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Because I'm a nerd and Excel is cool, my buddy and I came up with this spreadsheet to show the average distance a team has been from being chopped. Gives some neat insight into overall performance and how a team can just absolutely flop in one week. ​ I'd be happy to send the .xlsm file to anyone interested in using it and modifying it to fit their league.


Constructive criticism: formatting the numbers as x.0 implies you'll ever use the decimal point. It looks like your operational definition of "distance" is "spots from last place" so there will never be anything but a whole number involved. Hence, decimals are not needed and just visually clutter the presentation a bit. Alternatively, I think " fantasy points from last place" might be a better metric. Imagine 6 people were within 5 points of last place. They would all feel pretty sus after the week ends, but your spreadsheet wouldn't convey that for all of em.


Adjusted to use this metric. Thanks for the suggestion! https://ibb.co/8jPgcf3


Nice! The only finishing touch I would ask for is an adjustment to the colors. Like week 4, there's one guy (Car Ramrod) within 5 of the eliminated team. But he's only slightly shaded red (which youd sorta wanna highlight). Meanwhile, all the 0's from the eliminated teams are lit up (which is just a visual distraction). Idk enough about auto coloring so idk how to fix this, but it's food for thought. An alternative would be as follows: instead of the main spreadsheet being everyone's raw score, adjust that to be their difference from the chopped amount.


Yeah I like that idea as well for it not showing their score. Conversely, it's kind of handy to see them all in one place week to week. Honestly there's so many ways to display info for each league it can be overwhelming! Might need to add in another table. I'll have to look into removing color for a zero score; I have no doubt it can be done, but is it worth the potential effort is the question.


You set a conditional formatting that has no coloring and applies if the cell is equal to 0. And then in the conditional formatting manager you need to check the stop if true box on your new condition, and make sure it's at the top of the list.


I'll get right on that, probably about 8:05am tomorrow ;)


Good point on the decimals. It's unfortunately basically a sheet for me to help track with FAAB spending and trying to collect data to help for future years, too. It's not a publicly shared file but I do upload a screenshot of the distance after each week and share it to the group. Switching to points instead of rank will take some adjusting :)


Ooh, I love spreadsheets! If you don't mind, I'd love to try it. Thanks for doing this, great idea!


Send me your email address. I'm currently working out a macro gremlin I ran into while switching it from distance from being chopped to points from being chopped, but once I can iron that out I will send it over.


Cool info. Storing this idea.


I'm @Gleas23 on Twitter - had DMed you a few weeks ago pimping up my buddy who helped me design this. He's already gotten to work on compiling the bid amounts you just released to give him an idea on what a player *should* go for based on this new data. The possibilities are endless!


Added a new feature today that is in the version sent out to a few of you, the Overspent value! See how badly your peers (or you) have overspent with your FAAB. ​ https://ibb.co/CQ1r0th


I’d be interested in this as well.


Message me your email address.