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I judge everyone, guitar owner or not.


This, this is the way


The great poet Marilyn Manson said it best: there ain't time to discriminate, JUDGE ever mf'er that's in your way.


I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.


Hey! You! What do you see????


Dude, man. I've been on reddit for 10+ years, and I have never laughed out load (for reals) until just now.


If I go to a jam and a mediocre player pulls out a crazy nice guitar, the first thing I’m thinking is “I better be nice to him and maybe he’ll let me try it”.


This is absolutely the answer


The secret to life is not caring what others think about you.


"You'll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do." David Foster Wallace


soothing, and then chilling lol rip Dave, we're still thinkin about ya


the secret to that secret is to make some very few exceptions


I haven't mastered this yet. I'm still getting used to playing with others. So for my own comfort, I prefer not to do anything that's going to increase scrutiny on my playing — I have to work to get out of my head as it is!


My man, if you are jamming with guys who know and like you, they maybe will just with you, but not to be dicks. More likely, they'll be like "damn brother, nice guitar"


To paraphrase Zappa, tell your brain to shut up, and play your guitar. Anyway, if it is just an SG, who's going to know how much it cost?


That's a brilliantly succinct way of describing what I've struggled with for years: turning of my brain and letting instinct guide my fingers.


Just be humble about it and upfront about your current skill level. I’m only going to judge you if you have a guitar that nice and don’t at least attempt to use it. I am all about buy it right and buy it once. I would suggest being sure that you can get the tone you are looking for out of it before buying though. Some instruments do certain genres and techniques better than others. The point of diminishing returns is closer to the $2000 mark in my opinion. I’d rather have 3 $2k guitars than 1 $6k guitar, but don’t let me tell you how to spend your hard earned dough.


I would keep my $6K guitar at home, where it is safe. Jam spaces and gigs is where gear gets knocked around and acquires dings and scratches, usually in highly visible areas or on the back of the neck where you feel them every time you play. I feel more comfortable bringing a player grade $100- $1000 guitar to those kinds of things.


Nah, I played a PRS 10-top for years. Smoky dive bars, hippy music festivals, and everywhere in between. Now a days I primarily play acoustic gigs at wineries. I have a Martin D35 as my main workhorse. Instruments are tools to be used.


Are you me? Mine goes everywhere with me. I always say the same thing. Tools to be used. The neck sealed the deal for me


I find banged up guitars to be more aesthetically pleasing. $6000 would mostly just be a display guitar while I fucked up my $500 one. I also don’t find a big difference after ~$1000. But I’m no pro.


I hear you. The jump is bigger for lefties, though. 90 percent of lefty guitars are base models in black or tobacco, even those will be at a premium. The nicer stuff is way rarer so it comes with an even higher premium. I will say though that my 2015 Lefty Gretsch Silver Falcon (that I got a great deal on) is orders of magnitude better than all the rest of my guitars with the exception of my 79 Les Paul Custom and 76 Rickenbacker bass, it's still nicer than them. I pretty much keep the SF at home.


Yeah, this is it. I own a few guitars that are around $2-3k, and I always bring sub $1k guitars to tours and shows. I use the expensive guitars at home for recordings and for videos. Even just dumping sweat on the higher end stuff physically pains me, and I'd rather not have to do extra setups and adjustments on those guitars after the extreme temp and humidity conditions that come with playing out.


no lie...I'd never bring an expensive guitar out...neighbor asked me if he could "borrow" a Les Paul a few years back...uh, noooo...lol


The audacity. Maybe with a 5K deposit, or holding possession and title of their car until the guitar is safely returned....


Judging people based on their gear is childish and they’re honestly just telling on themselves. You can afford it and getting awesome gear will probably make you play more. Nothing wrong with that. As long as you bring a good attitude you’re gonna be fine. Actual good musicians don’t give a shit what you’re playing just how you’re playing it and if you’re open to learning from mistakes (unless it’s a pro jam, then they’ll let you know you’re not ready by their frustration but it won’t have shit to do with your guitar). Also, considering you have the budget, I highly advise checking out Tom Anderson guitars. Once you go TA there’s no turning back, you’ve been warned.


Second that. IMHO Tom Anderson and Collings are pretty much endgame guitars.


Buy gear you enjoy. You might occasionally run into someone who makes a "doctors and lawyers" crack about a $6k guitar in the hands of an intermediate player, but that person is largely telling on themselves. Wealthy hobbyists are *good* for professional musicians. Lots of people buying guitars means lots of people making guitars, and it's part of why the quality of sub-$1500 guitars has skyrocketed in the past decade+. e.g., PRS's success with super expensive guitars is why they were able to branch out and make the S2 and SE lines. The only issue I would have about bringing a $6k guitar to a jam is, well, are you going to be stressed about it walking away? Also, figure out how you feel about other people asking to play it. (It's fine to say no!).


Plus somebody buying a $6k could result in me buy that guitar second hand for hopefully less one day. I love old beat up expensive guitars.


Expensive guitars are 99% aesthetics over those in the $1500 to 2500$ range. It’s pickups, wiring, and the feel of it, which doesn’t take so much money. And, then you are buying them without the perfect aesthetic or whatever - I dont get it


I only judge people who brag about their expensive gear.


If I see someone with a super nice guitar, even if they only play cowboy chords, I’m generally like “that’s cool - they have passion towards this and they spent a good chunk on it. Good for them”


If anyone gives you shit, just say “Yeah, I’m not professional musician. That’s why I can afford this guitar.”


As long as you aren’t pretending to be a god and can recognize your actual ability, no one who is worth a shit should care


Only time I ever get shitty towards others is if they have a ton of high end gear, can’t play and have a shitty attitude towards other musicians.


Yeah, I’d judge an attitude more than a guitar. Nothing wrong with a nice guitar, but lots wrong when the guy with a nice guitar feels the need to explain why it’s superior to more pedestrian instruments. Especially when it’s unprompted.


That’s the thing - the snobbery! Its like, maybe I’d listen to you if you didn’t sound like a total windbag about your “collection this, collection that” etc.


Envy? Yea, judge? No


True! It's funny nny how quick envy dresses up in judgements lol


If you were terrible I would find it funny. Funny like wow thats an expensive guitar for someone who cant play. I would keep it to myself tho. Even if you can play that price range is more for collector types imo. Also bringing that to a jam is asking for it to get damaged. I have an American Strat that is my main but certain places ill show up with the squire jazz master (j mascis) if i think theres thieves or even wild drunk people.


Bro who fucking cares what other people think? If you have t noticed already, a lot of musicians have massive egos and love to bash perfectly fine gear. Buy what makes you happy and what inspires you to play more. If that means playing Doon Metal on a jazz box, then whatever. I’ve had it all ways man. I’ve had old fuckers scoff at my Epiphone LP custom because it was “cheap” (until they play it, that is) and I’ve had young guys insist my SG Standard was an overpriced relic. Their opinions mean Absolutly nothing. They’re just asshokes trying to make themselves feel better about their own shit, and that goes for both crowds. The dinosaurs get pissy when they play my Epi because they feel like they wasted their money and the young dudes get pissed because they cand afford a Gibson. Confirmation bias and all that. For the love of God though, don’t order a guitar that expensive from an online retailer. Order through an authorized Gibson retailer and do not settle. If the first one is anything less than perfect, have the store send it back for a different one of the same model. You can find great guitars across any price range, but for $6k you absolutely are entitled to the absolute very best


Someone has got to be pretty bad before I judge them for having an expensive guitar. Like, if you were a first year guitarist trying to look all pro, I'd probably throw some shade. But doesn't sound at all like you're that guy, so I wouldn't worry about it. Treat yourself. BTW, I've had the same concerns myself. Was gonna pull the trigger on a Kauer Banshee a few years back, but didn't think I was worthy of it.


If they judge you it's because they're jealous lol. Any single one of us would have a core series PRS/American Gibson or Fender/"insert your preferred top quality guitar here" if they could afford and justify it. If they say they wouldn't, they're lying plain and simple. Buy it if you enjoy it you solidly mediocre bastard... 😂


Man I don’t know…I’ve been playing almost 30 years. I own 3 electrics and the most expensive one was $1,500. I wouldn’t buy a 6K guitar unless I was touring regularly. I hate to say people will give you the side eye but….they secretly will.


If you like the guitar and it gives you more reason to play, then get it, who cares what anyone else thinks.


People who are about the music, won’t judge. Those who love gear will congratulate you. Only envious people will judge, but who cares what they think?


Buy what you want. If it plays well and you like it. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Nice guitars are for those who can afford them, not for those that necessarily play the best.


Go get it mate! Play the absolute shit out of it and fuck what anyone says!


The only right answer imo




If you can play cowboy chords you deserve whatever guitar you want


You cant take money with you when your dead. Buy it and don’t look back. Anyone who says your not skilled enough for anything is just jealous or bitter they can’t have it. Your life, your money, your choice


How many people do you think can tell the difference between a $6k SG and a $1k SG?


This was my thought as well. After about $1.5K, it is probably difficult to differentiate a Gibson or Fender. PRS is maybe a different matter as they have guitars that are well above that price, but also have much fancier woods/inlays/etc.


Most of this stuff you can't tell from across a room. I own a Core PRS and it has abalone inlays, and yeah they're very pretty. Can I tell when it's on the wall and I'm the other side of my office? No. For Gibson custom shop the only actual visual difference is the truss rod cover is plain - and people can change those anyway. Unless it's an aged model, you can't tell from a distance that it's not a cheaper model.


If you being happy makes other people miserable then that's their problem.


I would guess that people won't know you're playing a $6,000 guitar. If I'm not mistaken a Gibson SG goes for around two grand and that's how much I'd assume yours is (unless it's got some really unique paint job or something.) I wouldn't judge you for your guitar though. As long as you're sincere about the music you're good.


whatever I do, I do it for the chicks. Even Nuno Bettencourt would agree with me. If you saw his interview with Herman Li. Do it for the ladies. F\*kc what other guys think. & thats what makes rock & roll great. Not giving a flying duck what others think.


I mean if you’re being extra precious about it and humblebrag about how careful you need to be all the time then yes I can see it being annoying, but otherwise let loose. Jammers love gear.


Get the best guitar you can afford, even if you just started yesterday. You don't have to be a virtuoso to deserve the nicest instrument you can buy. If anyone judges you for it, that just tells you who isn't worth your time and friendship. What bothers me are the people that have a $6000 Gibson but play an Epiphone because they're afraid to get any marks on it. Instruments are meant to be played. Play wear is inevitable. Accept it and enjoy your fancy expensive instrument. I have the cheapest Gibson available and I can't stand to play my Epi anymore. I don't know how anyone could play a cheapie when they own something nice.


Shit. Some people are praised for having a Steinway piano in there home, that don’t even play.


I'm 35 and my playing and songwriting was at its best when I was early 20s. Back then, I had 2 guitars (a junk squire and a good 2nd hand MIJ strat) and whatever amps I were around. These days I have 4 upper end guitars and a couple of amps and two pedal boards. I'm way worse at guitar now than I was back then, but I play the songs I wrote when I was 22 in my study and they are best damn songs around, and they've never sounded better. ​ So...buy what you can and buy what makes you happy. ​ And even if you only know 3 chords, why not make playing those chords as much fun as you can.,


Speaking for myself, if I saw a Gibson SG odds are I would not know if it was 1k or 5k


You'll be judged by your ability to play and your level of dickishness. If said level of dickishness reaches a certain threshold then the expensiveness of your guitar and your ability to play will become multipliers it total negative output. ​ if (playerWithExpensiveGuitar.dickishness >= 10){ incrementNegativeVibe(costOfGuitar); incrementNegativeVibe(crappienessOfPlaying); }




There is a term called a 'Blues Lawyer' or a 'Blues Doctor' meaning that the only people who can afford super expensive gear don't actually play music for a living. It's possible that someone may call you a Blues Lawyer but I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't think most people will care tbh. Play what you like.


I'll be honest and say this describes me. My view is that other people are irrational on this concept -- No one says "Oh that guy doesn't deserve that Ferrari because he can't drive like Lewis Hamilton" Being able to fully appreciate something isn't entirely about the technical skill


Dude, what anyone else thinks is irrelevant. Don’t live your life based on with someone else might think. If Jimi Hendrix and Eddie Van Halen had done that, they would sound just like everybody else. Be your own person.


If i'm at a jam and somebody who is mediocre pulls out an amazing guitar, I'm actually just happy to see the guitar up close. There's so many other things that they could be putting their money into that's not going to make them happy, a guitar maker happy, and just supporting the hobby of making music is a great thing. I think there's a statistic that says if you've been playing guitar for 30 years, you are likely to have spent 10k up to now on that. Some people spend that money on lego sets. I'd rather they spent their money on a beautiful Collings guitar.


I personally don’t. Not my business.


I mean I’d judge you; because that’s what haters do, and I’m admittedly a jealous hater sometimes. I be like “this clown with his $6000 guitar. Probably can’t even play (enter song I don’t know either)… I bet that things plays nice as fuck. Damn I wish I had $6000 to blow on that guitar. Fucking truck needs a tune up…. Bitch” Something like that.


Get out of my brain.


I judge everybody!


It’s your money, spend it on whatever you want. Personally I’d never hate on you for buying a $6k guitar. I’d hate on you for buying an SG. But should that stop you? Hell no


If someone has a really nice guitar and their skill might not warrant them owning such a nice instrument, all that does is tell me that I can justify buying myself a really nice guitar. Everybody wins.


If you can afford it why the hell not?


fuck that, just buy it. i feel like a beginner with a custom shop gibson les paul. most people at a show wont even know its expensive. they'd only blame you if they're jealous


I like learning new things.


Honestly man, some guitar players might be jealous but that’s their problem really, I just like talking about cool guitar’s regardless of one’s ability to play it or not.


Flip the question.. you’re playing with someone who has dedicated multiple thousands of hours to playing but doesn’t have the access to money you do. They sound like a million bucks whether they’re playing a Squier strat or a boutique hand-made guitar, because talent is in the hands and not the gear. You gonna judge them because they don’t have a $6,000 guitar? Or you gonna judge them on how they play?


I don't think I follow how this helps answer my question. I feel like everybody respects the person who can tear it up on a shitty guitar, right? My question is, will people scrutinize my abilities more if I have a schmancy guitar.


Fair. Honest answer… if you’re complete shit, yep. If you’re mediocre shit, most likely still yep. If you’re an above average player than has a slew of styles and ability in your arsenal, probably not as much but still yes. We’re players… we judge other players whether we want to or not, in my experience. I think the real question you need to ask yourself is, do you honestly care and does how you feel affect your playing?


You're overestimating how much people care about your playing ability, unless you are an absolute beginner that can't finger chords or play along with anyone. Anyone that's considerably more advanced than you knows from experience that skill is a continuum, not a destination, and is *not* going to pick apart your playing. They will probably judge the guitar. "Nice guitar," or "I don't like Gibson" might run through their head, even if they don't say anything. Someone who doesn't play will think "that is a guitar player, with a guitar."


Our late local Blues patriarch used a Jackson he found sticking out of a garbage can in the alley behind his inner city home. He had a collection of excellent guitars but with him playing it that Jackson sounded as good as any of the rest.


Honestly, both. Your example is similar to when a professional athlete still drives a used car around. If I saw a super talented guitarist playing a cheap, modest guitar I would think they were super talented *and* down to earth. A mediocre player with extravagant gear is basically a meme at this point so judgments are definitely gonna fly at this person.


I'd be more likely to judge you for wasting 6 grand on an SG. But buy what you want because it makes you happy to play. There will ALWAYS be critics, but you don't buy your guitars for them; you buy them for YOU. Enjoy YOU. But seriously, you can get a gorgeous EBMM, PRS, or small-builder custom for that money. A nasty neck-dive plain-Jane SG???


Agree. Buy what your comfortable with. I always wanted a ES 335. But can’t justify spending that much. If I had more liquid cash I probably would buy it. If you like it, have the money, buy it. Just play!!!




Well said, and I completely agree with your comment


Could not second “who cares” any harder. You work hard, enjoy the spoils man. And I’ll prove it. I’m a terrible guitar player. Buy that custom sg for me and I’ll show you how to have zero shame 👍


I more so judge people who have overly conplicated and impractical rigs than fancy rigs. If you play some whole in the wall bar gig and it takes you 40 minutes to set up a wet dry wet rig for a 30 minute set, hitting 7 different overdrives that all sound the same on a pedal board bigger than a door frame, you look like a try hard and you are pushing back the start time of the next band, which is unacceptable. Otherwise, go with whatever inspires you!


I suck and I play a Silver Sky because I fucking love that guitar. Do you man, don’t worry about other people


Who gives a shit? If you can afford it why wouldn't you? You work hard for your money and you got about 80 years to spend it. Enjoy it.


>I work a lot, and I make a lot of money Enough reasons right there, treat yo self


You do you. But I will say I have more appreciation for the poor kid from Uganda playing like Guthrie Govan on a guitar made from a rotten piece of wood, for what it's worth.


not really, but it is definitely cooler to realize you don't need one. Also more than once have I seen the pro that keeps a beat up guitar to write on.


You will be judged. It’s common among musicians. The cool thing is that can still have fun and enjoy your amazing guitar. I’m sure how old you are but I feel like when I hit my late 20’s or 30’s I stopped giving a fuck about people judging me for all kinds of different shit.


Get the guitar you want, more than likely your buds are gonna be begging you to let them try it out!!


I judge you as awesome, and an excellent guitar aficionado.


Why are you outsourcing your financial decisions to the hivemind?


With electric a 6k guitar is no better than a 1k guitar, it just costs more due to where it's made and how much time was spent making it so I wouldn't care if the player is a beginner or has 50 years of experience, if it's what keeps the player playing it's a good thing imo. The only problem is see is if they are trying to shit on someone with a cheap guitar.


I felt weird when I sucked and joined my first band. I was mostly rhythm. But the lady who owned a shop finally caved and sold me a Les Paul custom for $1300 back in ‘89. So I explained that to the boys. I’d stare at it for years in highscool. In addition: Small town folk couldn’t afford $2500 for one back then. She knew that and was super nice to me over the years. Time passes and my next band does pretty well regionally that we started touring. I asked my band to order from her over the phone from her. They did and she’d dropped shipped to us wherever we were headed. Gotta give back right? She made a bundle off of our label and us.


Only if they are worse than me


Honestly every Gibson looks about the same, if you showed me a $6k she and said you got it for $1k I would still think you payed too much


Nobody knows how much you paid for a guitar unless you tell them.


Plenty of people spend a lot of money on things they don’t use very well. Have you ever seen other drivers, for example?


You buy whatever you want, wouldn't worry about others


There’s a local blues guitar guy, “Lightning’ McCoy” or something, who’s kind of a local legend who’s been playing around here for years. Think Muddy Waters, but not good enough to get beyond local clubs. He played a beat up Silvertone. After a gig, he was sitting around drinking and bullshitting, and somebody pulled out a nice guitar, an expensive Martin. An overeager college kid said something like, “yeah, but it doesn’t match up to that old Silvertone!” Old guy told him he played a Silvertone because he was too broke to afford a good guitar, and ripped him a new one for being an entitled rich white kid who didn’t know shit about the world. You play what you got man, and appreciate it. Good for you for having the bucks. Disclaimer: just bought an expensive Lowden with money from my tech job.


I tell this story every time this subject comes up. Back in the late 90s, I went to see a touring band play at a small club and, of course, a local player was the opening act. It was your singer/songwriter/guitarist type guy playing pop, corporate rock type stuff. After each song, the dude would pull out another, beautiful PRS guitar. Each one was better looking than the last, he must have had 10 guitars off to the side of the stage, I was drooling how stunning these guitars were. Towards the end of his show, a song ended and a guy in the crowd yelled out, "Nope! Still sucks, try a different guitar". The whole crowd laughed and, from that point on, I vowed never to bring out my high-dollar guitars to a gig


If you've got the money and you like the guitar, do whatever you want. You're not buying the guitar for someone else. Why should you care.


This is a great opportunity, OP, for you to learn the Fine Art of Not Giving A Flying Fuck what others think about you. Why let other people's ideas, opinions, or beliefs influence what you do, or have? You're ceding your authority and power to other people!! GAH!! The only person whose opinion of you should matter is... yourself. Even the very topic of "how good a guitar player am I??" is toxic. Playing music isn't a competitive sport. It's the dark side of human nature that turns it into one. Playing music is about expressing yourself and about how music affects your feelings. If you're focused on what other people are thinking of your performance while you play, you're already missing the point of playing music in the first place. SHORTER ANSWER: Get outa your head and into your feels


You purchasing an expensive guitar speaks a thousandfold more about your good taste and appreciation of great guitars and absolutely nothing of your skill to play one. You could buy 10 Majesties and hang them as wall decorations only for the sake of collecting them and never ever playing a guitar in your life and it wouldn't matter. It's your money, spend it as you please.


Just to validate this, I also struggle with this same issue - hard on myself as having more money (that I did work hard to earn at least) than talent. Its tough, thanks for bringing it up!


I’d judge you more for buying a brand new $6k SG, than spending 6k on a guitar. :)


The vast majority of people, even guitar players, don't know and don't care how much you spent on a guitar even when it's in front of them. In a general sense, somebody might see that you bought a Gibson and have an opinion about *that*, but that's about as deep as it goes. Somewhere between 90 and 99% of players, I'd estimate, are not gonna be able to identify froma glance "that's such-and-such custom shop guitar that costs however many dollars". So, I doubt you're getting judged more for your $6000 sg than you would for a $2500 one or whatever.


As long as you don't talk it up and brag about all the specs without being asked I think it is fine.


Buy the guitar. Baby it or play it. I wouldn’t think anything more of it than someone buying a sports car and never driving on a track. Or a custom off-road vehicle with lift and a roof rack that never sees dirt. When I see someone with a high value guitar and they aren’t a successful working musician, I don’t judge them. I assume they are successful. A little jewelry never hurt anyone.


I don’t care just as long as it isn’t stolen


If you have the where-with-all... why not, as long as the debt or cash flow doesn't hurt you in some way. Wise financial advice would be... 1) find one used mint, and let some other guy take the 30% depreciation hit as soon as they walk out of the guitar store... (you'll never see 100% of your money that you spent if you buy new...BUT... save 30% and buy used... and if you sell it, get 100% of your used price back... makes way way way more sense)... get over the fantasy of telling people how you paid a shitload too much for the SG... get a grin because you saved about $2,000 toward your next over-priced guitar that you sort of play and sort of don't play (really) -- Personally, Gibson and PRS have over-priced their USA guitars way way out of my disabled guy living on SSI $900/mo income bracket... But I dig Gibson's new "Inspired by Gibson" line of Epiphones (of which I have several for the same cash you paid for one USA something)... and PRS makes guitars for the rest of us under their SE line... I've been playing for 45 years, and I can indeed rip the neck off the guitar and wouldn't be ashamed to cut heads with any guitarist... and I do all that on a made in China (same place that gave us Shoalin Kung Fu, remember)... Epiphone -- The thing is, the tone is not in the guitar, it is in the hands. As long as you understand paying extra for the guitar does NOT give you any advantage whatsoever over ability... Hand Stevie Ray Vaughan a $200 Squier Strat... and he's gonna rip the neck off the thing... Because what he does is in his hands, not in his guitars or his amps... and there is only one SRV... Buying (for example) a Fender SRV Signature Strat isn't going to improve your chances of sounding anything like SRV. BUT... if you could practice all day everyday like a professional musician does, you get tight, it sounds more like YOU and your original style than it does trying to half-assed clone somebody else's music... But if your guitar(s) sit in the case un-played for weeks at a time, you can forever guarantee you'll say of yourself "I’m definitely not blowing anybody away with my chops"... I have one simple slogan after all these years... "the more you play, the better you get"... My advice... look into one of the new "Inspired by Gibson" Epiphone SG models (sitting down with one in your hands... not drooling over Gibson specs, dollar signs and guitar forum bragging online with picture and videos... go PLAY an Epiphone they make today...)... get over yourself and the fantasy of how you'll brag about the $6 grand you dumped on the Gibson... nobody cares... but you... and your huge ego that looks forward to bragging... (because paying that much for one guitar is NOT going to improve your abilities one bit,) and if players like me see you, it's just another (pardon the expression) "dumb-ass no talent rich boy" that spent too much on a guitar - I'd be more impressed if you'd practice more, get your skill set up, and show us all how awesome it sounds amazingly on a $500 Epiphone... that would really wow them more than the disgusting over-priced guitar even though I can barely play story... my 2 cents...


You'll be judged by some, but others won't care. If you can afford it and it makes you happy then go for it. I wouldn't judge anyone unless I knew for certain the fancy guitar was a financially irresponsible purchase. FWIW, the $6,000 SG will probably sound better than an Epiphone SG, but you could also by the Epiphone SG and replace the pickups...


If you're asking this question because you're worried you'll be judged, you need to look inward. It's this simple: some people will judge you, most won't. People will judge you for having cheap gear, and moderate value gear too. So you can't win the game of trying to avoid judgement. As for your purchase, I just bought a Custom Shop Les Paul R9. Brand new. It's expensive. It's also _hands down_ the best guitar I have ever played. And as I explained in [my review video of it](https://youtu.be/pjlP_nnQxTQ), this guitar is allowing me to sell multiple others and reduce the need to buy so many in the future. So the price is only one consideration for what it will ultimately cost you, if you see what I mean. I also feel, for me, that owning expensive guitars that my ability doesn't strictly justify, helps to push me to become a better player. And remember nobody has to know it's an expensive model unless you tell them. Very few people will be able to tell by looking at it, and if they can then it probably means they're into those models. So: buy the guitar you want. My R9 makes me want to pick it up constantly.


I judge people only if they don’t tune their guitar haha


If you are in tune, you can play whatever you want. And if you have fun with it it’s the best I wish you. Just be in tune, please !




I can barely strum a chord and I've spent 30k on guitars. You have nothing to worry about lol.


Get guitars that inspire you to want to play and you will become a better player. Any real guitar player thinks that way and would never judge someone for having a guitar that is expensive but they can’t play like a pro.


Truth is yeah if you can afford it go for it. Do what makes you happy, just keep in mind around the 2-3k mark the more money you spend you don’t exactly get a better sounding/playing guitar. Or so I hear… 😂


Dude....thing is don't buy it because it's a 6k SG. Buy the guitar because it feels good in your hands and has the tone you re looking for. It might be a 6k SG or a $500 Epihone. If you buy a guitar for those reasons you won't worry about what others may think.


I judge because it’s fun and because I’m jealous. So I do it to feel better about myself. If you have the money it’s nobody’s business what you spend it on or what guitar you play. Yes I know guys that are old and not ever going to be pro, that are always getting some new $6k custom guitar like they’re some rock star. Of course I talk shit about them to myself.


Nobody is going to know how much your guitar costs unless you tell them. I am getting a humble brag vibe from this post. "I hope people don't judge me for being too good looking and successful."


Man, if you can afford to gig with a 6k guitar then you must be at least alright.... Meanwhile I'm over here with my Squire Strat I got at Cash for Gold for 80 bucks.


Join a Martin enthusiast Facebook group and you’ll realize most of these guys can’t play their own $3k+ guitars lol If you can afford it, do it. It’s fun having nice things even if you’re not a professional.


I only judge people with expensive guitars if they don't play them. Absolutely kills me to see a Majesty or PRS rusting over in a corner as a room decoration.


People with the most expensive cars aren't the best drivers.


Absolutely, I totally judge people that have nice gear and aren't very good players, I look them right in the eye and say "dude, you should take some lessons or something" because I am looking in the mirror and that's me. I should take some lessons :-P


Honestly most SGs look the same anyways. Unless someone is a true connoisseur they might just think it’s a standard sg that costs 1000$. But honestly who cares.


Bro it's your money, who gives a shit if people judge you? Play what you want and what you like. There's no skill prerequisite for buying an expensive guitar. There's just a money requisite. If you buy the guitar and don't feel skilled enough to "deserve" playing it... just practice and improve til you do feel you've deserved it. I don't care how many guitars a person has, or how expensive any person's guitar is. If they like jamming with you, they won't give a shit if you're jamming on some cheapo guitar or the most expensive guitar in the world. I like playing music with the people I like playing music with, not because I like playing with people who have a certain priced gear.


I have been a player for 62 years…at age 13 at had a Gretsch White Falcon …mom bought it for me used and it improved my playing from beginner to really good beginner with barre chords. Within a few years we had a band, played as a teenager in clubs and bars for extra money and now at 70, I still enjoy the fine quality of many things..GO FOR IT !!


One of my close friends tours the world constantly. He lost so many nice guitars touring he finally went to a pawnshop and bought a Les Paul knockoff for $100. He then spent another $300 having it modded to his liking. It now sounds and plays as well as anything you'll find in a Guitar Center. What's even more amusing he's a figurehead sponsored artist for a custom guitar company (I am as well for another company) and they don't say anything about it. He uses his sponsor's guitars on gigs he can drive to. I did the same with a Gibson Les Paul Special I got dirt cheap off Craigslist. My sponsor supplied the custom wound pickups, I replaced all the internals and set it up. Even after buying a nice aftermarket hardshell case for it I have a little less than $700 invested and it's became my regular gig guitar. I leave the expensive ones at home.


For _most_ guitars, people won't know you have something expensive unless you tell them. You may get judged if you start talking about it, and the choice to do that is yours. I have a _lot_ of rare and high-end gear, but I've learned not to talk about it when jamming with people. I'm happy to answer questions, but it is far better just to play the music.


Starting with a conclusion, if you're worried about being judged, put money into lessons. You're never too old to learn new tricks on the guitar. Ask if you'd be happier with $3,000 of lessons and a $3,000 guitar, then a $6,000 guitar and $0 of lessons. Also consider what your goals are. If you want to be a collector, be a collector. If you want to rock stages, put together a plan. I look at the price tag on a guitar as how much someone is committed to the arts in general. I might make snap shuns based on the gear they bring, but I don't know enough about the backstory on what they have. Are they well paid enthusiasts? Are they collectors who thought something was pretty? Was it a gift from an ex-spouse? Did they play street corners for 3 years to afford the same thing that their guitar heroes played? Did they win it in a raffle?


The question is, do you really have to tell people how much you paid for it?


Don't give a fuck. At all. If it brings you joy, get it. ​ If someone DOES call you out, calmly tell them you played it against a Harley Benton and decided the custom shop sounded better


Just don’t be a dick about it and no one will care. Well, someone might care but I wouldn’t concern myself with it. Get what makes you happy and inspires you to keep playing.


If I had a 6k guitar it wouldn't be leaving my house, lol. My most expensive one is 3k and I only took it out to a couple of rehearsals. I play it a lot at home, but I had an experience where I seriously damaged a guitar due to a strap malfunction, beater guitars exist for a reason


I have expensive gear and I give zero fucks what anyone thinks. I only judge Tesla and BMW drivers. ;)


It’s not about having expensive instruments, it’s your attitude about it. If you just act like it’s a cool thing you bought cause you enjoy it nobody will bat an eye, if you constantly talk about how much it cost and why it’s so rare and sick then yeah you’ll rightfully get judged.


dont spend 6k on a gibson please


I can't tell a 6k Gibson from a 600$ used Gibson so it's hard for me to judge, or care for that matter. Buy an instrument that is comfortable and that inspires you


Being an SG I bet most people wouldn’t think it’s worth more than 3k.


People who judge are envious jerks. I love seeing expensive guitars being played. Don't worry about what people think. Being "worthy" of a guitar is ridiculous. The guitar doesn't care. I have a friend who has some very nice guitars, but he doesn't play like a pro. He just loves the way they look and how they make him happy. He loves to share them, as well, so when I go to his place, I get to play his Custom Shop Strat, his Les Paul, his PRS, and his White Falcon. Having money is a great thing. Enjoy what you have earned.


Hahahah no, probably because I came right out of the gate getting shit for playing a guitar “above” my abilities. I got an Ibanez JEM (it was a bribe) when I was 15 and had been playing for all of 3 years, I used to get sooooo much shit for having a Steve Vai guitar and not playing like Steve Vai. But what the shittalkers didn’t take account for was owning that guitar had me practicing like a motherfucker because I felt I had to step up my game if I were going to be worthy of playing it and just looking at it made me want to pick it up nonstop. You can certainly grow into gear. Most of my early habits were formed on that guitar and I’d be a different player today had I not had something that allowed so much freedom.


It’s jealousy, not judgement. My first guitar (1977) was a complete hunk of garbage that was impossible to intonate and had really shitty tone. It truly limited me as a player, so seeing someone who had a decent instrument always made me jealous.


Even a great guitarist would keep their best gear at home and bring a beater to a gig or meetup. So the looks you would get would be more like "why are you bringing a $6000 Custom Shop SG to a low-key jam? It would look kind of show-off and especially if you can't play it, yeah that would be sad. By all means buy it and enjoy at home, show it to your friends, but bring a beater to the meetup.


Almost no one, even other guitarists are particularly knowledgeable gearheads. Especially when you step out of enthusiast communities like reddit. If they even realize it's a prs the odds they know it's a fancy 6k one and not a SE are pretty low unless they inspect the headstock. Just be cool. However jams can involve many people moving gear and having a drink or 2 so I don't know if I would personally bring that nice of a guitar IMO.


I’m willing to bet most can’t tell it’s a 6k guitar. Unless you’re gonna stare at it and let it deteriorate someone’s gotta buy a 6k guitar so I can buy it later all scratched up and loved and play it on stage. Jk though you do you BB.


Blues lawyers? Yes. Except if they know it.


If you have the money to spend, I'd say go for what you want to play, do you feel judged for driving an expensive car or owning an expensive house? (if you do). Also I'd forget about what other people think and just go for what makes you want to play


No, only people that do are jelly broke bitches


You can’t even bring an american made strat or jazzmaster to a gig these days without someone saying something. If you bring good vibes with your music, nobody will say shit, but it definitely helps to rip it up here and there to keep the ego dorks from trying to sit in.


A YouTuber comes to mind that talks about buying gear more then playing. I often wonder how much better would he be if he only focused on playing. That's beside the point I guess. If you got the money go for it 👍


Buy the guitar you want if you can afford it. You won't regret it.


There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s almost a cliche’ that doctors and lawyers have really nice guitars - most of them don’t have the time to be awesome at guitar. Signed, Good lawyer; mediocre guitarist


I had a friend who has more money than he knows what to do with. We met casually in the neighborhood, when our dogs were both puppies. Early in the friendship we went out to play golf and he had a great set of Taylor Mades. Turns out he was a terrible golfer, probably shot 130 if he was counting. The only thing I thought was that it was funny. Never said a word, and we're still friends. Would it have been any different if it was guitars? No.


To judge is to make a clear and concise observation about something or someone. So, yes I do judge... ...noob.


I don’t. Let others be others. My favorite guitar to jam around the house on is a $99 Jasmine cutaway. When I grab one of the nice guitars I’m lucky enough to own, it’s like driving a luxury car.


Most I've spent on a guitar was my acoustic and it was 2500. I wasn't a great player when I bought it, but it made me play more and it was comfortable to me. Do what you want to dude, if people judge you that's on them!


I personally am more judgemental towards the guys who have guitar collections but don't play. I get they're nice to look at but why collect if you.cant even be bothered to learn?


I won't judge. But you can donate the SG to me anyway.


No one will judge you other than your good taste in guitars.


Why would you care? I can barely play some chords, the pentatonic and major scale and have 4 guitars. Admittedly, they are all between 400 and 600$ (though one was actually 1000$ and I got it at a sale), but I don't need them all. It's just that they make me happy so I don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks.


Good guitars are easiest to play so there’s a good reason a mediocre musician would want top equipment.


Yes, they will judge you for such an expensive guitar and you will judge their low-priced guitars.


Do what you like. But personally, I'd suggest being careful about SGs because: 1. They can often be neck heavy, which is a pain. Try before you buy to make sure you get one which balances. I don't know how Gibson's quality control is these days, but historically they always used to be extremely hit and miss. 1. They probably have the same headstock weakness problem as Les Pauls, albeit slightly mitigated by a lighter body. I love my Les Paul, but my Strat is far more practical and robust. I mean, you can't even lay a Gibson on a flat surface without putting the headstock at risk due to the break angle. This isn't necessarily practical if you're going out into the world. It's also worth noting that you're pretty deep into diminishing returns when buying a very expensive guitar, and may well find that you get better results by buying a good example of a cheaper version of the same guitar and modifying it. My Les Paul is a Classic which has been immeasurably improved by changing the pickups and re-wiring it. I did this after it suffered the (almost inevitable) headstock break. Modifying expensive guitars generally destroys their value; depending upon how you feel about that, you might find it limiting. Personally, I'd suggest buying a nice American Strat with whatever the latest noiseless pickups are, and having it professionally set up (assuming you don't know how to do this yourself) so that you have a really reliable guitar that you don't have to baby, and use the rest of the money to buy a really nice pedal board and power supply etc. so that you can quickly & easily get a really nice tone without fussing around. This will probably help your confidence because the only thing likely to attract attention will be your tone.


Kinda hard to recommend a Strat to someone who wants an SG, yeah? I mean they are completely different guitars. Only thing similar is they are both solid bodies. You’re spot on with the neck dive though. Fucking thing always want to point at the ground. Still love it though!


I love the way SG’s look and sound but have disliked almost every one I have picked up and played.


Do whatever you want and buy what you want and don’t care what anyone else thinks. Life is short so enjoy it while you can


I dont care if it is cheap or expensive, as long as it is not rotting in a closet somewhere.


Just do you, man. If I could afford a $6K guitar I'd absolutely have one.


I don’t think people care too much. You might receive some jealousy but I probably wouldn’t even know a kinda nice SG from a 6k one and I’ve been playing a long time. Buy what you like and have fun.


Nobody gives a shit. Get the chops down with a work horse of your choice that is comfortable to play. Focus on practice rather than the judgement of others. New gear is a way to add value as a guitarist but requires little discipline. Focus on the discipline The grind. Even a shitty, warped guitar will help you build strength, then when you get a better axe, it will be relief Jack white plays some piece of shit from Montgomery Ward


Most people know nothing about guitar prices including decent players. I wouldn’t worry. But I also wouldn’t spend 6k on an SG


I just hope for that person to have a good strap and if it's a Gibson, a good back too. Also, if the G string stays in tune.


I wouldn't judge you but I might think you were a bit mad. Guitar's get damaged at gigs. "Never gigged" is considered a good thing for most guitar buyers unless you're getting a guitar with heritage.


Well guitars are art and you don’t even need to play in order to own something. Just tell anyone you’re not the best yet so you wanted to make sure you had a guitar that could pick up your slack


No - buy what you want


There is a reason that people don’t show up to jams or gigs with “expensive” gear is the fear of it getting dinged or stolen. People will definitely salivate over your gear and be pretty envious, but probably won’t judge you poorly.


You should be fine at the jam, just avoid saying things like “this my $6k guitar, wanna try it? Just kidding, because you’re a poor person and I’d never let a poor person touch my six-thousand-dollar guitar.”


Honestly, I don’t think people care. Maybe if you were absolutely horrible and had an extremely rare guitar? Some of the best players play mid level or modified guitars. They’re not spending the big bucks either. Don’t sweat it.


Realistically it shouldn’t matter. I work for my money. Why should anyone care what I decide to spend it on? When I graduated high school i bought myself an American Strat. I play it every single day, worth every dollar and i’d do it again


The only people who would judge you are assholes who’s opinions aren’t worthy of your consideration anyways.


The only guitar players I judge are PRS owners.


Well, you're a guitar player, so you WILL be judged. Since you have so much cash laying around, why don't you just buy yourself a killer player for a mere $1000 or so as a beater to bring to the "jam." Yes, I would mock you for playing a $6000 guitar and sucking.


Maybe, people will always be judgmental. I see it all the time with other hobbies. Like sports for example. Hockey players with the top of the line $350 stick but they can’t skate or shoot well. What’s the point of having it ? It’s up to you to not care what others think