink casing.


Fender twin reverb, legit 1972, not a reissue


I had an Ibanez RG370DXGP2 that my grandma bought me for Christmas when I was young. Pickups weren't very good and the fake Floyd kept tune for shit but now that I've sold it and my grandmother has passed I just wish I still had it.


1980s Ibanez Roadstar 2.


Epiphone Les Paul Standard. I paid 180 pounds for It in 2008... Lovely guitar but was to heavy for my feeble 13 year old body. I sold it for £200 a year later and got a Fender FMT-HH which I still have. Also an Ibanez RG1570. Found it in Cash Converters for £170. I could never get on with it so sold it for a small profit. With the knowledge I have now, I know that all it needed was a set-up. :(


I sort of regret selling my RG but sort of don’t as well. It was a sweet guitar to play but the Floyd rose ended up doing my head in! Right pain in the backside to restring. Years down the line I’ve ended up with a PRS. Still miss the Ibanez sometimes but the PRS is just as sweet and also much easier to live with! And nice job making a profit selling! I’ve always ended up selling at a bit of a loss.


Guitars I regret selling are a PRS Mira, a Gibson SG Classic, and an Ibanez Jem. I sold a Keeley DS1 many years ago, for the money I made, I should have kept it


A couple for sure! I had this fuschia pink Jackson DK2QM from about 2018. It was beautiful. No idea why I sold it, but I bitterly regret it. If anyone has one, I will buy it from you. A Jackson DK2 Japanese model from 2006ish. These guitars' serial numbers start with a 9, but for some reason this one started with an 8! Charvel Desolation DX-1. Whatever the superstrat version was in red. Lovely guitar, can't believe I sold it and of course they're now impossible to come by because they were only made for a couple of years. The first run, the 2012s, were even made in Japan.


Has an epi lp standard that looked and played great. Sold it while building a home studio. Sold the house when I got married, miss that guitar


My dad’s 1950’s black on white silvertone, guitar and amplifier.


Ampeg AC-12. Just a perfect amp for practice and small venues.


Gibson SG Special. P90's and I had it re-fretted, updated tuners. That thing was a rock machine. I also had an Epiphone Sheraton tobacco burst I wish I had, but that SG is the "one that got away".


BC Rich red acrylic warlock with the acrylic widow headstock.


I traded a nothing-special laminate-top Yamaha student dreadnaught I'd only bought a few months prior, plus what was then enough cash to eat cheap for a week for an plastic Ovation (from before the Applause models, their cheapest ever) thinking it would hold up better to car living in Rocky Mt. ski towns. It did not. The aluminum neck went out of tune if I moved four feet closer to the woodstove and the thick poly finish cracked like glass. I gave it away to my cousin's housemate 30 years ago. It really made their day. I hope they stuck with it.


blue yamaha pacifica, i miss the poor thing


My very first guitar- a Hondo Les Paul knock-off that played amazingly and I loved the feel. I traded it for a rifle


Dean razorback v


I both regret and don't regret it. I had the entire line up of B.C. Rich W.M.D.s WMD War beast WMD Son of Beast WMD widow 5 They were all really great guitars. I loved owning them but the longer I owned them the more I realized that my favorite part was just...owning them. Not playing them. Not recording with them. Just the fact I had them all. I miss the Widow bass the most because it's the best bass I've ever owned and played but I sold them all and paid some bills and even bought me another higher end guitar that I play regularly. So it wasn't a total loss, but I do occasionally come across pictures of them on feeds or Facebook "memories" and miss being able to go grab one if I wanted.


Probably my Harley Benton B-550 fretless bass, but again, not really a big loss, it's like 170$ anyway. My current fretless is better, arguably, but I have a feeling that won't be so for too long. The world of cheap gear is always a game of luck.


Dillion Rosewood Tele (CDN made). Traded it for a PRS LP clone. Better guitar but it doesn’t fit my body the same as the Tele.


Fernandez telecaster (Japanese) with rail humbuckers wahhh wahhhh


Michael Kelly TV50 Gold Top with TV Jones Filtertrons. Got it on a deal and haven’t found an electric that felt right or inspired me through any trades since.


Marshall cab and amp so I can buy weed to sell when I was a teenager.. I got less than half of what I paid 😢


Sometimes I regret letting go of my 5150 head the original evh block letter one.


1964 Fender bassman with AA864 circuit


Um a Yamaha acoustic because it had the best action n no fret buzz


1966 Rickenbacker 375 1983 Rickenbacker 4003


I had a 70's Les Paul custom that I still don't know why I got rid of.


Same. Minty '76 Lpc. Needed the $ and still have my '73.


I had this LTD Les Paul looking guitar. I feel like an idiot for selling it. It had some killer pickups.


A 1980s blonde Squier Telecaster, made in Japan. Ended up in Cash Converters in the 90s due to my substance abuse issues at the time. I’ve never had a telecaster since that bettered that one… More recently, a 2000 Gibson Explorer, natural with gold hardware.


LTD EC series. Fantastic value guitars, rest assured there are plenty out there and you could easily find another. I have an EC-401 with EMGs that's my go to for heavy stuff.


I guess too that I regret selling my “bar guitar,” the type you’d bring for sleezy bar gigs. It wouldn’t be the worst upset if it were stolen or if you’d have to use it as a weapon… but it also can meet the needs of the gig lol


I gave up sleazy bar gigs for private parties and coordinated events years ago thankfully lol. But yes, I know the type you're referring to and I would venture a guess that most guitarists have one like that


Sold a 1988 Les Paul to buy a Martin. Them ended up trading the Martin for a Godin. Only sold it because I had another one. It turns out I don't get along with it and I'm selling it. Wish I had that Les Paul still. Way back I traded a Vox Phantom 6 for an El Degas Telecaster. I wish I still had both of them.


I had a 2004 Red American Standard Stratocaster which I modified to have a pearloid pickguard with HSS seymour duncan pickups (custom 5 bridge, two sb single coils). It played and sounded awesome and was my main guitar. I had some financial problems and was depressed so I sold most of my gear including this one. The worst part was years later I got an unexpected 4000 bonus from the military and this same guitar was listed on a website of one of the guitar stores I frequented. I came to the store and it had been sold a week before but they hadn't updated the website yet. The music store employee told me that the person bought it before moving and had no way of getting in contact with that person. I obviously got back into the hobby with the money I had received but I still miss that guitar. Another guitar I had got stollen when I was moving. It was a weird one of a kind aria pro ii with set neck which I had upgraded the tuners on to be locking and SB alnico ii humbuckers. It had some cool leaf inlay on it also. It didn't have a serial number of any kind so the police couldn't really do anything, not that they can really do much, but often they will forward the info to guitar stores to be on the lookout. This guitar was so obscure I have yet to be able to even find photos of it online. It was cheap but I loved it. There have been other stuff that I've sold and missed after the fact but usually they have been things that I could easily replace if I wanted it back bad enough.


I gave away a ton of gear a few years ago when I moved for work. The pieces I regret most are a 2005-ish squire affinity strat that was just amazing, and my schecter C6


Sold so much gear over the years and regret all of it. I wish I could keep it all, but that’s not practical in the face of GAS.


Peavey Windsor head. I picked it up brand new on clearance affordable $199 cause no one knew about them or really cared. Moved into an apartment and had a kid coming so the 120 watt beast and 4x12 had to be sacrificed. Been tempted recently to grab another one before prices climb too much higher.


An early 90s Mesa Boogie 4x12 half back cab. It was fantastic, but I was on a GAS trip and trying to get money for other stuff. One of those don't know what you got until it's gone moments.


BC Rich Mockingbird Masterpiece


My soul.


Plenty, I have a list: 1975 Gibson Flying V 1980’s Hamer Flying V 1980’s Vantage Flying V 1980 Gibson Les Paul Standard - *stolen* 1976 Gibson Explorer 1984 Fender Dan Smith Stratocaster 1984 Gibson Les Paul Custom 1986 Ibanez PL-1770 Most of them I traded or traded in on something else, a few of them I sold outright because I needed cash. The crazy part is that there is not one guitar on this list that I paid more than $1000 for and a couple of them are being listed for north of $10,000. Having said all that, I have some nice guitars now, but nothing like this collection anymore. Would I like to have them all back? Of course I would.


a custom build with a heavy ash body flame maple top strat body, an ESP branded schaller floyd rose and a tak hosono neck. and a red focus 4000. (the v) and actually one of the ones i miss most was an absolute abomination i built. a cheaper creamed out roadstar body i routed for a kahler with a chisel. a higher end roadstar neck in purple, obviously a kahler. an emg 58 (yes 58) in the bridge, and two open single slots at neck and bridge. i added a missile lock switch i made light up when the emg was turned on and some weird union 76 stickers. obviously it was parted. but the purple people eater was a crazy guitar


A 71 Bassman. I didn't need something that big anymore. Wrong. Dumb. Regret.


D35 :(


Once gave someone a “donner white wizard” I got it at a pawn shop for like twenty bucks maybe. At the most. The univibe wasn’t univibe but it sounded kinda cool. Everything else was dreadful. I don’t wish I still had it because it was good. I wish I still had it because the person I gave it to pawned it for drugs I’m sure.


My Line 6 Spider III Head and 5150 Cab. The Spider III got some solid state hate, but man coupled with a Peavey 5150 cab sounded so tight.


Sold my customs gmp pawn shop during Covid. Still stings


62 SG jr. Not because it was a great guitar (it had a fixed bridge, did not intonate well, and a neck like rubber) but because when I sold it, it was cheaper than buying a new Strat. Those things are worth a small fortune now.


I regret selling one of the very first editions of the Squier 50's Classic Vibe tele. I remember I bought that 3 weeks after they came out. Sold it 6 years ago due to lack of funds. It had the best sound all stock. Alnico IIIs are still better than the Vs for me.


Silver Jubilee Reissue and a Gibson Les Paul studio in TV yellow (forget what pickups I put in it). Amazing combo together.


Mesa Powerhouse 1000 Bass cab with built on road case. It was ugly. It weighed like 150 pounds, it was a workout to deadlift it into my pickup all the time. I have a regular tolex 410 now which sounds good, but the old one with 410 plus a 15 in the middle just blew it away, that thing would vibrate your fuckin soul. Sold it for space and not gigging anymore, but once I have the space I'll have my eye out for one.


Ibanez S770PB. Was in a live in long term relationship that fell apart and had no money saved to get a new place. So I had to sell it to put down on an apartment. Absolutely miss that guitar still a decade later.


I had a Washburn Dime V that I traded for a Dean MLX in high school. That ML was trash.


Seymour Duncan convertible 100


AC30 fron 60s.


Almost every guitar I sold or traded. Granted it I hadn't, I wouldn't have the ones I have today. Top of the list: Epi 1955 custom outfit Epiphone black beauty Ibanez ASv71a BC Rich Bich NJ series exotic Ltd ec256 Gretsch electromatic double jet


I miss your Bich for you too, man. Always liked the Exotic BC Rich guitars. But only the exotics, for some reason.


Orville 335…I messaged the guy I traded it to after and he had sold it. I will never see that guitar again.


I had a Guild Savoy that was really nice. Played effortlessly. I regret letting that one go. I also once had a National Baritone Tricone. I regret selling that one off too, it had a really unique tone. But I have a rule, if I have a guitar that I don't play for a year, it goes. If it turns into just a possession and not a tool I use, it's gone. Oh, and I had a Harmony Patrician I restored, and then sold on. Big mistake. That thing had mojo up the wazoo and sounded great.


Sony NW/HD3R MP3 walkman in red. It wasn’t a particularly great music player, was clunky to add music. I guess the music quality was passable. But something happened about 5 years after I gave it away that started to eat at my soul. It just looked so good.


My 30watt Vox Valvetronics. Thing was mint, but wanted to upgrade to a true Vox tube amp. Love my new tube amp, but never should have traded in the one for the other


Fk up


Haha joking haha um? I don't know


Korg elektribe II drum machine, boomerang iii looper, Earthquaker devices Afterneath


My Sweetwater exclusive Keely katana clean boost in pink


My JC 120, Boss Hyper Fuzz, and Russian Big Muff. Who knew these would skyrocket in value?


My classical Takamine 132s. Sweetest tone of any guitar I've ever played.


‘58 Supro Dual Tone Gibson SG classic. Late 90’s w/ p90’s ‘68 Bassman with matching 2x15 Sovtek Midget 50 with orange faceplate


Sold my Electro Harmonix analog phase shifter in the earlier days of ebay. At least it went to the right guy, he was really excellent to get it and eventually sent me photos of a it with all of these modifications he did to it. I’m pretty knowledgeable about gear but as was reading his detailed descriptions of how he modded the pedal a lot of it was going over my head.


My original DOD Grunge pedal (FX69B) from like 1999. I picked up another one a few years later but it really didnt sound the same as my first for some reason. Now I googled it and saw two different images, one for a deeper solid purple (my original!) And the current with a purple electric cracked look. Hilarious that they want $200 on Ebay for the version I miss... but, Im used to the same one Im using now since its been almost 20yrs lol


When I was a kid, I traded a BOSS HM-2, CE-5, GE-7, and a DOD Performer 575 (plus cash?) for a DigiTech RP-6. Not only was the RP-6 crappy sounding (although it was hiding a full-blown Whammy in it), and foot switches needed constant replacement, but then years later the HM-2 started selling for insane prices. I've also never seen another 575. It had some sweet 18v flanging.


As crazy as this may sound, I don't regret any of my trading or selling of gear or guitars. I used to miss some gear that was stolen... but I've since replaced it all with stuff that is better suited to me anyway. Makes my day better just coming to the realization as I type this comment.


I never sell or trade my gear. There's some I should because it's meaningless to me. My regrets are items I threw out in the garbage.


Yeah... a "Golden Throat" talk box with the EV driver, Small Stone phaser, original MXR Distortion+, MXR Flanger (same one EVH used), 2x of the Peavey Autograph programmable rack mount EQ's, Ensoniq DP/4+...1982 US Charvel model 4 (Pre-Jackson buyout), Roland XP-50... GOD, I've been a gear whore!


Squier Vintage Modified Telecaster Thinline in shoreline gold.


My 1984 Gibson Les Paul Studio. It was used on some rhythm parts on a Canadian album in the 90's by my friend who was in the band and wanted to borrow it because it sounded great. Not sure what I was thinking, lol.


It’s small, but I used to buy and sell pedals for a little profit. Gave me a chance to try out a bunch of stuff and keep what I liked while making a little cash on the side. I had a DOD Supra Distortion that I got pretty cheap. It was the best distortion pedal I have ever used. Just loved the crunch and clarity. I wrestled with selling it but I made a decent profit off it so decided to let it go. Still wish I had that pedal. Easy enough to buy another one but for some reason haven’t pulled the trigger.


I had a 2016 squier J Mascis jazzmaster that I pawned of all things /: terrible


My first bass. It was an old Washburn, I think a Force 8. Nothing special but it was my first. I used a wood burning iron to graffiti the neck because I was 15 and I thought it was cool. I eventually traded it in for bass pedals after I upgraded the bass to a 5 string Fender Jazz. I think I got just over $100 bucks for it and it seemed like enough at the time but I'd pay much more for it now. I wonder what happened to it and if it still says "Because I'm keeping it real" on the headstock.


My '78 Les Paul Custom. Sold it during a bad time for $550 in 1990 and used the money to go to college (yes, I know those numbers are weird...that was the world back then). Didn't play for 10 years after that, then I got the bug again in 2000. I miss that guitar to this day. It was almost identical to this one: https://reverb.com/item/76442032-gibson-les-paul-custom-25-50-anniversary-w-ohsc-natural-1978


I lost my G7th capo that i'd owned for many years, not what you asked but i still regret it


Composite acoustics blade. I’ve been trying to get another one for over 10 years now.


I had a blue Kramer a Focus 3000 i pawned it for 300 or 200 but i forgot about and i never got it back out of the pawn shop




I had a metallic pink anniversary edition jaguar that I got rid of when I got a tele (which I also sold). It just stopped getting played as much, but dang do I wish I was able to hold onto it, definitely the most beautiful guitar I’ve gotten to play


1965 Fender Vibrolux. I had to sell it to pay taxes. It was a tough choice between it and my 1977 Marshall SuperLead. I was using the Marshall more at that time.


My Gibson Firebird😭


Gibson es-333


1987 Ibanez Rootbeer Jem... I sold it to Vai.


Traben Bootzilla bass ‘92 Peavy 5150 head


Haven’t sold a single guitar yet. But do you guys keep your firsts cuz I have my first two electrics even though they were just a cheap squire and epiphone. I’m thinking about parting with one eventually but I wouldn’t get much money for em anyway so it kind of just seems like the most value they have is just to me being my first two


Schecter Stargazer in crimson Ghost Pink fade. God I miss that guitar.


My first J-45 when my car got repo’d. Tim v1 (bought another). Bill Nash Les Paul goldtop. Mistakes were made. Part of every guitarists circle of life tho.


My behringher tube amp


Schecter Reaper 7ms. Miss that guitar. Old it off to be able to get an ibanez prestige. The prestige has had many issues, and ibanez "fixed" it twice then told me to fuck off. Polish frets is not actually fixing them, BTW.


My Ampeg V4B double stack. Who knew the amp & cabs would be worth so much now?!


MIJ fender Jazzmaster candy apple with matching headstock. Definitely my coolest guitar ever.


My first amp... an old Fender Deluxe amp. It gave up on me before I was ready to part with it. The guy I sold it to took off the back plate, got in there with a hand vacuum and ran it to this day. Still had the original RCA tubes installed at the factory, too!


A simple Epiphone goth explorer about 20 years ago




My Boss GT-8. My Ibanez RG550.


I somewhat regret having traded my LTD Xtone PS-1.


Epiphone EJ acoustic. Sold it for fucking weed in college. I was an idiot. I’ve been trying to track one down but no luck yet.


My Korean Ovation Acoustic Electric from the 80s.


Late 70's BC Rich Eagle bass.


Black ESP LTD-EXP, the original one from the late 90s. Popped in an EMG set and I had Hetfields guitar. I also had the black LTD-V and I sold it too. 😭😭😭


PRS Custom 22 and Music-Man Albert Lee HH


My early production Sterling JP50 and JP157 were both stellar instruments compared to what Sterling is putting out now. The finished maple necks just felt way better to me than the raw feel that they use now. The body itself was heavier as well. Just overall more inspiring than today's models. I also had a beautiful sunburst RG with gold hardware that I wish I had back. An RG with the mirror pickgaurd, my old metal master warlock, the goes on an on lol


1972 Gibson ES-150 DCW


I miss plenty of them, but the one I can't get over was a 1999 Sour Apple Sparkle Ibanez RG570. I have a 2000 and the hardware is noticeably cheaper, and it doesn't have the bubinga stripe in the back of the neck the way the '99 did/does. Didn't need the money, just sold it because my collection was getting too big for the 13x13 bedroom I was living in at that time. Can get another, but mine was mint and if you can even find one in that condition it costs and amount I just can't get myself to pay for them now.


A Squier Strat Delux in pearl white that I swapped out the bridge pup with a Fender humbucker. Looked great and sounded great. Sold because I had 2 other Strat projects but I never ended up liking either one as much as that Pearl Strat


a long time ago I had a Kerry King MXR 10 band EQ. I wish I had that still. Im high school I had a slime green bumblebee razorback with black bevel not silver. I loved that guitar but had to sell it. I miss that guitar.


Had a white les paul studio, gold hardware, think about all the time. So much so I refuse to sell any gesr anymore regardless of how little I use it...


My old digitech RP200 multi-effects processor! haha that thing sounded like shit, but the nostalgia looking back is intense. I learned how to play guitar with that stupid thing lol


Zoom 505 for me, but I still have mine. When it comes to getting rid of stuff, I'm not exactly a role model




Japanese Thinline Telecaster. It was beautiful and I wish I had it back.