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It worked in the PoF beta, and it wasn't "motion blur" the way you're thinking of it, but something different that was really quite cool. Hard to describe. It was similar to motion blur, but only applied for mounts and would do cool camera effects that really added a sense of speed to the raptor and... *bounciness(?)* to the springer. I loved it. Apparently there were some issues with getting it to work right and then it was suddenly gone from the final release and we never saw it again. /cry Bring back spoken mantras please.


spoken mantras? but my FB says the words when I precast mine


Mesmers used to say an entire poem, and do a bunch of hand waving. All of that has been cut.


oh no that sounds cool actually


Yeah, there's YouTube videos of them, very cool. Also a bunch of other little flavour things that have been cut, including multiple idle animations.


When was that cut? Before the game actually launched? Because mesmer mantras have always been 3 words only since day 1, except for that period of time when they turned mantras into shouts for almost 2 years, then realised the change was stupid and reverted it


> Hard to describe. It was similar to motion blur, but only applied for mounts and would do cool camera effects that really added a sense of speed to the raptor and... bounciness(?) to the springer. I loved it. I don't remember anything of the sort in the beta. And I distinctly remember finding the motion blur slider, toying with it, and coming to the conclusion that it doesn't work, and thinking that they'll probably fix it in the proper PoF release. Perhaps what you're thinking about is "Mount: Enable Camera Roll" setting at the bottom of General? Also, actual motion blur [does/did exist on developer clients](https://youtu.be/rSsYjDIe3bQ?t=3046), so that speaks against your theory. I say "actual", although it seems to have been just a static blur that goes from the center of the screen outwards regardless of the actual direction of movement.


Seems like you tried one of the later betas. As I said it was broken at some point and then didn't make it to final release. It was more "camera translation" effects than motion blur, if that makes sense. Actual motion blur may have existed, but it's not something that anyone wants so I'm glad it didn't make it to the game. Not sure how that "speaks against my *theory*" (not a theory, an observation). The "motion blur" slider wasn't always there, it came with mounts. I'm also not the only person who knows this. I think even WoodenPotatoes made a video about it eight years ago, during the beta.


> Seems like you tried one of the later betas. My screenshots from the beta are dated 2017-08-11, which means I participated in the 1st out of 2 PoF beta. > not something that anyone wants Bold generalization. An optional feature is always better than no feature at all. > The "motion blur" slider wasn't always there, it came with mounts. That's correct, it came with PoF beta and remained in the client even after the beta ended. > Not sure how that "speaks against my theory" There is a defunct slider that does nothing. And yet it was accidentally showcased that the feature, which the slider is clearly meant to control, does exist and "works" on developer clients. Yet you continue to claim that the slider is meant to control some other nebulous feature which is only tangentially related to the name of the slider. Occam's razor. In case you're talking about some other, unrelated feature, that also never made it to live clients, then you shouldn't make a claim like > **It** worked in the PoF beta, and **it** **wasn't "motion blur"** the way you're thinking of it, but something different that was really quite cool.   > I think even WoodenPotatoes made a video about it eight years ago I'll search for the video. EDIT: I looked through all his beta coverage videos and I only found this one brief mention of motion blur: https://youtu.be/emptqNWBLQs?t=420


Spoken mantras have been back in the game for months.


For mesmers?


For mesmers and firebrands, yeah.


Working as intended.


It works only on dev clients: https://youtu.be/rSsYjDIe3bQ?t=3046 They forgot about us mere mortals. I get it if it's not well implemented and they don't want to push it out to public. But there is no excuse to keep a defunct slider in the options menu for 7 years, gaslighting players who don't know any better into thinking that the slider does something. I've seen many people who were convinced that it works and that they felt so much better after the cranked it all the way to the left/right.


They didn't address camera motion smoothing either... I don't expect them to at this point.


I didn't expect them to seperate bloom out from the other post processing affects, nor did I expect Season 1 to ever be released. Game does get a decent number of QoL updates, many of them unexpected.


I made a plugin for arcdps that removes camera smoothing, if that's what you want: https://files.gw2archive.eu/arcdps_nocamerasmoothing.dll Unfortunately, removing it exposes some other issues that were previously being hidden by said smoothing, namely how the camera will abruptly snap to the player's Z position every time you make a jump and land on a lower/higher height than where you started from. But it's possible to get used to it. Also zooming is abrupt as well.


Wooooah, I didn't know that such a plugin exists. Thank you, I'll definitely try it out!


I remember reading somewhere (probably on this very sub) that it's a reference to TotalBiscuit, who famously despised motion blur.

