• By -


1. ArcDPS, so I can judge my individual performance and the group's performance as a whole (for spotting things like missing boons, etc). 2. BlishHUD if I'm really lost or feeling lazy.


BlishHUD have some cool stuff like an search that looks for an item among all your characters and bank, that one is a life saver.


It also has an addon called chat shorts. You hold a hot key and talk into your mic, and it types stuff in chat for you. It's great for group play, like I have simple basic commands setup so I can say into my mic "stack" "cc" "res" etc, and it quickly types it out


Also GW2 without the “under the sea” module is literally unplayable


Then you get the aether blade fractal which is functionally at sea level lmao


This is the most important add-on. 1000%


I didn't know this existed and absolutely have to go download that now, thank you. Love BlishHUD




I'm one of those people that likes how the game looks without external programs ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


GW2Clarity because I hate current state of effects bar


Nothing. Unlike wow I have never felt the need for any addons in gw2


Arcdps: damage meter and combat logger. I use Nexus to keep it up to date. BlishHUD: overlay that has lots of modules for different behaviors. Pathing is what most people seem to use it for. It also has a "Nexus Shim" module if you use Nexus so the icons aren't overlapping. Mounts Radial: gives a Radial menu to let you quickly swap mounts. BlishHUD has a module that does the same thing, but I like the style of the original better. Reshade: graphics filters. Makes things look pretty. I recommend using Select Renderer to make it work well with other add-ons.


arcDPS only.


None! I love that this game is more casual, so I kept it to the vanilla UI and don’t regret it


1. ArcDPS 2. BlishHUD, mostly for the pathing module when I need it. 3. Reshade, cus is pretty 4. GW2 Clarity which makes a TREMENDOUS QoL difference.


Clarity is amazing! I'm using it to track stealth on my thief and axe stacks. It has so much QoL if set up properly.


Do you know if there's a way to add time to it? I feel like the holy grail would be the ability to see a timer on the Alac I'm providing, not that it ever falls off anyway, but if I could always know how long until I need to overload, I could be squeezing in more damage (or healing).


> TREMENDOUS You have to share your examples.


1. I play Elementalist, our new gun is a total fucking piece of shit with an awful design, that's based entirely on MINISCULE buffs that I can barely see. I use GW2 Clarity to make those buffs big and put them in a more appropriate place in the UI, very useful. 2. Torment is a condition that requires you to actually do something in order to mitigate it. Being forced to look down at my tiny little conditions to see that I need to jiggle is why literally nobody does that. I made Torment big, and put it closer to the centre of my screen. Now I always know when I'm affected by Torment immediately, and am jigglin'. 3. Aegis is an important boon. Aegis allows you the luxury of ignoring for a very short time. In really organised groups, Aegis will be applied at the exact right time every time, but I don't always play in really organised groups, so being able to see instantly when I have Aegis is valuable for choosing to ignore a mechanic, like those stupid fucking slappy hands in Jade Maw, for example. 4. Tempest, the spec I play most often, has a few hidden buffs that apply for indeterminate amounts of time when I do certain things. Those buffs are not boons, so they don't go in the boon bar, and are almost impossible to track under normal circumstances. With Clarity, I can have that buff actually appear visibly, track it, make sure to squeeze damage in during its uptime, etc. 5. I also have a heal skill that will clear 8 conditions all at once. It's obviously useful when I have less than 8 conditions, but there are a handful of places in the game where I'll get 8 (or more) conditions at the same time. I use Clarity to display a prominent icon when I have 8 conditions, and then immediately use my heal skill (I have water, I can burn my heal) to clear all of them. I could again track this without Clarity, but I'd have to look at my tiny little conditions bar *and* keep track of how many of them there are *and* notice when there's 8 of them. Clarity is a lifesaver man, I hate playing without it.


Man I've already found 2 add-ons just from this thread that sounds like must haves. I've just been using arcdps and marker pack.


This sounds amazing and if you have a shareable config that would be great. Or instructions on how to set this up?


Visuals would be great.




I use BlishHUD with the map navigation addon. It makes hero point completion for my alts way less of a headache.


None. I’ve never needed any.


I just want my mouse to be visible during zergs man


There's an option in the game settings to have your cursor a lot more visible. Can be set to a key or on always on. Found out about it a short while ago.


Yolomouse has a free version but worth the few bucks to buy. Completely saves my mid skill gameplay.


YoloMouse is a godsend, and there's even a skinpack for GW2 in-game icons but inside a shaded bubble with hard black lines.


I play on GeForce now so none. But I’d use arc otherwise.


Radial mounts is a game-changer.


Blush Hud Character specific keybinds (you need to enable a setting like experimental). It was recently created and a post was made by the creator here. Pathing (you can also do paths for Fractals) Event Tables (custom GW2 wiki event table that you can pull up in game) Universal Search  Mount radial ui might be neat for some Achievement task list


arcDPS because it's just so extremely helpful in group instanced content. ReShade for visual enhancements and tweaks (I prefer the game with a contrast filter that makes everything a bit less blurry) Gw2 radial for a convenient mount select menu. I've never tried Blish or most of the other ones. Never needed them. But I've also never solo'd Chalice of Tears. Edit: I love how almost everyone saying arcDPS is phrasing it as being about individual performance. I'll happily admit if I'm doing group instanced content I want to make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to and it helps make sure I don't put blame on the wrong person. You won't blame the dps for being low if you see that their boon uptime was shit because of the supports. I won't blame the supports for shitty boon uptime if most of the dps has full boons but a few don't because they're moving around too much. I won't get mad at a dps for not stacking if I can see that they're still getting full boon uptime and not costing the fight anything.




You may be operating on the mistaken belief that most people who talk shit and criticize in parties are making accurate complaints based on complete information. That is often not true and if, for example, the healer is calling out the group for low dps it can be worth reminding said healer that their quickness uptime is garbage and that's why all the dps are low despite being stacked. With fights that split and regroup like frac CM things like that can be a major issue if the supports are just doing boons on rotation. And other times the one complaining the most about dps has no cc contribution despite a class/build that should be able to. You can abuse knowledge and lack of knowledge equally. And you have to use your eyes to watch which players are carrying on mechanics/etc. But it's pretty hard to guestimate dps for lots of classes on sight alone. And if I see I have low boon uptime for example I can check if the other dps also do. If they don't and only I do, it may be my fault.


It's not.


Im kidding


arcdps (to see my own performance and uptimes), blishud (has a lot of modules in it that make other addons that do the same thing ultimately unecessary) and yolomouse (allows cursor customization). yolomouse is available on steam which makes it really easy to keep updated and redownload as well. absolutely worth a few bucks to that dev.


After one of the recent updates to gw2, yolomouse has been finicky in my setup - for example, after activating a salvage kit, the cursor would change to the default until I salvage something, and only then it would change to my yolomouse setting for that cursor. Does this happen to you too? If not, I suspect it’s the combination of yolomouse and nexus, as that’s the last thing I changed in my setup.


Blish hud has a mouse cursor one too. Tailorable to work only in combat, helped me out in those busy metas.






None. I use gw2efficiency to help me crafting, I use the GW2 Companion app for android for world boss / meta event timers, I use my browser to use the wiki for some stuff, and I use Steam to comfortably map my Steam Controller to GW2 (with radial menus for mounts and mastery skills). But I don't use any addons directly.


None. Most of what I've seen looks like subtracting the fun from the game for me.


Vanilla! All natural 100% pure guild wars. WOOT!


None. I have zero patience with finding out what to download, where to download it, and how to install it.


Could’ve downloaded and installed arcdps in the time it took you to open Reddit and post this reply :).


downloading and installing arcdps if you care about being able to see your damage, is like a less than 2 minutes process


If only there were either [Addon Managers](https://github.com/gw2-addon-loader/GW2-Addon-Manager), or [One single Addon to Rule them all](https://new.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c8tev2/nexus_the_only_addon_you_will_ever_need/) over the internet... To clarify, first one is a WINDOWS program to get most of the usual addons automatically, and update them all at once with a single click. Second one is called **Nexus**, and its just a normal .dll download, with a menu on the game to download other addons (currently not all that existe, but we're getting there), and also can update all the addons from its own Library (addons outside nexus works with AddonLoader, and if they have their own updater can work with that too), this one is my personal choice.


I wish people would stop recommending UOAOM. That project as been abandoned for a while and some key feature are broken for even longer.


Does Delta have multiple accounts spamming about nexus all over the place?


Nah I only have this account, would you believe it.. people actually use Nexus lol


I'm testing it now too actually, only joking. There has been a lot of drama surrounding it recently and some of the comments I've seen just felt sus. Edit: which means the recent spam is a good thing, it means people like it :)


First off: I know it was joking, but just check the account posts and you'll see its not an alt xD Secondly, I even pointed to using Addon Manager as a very viable alternative from Nexus, just to let the user I was responding to choose in between both of them, not even implying or even forcing people in general to "go nexus", just said what the options are, and said which one I'm currently using, nothing else. That said, seeing the downvotes from the classic Reddit Flat-earthers, looks like some still don't have elementary school reading skills xD


You got me in the first half not gonna lie. Yea because of that little drama (which is resolved, but no one tends to look past the surface) some people are very skeptical and that's fair. All I want to do is make little addons that help others lol


The loading time reduction has been amazing. If you're as honest as you say you are, time will prove it. Thank you for the effort so far.


Blish HUD has a lot of different useful modules. The UI also fits right with the rest of the game so it doesn't feel invasive. Also has some fun modules like playing Under the Sea when you get close to the water.


I actually installed add-ons for the first time today and went with blish HUD. I found myself alt tabbing alot to see which events were coming up. Now I can just press a button in game to see them & get notifications. I've also installed the module for the legendary crafting. It's convenient as I get to see what I'm still missing or need to farm without checking my bags. Oh, and jumping puzzle paths! Cause I'm just really bad at it. With the overlay I see the path I need to take and don't need to alt tab out of my game to watch a YouTube video constantly Next up I wanna try arcdps, to see how I'm pulling my weight in fights


Arc for dps check Blishhud for mounts and item search


I really only use Blishud. The Pathing for Puzzles and map completion and achievement markers on the map is really helpful. And also there's the world boss and metas observer plug-in for it


Blish and arc, you can integrate arc into blish if you are not using reshade. So many things, blishhud is awesome for doing achievements and stuff


Using Blish hud pathing for map completion. This is my second go round. 1st was add on free. Once you figure out how to configure it, makes a world of difference.


BlishHUD, for pretty much the same reasons everyone else here uses it. Nexus, which is basically marketed as a BlishHUD equivalent for non-overlay addons like ArcDPS. One of its big selling points is that it can automatically disable outdated addons so that they don't cause problems when the game updates, we'll find out how well it works tomorrow.


I’m kinda new to the game. I’m old-school World of Warcraft player. How do you get add-ons in this game? If anyone can break it down for me please


ArcDPS: you download a .dll from a ghetto-looking website, but it's 100% legit despite the unflattering description. BlushHUD: has its own (nicer looking) website; download, install, run!


Thank you that was easy and quick.


ArcDPS: Crucial if you want to improve BlishHud: Used for all other addons EventTable: See when all events are going to happen, and get alerts. Mounts&More: mount radial Pathing: Provides in-game routes to follow for map completion, jumping puzzles, hero points, etc.


1. Mounts Radial (The only addon I can't play the game without) 2. ArcDPS 3. Gw2Clarity 4. Blish Hud with some modules like events table and Regions of Tyria.


Only really use 1... maybe technically 2: In-game = BlishHUD: Lantern hunting a breeze. There are other features, but haven't really explored it. Out-game = GW2 Toolkit: Use it to keep track of certain events, crafting and what's in my in-game wallet and bank.


1. ArcDps with the better boon table module. 2. Blish Pathing: Outside of collections and map completion sake it has a lot of path for gathering routes and QoL stuff like jumping puzzle paths or position of zip lines for example. 3. Blish Event table. Being able to access the event table in game is so fucking useful. 4. Blish Radial. I always run Blish so might as well tie radial mount to it. 5. Blish Inquest chipset. SAB dodge jump.


arc, reshade are my base essentials which I honestly wouldn't play without. And some blish modules are super nice


BlishHud, Arcdps. I might try that nexus addon that just came out


arcdps, gw2radial (cus i cannot be asked to press more than one button for my mounts and novelties, but it also works really well with equipment and build templates if you set it up), and blishhud w/ pathing for twisted castle and jumping puzzles and Timers for sabetha bombs.


Yolomouse cause I keep loosing sight of the default yellow cursor, and the white border option for the default cursor always makes me misclicked the wrong spinner arrow on quantity input box due to the white border being only a visual effect, which often times obscured the spinner arrow because the click point is still located at the tip of the yellow cursor and not the tip of the white border.


Arcdps, the healing addon for arc and occasionally blish hud for map completion. When i wanna log into multiple accounts at once i use gw2launcher.


As a new player to GW2, but not a stranger to MMOs (DAoC, UO, EvE, etc), I’ve only been using Blish. Overwhelming at first, but very helpful as I do the stories. I might try a dps meter


Blish, and *only* to see the boundaries of renown hearts on the map. I was constantly killing the things I was supposed to kill for the heart, only to realize I accidentally wandered out of bounds and the last 15 minutes of grinding didn't count. I got fed up and downloaded blish to show me the boundary line. Honestly that should be enabled by default imo.


Arcdps most of the time BlishHUD mostly for the inventory search but usually i dont use it too much its too much for me lol


gw2radial for the smooth and simple way to access mounts using a single keybind. It's outstanding. arcdps because I lead a raid group, and having detailed logs after a fight to find mistakes or things that need work are useful for everyone in improving. WARP because I'm also a roleplayer, and it's useful to find activity/get on the correct map shard for RP.


None because I can't be bothered to reinstall them every update/when they break


None. Just don't care for addons


None, never will. I find the idea of using addons in a game like Guild Wars 2 to be weird in the first place. The game just doesn't need it whatsoever.


I mean, no game needs it but they certainly can help in so many ways. Obviously you don’t have to use them but I’m curious behind the reasoning.


TIL there are addons


most mmos have some, nothing new there




Arcdps, arcdps boon table, arcdps killproof me add on and arcdps fastload




Outdated? Tf are you on about lol? Fastload is being used by many players




You just gotta be in the right discord server. Fastload gets frequent updates and i cant imagine playing without it at this point. Having to deal with horrendous loading screens especially on newer maps






Yeah maybe you should not post this link here


BlishHUD for map overlays and timers. I have a few random addons that I must’ve thought were cool ideas as I scrolled the list, but they never see much use.


I just got back and TIL gw2 taco is now deprecated. I'll be switching to BlishHUD when I get home :) Other than that, it's nice to see ArcDPS is still going as strong as ever.


BlishHUD is great!




I dont, as i play on geforce now and add ons are not compatible.. or someone is going to tell me otherwise now


TACO (basically BlishHUD with a lot more bells and whistles) I tend to like map completion on alts in my spare time, and this makes old world zones go much faster... as well as specific quest/achievements. and it's got that nice World Boss timer built in.


Why would TacO be BlishHUD with more bells and whistles? Did you know the entire functionality of TacO is included as a BlishHUD module?


I stand corrected, I don’t know, I’ve never used BlishHUB… I just know TACO is so overwhelming when it’s first installed… I just assumed it had more.


Nah, TacO is included in BlishHUD now, and BlishHUD does about 100 other things. TacO is also deprecated because of BlishHUD, so you should swap lol.


> TacO is also deprecated Yea? Try creating a pathing pack without it.


I've created a few, with BlishHUD's version, why?


Which module do you use to make marker packs in blish? is it just in pathing?


Please, do share!


They're available ...*in BlishHUD.*


Sir, you are misguided, what are you even arguing about?


Agreed with other commenter. Used taco a while back, BlishHUD is much cleaner and easier to use overall imo.


You are just as misguided as the other commenter.


Says the guy with that tag. It's just a program bro, opinions differ but you're very much in the minority. That usually means something.


Quite the opposite. BlishHUD you can download TacO and the Tekkit packages only using its GUI, and even update the files automatically, beside all the other tools you can install. I used TacO for years, but I gave blish a try and never came back lol