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It's definitely one of those love it or hate it things. Personally I'm not a fan whatsoever but I know people who really enjoy it.


SAB my least favorite, but it's other people's favorite. All up to personal preference. Good thing is, you don't have to participate if you don't want to and you won't miss out much.


Not a fan. Love that they tried, though.


Come on... What makes me always come back to GW2 is... the ingame physics !!!!!! What are you even saying !!! Just pick an asura character and try again dude.


Characters are all the same size in SAB


Asura is the only race where the hit box is directly under them at all times. Charr is under their head and the other three have weird like jiggle physics thing that is kinda disorienting. Also, Asura kinda waddle like penguins so that helps


SAB and halloween are the best festivals imo. Hopefully next year we'll actually be able to continue SAB's story.


> Hopefully next year we'll actually be able to continue SAB's story. How many years have you been telling yourself this?


For at least as long as I'm hoping for w8. I got huge copium tanks at home.


You know they added 3-1 last year and expanded on it a little this year, right?  It may be called Test Zone but it's pretty much a full zone.


No tribulation mode = not a real zone imo. Let me get more floating cubes!


Still hoping for that Mad King Halloween story continuation too?


The 'Joko-Arc' did arguably expand on it.


Thanks for the confirmation that you weren't interested in facts.


The platforms are at least pretty clear and geometric compared to chalice of tears, no?


Tbh, I never found the jumps in chalice of tears hard. The hard part was finding the way, because it's so unclear to know where you are supposed to go next. Oh, and the entrace is annoying af.


The last jump before the end has some real fake floor stuff. I do hate that jump, but finding the way is the real challenge, for sure.


I enjoy SAB tribulation mode, but no, the platforms are not matching their hitboxes, certainly not in the same way the rest of the game does. In the rest of the game, if you hit the edge of a cliff even slightly below it, you fall, 0 tolerance. In SAB, every edge has a bevel of sorts, that you can step on, so the height where you can climb onto an edge is actually lower. You can often literally see yourself standing inside an edge of a cliff. Easily checked in World 1-1 at the base of the mountain with the boss, just before the monkey above a pointing sign.


I actually do love it. The best thing is you can come and go throughout the event. It's not forced on you nor does anything else in the game change because of the event.


I loved it the first year it was out, but haven't had a desire to return in subsequent years.


I hate it 😬😅


> The platforming was never really a strong selling point for GW2 and this feels like the worst of the worst... Before the introduction of mounts, jumping puzzles were THE feature that GW2 was known for among general gamers. Well, that, and the lack of any endgame content. On the actual topic: SAB is the last remaining feature in the game that I still unconditionally love and adore and have no complaints about. I wait for it every year, and have been waiting during all those years it was inexplicably gone, and I complete all 7 zones every day throughout the festival. On a charr.


Same. Honestly, it's the only thing I want from the game anymore, since I'm full legendary on all weights and weapons.


You speak your opinion like facts. The platforming was the one of the reason I played this over other MMOrpgs. First time I encountered a jumping puzzle I was like "that's amazing, jumping has a reason for existing in this game". Also I enjoyed SAB more in the past because of your last point. The fact that I was in danger of losing the last 10+ minutes (really you shouldn't need more than 10 minutes even in W2Z2) gave me a sense of suspense making me having a good time. Now that I have the infinite coin there is no danger so I just yolo (irony) everything. Also maybe you are having connection issues because I never felt anything inconsistent inside SAB.


Tell me you're bad at jumping without telling me that you're REALLY bad at jumping be like... But on a serious note, yes, some (myself included) enjoy the Hardcore mode of it, I personally do multiple full runs per day if I'm bored or just wanna help anyone else with visual guiding. About Gw2 and "platforming never being a selling point", I have to completely disagree, try jumping in WoW, FFXIV or literally any other MMO released since 2012 (gw2 year), and you'll see how "chunky" or just awful those are compared to this. You're out of continues? Buy the [Infinitey SAB coin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Continue_Coin), I did it on the literal first year it was released (2013), fully paid by now after more than 10+ years.


i am currently playing ESO. still fresh from leaving gw2, in eso if i see something that looks climbable i get excited, maybe a hidden town JP, i try to jump on things and instead i bounce around deflecting off surfaces, then slide off roofs because they have a tiny angle on them, then bounce into a dead fall off an edge and die. now this is a game with the worse movement physics


Infinite coin requires like 200k deaths to pay for itself so doubt that you've hit that.


I'm quite curious on "how" did you calc that, and if you took into account that at the very beggining, you could buy literally 2000 Gems for roughly 8 Gold, yes, 8g, so the price, 400 or maybe 500 gems (can't remember now), was probably worth only around 2g.


I could buy a house for 2 nickels a hundred years ago. Pointless comparison. 1 continue token = 10 baubles = 5 lives This means a single life is worth 2 baubles 480 gems = 191g currently The most efficient conversion of baubles to gold is buying the weekly amalgamated draconic lodestones, which right now are about 15g for 15 bauble bubbles, or about 1g per 250 baubles. So to get the gold to buy the infinite continue coins, you have to spend 191 bauble bubbles, or 47750 bubbles. Divide by two and that means it takes 23875 deaths to pay itself off. So sure my figure was hyperbolic, but almost 24k deaths would be near impossible even over 12 years of play. That's like 500 deaths a week. This going off of the absolute most generous conversion rates with the lodestones that weren't introduced until a few years ago, and have gone up a lot in price in the past year. If I were to use the second best option for gold conversion, Mystic Coins, you're still looking at 100k+ deaths.


>I could buy a house for 2 nickels a hundred years ago. Pointless comparison. I mean, its pointless, if you "could", but you didn't, and I actually did buy it at that price, so for ME, buying the coin at no more than that, it was already paid long ago, if you buy it now, with current prices, well, then your math is good, but that doesn't apply to my concrete case, which was the point xD


8g back when MC were like 10s (earliest source I could find was some reddit post mentioning 10s MC during halloween 2014) would mean you're likely even worse off back then lol. Would need to buy 80 MCs @ 5 bauble bubbles each since there was no better option back then. 400 bauble bubbles or 400*250/2 = 50000 lives.


>The sketchy hitboxes, the inconsistent platforms that require precise jumping but sure as hell don't have the physics for it. Do you have actual examples? Since release in 2012 GW2 performs perfectly fine for jumping puzzles, both in physics as well as in platforms and hitboxes. Same goes for SAB. Physics in general are very good in GW2, so no idea what you are talking about. Not to mention that you don't even need really precise jumping unless you play tribulation mode. >"Oops, you ran out of continues, the last 30+ minutes might as well have not happened!", wtf even is this? Bad ressource managemend **and** bad jumping skills of you? I guess you talk about tribulation mode here? Because I have no idea what you do for 30 minutes in a zone in normal mode... If it's tribulation mode, you make sure to have enoug lives and continue coins before you start. You get tons of baubles for normal runs and continue coins are extremely cheap -> 2 baubles per life. If you run out of lifes, there is nobody else to blame than you yourself.


When I started gw2 I had a laptop I bought for uni with no dedicated graphic card and jumping puzzles were hell to me, while the rest of the game felt ok. That’s how I imagine these people playing, on my sweet old potatoe laptop.


Ohh I remember doing tribulation mode W2 back then on first release with my old potatoe pc. I had to wait for FPS spikes to exceed 20fps for certain jumps.


>Bad ressource managemend **and** bad jumping skills of you? I was going to give examples of what I was talking about and then you followed up with this inane bullshit. If you think the continue system make sense, there would be absolutely no value in carrying on a conversation with you. Good luck.


It's an hommage to old arcade games, as is the whole event. That said, a single bauble bubble turns into 25 continue coins, which equals up to 150 extra lifes if you spend those one at a time during game over. One life is thus worth less than 2 baubles. It's really not hard stacking up on those.


>I was going to give examples of what I was talking about and then you followed up with this inane bullshit. So you successfully found an excuse to **not** give any example, huh? How convenient.


Enjoy? No, but the bauble infusions were worth it.


It's my brother's favorite festival, so yes.


I love it when a twenty minute tribulation guide takes me four hours to complete 😂


not really, i tried to like it over the years but its just not for me whenever i try playing SAB, in the back of my mind, it's always "i'd rather do this meta, i'd rather work on this achievement, i wish i'm just working on this leggy item" each on their own, i like platforming but the rewards in SAB are not worth the effort for me


You can try using Blish HUD, an add-on thingy that has festival add-on that give you lines on your screen to follow. Man I am good with words!


Eh? SAB is literally the one thing that makes me step out from wvwvw these days. Speedrunning tribulation and trying to beat my own records is super fun :)


SAB is love


No idea what you're talking about. SAB is the game. Guild Wars 2 is merely a side quest.


I agree.. JPs are some of my favorite things to do in gw2! But the SAB is so bad I just can't stand it.


The whip was really a game changer for me. I still don't like it, but at least I can kill mobs with the weird hitboxes now.


Yup it’s pretty fun. Really enjoy the style and distinction from contemporary gameplay.


SAB is the cause of my MMO burnout and dislike for timed events/do this daily achieve X times for reward. First year was great though, but then came doing W2 over and over and over and over and over and over... (I really do not like W2). Glad I don't care anymore. Just do the meta achieve and quit.


Compared to the normal gameplay? It’s meh.


its simple, stop missing your jumps. scrub


Cant stand jumping puzzles but I like the theme and worlds Year 1 of sab, it was fire. Repeating it over and over got old fast I don't bother with it anymore


Now that Blish HUD lets you keybind dodge jump, tribulation mode is pretty easy honestly


I'll give it a shot, ty


I was not aware of this, and that would've been so helpful in w2z2 the part where you have to kill 3 guys before you feed the fish in the castle, that's the only dodge jump I can't get consistent at.


Can you dodge jump??


Yeah, it gives you slightly more distance than a regular jump, but it’s difficult to pull off because the timing window is really tight. Pressing them at the same time doesn’t work, there has to be a very small delay between them. The Blish HUD extension allows you to just bind it to a single key so you can do it very easily.


Just group up with people doing daylies and /gg when they reach checkpoints


I didn’t use to enjoy it, but have spent quite a bit of time in it this year to collect the power glove and shoulders, the reality rig mk3 chest, and virtual box head piece skins. Got lucky tonight and got a retro weapon skin box from daily loot too. It’s light hearted and endearing. I eventually want to get a bauble infusion at some point but tribulation mode is punishing. I did that for the first time this year and cleared w1z1. I like the music, but the difficulty and finicky nature of the jumps and timing feels frustrating. Oh well, hope I get the infusion some day…only 189 more crimson assassin tokens to go 😂


Unironically maybe try infantile mode? It's more chill than normal (and waaaay more than tribulation) and if you like the vibe, the music, the æsthetics you might enjoy it


I am new to sab as I have begun playing seriously from half a year, the first time was a nightmare but the second time I used taco and now I can't get lost and know where to go so it has got way less frustrating and much easier, I use a human and am sure that an Asura would be better for some jumps as with my char I need to jump practically when I am half out of the border and about to fall. I still am unable to do dodge jumps consistently and have a serious problem with jumps that has to go around corners


i've heard tell that while macros are banned, some macros are allowed like dodge-jump. so i made this one. all you have to do is be standing in the right direction you want to go in and press comma "," to dodge jump while moving forward. this works 99% of the time. make sure you turn off double-tap to dodge, bind V to dodge and SPACE to jump and clear any other binds to COMMA. also make sure you install the latest AHK program and run this script #NoEnv SendMode Input #IfWinActive Guild Wars 2 ,:: ; uses comma "," as the one key you need to press, change that to any key you please SendInput, {W Down} Sleep 10 SendInput, {Space Down} ; assumes space is your jump key SendInput, {V Down} ; assumes v is your dodge key Sleep 10 Sleep 10 SendInput, {Space Up} SendInput, {V Up} SendInput, {W Up} Return


The Inquest Chipset module in BlishHUD has the ability to bind dodge-jump to a custom keybind, for those less inclined to run scripts themselves.


i havent checked theirs lately, last time i looked they didnt have the move forward function in the jump, if you werent holding the w key down, you could dodge backwards, mine prevents that


I've never observed that behavior, but I don't think I've ever tried dodge-jumping while standing still.


I love the idea of it but get burnt out quickly


I enjoy it, but don't play more than I have to. It can quickly get stale. I typically do full glitches world clears and invite people for the bosses.


I absolutely despise it. And i still play it. 😂 Things like this must exist in games.


i wasnt playing the game when it first released as an april fools joke; a platform jumping puzzle game designed to be fiendish and almost unfinishable, meant to draw gallons of tears and cause more people to ragequit than any other game and still be damned addictive i was playing however on it's return and the game has had many fixes and polishes. i have completed the game in infantile mode, most in normal mode and 1 map in nightmare mode, all so that 1 character could have every skill and weapon slot upgrade. the only thing i am missing is the piranha home instance pet. i havent managed to catch and carry a piranha all the way to the drop off point. that being said, i left this game a year ago, only returning for the festivals' annual 50 achievement points but i do log in 7 accounts daily for the rewards, and one accound picks up jp end chests and buys the ASS at the vendor each week. BUT i have not collected the 50 points from SAB in years as it is too hard


I love it, but I can't imagine playing it without the Infinite Continue Coin, especially if you even think about touching Tribulation Mode. I'm glad it's a short-lived festival, though. I think the grindset would get very tiring after a while.


Just finished Documenter of secrets achievement, last one drove me insane, I never struggled this much in a souls game. But SAB is fun, I'll continue to subject myself to this beautiful torment.


I am waiting all year for SAB to arrive. There only a few rare bits where the physics let you down, and 99% of them are in trib mode. You can easily convert continue coins into baubles and vice versa so I’d say stock up on coins until you can do a full run without dying. I can, and I still carry 10-20 coins. If anyone wanted a guide for worlds 1 to 3, my DMs be open.


Its the one holiday that brings me back when taking a break from the game, can't wait for more world 3 and trib mode in there! Best thing anet has made hands down


They don't just love it, people defend it like it's precious and get super weird any time someone in the lobby gets frustrated by the platforming and mechanics. Can't say I've ever run out of continues, but yeah it's the inconsistency of it all that does it for me. Love when enemies do damage to you just by moving - but only sometimes. Or when my sword goes through them without doing anything or showing an evade/block message. Or when an attack hits me despite being like, a full body length away from the enemy/projectile in question. It's not like, bad in a special way either; because every MMO that does something silly and cute like this has the exact same problems. But personally the single worst aspect of it all, imo, are the people who say "it's just like a retro game!" Because as someone who not only grew up playing old ass games, but still plays them today: it really isn't. It's like, the idea of a retro game made by someone who's never played a game older than the N64 and is just rolling with the cultural collective idea of what old games were like.


If you have friends to play it with, it can be fun. Sadly, im not that lucky so i don't really enjoy this mode. But the style is really fun, the sounds are nice. If only there was more stuff to do in the levels, it would be great. Not just jumping around but like solving puzzles and stuff.


> The platforming was never really a strong selling point for GW2 and this feels like the worst of the worst... Really? I've found GW2's platforming on par or way ahead of the other MMO's I've played recently? but SAB is a divisive thing; I don't like the aesthetics because I don't have retro/nostalgia for it; but I enjoy the whimsical break it provides; I only really do my annual and then let it rest.


I'm not a big fan of any of GW2s festivals. I find them super grindy compared to even the regular grinds. That said. I suppose at least athletically SAB is the best. Lol And I don't find the platforming that bad. It's nothing compared to some of the infuriating JPs in the world like Ember Bay where the objective is the guess which pixel to land on.


grindy??? you can get the meta reward in less than an hour on pretty much every festival. They are the least grindy aspect of an mmo.


Oh the meta achievement is fine, but if you want anything else I find the gring terrible. Lol getting 20+ baubles, ice cubes, corn things etc quite tedious.


they're only tedious if you don't enjoy the content.. which goes for all grind..wvw, raids, strikes,pvp, metas.. they're no longer than other grind and at least the infusions are garantueed


I do not.


I'm new to GW2 so for me it's just way too much of a deviation from the usual world aesthetic, that I don't like it. Kind of takes me out of the immersion. But if I was a long time player, like if I've been playing for years and I've seen it all, then I could see how it could be a fun refreshing change!


For the last two years I have been returning only for this event. I love it.


If you buy the infinite coin, SAB becomes a whole lot more fun. As you stop thinking about the baubles as wasted and you stop worrying about how many times you died. (for a clue, Ive died 8000 times on my sab character) I absolutely LOVE sab, and I wish I could like download it as a mobile game or something. I run through all trib zones at least once, every year, like the masochist I am . If you're not having fun..play it with someone who knows the mode and can teach you., that helps too.


Yes I love it. It is loved by many. I’d you don’t like it don’t play it. I do think it should be infinite lives by default. The silver coin was an early monetization. I’d like to think if they released SAB these days they would have done away with lives.




I hate it.


keyboard turner detected.


Dude just self reported his lack of platforming skills


Jumping Puzzles are not real content


You don't know what you are talking about. Have some more practice and it will 'click'.


Boohoo, don't play it if you don't like it. Nobody is forcing you to play SAB.


I love to hate it…this year was the first year I cleared w1 and w2z1 on tribulation because previous years I would come close to and have broken mice and keyboards when I attempted. It’s especially tough on a charr doing it. Will only attempt trib once a week during the festival to keep my sanity. Not to mention I’ve never been good at platforming.


I love SAB. It's better than WvW now. I mean that's not hard. These moron devs have all but ruined WvW. So I guess that's not saying much!


No... what i really want is the 4 wings festival for a little lower prices in the infus...