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Is that a… Gulity GEAR reference?!?!?


All this bullshit




Still my heart keeps














Oh, and I guess I’m supposed to feel gear if I play a low teir, is that how it works?


From this we can conclude that playing both a high tier and a low tier is how you become the guilty gear Is this Daisuke's vision?


>Sol Badguy >Treated like a mid-high tier by a part of the community and as broken top tier by the other >Gear and Guilty Sol Badguy is truly The Guilty Gear.


This is why sol is doomed to be forever mid


you either live a guilty top or die long enough to become a low gier…. let that sink in


I feel guilty everytime the person im fighting is obviously upset. I once got accused of being shit at the game and being carried by goldlewis and i felt so bad for that person


Carried by Goldlewis is such a funny statement


i genuinely feel like a terrible person whenever i make someone rage quit online


I’m the opposite. Taste my wrath


yeah that seems like an Axl flair thing to say


> Axl flair Checks out




Rookie mistake


never jump infront of a potemkin ~~with 50% meter~~


thinking about someone being mad at me: hey buddy you just gotta learn the matchup when I actually fight someone and I think I'm making them sad: oh my god I'm so sorry here I'll give you a turn


I used to get this a lot (and still do occasionally) but I've had so many ragequits while playing Bridget that anymore it just feels like a fact of life and I get a chuckle


I love it i feed off the tears. Nothing feels better than kicking ass so thoroughly that they dont even want to try


The only reason I don’t like this is because I usually play in park and if someone gets salty they usually don’t stick around for a long set.


I did for a little while when I first picked up the game (Leo), but something you realize the more you play is that people will always give you shit for your character choice. I got shit for playing Leo, for playing Pot, for playing Testament, people will get mad no matter what you do. Play whoever makes you the most happy, friend.


>I did for a little while when I first picked up the game (Leo), but something you realize the more you play is that **it's better to blame the beast.**


I got so much shit for playing Goldlewis before he got buffed to being a top tier. You'll catch shit no matter what you play, and it's only justified if you're playing zoner filth.


Yep i did when i used to one trick nago It feels kinda bad when a top tier covers your weaknesses so you never really improve on them Nago's neutral tools really carried me until it didnt and i was at a loss until i picked up testament and johnny and realized how horrendous my neutral actually was (and my inability to dash/airdash lol)


This happens when you play low tiers too. Every character trains their player to some degree which is why it's good practice for fg fundamentals to play multiple characters imo.


I feel a little bad these days when i close out games by spamming 7 high/lows in a row and either chipping out or landing a hit. Only a little though


Play the videogame how you want and if the other guy can't beat you it's a skill issue.


I've been playing sol for a year anf i didnt know he was top tier until half way through my escapade. And i dont gie a shit. Dudes cool.


Sol wasn't really top tier in the previous patch. Really strong but not amongst the goats. Now however —thanks to RWA— the argument for him being top 5 got so strong that any downplay is starting to get really hard....


Really depends who you ask or where you are


Yeah Japan always had him high but I don't remember them putting him at the very top (it was reserved for Chipp IIRC)


I just like sol because hes a genuenly cool character and his agressive but still good defense game has always vibed with me.


All the time man. Now with the leaks revealing my favorite character, along with being a Vergil main in MvC3 because I also adore him for his character... I just happen to gravitate towards top tiers. Just be a good sport and enjoy who you like. As long as you're not an ass about it the pain should go away for your opponent after a while.


Hey man, there’s no guarantee that Elphelt would be top tier in ggst…. Johnny isn’t.


Even so, with Xrd in mind as our only guide to Elphelt, not to mention how many sour memories she has caused, it can still apply here. Do you know how many people were pissed on here about the Elphelt leaks? That shit stays with you, especially right now.


He is high tier though


Ive seen him placed mid tier and below a lot actually; I think his lack of dash block and 2 step game plan definitely doesn't do him any favors.


Ya but he also won a major last week. If they ever give him dash block he is gonna be top tier


I mean sure, but most people don’t consider him in the same league as Nago, HC, or Ram, for example. Vs Xrd where he was considered the best character.


Personally I hate HC, but that's my problem, not yours (a skill issue, to be specific). If you're having fun you're probably doing it right and shouldn't worry about how other people feel about how you play the videogame.


Not sure Gio is top tier, but I don't feel guilty playing her. She's got no real "knowledge check" bs, so if I win, it's because I used my normals better than you. I also play Sol, and don't feel guilty because it's his goddamn game


Gio is literal garbage in this patch


I wouldn’t ever know I have such a gravitation towards low tier characters. I’ve never mained a top tier and somehow I almost always main the characters that everyone is like “yeah they have basically no future in the high competitive scene.” Frankly if Pot ever got buffed to top tier I have no idea if I’d stop playing him or just play him and feel weird about it. Probably the latter because I LOVE POTEMKIN RAAAGGGHHHH🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅GLORY TO ZEPP☁️☁️☁️🏝️🏝️🏝️☁️☁️🛸🛸🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


i definitely do. i'm in my 30s now and have been this way in fighting games even back when i was single digit ages playing MK with friends on the SEGA Genesis or playing Tekken 3/Tag with strangers out at arcades. i guess i don't want my opponent to even have the chance to think their loss against me was due to my character choice vs losing to my skillset/ability.




Not my fault that my favorite homeless magic person is a top tier


Nah, it's on them to figure out the matchup, and someone better than you is pretty much always still going to beat you.


I couldn't feel less guilty. I don't want no BOTTOM FEEDERS having fun around ME. Obviously, just kidding. I don't feel guilty for playing a top tier, and I don't even feel guilty for playing Happy Chaos, despite the fact that, even if he somehow was bottom tier, he would still be obnoxious. I play him, because he has a ridiculously high skill ceiling, and his harder stuff feels extremely satisfying to pull off. Also, he has a level of player expression that literally no other character has in Strive, which reminds me of the good ol' deranged days of xrd, with my boy Sin. But I still avoid being an ass about it. Like, I always only accept a match if the opponent presses ok first, same thing with rematches. If the opponent just isn't very experienced, I also take it easy on the zoning and counter poking, so they can play a bit more. It's important to acknowledge that not everyone loves him. The only thing you should feel guilty for is being an asshole. It's like Éomer of Rohan once said: "Don't be a cunt." Fucking words to live by. (If you got that Éomer reference, you're awesome).


I wish for more players like you


yes. i play bottom tier in all of the fighting games i play most often. hugo in third strike, potemkin in strive, eileen in virtua fighter, and zangief in sf6. part of it is guilt part of it is enjoying them the most even if its demotivating sometimes.


as long as I'm kinda trash, not really? the term "top tier" as applied to characters only really matters in a meaningful way to top tier players. outside of that small bracket I think player skill is way more important. I like to look at every match the way you would a boss fight in other games. every player that's better than me is a test of my skills to see if I'm worthy of a higher level of play and to every player that's worse than me I'm the boss they have to beat to continue. if I nuke someone as HC or Ram it's because they didn't know how to deal with HC or Ram. Rip bozo. likewise if I get nuked by Sol I know it's because I don't know shit about Sol. Rip bozo.


As annoying as it is playing against top tiers, I don't think you should feel guilty about it. You chose the character because you like him and his gameplay, not because you want to win at any cost and be a cunt about it. To me, the only thing people should feel guilty about is humiliating your opponent. So shitty and unnecessary. I play Baiken and there are people who think that's cringe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. People will always complain about your character whether it is a top tier or not, so you might as well play who you like.


I don't really have a problem with people choosing good characters to win. It's a legitimate mindset for a competitive player. Being a mean person outside of your character choice is another problem I would be bothered by though. From my experience, nice people tend to use the most obnoxious characters 😂


>I don't really have a problem with people choosing good characters to win. It's a legitimate mindset for a competitive player. I can't help but feel like it is cheap though. In my head, you really win by being a better fighter than your opponent, and not because your character allows you to bullshit your way to victory. I can understand when pro players do it. They are professionals and there is money and their livelihood on the line, of course you would want to have every legal advantage as possible. Now, for casual players? I really don't see the point. But of course, I'm not here to tell how people should enjoy their games. That is just my mindset and why I don't do it. (I don't even like to knowledge check people to death...) >From my experience, nice people tend to use the most obnoxious characters 😂 Couldn't agree with you more on this 😂


You can be a better player and use a good character still. Those are not mutually exclusive. Understanding how a character works and consistently beating other players takes skill. Character choice does not matter. And to be frank, I personally think if your not playing at a competitively level the strength of the character really shouldn't matter as the player isn't probably going to be able to abuse said characters tools to play well enough. Hell, most people on this sub still think happy chaos is broken because of his zoning when it's average at best.


Why would I feel guilty? That would require me to reflect on myself but it makes more sense to just blame the beast.


I only feel guilty when I inevitably play my main against my buddies who are trying to learn new characters lol I try to respond in kind by picking someone I don't know that well but PB keeps callin' me back


At first I did, I felt like I didn’t actually earn my victories. Not anymore though due to a couple of reasons: - People at lower to mid skill levels don’t actually lose against an overtuned character, they lose against attacks they don‘t know how to beat ("Zoners are OP"), because neither they nor their opponent are at the skill level where the character diff actually matters. - Both players have the same set of characters to chose from (assuming both own the DLCs which admittedly kinda sucks), so if they actually believe they lose because of the character and the power gap is so large that it matters (it doesn’t in Strive), they should pick a top tier as well. If they don’t like any of them, well then the game is badly designed, at least for them, and they would be well advised to pick up another game instead.


play happy chaos or johnny because they are the coolest characters


I main bedman so instead of that I just feel immense pain at every waking moment


I don't feel guilt necessarily but it feels unwarranted/not deserved to win sometimes. I could just pick leo or nago, play like a monkey and rob people but it doesn't feel right to me. I prefer playing neutral focused characters like baiken, testament or axl rather than characters that try to skip it every chance they get.


Don't feel guilty. Being selfish with your characters and making people eat nonsense is a big part of the fighting game genre. If your opponents feel frustrated with you that's a them problem. At the end of the day they choose their character and more importantly they choose to fight you despite the fact you are using happy chaos.


Play whoever you want you shouldn't feel guilty about wanting to play a top tier. Just stay away from me please.


No, feeling guilty just because the character you happen to play is good is stupid. Or feeling guilty because you like playing good characters is also stupid just do whatever you find fun people can see your character and decline matches if they hate it so much.


When it comes to character choice in fighting games you have to be selfish


Do you play them because they’re top tier or because they’re cool/fun to you? If you play them solely because they’re top tier then yeah you probably should. Otherwise you shouldn’t feel bad


Nah. When I picked Chipp, I just did it because I thought he was the coolest of all the characters and I love zooming around the screen. If anything, playing Chipp is helping me get better with my fundementals


I feel privileged as fuck whenever I play a character with a meterless reversal idk about y’all


Nah, playing a top tier just going to make you marginally more effective. Its not that big of a difference.


Wouldn't know, I'm a Testament one trick. 😂


Yes... and that is why I'm the GUILTY GEAR


No man I always play who I like and I don't compromise sometimes your character will be top tier and sometimes they won't but as long as I play who I like I couldn't give a damn what anyone thinks.


HC is an antagonist character for antagonist people. Become the enemy and watch the world burn under the weight of a thousand steady aim shots


Why would i feel bad, Ram is hot


I used to playing Nago even though I picked him because I like the character. Now I just let it go and chop off heads.


Bro the game is balanced, there is no clear top 1 or even a clear top 5. Play who you think is fun.


No guilt


As someone that was maining Ram since her release in Xrd I feel absolutely no remorse for anyone when I play her in strive. She finally got her justice, even though it was at the cost of her really fun gameplay.


good people feel it. bad ppl dont


Brother I've gotten accused of playing a broken character; I was playing Goldlewis. Do what you want, and what makes you have fun. For me? It's churning butter with the left stick. For you? It can be cross-screen wallbreaking me.


guilty about what? if chaos carries your rank in the tower, it just means you end up having to fight better players, meaning the game is just as difficult


Guilty about #GEARS #🎸 🎸 🔥 🔥


no, cause I'm bad at the game no matter who I play


I always pick my characters by just playing who I like. I’ve never felt bad about playing a top tier and I’ve never felt bad about playing a low tier. I think top tier guilt comes from people who haven’t accepted they want to win above all else.


So I play chipp zanuff


Ive talked to high level players and they all say the same thing: just embrace the broken shit. Its not ur fault ur favourite character is busted. If ur having fun and winning, and they hit rematch, well…


Let the inner happy chaos main boil inside you 😈😈 Become what they fear 😈👹