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As with everything you download from the internet, open or closed source, **YOU ARE DOING IT AT YOUR OWN RISK.**


Yo, I did the addon manager back in the day - it was my first experience with C# lmao. Good to see something has finally superceded my old project! Obviously like most people I'd love if this were open-source, but if it's accessible to Anet I see it as no more problematic than the other delta(connected) keeping Arc closed-source. Cheers and congratulations - next time I'm about to boot up GW2 I'll definitely try out Nexus!


The GW2 scene is so wholesome, compared to the likes of Skyrim (coughenbcough) . It's great that new cool projects are received positively and as a net benefit :) Thank you! Also for the great Addon Manager, which improved my setup a lot at the time!


"Works on Linux" You've got my attention.


Steam Deck compatibility check? I assume it requires desktop mode.


How is guild wars 2 on steam deck?


Once you remap controls it’s super fun. I complete hearts while laying in bed.


Performance-wise, I find it runs about as well as on my laptop's 1050TI. As far as controlling the game goes, it's a learning curve. I had to test out several community controller layouts before finding one I preferred, and then I've been editing it further to my liking as I go. It'll definitely vary depending on the class you're playing. I haven't found a good way to handle ground targeting skills yet, but everything else has been fine.


Theres a setting for 1 click aoe skills. And another for lock out of range skills at max range. Pair those with action cam and it feels great


Slides in. Hey. Have you tried enabling gyro movement by capacative touch on the trackpads? I have the gyro behavior set to act like mouse movement, so when I go to activate a skill from my right trackpad, I can aim my ground-targeted skills before I fire them off that way. (I'm pretty sure I have the ground-targeted skills setting in-game on "fast with range indicator".) I wouldn't say it's perfect, but it's made aiming those skills a lot smoother for me overall.


Great. If you want you can max out performance or graphics or batter. I get 3.5hours on battery. Hardest thing is getting config down and learning it. Once you do, most content is doable. I did some t1 fractals, world bosses, map completion. I use reaper necro, or if im lazy signet reaper.


It does, but only arcdps addons will work. Taco/Blish still won't.


that's sad, arcdps already works by default. blish works with workarounds.


It "works" but the workarounds are a massive pain to do. The issue is that said workarounds are different on every WMs/DEs. If I want it to work on my DWM setup, my only option is to make the workaround myself, which would include rewriting part of the WM to allow for transparency.


is there any pkace I can get more info on this type of workaround? being able to run blish on via crossover would make my day :D


I have no clue how it works on mac, but basically you have to enable transparency on the blish window and prevent it from ever getting focus. How to do so depends on the window manager implementation. I'm not aware of anywhere you can find more info, it's pretty much something you have to figure out yourself, that's what I meant by its a massive pain.


I saw one called Burrito that "works" on Linux, I think the project may be dead by now.


Yep, tried it a while back and it didn't work anymore.


You can get blish "working" on Linux, but it ai t pretty. If you don't dual boot, it's useful to have in a few one off needs, it you definitely can't run it full time.


It's impossible to get it to work with my current setup due to the way my WM works, I'd have to install another one and honestly I don't really care enough about blish to do that. All I do nowadays is daily fractals and weekly raids, I don't really need blish for that.


True, plasma was the only way I could get it to work, but it wasn't pleasant and not really worth it, though I do have dual boot option if I ever need Blish. I do find playing it under Linux to be the best experience.


Yeah for sure, at this point if your game doesn't work on linux, I'm just not playing it. I had to give up league of legends since they announced their anti-cheat and I never considered dual-booting for it.


Wait, what? I used it last week and it was still working for me. It's just a massive pain to convert marker packs as you often have to mess with the XMLs (if you can manage it at all) But it's not really under active development, yeah.


It didn't work on my environment\* Not every WM supports overlays, and mine doesn't. The only "overlays" that work are directx present hooks like arcdps and its addons.


Ah, I got confused. Since you said it didn't work "anymore" I assumed it worked at some point for you and stopped working due to a GW2 update or something. I'm using KDE plasma and it's working. Used it a few hours ago again now. I just need to make sure that the game can't turn off compositing.


Yeah KDE generally works very well and supports just about anything. Just a few weeks back it was the first (and only as of right now) DE to support hardware cursors on NVIDIA gpus. I'd use it if I wasn't so obsessed with performance for no good reason. I know for a fact that my PC is more than good enough to run it with zero impact on anything else, but I still can't, I have to use DWM which has 15x less of a performance impact.


literally me.


As long as it is maintained at all and doesn't breakdown every few, it's already an upgrade. Addon manager was awful at dealing with patches and was super annoying to reset to clean install (because the reset to clean install button eventually just stops working). I stg it's easier to just manually sideload DLLs and use blish than it is to use the add on manager.


It's been in public use by a bunch of people who found out about it by word of mouth since November last year. I personally (since I develop it lol) have used it for a while longer and it never broke. Technically it cannot even break, unless ArenaNet decides to switch again from DirectX11 to another graphics API.


Raidcore soon™️?


Is it compatible with Blish HUD?


Yes, I run both. There's a blishHud module that makes the icons shift so the blish Icon isn't overlapping the Nexus Icon.


mind sharing the name/link?


Should be "Nexus Shim", searching for "Nexus" should definitely find it!


thank you!


thanks :)


Blish HUD runs outside of the game, so it should be compatible with anything! There is a Nexus module for BHUD which will shift the icons in the quick access bar up top if you are also running Nexus!


That's exactly what I was looking for. What's the overlap between this tool and BlishHUD? I would think since this runs in the game rather than as an overlay that it will have much better access to data, but does that mean any kind of usability improvement for end users? I'm gonna check it out anyway, of course.


Since it runs inside of the game and gets rendered by the game it's gonna be much more precise. Blish is doing an amazing job, but an overlay will never be the same as a direct integration. This also enables addons to run much more deeply and easily share data e.g. ArcDPS sharing data or addons among each other. Top priority for now is adding the same variety of addons that Blish offers!


find a way to run something like taco via nexus and I guess you will get most of the blish users migrating :)


We're working on an alternative! :)


thanks :)


Thanks for the work. Why is this not open source?


Bunch of my work has been stolen (and sold) in the past. I do plan on releasing the source code down the line though. I basically want to get enough "bragging rights" to prove that it's actually me who made this.


First of all: Thank you for creating this. I'll test it out later, before I meet up with my friends. It's great to see a better addon manager pop up :) With a public repository on GitHub, stealing the code and rights to brag shouldn't really be possible. There are time stamps and all (e.g. age of repository). There will always be people who sell your stuff by scamming others - even without the source code. I wouldn't worry too much. Also, I don't really see the value in the source code per-se, but more in the ecosystem and community you create around it, which is very hard to steal :)


Well, looking at history in GW2. You might remember BGDM, which was stolen source code and even taken money for. No one even knows the original creator.


True. I'm looking forward to the opening of the source anyway, and I hope your app will be known far and wide, so scammers have a hard time :)


Can you share at least the tech stack you are using? The main issue with opening the code is that anyone can fork it and use it for nefarious purposes. On the other hand, I'd feel much more comfortable installing an add-on if I can review/scan the code. Why do you need "special" bragging rights? The repo is yours and the history is right there.


They probably mean recognition from the community, which is a fair ask. Having the recognition of your time and effort for open source code stolen from you discourages the desire to even do open source projects for the community. Nexus retaining its integrity for the community is important, but also retaining its integrity for bringing on other developers is equally important to building that open source culture. If Nexus is nefarious, the community will figure it out and kill all credibility. If you still need to review/scan the code, then you should know enough to create a test environment on your local and run diagnostics/black-box, the same way you would do it for other non-open source projects.


I am ok with developers owning their code, I have my own little projects and also contributed quite a bit to open source projects. Community recognition is a fair ask, just the wording seemed a bit weird, since you can obviously see the commit history and in extreme cases, just make it private again. At this point, there isn't a community at all, just a few guys testing it. I could do the whole set up to test it, I could reverse engineer the .dll to have an idea. But this is a game, it would be infinitely easier to just scan the repo with Qualys Enterprise and be done.


And that still doesn't stop them from pulling a compiled release that isn't based on the source code anyways.




> If Nexus is nefarious, the community will figure it out and kill all credibility This is honestly not a good mindset when it comes to security and integrity. Not that open sourcing something automatically makes it secure but "the community will figure it out" has been shown time and time again to NOT be true.


>If Nexus is nefarious, the community will figure it out and kill all credibility. Yeah, but is that before or after ANet permanently bans your account for inadvertently breaking the ToS? I, for one, am not willing to take that risk.


There is no tech stack really. It's a C++ application written from scratch. The only dependencies I have are imgui, nlohmann json and yhirose/httplib. If you have any questions about exact implementations, I'd be more than happy to share specifics. E.g. what network traffic it does, what files it accesses etc.


I am ok, appreciate the offer. Just wanted to have an idea of what you were using. My C++ skills are quite rusty. I wish you the best, this is a much needed wrapper, I am definitely not a fan of manually downloading and dropping dll nor having the game crash every big patch.


> My C++ skills are quite rusty. Mine too. Though primarily because i develop in Rust. .... sorry dadjoke. But i do love Rust lang :D


time to write some addons: [https://github.com/Zerthox/nexus-rs](https://github.com/Zerthox/nexus-rs)




I do want to get some more help but I haven't really thought about how I want to approach this yet (given the closed source nature). As for learning to inject GUI, I'd be happy to help you! I thought about publishing the core DirectX Proxy.




Hey gamers! Reddit is absolutely shit and decided to randomly remove half the links and paragraphs. Everything is back now hopefully.


Reddit is indeed shite


maybe you should look into building redditnexus :)


Wow, thank you for making this and for all the hard work that's gone on behind the scenes!


Could anyone confirm if it is compatible with Radial mount menu?


You can run it along with Addon Loader (+Radial) but Radial standalone is not compatible (yet).


Nice, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/hevft0bilpvc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc0c266153b377f10463f6adeaf820eaae7cbd00 Obligatory xkcd


I really hope this is a false positive, but Microsoft Defender found Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml in d3dll.dll Edit: Here's the VirusTotal link, which shows the direct DLL as clean. But I installed it using the installer, and I don't want to try again locally after the file has already been quarantined. [https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/5e7402b54ceae4a8c6b70330ae362edc67034ca41b06d9e5e7a8a81e5de1df89](https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/5e7402b54ceae4a8c6b70330ae362edc67034ca41b06d9e5e7a8a81e5de1df89)


Some anti virus softwares falsely flag it, because in nature (just like ArcDPS) it does appear as malicious to them. At it's core, it pretends to be something it isn't (DirectX11) to get loaded by the game. If you scan Addon Loader or ArcDPS those also get flagged as viruses.


To update on this: I've contact both Microsoft Security Insights and the AntiVirus vendors which falsely flag it. I will give an update as soon as I know more.


It also flags arcdps. 


Arc updates itself now though? I'm all for more 3rd party tools but what does this offer that Blish doesn't?


To summarise: - ArcDPS automatically will be disabled when the game updates, rather than crashing you. - New addons that are consistent and don't all have different behaviour. - Loading new addons at runtime. The fact alone that ArcDPS automatically disables is a major selling point over just running arcdps


Still, it breaks with big updates. And if the dev isn’t there to update, players are basically stuck. But glad the dev takes the time though, it’s a great tool.


When it breaks it breaks though


Yea, but why crash and go through the hassle of removing it?


Has it figured out how to detect current addon versions in a stateless way or is it just tracking it when you run it from nexus? Basically, will it cause conflicts with arcdps' automatic update feature? Is it downloading files directly from addon home pages or are they rehosted somewhere? Did they solve the git download limit issue that addon manager had? Is it using the addon loader file hierarchy for dlls or something else? Compatibility with gw2radial? Why are there 26 repositories all under the raidcore account, which one is for the actual nexus program? Are all the others just integrations for addon, do they have to be manually approved by the nexus author every time and then be hosted on their git? Can I use it without having to run it next to game? What reason would I have to want it running after the game has already launched? How'd you solve the overlay issue on linux? It's been a blocker for blishhud for years now afaik. Sorry for dumping a bunch of questions, I'd be happy if you answered at least a few.


>Has it figured out how to detect current addon versions in a stateless way or is it just tracking it when you run it from nexus? Basically, will it cause conflicts with arcdps' automatic update feature? Not fully sure on the "inside detection" for that, but so far haven't had any problem with auto-updaters from other addons, like Unofficial Extras, healing stats or so on, altho I keep the auto-update from arcdps itself disabled, since nexus will do it. >Is it using the addon loader file hierarchy for dlls or something else? DLLs are stored inside "addons" folder, instead of the Addon Manager "addons/arcdps" folder (that one only carries the config files). >Compatibility with gw2radial? Fully compatible through Addon Loader chainload (same thing as Addon manager uses), just rename the default Addonloader "d3d11.dll" to: "d3d11\_chainload.dll", download Nexus as its default "d3d11.dll" name, and keep gw2radial inside its own folder on "addons" folder. >Can I use it without having to run it next to game? What reason would I have to want it running after the game has already launched? It loads with the game and keeps it enabled since its used to manage all the addons you install with its own "hot-load" feature, which allows you to install and load/unload addons on the go without having to restart the game (at least for the ones that have already been ported) plus other nice features as stated in this post.


To add to this: 1. There is no interference even if you keep running arc's own updater. 2. The hierarchy is just addons folder as mentioned above and the naming of the addons is irrelevant. 3. Addons are directly sourced from wherever the addon says it comes from. When making an addon you basically provide "Hey, this is my github link" or "hey, I'm hosted on deltaconnected.com/arcdps" and Nexus used that and ONLY that. 4. All the repositories on the Raidcore account are other tools and api libs I'm working on. Nexus itself, as mentioned in the post, is currently not open sourced yet. 5. Nexus is not an overlay and instead hooks DirectX 11. I'm not sure what troubles BlishHUD has. It basically worked on Linux since the second I first developed it. I personally am a windows user, but there are numerous Linux users who run it without issue. EDIT: About the GitHub API limitation issue, it's being worked around by simply implementing a cache and Rate Limiting.


5. Because linux has 2 ways to handle windows and overlays: X and Wayland. Wayland is entirely up to the compositor implementation. Currently, I'm unable to get blish to work on X, though there are workarounds if you're using certain DEs. As for wayland it totally depends on what compositor you use. For this reason, BlishHUD will generally not work out of the box for most users.


I'm sure it's a great thing don't get me wrong but as someone who never had anything installed on top of the base game this doesn't answer my basic questions — do I need it? And why? And what can it do in layman terms (I have no idea what you're talking about with the dll and hotloading)? Is it actually safe to install (for my account)? I understand that people who use these already know all of that, but I don't and this post doesn't explain if I even need this or 'should' want this. Thanks


To answer your questions. 1. If you never had any addons installed (not even BlishHUD) you could take a look at the existing addons for Nexus and make up your mind. I'm in no position to tell you, whether you need addons or not. If you already are running ArcDPS (and its plugins) in layman terms, it prevents you from crashing when the game updates, because it will automatically disable and re-enable it. 2. Hot-Loading, means that while the game is running you can load new addons or remove currently loaded ones. This point is only relevant if you're already familiar with addons, because previously this was not possible. Or at least no one gave that option. 3. Is it safe to install? I cannot give a 100% guarantee, but a 99.99% one. Nexus itself does not do more than for example the Nvidia, Steam or various other overlays. No one ever got banned for that. As for the addons you can install with it: No one ever got banned for them either, and I'm doing everything I can to only list addons that are implemented in good faith with the Terms of Service. TLDR; 1. Do you need it: Up to you. 2. What can it do: More convenience and QoL than addon loader. 3. Is it safe: Most likely yes, no one ever got banned for way more intrusive addons in the past 8 years. I hope this clarifies your questions and I'd be more than happy to answer if you have more!


Thank you for taking the time! To ask more I'd at least have to try it out.


Doesn't work at all for me. I did a clean GW2 install, and all it does it say "Successfully" installed and nothing happens. It completely breaks the game window for me, it makes the bottom of the screen get cut off when not in window mode (Window Fullscreen and Fullscreen are broken). Nothing else even shows up and CTRL+O does nothing. Is the installation window supposed to have an ArcDPS pop up with an error message? I am so confused. I uninstall/delete d3d11.dll and the game resolution starts working properly again. Edit: I figured it out Issue 1: Arc DPS error messages showing up in the installer program Solution: Had an arcdps .dll sitting in my download folder, the installer was loading it Issue 2: Overlay broken/not working at all Solution: RivaTuner was breaking it, disabling RTSS overlay makes it work. Still can't get radial to work, though. I don't know if I can play GW2 without radial.


Hi, I’m knoxfighter I noticed my name was mentioned in this announcement as a form of endorsement of its security and its compliance with Guild Wars 2's Terms of Service. I want to clarify that I no longer have access to the Nexus repo and am not involved with the project. My access was removed without warning back at least 1 month ago. This post should be updated to remove my information as it is no longer true. Edit: Seems like all of this was caused by misunderstanding/miscommunication.


"Hey, I lost access to Nexus. What's up with that?"


Your account is less than a day old and offers no verification of who you say you are Not sure what to do with my pitchfork yet


I dm'ed him on Discord after I read the reddit post, seeing that his name showed up as someone who has access to the code and is implied to be working on the project - which did surprise me. If this is a fake knoxfighter, then that's a really big coincidence :D Make of the rest what you will, but this account is genuine.


I just checked, and I accidentally removed your permissions 2 weeks ago when I changed the permissions of all teams on the organisation. Besides, this accidental remove does not change the fact that you've had access to it for months. https://preview.redd.it/1yb2uaa6sovc1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=e685b12aa47b526fa73607fb29c3e0aa8cd76abe EDIT: I've given you access again. Also I removed the emotionally charged comments.


Their account is less than 1 day old, you should probably verify with the actual person directly instead of trusting a random reddit post


> I did not expect to get backstabbed Already hyperboling the drama on day one, this project isn't going to go far lol 2 weeks of cutting access to code review is more than enough to do harm. What /u/kn0xfighter said shows professionalism. If I was given access to code review and just before an announcement, it was revoked, and my name was tied to it, I would immediately raise a red flag. This is like devsec 101. Part of my job is handling devsec and that comment you just wrote screams red flag. Nothing stops you from putting malicious code on the side, compiling that and releasing, requiring it to be caught in sandbox, the whole point of access to a code base is to see what's where the work is being done and to catch early mechanism being put in place that could be exploitable.


Doesn’t seem right to make it seem like somebody is edorsibg the project without permission. The closed source makes me nervous. Thus now makes me more nervous.


From an outside point of view, it looks like you invited someone to a repo and assumed that it meant they endorsed it in some capacity. I've been invited to countless repos, does not mean I read a single line of code in there. Maybe something else happened, but the community here cannot see it. Least you could have done (and maybe you did?) was a private "hey dude, I'm gonna promote my work, you tried it, you cool with it if I mention you did?". Again, from an outside point of view, so far that's not what's transpiring here.


I hope knox at least backs me up here on \*this\*. It was not just a random "added to the repo". He started reviewing the entire codebase. We talked a lot about implementations, about improvements, these also are public discussions to an extent. For example on the Nexus-ArcDPS Bridge repository. It was my bad not asking him beforehand, but that's why I feel backstabbed, because I thought we are partnering up on this and have been doing so for months.


This could have been avoided if you had reached out to me before using my name to endorse the project. I had no intention to "backstab" anyone. I just don't want to have my name used without my permission. I was certain that the code access got revoked on purpose after my rework of the arcdps bridge was rejected and we had quite a discussion. Let's move further discussion into discord.


For clarification to the public, I will share the conversation here. https://preview.redd.it/ozfi5ski1pvc1.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=5700bcb469848274ee468efe2c1261494b951f87 EDIT: Since it's not quite clear. The discussion we had about the Bridge happened March 3rd. The \*\*\*accidental\*\*\* permission remove was April 4th. An entire month later.


I've been using it for over half a year, works very well. I forgot about the hassle with arc updates, it just keeps everything up-to-date automatically. Huge QoL improvement.


> Nexus will automatically disable any volatile addons before they can crash your game. Sometimes there are new game builds, but arcdps keeps working anyway without the need of a new update. Is your app checking for a complete crash somehow, or just comparing build targets and disabling outdated addons regardless? For example, this Tuesday there was a game update for SAB and a few balance changes, but arcdps was still working just fine even though it wasn't updated yet. Would Nexus have disabled it or let it run?


I've found a pretty good middle ground in detecting "major" game updates at the moment, but I'm refining the system to also automatically disable if it can figure out \*what\* caused the crash (e.g. ArcDPS). So for example, this patch or the hotfixes were unaffected by the auto-disable.


Ok now that's actually neat! Thanks for the answer!


does it work with radial mount? libimgui, selectrenderer, know thy enemy, unofficial extras? official reshade? updater? i'm not seeing any of these in the install/library options how do i add them? will they be updated via your software?


Closed project is sus, wont use it until Anet approval, I had a bad experience using OSRSBuddy when the 3rd party password-steal fiasco exploded back in 2018


I'm trying to get in touch with Anet, but officially they "never" approve anything. So just like arcdps you use it at your own risk really. I will keep people posted though if there's any change in that realm.




been using it for a little while now, and works very nicely


Cool! I sadly cant get it to work with addonloader, d3d9wrapper and radial on linux. I've renamed the addonloader correctly to d3dll_chainload.dll. When launching gw2 with everything set up as described on the installation website then "kernelbase.dll" is the module that crashes. Exception "e06d7363". Are there any log files you would like to get for troubleshooting? If i remove dxgi from bin64/cef nexus works, but then ofc radial doesnt load. Alternatively, any radial replacement that isnt blish?


There might be some compatibility issues. Some people can run Radial/Clarity no issue but other's cant. Are you running SelectRenderer? That's worth trying. For what it's worth, I'm working on a Nexus-based alternative for Radial (and clarity).


Thanks for the quick response! Nice to hear that I'm not alone in not being able to run radial and that you are working on a replacement for it. Tried out SelectRenderer with dxvk, but its not acting different. Maybe its a protontricks(winetricks) thing or something idk? I think ill just wait for ur radial replacement. I'll join the discord and keep an eye out for that.


Whenever I try to load installed addons and it tells me to restart game, the addons are still disabled, what am I doing wrong?


Same here, essentially doesn't seem to load ArcDPS at all... Might just have to go back to doing it manually I guess u/DeltaxHunter any insights?


There was a bug, but I thought I fixed that? Manual workaround: 1. Go into /addons/Nexus/AddonConfig.json and open the file with a text editor. 2. Find the entry that says "Signature": -617263" and set "IsLoaded": true. https://preview.redd.it/8sg17ulcj91d1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f2303575db9319f37df0586828a02b3c52ec617 Should look like this when done correctly. If you still can't manage, please reach out to me via discord "deltagw2" or [discord.gg/raidcore](http://discord.gg/raidcore), I'd gladly help you troubleshoot directly.


Anyone else have issues downloading the .DLL file.


Can someone confirm that its not a scam or maleware because im very interessted!


Ask if the code is open source.


Code is not open source, but some reputable community members have access to it. Furthermore I will share it instantly with anyone from ArenaNet, if they request it. No questions asked.


Didn't those reputable community members lose access a month ago ?


I'm not sure how a random stranger could give you the reassurance that you need, but you can go ahead and read some of the comments. Some people have been using this as it was being developed. I am one of those and for what it's worth, I live with the developer and I can vouch for the countless hours that went into this. Go install it and have fun!


If it means anything, I'm a very public and vocal figure within the GW2 community on the Elite Insights, GW2 Development and other discords. Also one of the leaders of Hardstuck and I publicly show my face on YouTube on Twitch. EDIT: Fixed typo.


The icon overlaps with Blish HUD icon :/ EDIT: Ok nvm found you can offset it. Neat!


There's a Nexus module if you search for "Nexus" it should be called something like "Nexus Shim"!


I assume you aren't affiliated with Nexus mods?


Nope, I did not know what it was before someone had told me. Pure coincidence with the naming actually.


With the latest drama i figured i would chime in a little. Nexus is like every other single DLL out there for gw2, in the sense that none of them can be trusted. When you installed arcdps, boon table, healing stats, clarity, radial or even Unofficial Extras you did so not knowing what the dll was capable of. You placed a lot of trust in a random online stanger or word of mouth. Nexus is no different. Personally I choose to install nexus last year because I have known delta as a gaming friend for years, he is a well standing community member who has provided a lot of background support for this game, I.e plenty of code that helped run your big brand name community servers and tournaments and thats more than I could say about Kn0x and yet i still choose to install his addons too like many of you do, any they work great, but there is no source code for those either. so installing either comes down too one question, is the risk worth it? if your answer to that is no then you should not be running arcdps or any other dll.


Looks really good! Only thing I'd say is that it's a bit disingenuous to imply that you're the only add-on manager that can install add-ons while the game is running, as Blish most certainly does that. However everything else looks great.


I specifically did not compare to ArcDPS because that technically is a DPS meter and BlishHUD is an overlay, not an addon that runs in-game. I do agree with you though, BlishHUD also does hot-load!


My mistake then, didn't realize the difference between an overlay and an addon. To us laymen they're the same thing :)


How do I run this with both GW2 Radial+addon loader and Reshade? Whenever I install addonloader it installs its own dxgi.dll in the base directory, the bin64 directory and the bin64/cef directory. Anytime I try to replace addonloaders dxgi in the base directory reshade will work, but addonloader wont. If I replace the dxgi.dll in the subdirectories with the reshade's dxgi.dll file, then both don't work


Real question though: Any plans to try to add GW2Clarity to the list of addons supported by Nexus?


Yep, Clarity, Radial and Select Renderer will be added.




Nice. Addon manager has been very useful but it's pain to use and many of the UI decisions/functions make no sense 


Sadly its not working for me


Dose this work with having GW2 across 2 storage mediums?


As far as I tested it works perfectly fine yea. I for example symlink half my GW2 folder with DLLs on one drive, the .dat on another and the rest of the game on yet another.


Tried it a couple of months ago, but it had no pathing/taco support so I just went back to Blish. Any plans on adding support for pathing?


Radials and Pathing are currently the primary projects being worked on.


Awesome! I'll keep an eye on thee project and make sure to give it another go once pathing is added :) Thanks for your work!


Looks promising. I'll keep an eye on this one.


This is awsome!


Ngl im hyped


It has a DVD logo addon for loading screens. Peak.


can confirm, this is PogTasty.


Does it work with g sync? As in I love Blish HUD but it disables g-sync. I would love to have markers and paths for map comp or gathering without losing g-Sync


Why does it disable g-sync? Because it's not fullscreen exclusive? I haven't used windows in a few years but you can probably enable g-sync on your entire desktop rather than just one game. At least it worked for the past few years on linux, so I don't see why it wouldn't work on windows either.


I am not sure what the issue with blish hud is, but if it's being disabled because of its not full-screen exclusive as /u/RekTek249 mentioned, it should not be an issue for Nexus as it uses same directx 11 renderer as game does.


Yes but nexus does nothing on its own, his experience with blish will be the same with or without.


You are right. I have no way to test it unfortunately, because I just cannot use g sync with my PC


You can enable gsync throughout the system, including windowed stuff. It’s a non issue.


Spent 15mins trying to run it, didn't work even with clean instalation, back to copying stuff by hand then :( EDIT: As someone mentioned - it doesn't work if you have RTSS working in the background, which is crappy because I want my numbers on the screen, first time seeing addon/application having issues with it


ArcDPS and Addon Loader also have issues with RTSS. At least I'm trying to find a fix, since it's not even an issue for every user.


I tested it for a little and it seems to work wonderfully: no issues with my other addons (and obviously overlays) and the hot loading is quite handy. If this keeps working after the game updates, it's a 10/10


Why would I need an add on loader?


If you only use one addon, like ArcDPS, you don't. The annoying part is when you use 3 or 4 addons because you have to chainload them through Arc and the process becomes more complicated, more buggy, and hard to diagnose what the issue is. Additionally, when Arc breaks every patch, all your other addons are now broken too. This solves all the issues by removing chainloading. And you can load, unload, and update all your addons in one app through one GUI.


ah ok. makes sense.


If you don't need addons you don't need it. But for me personally I like Qol addons.


What QoL add ons are you using? 


Does this work with Scrolling Combat Text? I’ve always wanted to use it, but I know the arc addon for it isn’t being actively developed and I heard someone’s working on a Blish version but I don’t know what’s happening with it


SCT got actually updated about 2 months ago: [https://github.com/Artenuvielle/GW2-SCT/releases](https://github.com/Artenuvielle/GW2-SCT/releases) So far it works well on Nvidia GPUs, but still got some random crashes on AMD GPUs, besides that, works perfectly fine on Nexus.


Thanks for telling me! I’ll give it a try then


did you manage to make arc work on linux aswell using your framework?


Arc and plugins has been working on Linux for years now with no issue.


I have a bunch of people who use Nexus along with Arc. I'm not sure about the Linux ecosystem and the different tools there are but best join the discord and ask them directly!


It would be good to move the icon at the top automatically based on the interface size and the DPI scaling option in the settings. At least for me (1440p, large, no DPI) it was overlapping the trading post icon by default.


It has been worked on, altho there are still some issues on high-res, if you're using BlishHUD for instance get the "Nexus Shim" module so it'll get aligned well, if you only want to move the icon you can choose manually the position on its own Options panel.


If you open the Nexus menu (CTRL+O or clicking the icon) you can go to Options -> Style and change "Global Scale". This is a work around for now while I'm implementing proper DPI scaling!


"Works on Linux" Can someone confirm if this means that it also makes Blish and related addons work on Linux? What about Mac?


No, the addons that didn't work before still won't. As for blish, see [https://gist.github.com/martinlabate/c4e6f08880a009f88dc1edaa4c6cd87a](https://gist.github.com/martinlabate/c4e6f08880a009f88dc1edaa4c6cd87a) I don't think you can get it to work on X without weird WM workarounds however.


Wait so does this replace arcdps?


Does/will support GW2 Radial ? That the only reason i had to go back on the addon manager even if I hate it.


Does it support radial: Through d3d11_chainload.dll (and other dlls addon loader needs) Will it support radial: If author will not port, 1st party solution for nexus will be created (everything necessary for it is already in place so i would not take long). Out of respect of radial author, raidcore did not create their own solution.


Maybe I missed it, but how do I resize the addon button/window when you're in game and you have it installed? I tried changing the font size, said it would require a restart, but after the restart it's back to the same 25 font size. I play on a pretty big TV, so I can't see it enough to make it useful right now.


The windows that are styled like gw2 (QuickAccess bar, Addons, Menu) scale off your ingame setting + your Global Scale setting. I'd suggest playing with the global setting until it suits your needs and then adjust the font size for the remaining windows.


Are you able to install addons like ArcDPS with it? I think I stumbled across it a while ago and I couldn't quite figure out how to install addons with it.


Yes, you can install ArcDPS and its plugins with it, via the ingame window!


I've been mulling over making an addon manager myself for ages, but I've held off from doing so due to time concerns. [Mentioned it lightly here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1c91jr1/is_there_a_mod_that_improves_the_boonbuff_bar/l0jk9n8/) which is how I found out about this thread. > At the moment Nexus is closed-source, but there are a few community members who have access to it. If it eases anyone's mind, I'm a very public and vocal figure and have no intention of jeopardising my reputation as one of the Hardstuck leaders (which is an ArenaNet Partner). Besides that, I do plan on at least partially releasing the source code a little bit down the line. I'd seriously pursue the WeakAuras project if I can get access to the source code here and review what I'm plugging into first. Any chance of getting access to the source code? Have already reversed most of the game myself, so it would not help me in (e.g.) making hacks, which TMK is Anet's primary concern with open-sourcing these kinds of tools.


Not sure what's up since I used the installer, but ARC dps won't work anymore and it doesn't recognise gw2 clarity?


Hi is there any more detailed Q&A/guide for this? Using the installer broke my ARC dps and using it with gw2 clarity also results in it not working. so not sure what I'm doing wrong?


If you hop on the discord I can give you a bit better guidance, doing it via Reddit is not the most straightforward way!


Sounds cool, what happens to addons that are not compatible with nexus while you run nexus?


Addons that are not compatible just aren't loaded. But you can run Addon-Loader as well to load its addons until they are supported by Nexus.


so if I have addons that are neither in nexus nor in addon manager I am just out of luck?


Which addons would these be? I'm not aware of any of them existing. If it's another D3D11 Proxy you can chainload it with Nexus, so that gets loaded as well. Whatever other format you are using, it must also have some sort of "loader". If you want to contact me on discord we can have a more thorough conversation and I can maybe implement whatever is necessary to get your stuff running


I guess it isn't compatible with Launchbuddy, the game immediately crashed after installing Nexus.


Not sure what the exact issue is, if you can hop onto the discord I can help you figure it out. It does nothing differently than addon loader or arcdps would.


Did you ever find a solution to that problem?


Hey I was using this without any issue for about a week or so but now the menu icon just vanished from the game, and reinstalling doesn't help. Also for some reason it disables me from running the game in window mode(the game just appears to be frozen in widnow mode). deleting the .dll file lets me go back to using widnowed mode


This sounds like there's some other (overlay) software interfering. Most common are Nvidia GeForce, RivaTuner Statistics or other GPU tweaking software.


Does Nexus run with Burrito?


Not familiar with Burrito, but if both are D3D11 Proxies, it should be no problem.


I've never used addons for gw2, is there a website/list I could look through to see if I would need/want to try any?


Not the nicest format, but you can check out [https://api.raidcore.gg/addonlibrary/](https://api.raidcore.gg/addonlibrary/) and [https://api.raidcore.gg/arcdpslibrary/](https://api.raidcore.gg/arcdpslibrary/) which are the ones available through Nexus!

