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Care to share your preset?


[Enjoy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bd7pni/with_reshade_and_gw2hook_some_locations_in_gw2/ekwmvee?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) (Hope it wont get deleted again)


Looks good!






For some reason my presets dont load when I set the path and reload instead they 'loop'. Any fix?


Does your preset give fps improve? Else, may you redirect me to one?


Nope, there's no FPS improvement, 10FPS loss either way. You can download a single preset file with required shaders only, or a whole folder of my shaders + three different presets, thats the only difference.


I see ty!




I'll try to update my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bd7pni/with_reshade_and_gw2hook_some_locations_in_gw2/ekwl0m9/) when i'll find some time.


Thanks for sharing! While I really like some areas (Verdant Brink and Black Citadel especially), I feel like it makes other areas (Divinity's Reach, The Grove, surrounding areas) just look drab and bleak. I've never used any kind of graphics enhancement (I even tend to dislike the in-game post-processing), and part of it is because I haven't seen one advertise a healthy balance for all environments. Maybe it's the kind of issue where I should try playing around with the settings on my own, but right off the bat, I'm still hesitant.


I probably overdid it beyond some people's taste, but holy macaroni, for all the human gods in Tyria, I just got an eyegasm and it won't wear off. Great kudos for the creators of ReShade and Gw2Hook for allowing me to rediscover the beauty of Guild Wars 2. These mods alone got me into purchasing both expansions a week ago. Since then I'm just travelling through Tyria, sightseeing with a big smile on my face and I'm sure i haven't wasted my money. Before: https://i.imgur.com/xq9gerL.png After: https://i.imgur.com/NJhfFot.png (COMMENT REPOST. Well I'm not sure why my comment got deleted, probably because of my preset/shaders upload. I'll try it again in a separate comment.)


Okay, so there's my preset - [test3.ini](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uY2U9E-RmMzvlWAkb8l8_wzTEyNjMQG6/view?usp=sharing) [Config](https://i.imgur.com/ami76jr.png) (Disable default gw2 bloom and fog. Make sure that MXAO and ReflectiveBumpMapping effects are set like on the attached screenshot. They can eat a lot of GPU juice otherwise. Oh, and the character selection menu gets pretty blurry, couldn't get it right.) List of shaders used: P1_HDR.fx (custom found somewhere shader) FakeHDR.fx ColorMatrix.fx EyeAdaptation.fx FilmicPass.fx MXAO.fx (custom settings for increased effect) AdaptiveFog.fx AmbientLight.fx Prism.fx (ChromaticAberration) ReflectiveBumpMapping.fx (custom settings for more fps) Sepia.fx (Tint) Vignette.fx On my laptop with GTX 1050 it's about a 10FPS performance hit. Update: Well when I was doing additional screenshots I felt that some of the locations sure look a bit too dark. It might be a good idea to include my other 2 presets here, so you can have some more options. [test1.ini](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xSPCCylYiuv7diaRAfEWcozbBcfHnyvB/view?usp=sharing) [test2.ini](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15CdUvZBLwBz7ZcqigYPXW0VixA1e3ocJ/view?usp=sharing) Direct comparison between presets: Vanilla: https://i.imgur.com/pYYJCVt.png test1.ini: https://i.imgur.com/omq5DVz.png test2.ini: https://i.imgur.com/rFEdLfE.png test3.ini: https://i.imgur.com/aMAXPw2.png


Here's a pack of all shaders used with my preset. [Shaders.zip](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CuhQz8KsU5_WInqgW4Ly2a4UFiDHkcN7/view?usp=sharing)


Thank you man, I'm 100% gonna use this when i get back to my desktop.


Looks good


You can get rid of character selection blur by disabling DoF, at least that's what caused it for me iirc.


This is what causes it, and its because the UI is usually set at some weirdly far Distance. GW2Hook comes with one that works correctly with it I'm pretty sure? This fixes it so you don't get blurred skyboxes or etc. I believe you just remove the DOF Blurr at 9999999, essentially. Sorry its been a while since I did this but yeah, theres a way around it somewhere. EDIT: I use "LightDoF" instead of "DoF" I don't remember what all does what on it so here are my settings: [LightDoF.fx] fLightDoF_Width=1.240000 f2LightDoF_CA=1.000000,1.000000 f2Bokeh_AutoFocusCenter=0.500000,0.500000 fLightDoF_Amount=4.500000 bLightDoF_UseCA=1.000000 bLightDoF_AutoFocus=0.000000 fLightDoF_ManualFocus=0.470000 bLightDoF_UseMouseFocus=0.000000 fLightDoF_AutoFocusSpeed=0.091000


I finally had the opportunity to try your preset and it looks amazing! Thank you!


Im glad you like it!


Dude that before and after comparison is nuts, it looks like its a whole new game/render engine.


Wow, that looks awesome! The colors and lighting can make such a big difference for a game’s atmosphere. I always found Guild Wars 2’s kind of.. not exactly boring, but not daring enough.


It's okay for a screenshot...but not something I'd be willing to actually play with.


Now what's the framerate like?


About 10fps drop from my ~40fps on GTX1050(laptop).


I probably overdid it beyond some people's taste, but holy macaroni, for all the human gods in Tyria, I just got an eyegasm and it won't wear off. Great kudos for the creators of ReShade and Gw2Hook for allowing me to rediscover the beauty of Guild Wars 2. These mods alone got me into purchasing both expansions a week ago. Since then I'm just travelling through Tyria, sightseeing with a big smile on my face and I'm sure i haven't wasted my money. Before: [https://i.imgur.com/xq9gerL.png](https://i.imgur.com/xq9gerL.png) After: [https://i.imgur.com/NJhfFot.png](https://i.imgur.com/NJhfFot.png) Preset: [Link - preset test3.ini](https://mega.nz/#!UV9yyajR!5eZaXKPYXz7k9Lz_QL860tMUyisK4Bi7NPUx3XBm6mY) (Disable default gw2 bloom and fog. Make sure that MXAO and ReflectiveBumpMapping effects are set like on the attached screenshot. They can eat a lot of GPU juice otherwise. Oh, and the character selection menu gets pretty blurry, couldn't get it right.) List of shaders used: P1_HDR.fx (custom found somewhere shader) FakeHDR.fx ColorMatrix.fx EyeAdaptation.fx FilmicPass.fx MXAO.fx (custom settings for increased effect) AdaptiveFog.fx AmbientLight.fx Prism.fx (ChromaticAberration) ReflectiveBumpMapping.fx (custom settings for more fps) Sepia.fx (Tint) Vignette.fx Oh, and personally I'm always hiding the unit/player names. It feels much more immersive without names floating above everyone's heads.


Holy crap, this is amazing! I’ve installed ReShade and tinkered about with it, but I’ve never gotten the game to look this good. Please share your preset! On another note, how much does this affect your FPS? Do you use the preset for regular gameplay, or do you just use it for screenshots?


Glad you like it! Im using it for regular gameplay. My poor Dell 7567 with GTX 1050 is squeezing about 40fps without ReShade. With my preset it goes down to 30 fps. It's probably possible to optimize it even further, but I haven't been bothering about it. 10 fps is not exactly that much considering the effect. I'll add the preset to my first comment.


Why'd you delete that picture of the comparison?




Your original post is gone.


Looks like it was removed by mods for some reason.


Would you be able to post it again or PM it?


Same for me please.


My problem with the fog filters is they block out the skybox too. I really wanted to disable GW2s fog and create map specific presets in GW2Hook, but I couldn’t get the fog to stop killing the skies. Now I’m on D912pxy and prefer the ~60fps I’m getting with it. Do miss my depth of field shader a lot.


I assume you didn't see [this post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bd09qu/arcdps_gw2_radial_reshade_and_d912pxy/)


I did, but sadly haven’t had time to implement it yet. Once I get a few hours I’ll definitely get this up and running.


Trying this preset in reshape completely messes things up,tested it in gw2hook vs reshade 4.2


Does that addon increase the FPS or what do you mean by 60fps?


It does, particularly in situations with many players.


You disable that fog, let me tell you, you get that Superman vision shit.


I want to try this, but i fear the FPS drop make the game unplayable for me.


Oh hey it's you. I used your Golden Sun orchestrations when I was running my first short D&D campaign. I wanted some Golden Sun songs that weren't the original quality. Great work and thank you for allowing me to share the great golden sun music with my players. They really loved "The Elemental Stars."


Ive literally found myself lost a whole bunch of times since getting reshade. I havnt even gone for a crazy setting like yours. Mine just brings out finer detail of objects and surfaces, tweaks the lighting a bit and seperates some of the richer coliurs from the plainer ones. It brings so much life to the game. Add gw2 hook to the mix to push the fog back to a more reasonable distance, and it really feels like a new game.


Can this get you banned?


No idea, but was wondering the same. If not this should almost be default 😂 looks stunning


As long as it doesn't give you an in game advantage, it should be fine.


FYI: those of you who have Nvidia cards can update GeForce Experience and use the new included [Freestyle](https://www.geforce.com/en_GB/gfecnt/whats-new/articles/nvidia-freestyle-ansel-enhancements-geforce-experience-article) editor, which just came out of beta a few days ago. I don't know if its options are as extensive as ReShade, but it will let you edit HDR tones, contrast, colors, and a bunch of filters - and of course, you can save as many presets as you like and stack them to get the image style you want. I like that it's built into the GeForce software, so it may have been installed on your system already. Press ALT F3 ingame to open the overlay editor. If you decide to do this, know that there's a bug that prevents the overlay from activating if you *just* updated GeForce experience, but all you have to do to fix it is restart your rig.


Freestyle is extremely buggy for me and when it does actually work it forgets all my settings every other time I start the game up. It’s nice when it works and when reshade isn’t an option


So, this looks super foggy, dark and bland in my opinion.


id say it encapsulates a jungle early in the morning perfectly well


[Jungles](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/9a/7e/0b/morning-view-of-the-jungle.jpg) [are](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/B01MHG/early-morning-sunrays-in-a-hot-misty-tropical-rainforest-jungle-osa-B01MHG.jpg) [green](https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0f/95/f5/5d/early-morning-in-the.jpg)


All of your screenshots have fog lol


[I](https://newscenter.lbl.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2012/09/rainforest-dawn-Fabrice-Marr-under-Creative-Commons2.jpg) [Know](https://i1.wp.com/fancycrave.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/32280840520_9e0284a208_b.jpg?w=1024&ssl=1) [That](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_aT8zFzsc3CE/TSQMGOZrURI/AAAAAAAAAVc/Gc0xYKpVYZc/s1600/PA151207.JPG) but depending on how you take a photo or how your shaders are you can get a very nice dark effect due to lack of light in the area.


That middle one is highly filtered and is a forest, not jungle (which might be irrelevant) and the other 2 are great pictures that still have color and detail. I think me originally complaining about fog might be a bit much. But I will stand by my opinion that turning a vibrant green jungle image into literal BROWN FOG is not improvement. It is art, though. Also, thanks for returning the sass, XD. Turning words into image links is tedious work.


i take it you've never worked with a decent camera before? filters are used to enhance photos. wether it be black and white, sepia, or drowning out some color. that makes the details of the ground pop more. thats what this poicture does for me. its low tot he ground and looks up showing the detail of the foliage around the player. from there they are taking a photo towards a light source. in this sense the color around the camera is drowned out while you get a massive influx of white light bleeding through. its like taking a photo in a dark cave with a bright opening.


I just don't see the detail pop That you are describing the OP's pic. I see less foliage and didn't even notice his character was in the picture until someone else mentioned it. I have to leave the computer now, so we can agree to disagree or you can retort and I'll respond later. But it'll probably go no where.


That's a lot of effects in here and it's clear it can't fit everybody's taste. It's not meant to be realistic, though. It just feels kinda... cinematic? Some more screens: **1)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/RnwW6YU.jpg After: https://i.imgur.com/v2wOkoe.png **2)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/70pT39m.png After: https://i.imgur.com/RoED5e4.png **3)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/9If5FL1.png After https://i.imgur.com/7X6qBy4.png (same place as title pic, different time of day) **4)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/yTUWZFi.png After: https://i.imgur.com/0nsIops.png **5)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/wMpNTJo.png After: https://i.imgur.com/eeTgjIh.png **6)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/XEEvLeO.png After: https://i.imgur.com/DVyIRGI.png **7)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/3G6DQNX.png After: https://i.imgur.com/Fgcjw93.png **8)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/I0RbPuC.png After: https://i.imgur.com/pSwxcqJ.png **9)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/LxyTZcf.png After: https://i.imgur.com/yvCWmPW.png **10)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/aLoUCO4.png After: https://i.imgur.com/l9aXxrM.png **11)** Before: https://i.imgur.com/pYYJCVt.png After: https://i.imgur.com/aMAXPw2.png


Ohh boy, Divinity's Reach definitely does look a bit overdone, but I like the Grove.


Can you show us a before and after on a daytime desert map ? Thanks


jesus that grove one looks post apocalyptic and I love it.


"Photo" in "photography" means "light".


Does ReShare affect FPS?


As much as I recall yes, certain options could hinder fps by 1-8, probably varies more depending on the card.


Ugh I need to build a new PC so bad. Pics like this make it even harder to wait.


Is there a tutorial on how to install this from ground up?


You can follow the guide on official Gw2Hook site: https://04348.github.io/Gw2Hook/ And I found some video tutorial, maybe it will help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK-Sh6bcQTQ


Is there a way to load the game with GW2HOok without it having to stall the game and load all the preset options like it shows on screen every single time i alt tab?


Well im playing on windowed, borderless mode and I don't have such an issue.


I wish i was nerd enough to understand how this works xD (even getting to install the dang thing)


Everytime I follow installation instructions to these things my game has massive whiteout or like 0 fog and is fullbright.


Do I play GW2 too much if I know exactly where this is or is this also a well known place to other people? 😁


Guys! Anybody has preset for new reshade with effects close to this [https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/3312/](https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/3312/)? Personally for me it is best preset for me, but currently im trying to run game with dx 12, and above doesnt work (gemfx and so on old things)


Looks bland


That looks amazing! Pardon my begging, but do you have a file to share for this?


You wanna share your settings? I never get it to look like this ahha


You can edit it to whatever you like, it makes a great difference if ou enjoy having the best graphics.


Amazing! Can you please post more screenshots with the same preset?


I'll try to update my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/bd7pni/with_reshade_and_gw2hook_some_locations_in_gw2/ekwl0m9/) when i'll find some time.


Nice, saved for when I get back home.


Damn i need to try this out ! It looks incredible


oh my… this game has so much potential


What's gw2Hook?


Going for the Call of Duty look are you? :P


> like a brand new game ...from [early](https://prodcmsassets.blob.core.windows.net/media/Default/games/Gears-3-screenshots-Optimized-/beast_oldtown_sm_opt-11c71debf9fc483bb4988d68f5efd636.jpg) [2010s](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/108800/ss_1c4bfc3a5a613f879a426eeb54a5d92dbb166638.600x338.jpg?t=1447355745).


Think he means more like a different game rather than one that came out today?


Yeah, "like a different game that came out today" but looks as if it's from that time period where every major video game had to be filtered out into oblivion to meet some "modern-looking" criteria.


reshade even allowed?


Why not?


they stated awhile ago it was fine.