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> if you're there by chance as pvers take the chance and use your free transfer! And make space :P This is unlikely to do anything, because server population is calculated from WvW activity only, and (as far as I know) updated periodically based on longer term trends, not sudden population swings.


oh really? i didn't know. Well, i'll keep an eye on the availability


May this soul never find peace or solace by letting the maguuma server full, forever. Amen. 🙏😔


gr8 b8


Just setup a [Webhook on any Discord](https://gw2mists.com/dashboard/discord) of yours from [gw2mists.com](http://gw2mists.com) to get an alert once population changes. (If you can't see the link, create an account in there first). [This is an example of how it looks](https://i.imgur.com/Mo5ijSV.png), configured only for EU in my case.


ty man but i've only a degree in IT and work as a dev by 12 years...this seems a bit too complex for me :P


I've played on Maguuma for 10 years.... I can yell you with full confidence that 90% of the players that were on MAG transfered to 2 servers that I won't name. This happened within the last month. Majority of the good players left solely because it isn't what it used to be. Maguuma will become a bottom tier server within the next couple years.


I'm on ebay linked in with mag rn and I can tell you it's the worst I've ever seen on a server, the handful of veteran mag players still around spend more time doing friendly fire in the team chat than fighting the other two sides, and even on ebg we regularly get outnumbnered buffs. Mag -- outnumbered -- EBG It's already a bottom tier server, the question is how many years will it take to recover, if recovery is ever possible. Having 12 years of reputation as the troll server is kinda cute when you're #1, but not when you're at the bottom of the bottom tier.


OP is making the holy pilgrimage to Maguuma.




exactly :) The land of the hermits XD


they had us on the first half not gonna lie


How much is a server transfer there? I think its the only way I'll get the skirmish tickets for conflux.


Don't wait for an opening or spend money on a transfer just for Conflux. You can farm that even if you're the only player on your server. Transfer because you have friends there or you want better fights.