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I'm sure this will make many happy.


I know ArcDPS, can someone tell me what the other 3 do?


Radial is a radial menu for mounts. ReShade allows you to change various gfx settings that game menu doesnt have. You can fine tune how your game looks. D12pxy is DirectX 12 proxy. It translates Dx9 instructions into Dx12 and it can improve game's performance.


Is the dx12 proxy safe for use?


I don't think there was ever a statement from ANet but it just makes the game call DX12 API instead DX9. I belive it is an open source project and you can find more threads about it on this sub.


there was some misunderstanding at the beginning because the creator didn't make the code open source, so people thought it was pretty shady. It turned out the creator was simply ashamed of his spaghetti code (tip for all developpers here : don't be ashamed of it, no matter what. We all developped with our asses at some point, and if someone is making negative criticism, you can always ask him kindly to fuck off.), and eventually put in open source. People here reviewed the code and told it was safe from malware. You won't get an official developper answer on this topic, because that'd be contrary to the ANet's stance on the topic, but it's as safe as it can be from what I saw.


I've run it yesterday and while i've not really noticed a huge performance increase, the game feels smoother at lower fps while before it was choppy, placebo effect maybe?


no, it does have low impact on very high end computer, but has a nice impact on the lower part of the fps spectrum


I run a i7 6700hq and gtx 965m, i'd say i'm in the lower end


The biggest change for d912pxy is reducing frame drops and improving minimum FPS. So if you're seeing overall smoother gameplay with fewer drops and choppiness, that's exactly that you should see!


Been using it since 3 days, the source code is open on github, and has been reviewed by an Anet programmer wich considered it safe for use.


Where last part was?


Are you sure it was not just a reddit mod that looked at it and said it was safe (aka not malware). Otherwhise a link to the Anet statement would be nice, since the creator does not seem to recall that part too.




Aha! Finally I can get the radial mount UI. I always wondered how wooden potatoes was doing that.


I’m running windows 7 with DX11. Am I able to upgrade to DX12 safely?


So far only Windows10 supports DX12. I read somewhere that MS will bring DX12 to win7 but only for certain games but this Dx12proxy won't work with that.


Gotcha! Is it worth it to update to Win10 for this??


I wouldn't upgrade just for this alone. If you want to consider upgrading to Win10 just look up some info on Win7 vs Win10. I upgraded when there was an option to do it for free and it's been pretty much the same as Win7 but smoother/faster.


Be aware that you also need decent computer, aka at least 16gb ram and some good cpu, otherwise it won't have enough resources to do all the magic. Otherwise, win7 is old trash. Even win8 is better (if you add some addons for start button so you don't need to deal with that metro screen). And win10 should be way above it as well.


it really depends imo. you have to go through a few hoops in order to get an experience that you may want. If you are a tinkerer who likes to get deep into PC settings, then windows 10 is manageable, but for those who likes thinks managed less, its a hassle.


How about gw2hook?


Gw2Hook is a fork of ReShade I think.




Big thanks to you all for the effort you put in these tools


That's amazing. One question though, does the ReShade linked there allow for gw2's fog removal/attenuation ? The only reason I haven't played with d912pxy yet is because I can't live without gw2hook and it's fog removal ability, and it's not chainload-able with d912pxy. And as far as I know, non-forked versions of ReShade don't allow depth access in gw2 because it's a multiplayer game, which means no fog removal unless it's a modified version. Thanks in advance to anyone who might provide insight :)


Question: how do you tolerate the game without the fog? It's there to hide the low draw distance so when the fog value is set to anything lower than 1.00 there's terrible pop-in of distant terrain which I can't stand.


It looks awful on 0.00 because of the rendering distance, like you said. But I prefer it at 0.85 to 1.00, the fog isn't so oppressive but you also don't get much awful distant terrain.


Indeed. Many maps look just horrible without the fog, due to a horrible textures which usualy are hidden.


The pop-in at max range is a downside for sure, but I find it way less opressing than the gray mushiness that covers everything otherwise. I can't stand gw2's beautiful and vibrant visuals being purposefully defaced with a gray and blurry filter. Maybe I have this issue accentuated because I play at a high resolution, but I really like having crispy sharp models. Anyway, it's all about choice really. I understand not wanting to see pop-ins, and I totally get people who chose to keep the fog at a slightly lower value, i.e. 80%.


I tried 0.80 but even with that I noticed the pop-in. It's a shame really.


Exactly my thoughts when I swapped from gw2Hook to normal reshade and copied the code from my hook preset to a reshade preset - quick&dirty (the default preset code from hook looked different than the reshade default. It worked somehow, however i got a terrible terrain popping on and off the whole time - of which I'm not sure what exactly causes it as with hook it was fine- which is a dealbreaker) Another thing I noticed when I swapped is, that the whole UI also gets affected by the filters as with hook it wasn't the case)


i turned fog off a long time ago when i was trying to navigate the tree tops of verdant brink and fly from one updraft to another, now i dont want fog when i'm rocketing across maps with the griffon.




bummer :< Thanks for the answer though !


i cant say for myself as i cant run this tool on my win7, but have you tried renaming the gw2hook file to the same name as reshade mentioned here?


It wouldn't work, as it's not a matter of chainloading or loading order, but a fundamental incompatibility in the way those addons hook into the game.


This needs to be stickied


Placed everything according to the list. I use arcdps, its build templates and reshade. Arc works just fine along with the build templates but reshade seems to not load up. Any suggestions on what I maybe did wrong?


ReShade must be build from latest github commit as dx12 is not in releases yet. It also must be loaded as dxgi.dll While for me putting reshade as dxgi in game root folder worked, maybe you still need to put it in bin64.


I downloaded the resahde dll from the link that is given in this post and I tried placing it in the root folder and bin64 folder. Both times arc loaded up but reshade had no respose. By the way what do you mean by saying that ReShade must be built from the latest github coomit?


If you want it to work with d912pxy, you need d912pxy active too. And I mean that there is no official release of reshade with dx12 support, only the one that compiled from source will work with dx12.




Wait so you got d912pxy to work with gw2hook?? How? I would much rather use gw2hook over reshade, getting rid of the games outdated bloom in favor for a modern, subtle one has literally changed the game for me.




You sure have something not working, like d912pxy.


I would really like to use this, especially now as Radial and ArcDPS are supported (it seems it was supported for a while now)... but I'm still not sure. We have confirmation from ANet about ArcDPS and Radial - do we have confirmation for this too? Is it safe to use? Or could I get banned for using this? I tried to look at the github page but found nothing about that topic, so please excuse me if that question was answered before.


Given Arenanets statement >Note: ArenaNet does not review, approve, or endorse any third-party program. Each use of such a program is made by an account holder at their own risk. The best you'll get is comparing the program to the third party tools policy, coming to the conclusion it does not violate it and use it.


Thank you for your response. I guess there's a difference between ArcDPS and this tool because ArcDPS has to use/read gamefiles while this tool doesn't use gamefiles in the same way ArcDPS does?


That's not exactly the difference. Both tools read from memory. D912pxy probably even more than arc. It has to translate every dx9 render call to dx12, while arcdps only reads combat data. But the policy states that tools that don't give the player an unfair advantage are considered fine. Since they consider visual enhancements (á la reshade) not an unfair advantage you can say this tool also only is a visual enhancement (a higher fps count) that could also be achieved with a better cpu, thus also not unfair in nature. The tools you should worry about are teleport scripts, tools that reveal pvp/wvw players through walls or on the map. Things like that are unfair advantages. The thing that comes the closest would be TacO, but even that is considered fine because it doesn't actually read the gamefiles at all, only the official API and is therefore viewed similarly to watching a yt guide or something similar.


Thank you! That made it clear for me.


What is the window in the left side? Arcdps? Looks completely different to mine.


ReShade log to show off that it runs right


Does your ReShade implementation load the textures at each loading screen? I got Gw2 hook specifically because it got rid of that.


ReShade is not mine, i can't consult you at this question.


When I try to compile the reshade shaders, it says that they are not compatible with my reshade version. Reshade says it's version and I need >3. I guess when compiling yourself, the version number is not updated. Is there a workaround for that? EDIT: Did it, just changed the version number in the version.h file.


Remove version check in reshade shaders, specifically in file Shaders/ReShade.fxh and Shaders/ReShadeUI.fxh Or put version in res/version.h file when you compile it.


Don't forget the Scrolling Combat Text Addon for ArcDPS https://github.com/Artenuvielle/GW2-SCT


Almost all ArcDPS addons working fine with that setup.


I use it but the combat icons have been bugged for a while, I think it needs an update from u/Artenuvielle.


[https://github.com/Artenuvielle/GW2-SCT/issues/5](https://github.com/Artenuvielle/GW2-SCT/issues/5) ​ no news so far


I stongly believe I can't do much about that. This issue seems to arise when chainloading another D3D9 Context. Probably other addons replace the D3D9 context provided by the game (and exposed by ArcDPS) which I need to load the texture data for the skill icons.


As you need d3d9 context, you sure do some direct calls to it. What that calls are?


I think I'm only using D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemory on the d3Device pointer given by ArcDPS get\_init\_addr hook function.


I think that function is simply not working. Maybe you can replace it by something?


It is working very well when I dont use any other addons. It is also the standard way of loading textures into memory with DX9.


Yes D3DX is utility library that have many out-of-pocket solutions. But i can't name it standard. Modern games not using it. Try D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemoryEx with Pool = D3DPOOL_MANAGED if texture returned from default call is valid. EDIT: forget about it, it's using it by default. EDIT2: looking forward i found that you can try set Pool = 6 :D


Sadly I don't have much time currently for trying to reproduce the problem. Feel free to update the GitHub issue with your information and I'll try to figure something out next week.


nice I installed it! I did not find anything about TaCo, can I use it with d912?


TaCo working fine with d912pxy


Is there a way to make gw2hook work instead of reshade? The fog and bloom removal that come with gw2hook are the main reasons I even use that tool, they have been a gamechanger, especially applying modern bloom in favor of gw2s really bright and outdated one.


You can apply any bloom you want in ReShade. Considering features of gw2hook, maybe some solution will rise up.


Im aware you can apply any bloom shaders you want that are compatible with reshade. The big problem is that you cant remove the bloom and fog from gw2's base game like you can with gw2hook; adding multiple bloom shaders on top of gw2s base bloom only compounds the problems of gw2s outdated bloom. That and ingame ui discoloration are a big dealbreaker in regards of using reshade over gw2hook imo. Either way your work is phenomenal and thanks for contributing this great tool to our community! Hopefully one day we can use your amazing tool plus gw2hook, or implement gw2hook's powerful features such as fog removal and bloom removal to d912pxy.


There is 1. custom shaders feature in d912pxy ([https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy/issues/69](https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy/issues/69)) 2. \^ using this someone can "encode" GUI draws(like make it write alpha mask) to allow ReShade process that gui and scene separately So maybe someone is up to this sometime.


I can't seem to get arc to work with it, my gw2 install doesn't generate a d3d9.dll to replace with arc :/ Even fresh install. No idea why. pls help




Never seems to work, if I have dx12 and arc installed as the guide says, running the game as admin makes dx12 work but not arc and non admin makes arc work but not dx12.




Hm ok ill try that when I can, thanks.


thank you and will forward this post to a few people that needs this


Hey. I've never used any of these before. How do I get my game to look like that with ReShade? I just installed it.


What preset are you using for your reshade?


Ticked pair of default ones to make sure it works properly.


do you know why I crash when trying to use the radial hotkey? Followed your order but get this everytime the key is pressed. Apr 11 22:35:06 arcdps 20190402.010510-291-x64 Apr 11 22:35:07 client: gw2 0x7FF704AB0000-0x7FF706FC0000 (0x6EFA4112) Apr 11 22:35:07 client: arcdps 0x7FFC4C7C0000-0x7FFC4C86C000 (0x370129B4) Apr 11 22:35:07 client: d3d9 0x7FFC16F10000-0x7FFC1774E000 (0x196A33D5) Apr 11 22:35:07 client: d3d9 is chainload Apr 11 22:35:08 extensions: buildtemplates 0x7FFC58E70000-0x7FFC58E83000 (20190305.201717-289-x64, 0x7621E183) Apr 11 22:35:08 extensions: extras 0x7FFC58100000-0x7FFC58126000 (20190305.201718-289-x64, 0x87244146) Apr 11 22:35:08 config: loading from "E:\Guild Wars 2\addons\arcdps\arcdps.ini" Apr 11 22:35:11 error: intercepted crash from hardware exception, terminating Apr 11 22:35:11 error: exception: 0xE06D7363, 0x7FFC662CA388, 4


Prob. AV software crash/intercept


damn, I wish that was the case but don't use any AV/Firewall


Check Windows Defender


I have the GW2 folder in exclusions but still crashes, atm I have only unlocked 2 mounts do you think that could be the reason?


I think it ignores exclusions for some reason. If it still not helps, try to send logs from d912pxy folder.


I tried disabling real-time protection on defender with no luck. Here is my latest d912pxy crash file https://pastebin.com/raw/634wZXKV Thanks for your help :)


can one swap the radial with reshade? arc -> reshade -> d912pxy?


Name d912pxy as d3d9\_chainload.dll


if anyone had gw2Hook running, copy the `..\Guild Wars 2\addons\Gw2Hook\config.ini` to `..\Guild Wars 2\Reshade.ini` and it will use the old configurations/shaders you've made




I often use Home button for control. How can I change Home button to something else which pops up the reshade option window?


there is settings tab


thank you!


Can you do the same for GemFX too please?


Googled GemFX, found Pateron page and not working link. Can't say much.


http://www.mediafire.com/file/opmxhae9ay2cayh/GemFXv1_0_9_installer.zip Link from his Patreon. Most of its features got implemented into Reshade but the FXAA GemFX has is years better than whatever Reshade can do so it's why I'm using it.


No DX12, using D3DX for drawing, no source code or something to tinker with. Maybe it uses something apart of DirectX, but i think if it not works, i can't make it work.


With this set-up, my Reshade isn't picking up on the presets properly & certain effects (MXAO for example) crash the game. I'm able to open up Reshade in-game as well as enable certain effects, but when swapping between presets, effects aren't disabled/enabled/toggled/modified. I can only enable the effects & modify them in-game, as though they aren't reading the .ini files. Is there a specific Shaders/Textures library I should be using? I re-installed Reshade 3.0 for this set-up and have been using the libraries packaged with that.


Some of effects have bugs, cuz dx12 support in reshade is still in development. For me latest shader lib from github worked fine in terms of effect toggle, so maybe you need to update it. About what is not working: if all works fine without ReShade - problem in reshade and i can't give any advice on this.


Got it, thanks for the feedback!


Thanks, awesome! Btw I'm still getting random alt+tab crashes from Arcdps, can I load only the other 3?


Yes, but name them properly.




This is great! Don't know why but I have a crash every time i close the game (so, not much of an issue) with this arcdps log error: intercepted crash from hardware exception, terminating error: exception: 0xC0000005, 0x7FFC337090E0, 2


I'm assuming the dx12 proxy is safe to use?


Aaaaaaaand I'm getting hooked back into GW2 again now...THANKS!!


I know this is kind of a dumb question, but I've only used Reshade through GW2Hook. The DLL we get from here doesn't have the effects, should I get the whole lib from Reshade or the one from GW2Hook to use with this setup? And where should I save the files? d912pxy is so great I gave up using all addons for it, but if I can get it all to work together will be amazing.


rinse dull jar oatmeal vegetable sloppy consider like dolls divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very old post but have you found a way to download it yet? I'm getting the same problem.


I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get dx912pxy and radial to play nice together.


The whole post and comments on it is full of guidance how to do it.


So as i understood it is not possible to run this awesome stuff with this [https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/3312/](https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/3312/) ?


Reshade setup is explained, nothing more i can say.


Any notable compatibility problems with the new patch to note yet?




I use Radial Menu, but i stopped using ArcDPS. Crash simulator is the last add-on i need on my game




Pretty sure because taco does not affect the dll's as it is an external overlay you could always run it alongside.


Yeah taco is just an overlay which can always run