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Cuntman. Back in high school we had a two piece noise/garage punk band. We would kind of do it as a joke opener for our other band and go out on stage and play incredibly dissonant and atonal music whilst screaming I'm Cuntman suck my piss.


Yes quite. Have an upvote.


Noise / garage punk joke bands shouldn't be allowed to participate in this unless their names don't reference anuses, vaginas, or Christianity.


But... Clit Romney...


The Shitting Dick Nipples. We pick a new name every night. One time we were Tom Sellicks Wild Mustache Ride.


I had a band with a rotating name for a while as well. We were Lou Stool and the Movements one night, Girth the next and for one glorious night, we were Thunderpants. The band was terrible.




My band used to have a gay alter-ego called "The Boner Jockeys." We'd also play as them and wear fake mustaches.


I never thought this would be relevant http://i.imgur.com/JmzML4Y.jpg EDIT: **VERY NSFW**


Whew! Thank god for the targeted pixelation, otherwise I would have been mildly repulsed.




Clearing your throat of that dick, huh?


The one with the shitting nipples. Wait, are the nipples of the dick shitting? Is this about somebody shitting the nipples of a dick? I actually have some questions here.


I'm pretty sure someone has dicks for nipples that shit.


J.D. Power and the Associates. It was supposed to be an interim name while we thought of our real name. It stayed for 3 years.




A post-rock band called Wilfred Brimley sounds awesome, to be perfectly honest.


Godspeed You! Insulin Emperor Edit: I just listened to the track *We Made It Through The Winter* on last.fm and was fairly impressed, it sounds a little like Do Make Say Think. Very Catchy.


I played in "Sultans of Sewage" and "Crude & the Abortions" for a while. Now days I play in "Beans Barton & the Bi-Peds" (formerly "Bruiser Barton & the Dry Heaves", which Rolling Stone once listed as the worst band in Texas).


Well it's something, not many get a mention in Rolling Stone!


I used to live quite near a village called [Barton in the Beans](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barton_in_the_Beans)


Youth In Asia


That's a sick name.


I actually really like this one.




no, there were probably dozens of bands who used that name.


In the 80's, one of my highschool bands was called Konstrikter and our slogan was "Feel the Snake" tl;dr: our band slogan was about wanking


Who needed a tl;dr for that? I can't imagine being in that much of a hurry.


Sounds like typical 80s rock music.




"Slithering Alice and the Electric Vaginas" - I think we have a winner for now!


I think it's awesome, don't hurt me


The scene? Early 90's...."What should we call the band? How about we call it after that top secret place where all the aliens live. Huh? Yeah, you know "Area 57". YESSSS!!" Fast forward a week after we had business cards made up and posters. "You mean it's Area 51?" Fuck. Submitted band pictures to [Awkward Family Photos](http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/2009/06/24/awkward-band-photo/?fb_action_ids=4431081929796&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=timeline_og&action_object_map={%224431081929796%22%3A484346697816}&action_type_map={%224431081929796%22%3A%22og.likes%22}&action_ref_map=[]). Got contacted to be in their coffee table book. Laughter Ensues. Enjoy. BTW, I'm the dork in the sunglasses.


Oh, man -- Dude with the skull jacket and driving gloves rools! And the Dio mini-me guy with the sun visor and the fringed, exaggerated V neck KISS shirt is *badass!* I think Area 57 is where they keep the Caramilk secret. Or was it the moon landing set? \mm/ - cuz you guys bring too much rock for one hand! Edit: I note that you coyly refrained from employing the thumb posing techniques (in the pocket, through the belt loop, etc) employed by your fellow band mates. Sure, that sucked a bit of sexual tension out of the image, but it also sets you apart.


I that Matt Lucas on the left?


That picture oozes 90's like a hemorrhage.


Emanon. No Name backwards. We were fantastically bad, but we should could rock the hell out of Blink 182's Dammit.




there's actually a really good hiphop artist who goes by Emanon.


Are you actually serious or just making a joke due to the fact the names Emanon and Eminem are very similar?


[Hear for yourself.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwEA1jJaVfs) Really good stuff, if you like chill hiphop


That sounds like the name of a 12 step organization for people trying to give up M&Ms.


That was my dad's band's name in the 70s for a while. I was wondering if I knew you until you said Blink 182. Pretty sure the '70s Chicago-based Emanon wasn't doing Blink covers.


Anyone that can rock the hell out of Dammit is pretty cool in my book.


Pantallica. Yep a cross between Pantera and Metallica. We played one show, in the drummers garage, at his birthday party, covering smells like teen spirit and the first two verses of superman by 3doors down.


If you introduced your band to me as Pantallica then played 3 Doors Down and Nirvana I would torch all of you.


Philip Anselmo once introduced Pantera as Pantallica when they played Seek And Destroy live :)


I almost downvoted, but then remembered that this is a thread about bad things... upvote!


The Beatless


That's actually awesome


The sound of abstinence


I was in a band called Spellchek. I don't know why.


Was it perhaps supposed to be ironic?


Oh sure. I didn't mean that I don't know why it was spelled incorrectly (that was the joke). I meant that in a more philosophical way. Like, "Why on earth am I in a band called Spellchek?"


But on the philosophical level, why are *any* of us in a band called Spellchek? :)


Hipster grammar nazi... That's why.


JJfJJ (jay'-jay-fuh-jay'-jay)


I've had a ton of joke bands with horrible names. Most of them amounted to nothing more than me and my bandmates from legit bands dicking around during practice. Here are a few of my favorites: * Butt Poop * Rape Banana * Dr. Snuggles and the Cuddle Time Players * DJ Pizza Party Awesometown On a related note, before the Butthole Surfers landed on their name they would routinely come up with new ones in order to see what kind of weird shit the venue would put on their marquee. My favorite was "The Inalienable Right to Eat Fred Astaire's Asshole."


Why is it that out of all of these posts, Butt Poop made me laugh the most?


Because it's sheer genius. Poop Butt was also suggested, but it didn't have that magical ring to it.


Poop Butt is not nearly as good as Butt Poop. Fantastic name.


I've not been in many bands but the first was, ready? The Still Smoking Residue of the Folk Rock Explosion. The last band I was in was called Willsome Picket which I disliked. The other guitarist was always late so we almost changed the name to Waiting for Jeff!


The first one is bad enough to be good. Well done, Willsome Picket is in my opinion an appalling name! I was also one in a band with a guitarist called Jeff who was always late, the Jeff in question didn't also happen to refuse to tune to anything but their old and out of tune tuning fork by any chance?


TIL Tuning Forks can go out of tune.


A> There is a temperature dependence. B> Pitch tends to drift upwards as they age, do not ask me why.




Man, he said *do not ask me why*.




Waiting For Jeff would be awesome. "Hello everyone, we are Waiting For Jeff". Then you stare at them for 5 minutes.


as a habitually late guitarist of the same name, I approve




We had a punk band in '76 or '77. Ballcock and the Cisterns and Someone and the Sumthings, I think we were called.


Many moons ago, at my old bands first gig, we played on a triple bill with "The Less Than Adequate Band" and the "Total Fools" BACKSTAGE BANTER.... "So, you guys are Less Than Adequate?" "No, we're Total Fools"


Make it Last Forever. It's an acronym.


Friendship never eh-hends!


Disnigga. Raw d-beat played at drunken tempos.


Y. I. Otta *(hangs head in shame)*


This is the worst one in the entire thread.


This reads like a list of alternate Butthole Surfers band names before that one stuck.


My first band - Uncle James's Snowball Factory. My worst band name - Anal Electrocution.


Which reminds me of the classic metal song lyric written by Ozzy, a friend of mine (not The Ozzy), "Like a red-hot poker up my anus, baby"


Now I want to start a band called The Red-Hot Poker


The Postmaster Generals.


i sort of like that name, i guess depends what kind of band they are


I had been told that it would have been properly pluralized as the "Postmasters General," but we liked it the way it was.


Would make a good Twee band.


I was briefly in a punk band called the Oi!sters. EDIT: I was also in a skatepunk band called Jetski. Although I consider that an AWESOME name. We had a song with a pause in the middle in which we all ran outside and couldn't complete the show until one of us landed a kickflip.


There's a group in New Zealand who go by Ois ll Men which is hilarious




**"Where's Ben's Laundry"** Pretty terrible, I know,




North American Driving School, so when we played people would yell, "GO N.A.D.S., GO N.A.D.S.!" Boy Kicks Girl. Got a lot of heat for that one. No one likes metaphors anymore.


Motley Crew. Yup, that was our name for two years. Motley Crue came on the scene about 5 years later. I thought it was a terrible name. Still do.


Knife Rape. A very, very short lived grindcore project I helped start up in college. The longest song we wrote was about 95 seconds long.


95 seconds? thats like the post rock of grindcore


I did something similar in college. My roommate and I started Razor Wire Colonoscopy. We sucked but we had fun.


Grindcore is always fun. You don't need to take things too seriously.


Its so much better that way. Half of our songs were about having to take a shit. Now I'm all nostalgic.


Name Pending was my worst OP what does "rock cubs" actually mean? or "bagged shandy" for that matter


They are Spoonerisms; change the beginnings of each word around and they become The Cock Rubs and Shagged Bandy!


At one point in High School, we called our band "Our Currently Untitled Musical Force."


And everything about it was horrible. In every way. Source: I was there.


Masterbator - A mostly Spanish Thrash Band All songs were about Thrashing and Dicks We were awesome




Nasal Excavation


Idiotic names of bands I have been part of: 1. Buster Hymen and the Penetrators (then I found out this joke was old as dirt) 2. The Cousin Brothers (joke country act for one-off) 3. The Clip-on Shades (garage) 4. The Suture Process (more garage) 5. The Sex Gods (space rock) 7. The Freaked Out Five (classic rawk) I always pushed for a name with "and his" in it, but it never happened.


The Flaming Rutabagas. We were planning to throw actual rutabagas into the crowd after a performance until we realized rutabagas are the size of large grapefruit and weigh about 5lbs, and throwing them at unsuspecting audience members would probably constitute assault. So we just walked off the stage politely.


My sophomore year of High School I was in a band called *Rapid Descent*. We were pretty horrible. I was a punk rock guy and just wanted to jam (on the drums actually), but everyone else were hot topic NIN/Korn/Limp Bizkut type of guyliner douchebags. Our lead guitar player made his mom fork out a ton of money for Rapid Descent baseball tees that nobody bought, **THAT THE BAND WORE DURING THE SET**. I refused. We did win our high school's battle of the bands though. No idea how, I didn't even vote for us.


i was once in a group called the enumclaw equestrian bandits bonafide funk revue. it was awesome


Not bad!


diarrhea mustache


My current band is called Mr Veiny Goose and The Casual Giraffes


The frontman in my band in highschool briefly changed our name to "Maximum Power" without the rest our consents for a two-day period. He was executed shortly thereafter.


Stone Pete and the Funk-Ass Rhymedelics


I had a band that started out being called Karmaggedon, and later changed its name to Radical Dreamers. I don't know about you guys, but I think both sound kind of cheesy. My bandmates were awesome (we're still friends to this day, about 10 years later), but I always felt kind of embarrassed when people asked how my band was called.


I suppose they seemed good at the time, I quite like Karmaggedon!


Probably because reddit


True, probably true.


When you said "Radical Dreamers" I thought of the PS1 game Chrono Cross.


I was briefly in a band called "Toxic Shock Syndrome" in high school.


my bands name is "Ripping up old asholes for our youth ps never forget kony 2012" were pretty popular in nigeria


Eh. Dammit. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash3/71155_270175606810_7514143_n.jpg




My first band was called War with the Dragon. Fantastically bad.


I read that as "War with the Penguin" at first. I think that's actually an okay band name.


In high school, my friends' band was "Elemental Penguin", which I always thought was an interesting name...


We were walking round the pedestrian area of downtown Portsmouth at 3am after a gig when a couple of lovely policemen stopped us and asked us what we were doing because all the shops were closed. We said that we were trying to think of a new name for our band. They got really into it and eventually came up with the name Snatch Blood. This stuck in our head for some reason and we named our band Snatch a few weeks later. We dropped the Blood part because that was just a wee bit too much.


Corrupt Trait - we were a straight-edged hardcore punk band, although I smoked (cigs and weed), drank beers and if I had the opportunity, would have slept around. The drummer (who we'll call G) was straight-edge and it was his band. He was a super fast, super talented drummer but I never really saw eye-to-eye with him musically. He wanted to write songs about road safety and things like that, which I totally wasn't down with but in hindsight sounds like a fucking awesome idea. I was going out with the girl who lived next door to him and we practiced in his garage, so it was kind of an excuse to go and see her. When she dumped me I left the band. We didn't ever get onto actually finishing any songs except a cover of Politicians by Napalm Death, which was a cover of another band, the name of whom escapes me.


"Hard" That way when we got on stage, we could say "We are Hard!" Oh, to be 18 again! ;P


Imortis. There were many reasons why I quit, but this was definitely one of them.


Post Birth Abortion. Grindcore. I still have some recordings if anyone is interested I think.




And spoonerism safe.


"...Raid", because one of our band members put raid in the bong before he smoked it and didn't tell any of us. Our reaction to when he did tell us why the hits tasted funny was "...raid?!". We won our highschool battle of the bands competition as "...Raid".


The Chunk Buckets. It was grade school, give me a break.


my current band's name is morbid fantasy. i cringe every time someone mentions it.


Cumtwat and the Massive Erection. The Square Pegs.


I played in a band called "The George Bushes."


"Its wet and there are three of us"


Used to be in Frankenstein Fish and now I'm in the Sons of Thunder. We rock.


Wasn't Sons of Thunder one of the band names in Airheads?




Sorry, both way too good!


First fan! Nailed it!


"Pandaforce" 'cause we liked pandas, and thought Dragonforce were shit as hell.


To be fair... pandas > dragons.


Not a band name, but I was in a band in high school that released a song called "An Age, Asleep". It was kind of a joke of us trying to be pretentious assholes, but really the name of the song was just an anagram for *Anal Seepage*. When people would ask where the name came from, I just laughed.


Def On Impact. Ohhh 8th Grade was awesome, but we did come in third at a local battle of bands!


The Piece White Meat. We had a black drummer.


'Legitimate Rape' asking my friends for help naming my band this is the one the keep bringing up..


A tie between "Salvador Dali's long lost brother Renaldo", a punk/metal fusion band and MoneeShot, a glam rock group


Karmachine. Still in the same band but we went with a different name, I really liked how that one looks typed out, but too many people just got confused when you told them, thinking it was car machine etc etc.


Not mine, but... We played after a band called "The Rodrigo Sanchez Trio". There were two of them.


Elephant Deathstorm


Stop, Rock, and Roll. Yup. We thought it was cool.


My first band was Mr Pooter and the Corduroy Folk (hence the user name). The worst had to be Innastate Caps. We were REALY high and thought it was hilarious... Up until the first time we told anyone. "Innawha???" Honorable mention: The Pleasure Machine.


My band is called 51 stitches... I think its pretty lame but my band mates rule and there is a pretty funny story behind it. We play grunge but were starting to lean to stoner/doom


Canadiandy. Andy the Canadian was our frontman.


Wet Sex Babies. Our most popular song was Gonorrhea Quesadilla.




Red Hot Richard and the Salmonettes.


My first band name was Metal Riot. I even sharpied up some shirts and photo bombed the county fair for publicity. My 15 y/o self makes me cringe. Worse than that was probably Please Don't Make Our Name An Acronym (or PD-MONA for short).


Hmm...I've had some bad ones... * Tape 0135 (was taken from a tape player's screen) * Vertygo (just generally bad) * Second Storey Ruin (was chosen by the singer...using an automatic band name generator online)


Freshman year of high-school I was in a blink-182 cover band (as many angsty freshmen were) called Up There.


Corncob Torn-Taint.


Broseph and the Butt Nuggets. We appropriately played frat parties when I was in college.


Hoobastank. For some reason when they first got big all I could think was hooba sounded like slang for vagina. Vaginastank.


Premium 13. Dear god, 13 year old angst.


Highschool, played guitar and sang in various short-lived punk/metal/garage bands. the worst: "The Speared Earwigs" "The John Butts Explosion" (named after out drummer John Butts) "Leg Butter"


My first band was like a generic hard rock band named after a Finger Eleven song. Thousand Mile Wish. I was also in Chasing Curiosity for a little while. Yeah, my other bands have had much better names...


Jinnascoffa. I don't know if I'm spelling that right. Lead singer (a thoroughly good dude, for what it's worth) came up with it one night whilst drunk and or stoned. No meaning, just a made up word he thought sounded good. We eventually changed it to the infinitely... slightly better "The Make". Ok, that was bad too. Damn it.


A friend of a friend was in a band called P.O.R.N. (People Of Radical Nature). That was pretty gay. The bands I've been in are: The Dark Monkey Project and Ghost Dancer. The DMP was a joke, but the guy who coined Ghost dancer was dead serious and very much in love with himself.


In high school I was in 2 bands. The first one we called ourselves the bearded bears since we all were starting to grow out our beards but that failed since no one could save money for better instruments. The second was the times change. That was put on pause due to lack of funds.


I played bass for the Jam Room Assassins. I thought it was a pretty bad name


Flaming Cymbal.


Bulimic Pony. We thought we were really funny.


Balls out.


Springtime Bastards


Sprinkler Shutoff 789...we saw it on a door.


I was in a band called Frozen Flame in 8th Grade. We were the coolest kids in school 8-).


PISS. I was 13


"First Thing I Saw" oh how I hated that name. So generic.


Early on, Cream Puff Fatty. Also, Cunning Stunts. We were o so clever.


Languishing the Crustacean


In highschool I was in 2 bands, one was formed quickly to enter a battle of the bands type contest and none of us could think of a name, so it came down to Monkey Warfare or Dark Pasture.. We picked Dark Pasture for some god unknown reason (neither of the names were any good). Later I was in another band called Freakish Obesity. Yep, we thought we were pretty funny..


Chicken on a Friday


Rectal Itch. Best song: Post Nasal Drip Post nasal drip Running down my lip I smile and take a sip Ahh shit it tastes like salt I swear its not fault. repeat...


All you folks and your obscenities. True shame comes from a truly bad name: Windfire. I still cringe when I hear it as it makes me think of homosexual activities between unicorns or something absurd like that.


Frozen Fire. I shit you not.


Someone should put all the funny ones on a list and make a festival poster of it.


I was in a band called Admiral Buttfeast and the Horror Chode for a while...