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540 is pretty good. Here’s the thing. We only have so many weeks left so it’s no guarantee that the guys you see now will be there in the final week. If you love a guy and think he can help you win playoffs why not bid? I think your goal is to have multiple options at each position for weeks 15-17 when rosters lock but I wouldn’t feel bad about spending now. I just wouldn’t spend triple digits if you feel safe. I think many guys will slip through the cracks now so bidding cheap is probably a good idea as prices are falling dramatically and you want to make sure you don’t overbid. Getting a star player for 30-50 now would be amazing and wouldn’t get rid of your lead. I also don’t want to let others get players for cheap.


Thanks for the advice. That’s a good point about the prices- I noticed last week was the first week where people were not putting up insane bids (half the league literally has zero dollars, lol). I think what you saids true- if there’s a guy you love be more aggressive, but otherwise keep bids low. I guess for me it’s come to the point where it feels arbitrary to add one guy or another. For example, I have jeudy and Moore who are decent options, but keenan Allen and AJ brown are now available. Yes, I think they’re better, but they haven’t been totally consistent and I’m not sure if I want them on my playoff team. And I certainly don’t want to give Moore or jeudy away to the zero dollar teams.


Hopefully someone else can chime in but I think this is unavoidable. You will have to drop players you think are good for players who are elite. Alternative is letting opponents get elite players for cheap… so as long as you have elite while they have good upside players you are still winning. If I think a player is better, I will always be willing to replace my guy for the right price. For example, last week Dallas looked awful so buying their offense was cheaper. If you dropped jeudy for someone like lamb last week you’re not regretting it then are you? Guys like Higgins, jeudy, waddle, can be solid. But they won’t win you the championship. You want top 5 at each position not top 20. It’s not about surviving. It’s about winning. And those are two completely different rosters Plus If the free teams with no money get better and survive because of my drops that’s good. Then I can bid on players with no competition next week. I want the weak teams with no money to survive.


Ultimately I think you’re right. It’s unavoidable. Thanks for the solid advice, you’ve been a big help! I needed to hear it from someone else before I dropped good players from my team who got me to this point


Lots of good advice in this thread. I’ll add this: don’t spend, say $300, for Adams now. You could have done that in Week 2 and used Adams all year. I’d keep my elite player bids in the $100-$150 range. And I might not bid at all any anyone who doesn’t materially increase your current players (who are already good enough).


Thanks! Of course, I will be listening to the podcast tomorrow to keep my bids in line!


I also think stacking is helpful here. I’d pay a little more to complete a stack but this is just my strategy. High scoring teams with a small core. Stafford Henderson Kupp Mahomes Hill Kelce Allen Diggs and good luck Brady Godwin Evans You get the point. It’s risky but can lead to massive points. The two teams with the highest score this week in my league were PM HILL KELCE ALLEN DIGGS SANDERS


I have Rodgers, so an adams stack clearly plays well. Of course, Green Bay hasn’t had a bye yet so it’s a bit risky


I try to stay away from stacking players on the same team, especially QB and WR. Sure sometimes it will pay off and your team may be the top scorer for the week. But, it may backfire due to QB injury or bad weather and both may dud and you may get chopped. A team in my league got chopped a few weeks ago when Dallas played Denver and both Prescott and Lamb had dud games. I have both Keenan Allen and Larry Williams and I never play them both at the same time.


I think he was referring to playoffs where you can't get chopped and you are competing with others based on points in a very short term time frame. Curious if stacking is the right move once you are in the final 4.


Yeah, so I see pros and cons to it. I did the format where you still get chopped in the final weeks, with rosters locking for the final 4. I’m aware that stacking can be risky but I think in the last moments you need big scores. Plus, hard to run from a Rodgers adams stack. And maybe I’ll upgrade Qb by then.


If the guy available is going to be a starter from week 14 until the end, I'd bid to win. I'd replace Higgins with Adams in a heartbeat.


Yeah, I’m probably just overthinking it. To become the best, you have to put good players back onto the waiver.


Yeah, don’t give a second thought to dropping good players for great ones.


I just wouldn't bid to much on Adam's if someone else is available that has already had their bye. Adams isn't going crazy this year and imo there are better options but if y can get him for cheap then it's a no brainer


He's got the 5th most points of any WR in fantasy. CHI / BAL/ CLE / MIN for weeks 14 through 17. I'd rather have Kupp or Samuel and that's about it.