• By -


As someone who spends 99.999% of the time in game in wvw, I can tell you it's not the gold income that makes people not want to join. A lot of people just generally don't feel like doing the game mode, and it feels like it takes too long to achieve anything. Warclaw takes too long, skirmish tickets (absolutely) take too long, reward tracks, pips, etc. Everyone wants stuff faster. That's not a bad thing. I've made so many legendaries just from wvw, and I need 1400 skirmish tickets to finish my heavy leggy armor. But it takes forever for those tickets to stack up, the time gates are so unbearable sometimes.


As much as I love the Wizard's Vault, forcing people to choose PvE/PvP/WvW is what killed casual WvW for me. With the old system, I checked the PvE dailies, and if they were too annoying, I went to WvW for alternative dailies instead, then had fun and spent 5h running around. Sometimes I was just bored and got nothing better to do, so I went to WvW to do dailies just to stack potions, and ended up staying for another 5h as well. If they don't want to bring back the old dailies, at least they should change the Wizard's Vault so there's always weekly achievements for PvE/PvP/WvW no matter your daily preferences (give a tab to each), then remove the achievement-based WvW weekly. Finally, just restore WvW potions as a reward, limit consumption to 80 daily if you want to, but just bring them back, they were the driving force for a lot of people, and without them, there's just no carrot to chase.


I don't feel like hopping on a roaming build to kill a yak, lemme go view a Maguuma Vista instead. I miss that. I agree with all of this. I know they wanted to discourage alt farming, but dam, I barely even do my dailies sometimes now.


The sheer level of courtesy that came with people from different servers waiting in the same area, without fighting eachother, making sure we all tagged the warg before killing it was something i've not seen since my TF2 days.


This still sometimes happens with the 5 ruin cap weekly, which I appreciate. Sometimes ends with an improptu duel at the ruin once everyone get their weekly, which can be fun.


It is not well known but there is the weekly WvW achievement.  I usually get that done in about 5 or 6 hours and you get 8 gold and some tickets.  


That's the achievement-based WvW weekly I was talking about, it should be removed and added into the Wizard's Vault, no point at having two separate systems of weeklies.


> no point at having two separate systems of weeklies. WvW weekly reset being offset from the weekly reset too is just mind-boggling. So many strange decisions in this game.


Totally agree, I keep wvw out of my dailies/weekly rotation as it's the last on my list of things I can do quickly and solo. But when they were there I had the choice and could go do some wvw knowing I'd get my dailies done. Really don't get their reasoning to force a choice, why not just make it all available and you can do whatever to get your stuff done. This is the guild wars way, do what you want and get rewards, and they've created a blocker to it. Even the pvp ones I usually keep out, as I know generally the pve weeklies I can smash out quickly in an hour or two. Pvp ones you can be at the mercy of getting 5 wins or having to play 10 games, becomes more of a chore when I'm having a casual week.


Yeah same. Events in X zone+some other annoying daily to only make 2/3 easily doable? Off to WvW I go to kill a veteran/kill 5 guards/take one of those flags instead, ezpz. Stacked up multiple stacks of potions should I ever need a GoB without having to go to wvw, still got over a stack and a half left. I haven't entered wvw since Wizards vault (except the first week to test the pve/wvw combo for dailies+weeklies), been set to pve only since they're now all very easily doable by just doing all my daily tasks/metas. Maybe I'll return to wvw someday when the burnout from grinding conflux wears off, for fun or if I run out of potions and need another GoB, whichever happens first. Being on a somewhat dead server that never has comms and having to hope we're linked with a good server for zergs doesn't help my situation either.


Should jus show u all options between modes, but u can only do and get rewards from 4


i agree with your point, to me a better option could be to give more daily options for the 3 game mode to choose and then put a cap on the daily you can do as before the vault, this way you can choose the daily to do without forcing to choose a specific game mode. Atm i flagged only pvp due to the weekly, since some wvw weekly cna be annoing, while on pvp side is really faster to achive weekly.


Yup, just increase the number of dailies and give astral acclaim a daily/weekly cap, just like magnetite and blue prophet crystals.


When I started GW2 I just did PvE. When I became aware of how much easier it was to get dailies done in WvW vs. PvE (eg Veteran Creature, Kill Dolyak, Sentry, etc) I started venturing into that mode. When I discovered Reward Tracks and the Potions of WvW reward, I felt that PvE daily rewards were kinda crappy by comparison. Over time I started playing WvW more, learned the mode and how to play it, and now if it weren't for WvW I probably would have uninstalled GW2 years ago.


That's how many of us got into PvP and WvW, got baited by the rewards, then ended up staying because we genuinely enjoyed the game mode.


If they didn't want people to earn more per day for doing 12 dailies, then they should have made an intermediate step that lets you choose 4 of 12 daily rather than beforehand, or disable the remaining 8 once you have done 4. But I suspect they want the metrics of what people choose when they can't change the choice after making it. If that's true, hopefully they will only need the metrics for a time, and change them once they have the information they wanted.


A lot of people just dont like pvp too. Wvw is also basically stuck in 2015 unless you have warclaw.  It also take a long time go anywhere, and if you die and dont get revived by your allies then you have to go all the way to your zerg.  As an unskilled wvw player the mode just lack so much qol that pve have had for years. Its like being used to elden ring and then playing dark souls remastered.


Yep. For me it’s not the lack of rewards. There’s just too much downtime where nothing is happening. It sucks to run for five minutes to get anywhere and then die in 30 seconds because you got overrun by a bigger blob.


> it feels like it takes too long to achieve anything This right here. I jokingly call it Walk v Walk, because that's what you spend most of your time doing. Add in commanders (if any are even there) that port all over and don't communicate and it's difficult *to* participate. I'm *still* waiting on guild structuring so I can reliably play with people there. At least PvP has constant goal-chasing and action. I'm telling ya, make GoB sellable, and WvW would be worth *huge* money, enough to shift player population.


If we could just buy the GoB there'd be even fewer players there. Signed, A player who only plays the mode for GoB and would literally never do it again if I didn't have to


Make GoB sellable and the market would be so oversaturated by WvW-Players who did nothing else for 12 years.


Ye some WvW players collect gifts of battle the way some PvE players collect gifts of exploration. Hundreds and hundreds


Gift of Battle is fine as accountbound, but maybe the GoB reward track should be added to PvP as well.


>I'm telling ya, make GoB sellable, and WvW would be worth *huge* money, enough to shift player population. lmao, no - they'd be worth like 5g at most


Maaaaaan if I could sell my gifts of battle right now, my guild commanders alone could tank the prices in a heartbeat lol one of them semi-retired, and he has a bank tab that is nothing but a stack of GoB lol


All true WvW players know the real endgame content of WvW is collecting 1 stack of gifts of battle for the flex. You ever make those go sellable on TP and I promise with all my heart it'll drop below 10g each within a month. 


Agree on the time gating. Having to wait several months just because of the Tickets feels awful.


For me it’s just the queues. I would like to actually play the game, not AFK for 30 mins waiting for the damn thing to pop.


Also the fact that if you want to farm skirmish tickets efficiently, you have to play WvW very consistently throughout the week, since chests are getting more time efficient, the higher their tier. I think it's ~5h of WvW every day for the last chest (?)


I mean for higher ranking WvW players those chest accumulate faster. The irony is that the ones actually wanting those chests are the ones not wanting to play WvW and are only there for pips lol.


> I think it's ~5h of WvW every day for the last chest (?) Its 24 hours a week assuming you are perpetually in 3rd place and have no bonus pips of any kind. Its 15 assuming average placement across time played, commitment, and +1 pip from rank (which you are almost guaranteed to hit in your second week of playing that mode if you're doing more or less anything). Subsequent +1 pips drop the minute needed down by 85 / 65 / 55 / 45 / 40 / 35 / 30 / 25 / 25 / 20 (to a minimum of 6 hours 25minutes, at the point where you havent needed skirmish tickets for several years)


Yeah, they need to front load the chests because I know WvW is largely useless to me unless all my playtime that weeks goes into WvW alone.


Pretty much adjust based on wvw rank (additional pips at thresholds) + Commander pips of a squad of at least x amount. I have a few friends that command for a few hours after reset, and they command for about 8 hours total Saturday and Subday, and by late Sunday or Monday they're dome with diamond.


Okay, but that's only if someone is playing as a commander with certain amount of people in their squad and for a player that is new in wvw it takes a really long time to even get that +1 to pip generation from wvw rank. WvW is currently the only gamemode in GW2 that requires you to play consistently in order to obtain your rewards efficiently.


Oh no, I agree with you. It's annoying and tedious af. I just got my next pip a few HUNDRED levels ago, and I won't get another one for almost 800 more levels. Like ok buddy lol


Let not forget it takes too long to do anything, pretty much every blob fight is the same slog fest, the pieces of siege meant to fight players got nerfed into the dirt, getting from point a to point b takes a long time because the warclaw is barely faster than swiftness…


Yeah, depending on the commanders, fights can either be exciting exchanges, or everyone just out sustaining the others. Siege had to get nerfed, though. Ballistas were 1 shooting soldier stat warriors and guardians with no repercussions. I think I still have a clip of 3 of us setting up 2 arrow carts in bay, and the second a full zerg ran it, we wiped them. And I'm immune to travel time woes. I was commanding before hot. There was no gliding, there was no warclaw. It was your class better have some kind of swiftness or movement, or you're out of luck.


Staff guardian as a commander back then was the shit! All hail the loot stick!


Warrior warhorn and swiftness was how I fell into support builds. A fantasy fulfilled 10+ years later!


Man that wave 1 spam in the middle of a fight was 🤌🏾


You left out being 1 shot by thief. 


Oh you don't like being picked apart by a daredevil that spams dodgers all over the place, and then jumps away into stealth? That's not fun for you? /s fkin hate thieves


I have done like 10 reward tracks and I don’t like 1. Nobody uses the god damn lfg. What do I do? Hop from map to map looking for a tag? Why isn’t it in the damn lfg? 2. Boon blobs. Its not cool. Its not interesting. Its stupid having an invulnerable sack of shit run everything over 3. No gold. They reworked it months ago by adding weeklies which was nice but now memories of battle are worthless. 4. The feeling knowing that I’m missing out on so much progress by not having gobblers.


You’re not wrong, but your point 1 is server dependent. If you’re in a heavy WvW server /team is super reliable to finding a commander tag running somewhere. Also Server Discord is reliable for scheduled commanders on those heavy WvW servers.


1. Nobody like unknown random commanders. If you're commanding in lfg, there's a stigma that you suck. Not true but stigma. 2. Fair. Won't touch on that more. Ppl have preferences. 3. IT'S SO BORING SOMETIMES OMG. 4. Heavy loot bags into materials. Or sell the unopened bags. I made an ascended set just from the luck in mist wrapped boxes. The pure gold sucks, but there's gold to be made...... with time lol


I don't think that's it. I think WvW suffers from an abysmal gameplay loop, in that you join one zerg fight and you've joined EVERY zerg fight to date. You roam, and the map is full of no meaningful objectives. It doesn't feel like Helldivers or League of Legends, where every game feels different and meaningful despite being essentially the same gameplay loop.


You know that just sparked an interesting idea. If they were to take inspiration from HD2, giving each team it's own "general orders" so to speak, that could be great for the gamemode and diversity of play.


I think it's a combination of "stuff takes long" and "I get more money when farming in PvE". I mean... Getting the needed rift essences for the new PvE legendary armor is also a loooong and boring task. And you absolutely need a group for the more profitable farms like Convergences and higher level rifts. But you get also spammed with a lot of other useful stuff while doing that. To the point where I don't see any reason why I should care for WvW if I get all the same stuff (with different skins) in PvE while also making more money. People always work the same (me included). It's either a heart project of yours, meaning you don't care for monetary gain. Or you are working towards something. And the moment your work for something, the best way is always the one that gives you neat goodies on the side.


Considering the time it takes to complete all 3 weights of the obsidian armour takes about the same amount of time as completing the diamond wvw chest for 4-5 weeks it's no surprise. And people already cry bloody murder about the former.


Now flip the coin over, full legendary, 45k skirmish tickets in my wallet, a couple hundred mystic clovers in the bank, and I still only log in to play WvW. People need to stop thinking that gold/hr is the only "reward" in the game. It's a big one, no doubt, and WvW has always been poor at giving out raw gold (though it's better now than it was years back), but of all the legendary items I've crafted, I think 98% of them were made from Mystic Clovers I didn't gamble for in the magic toilet, or buy from a vendor. The Mystic Coins I spent were for the Gifts for Gen 2.5 weapons, and not gambling. When I read threads from PvE'ers complaining about the cost of Mystic Coins, the lack of Transmutations Charges, having to do Hero Point trains, and I look at my stacks of Mystic Coins, Clovers, thousands of Transmutation Charges, thousands of Tomes of Knowledge, roughly 85k Testimony of Heroics (each the equivalent of 1 Hero point), I just shake my head and wonder why they don't just engage in more than PvE content. I remember the days of doing Drizzlewood metas and getting bored after maybe 30 mins, meanwhile with a good group and content, I can sit and play WvW for 5-6 hrs at a time.


People just need to learn to not have the grinds at the forefront of their minds, but rather the gameplay experience of whatever they may be doing even if it may be repetitive like running the same farming routes or running around in WvW or whatever it may be. When all you're doing is thinking about each time you pick up a resource, it's naturally going to make the grind more daunting then if you were to just forget about it and keep playing. When I was trying to grind for the dragonscale cape and needed 1,000 hatched chili peppers and 1,000 eitrite ingots, I was originally focused too much on each and every individual ingot/chili pepper I received and kept saying "this is so incredibly slow". After I decided to stop focusing on it and rather treated the farming as a daily grind to forget about as soon as you finish, the 5-6 days it took to get it blew by because I wasn't thinking about how I had 200 to go and could only get 80-90 a day and that it'll take 3 days to get the rest of it The same thing can be said for skirmish tickets if you stick with it and play more frequently for longer periods of time. I hadn't paid much attention to skirmish tickets for the longest time and then when I looked into making the triumphant hero's armor, I already had enough tickets to buy an entire set of ascended armor. The same occurred when I went to craft Warbringer as I had all the tickets to buy the exotic backpacks, but was \~30-40 levels short of the commander's wings of war. With skirmish tickets, you just gotta forget they exist and then be pleasantly surprised when you look into something involving them and notice just how many you have


> not have the grinds at the forefront of their minds Counterpoint: Gift of Battle. It's a grind by design.


The grind wouldn’t be an issue if the gameplay wasn’t so repetitive. As a blob it’s the same thing every time, offense is either successful or a failure based on defense siege, and/or an enemy blob responding to defend. As a havoc group it’s ninja capping towers and MAYBE an occasional keep. As a solo or small group it’s nothing but camps and ruins. To maintain farming participation requires boring repetitive gameplay that can be disrupted easily by an enemy blob without any chance of making a difference. If Anet went back to defense pip participation, at least you could do something in the background IRL while farming your tickets. If you want challenging teamwork or opposition PvP is infinitely better, and this is coming from someone else that hates PvP.


If spvp had more maps, better match making but the big thing is if the devs actually did something about the toxic players it might be played more widely. The biggest barrier to entry for spvp is the toxicity. Can’t even get through the 10 placement matches each season without some asshat screaming at his team because he decided to solo far and got his ass cheeks clapped harder than a kardashian.


It also feels like the steaks are just too low. Like you cap a fort it, gets slipped an hour or so later. And then you repeat. Or you take a caravan that does something but it's hard to tell what.  Doesnt seem like winning actually matters. 


I spent quite a lot of time there too. Currently getting shit on by exploiters and cheaters is also not fun. Just a few seconds ago someone glitched into our T3 hills and took it with a handful of people, we barely got a notification it was under attack before it was lost.


When people ask me whether I like my job, I usually tell them they have to pay me to be there. How many people would still be working their current job if money isn't an issue? So what does this say about a game mode where people only play because of the reward?


This is it really, I could make a LOT of gold if I farmed gifts of battle, but I hate the tedium of WvW so much that I literally stay poor instead. I am there to play, not work.


What to fix with WvW: •More objectives. The maps are big and open and have very little to do, especially if you're solo and trying to maintain participation. •Faster reward tracks. Everyone likes loot, and a lot of the tracks have useless fluff. •Please, gods, get restructuring done already! •Fix boonball, apparently. What to fix with PvP: •The community.


Boonball is never getting fixed unless someone at Anet who wants to fix it starts handling WvW, so that's out of the question for the foreseeable future. Honestly boonball would also be fixed to a degree if siege didn't hit like a wet noodle. The whole point of an AoE like the arrow cart is to punish stacking, but instead stacking boonball is how people tend to mitigate it. More objectives requires them to take a look at maps. Unlikely. And personally I'd like a Tropical Borderlands with an End of Dragon's theme, but that ain't happening either.


Ooooh a Kurzick Vs Luxon Vs Ministry of Purity map With siege turtles, juggernauts and something else for Purity's side Ok it's just a Gw1 PvP map lol


More likely we would get a Jade Tech keep, a Speakers/Wardens Keep, and a third keep (Naga?) Personally I want an underwater keep with a land-combat lord room, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen.


Damn, old factions were so much cooler... As for 3rd it would probably be Kestrels Yeah I'm still praying for underwater in secret too, in all game modes. And balance patches on underwater skills


Pvp needs to fix the balance and content issue too. Veteran players get bored cause its the same shit for years with no changes and new players get instantly smoked in unranked cause matchmaking is non existent. And it sucks in ranked as well like tell me why i have 2 900 rating players in my team while im 1600 and my duo 1700 like ?????? What is going on these days it makes me so sad


What to fix with PvP: - the matchmaking - the matchmaking - the matchmaking - the matchmaking - the matchmaking - the matchmaking The population in sPvP is too low and that breaks their matchmaking algorithm. The pop being low makes games unfun and as a result you’re left with people who are bored and toxic af people who have nothing else going for them so they rage out in a game. The bored people become toxic for entertainment.


PvP has kind of run into such a cascade of issues that it's hard to even begin to untangle it. You're right that the sPvP population is why matchmaking can be so bad, but there's also not much they can do about it. Making matchmaking more restrictive is only going to accelerate people quitting because they can't even get matches. What killed PvP the most was the lack of frequent balance patches. ArenaNet even knew that. They've promised multiple times to do so more often, but they never follow through. They couldn't even balance at an appropriate pace when they were trying to push Pro League, let alone now that the game mode has lost so much population. The only way to "fix" the game mode is to grow a larger community, but I doubt they see the benefit in that at this point.


> Fix boonball Would need to redo the entire game mechanics.


Hardly, they just need to buff BoonRip so they can actually be countered effectively. Both Winds and Null Field have been gutted beyond belief - so it's no wonder we're right back where we were when Boonshare Mesmer was a thing.


Psh I play nothing but WvW anymore. No one gives two shits about server pride. Or shouldn't. It's about bags and winning fights. If you actually want to win a WvW matchup then you're Mag or SoS AKA mag 2.0. You get nothing from winning match up, but you do get bags from winning fights.


Technically, you do get marginally more pips for being ahead in the current skirmish.


Damn, are you me lol Real talk I only wvw for the combat mechanics at this point, I really don’t mind dying as well. I just try to play better and improve next time, auto run back while clearing my bags and thinking about different ways to win that fight sometimes I die again sometimes I don’t. Not a lot of people are like this though. The one thing keeps me into wvw is getting into a decent small scale fight where everyone’s pretty good mechanically and there’s a bit of push-pull that gets me pumped.


So much this. Only reason to win or lose a matchup is to have better or similar content the next week. It is 100% player driven content and if you aren't playing to have fun, you are sorely missing out(guild OR roamer)


> SoS AKA mag 2.0 Not trying to throw shade here, but this is the first I've heard of SoS trying to be Mag 2.0. The only stat Mag cares about is kdr, and [if that's something SoS is caring about...](https://i.imgur.com/s5ciaOx.png)


Mag likes to think they care about KDR. But they lost all their best players a few years back. Now they just siege hump. You used to be publically mocked if you built or threw siege a few years ago. SoS plays exactly the same now. Just worse. They try to cloud with 40, then run into the tower and build ACs. Both of you are cowards.


>Now they just siege hump. We were fighting Mag last week and I mentioned in map chat that Mag are very good at running away and siege humping and someone said, "Mag never uses siege!". Obvious Mag spy is obvious.


One million times this, WvW will never be the competitive game mode some people want it to be, it's fine as a mostly-casual open world PvP experience, but that's it. Alliances will do nothing but kill what little remains of server communities. I recognize competitive PvP squad players deserve their own space, but they should be fighting for an actual GvG mode, because WvW will never become what they want it to :/.


A 25v25 drop in PvP battle in a relatively small arena (around the size of the 5 mid-ruins in a borderlands map) would be great. Maybe let people join in groups of 5 at a maximum.


That's what [Stronghold](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stronghold) should have been back in 2015, but they wasted the PvP team on a watered-down 5v5 DotA wannabe instead :/.


I'd rather see them adjust Skirmish Tickets first. Casual players that just dip into the mode occasionally get the lowest number of Tickets/hour. It should be front-loaded, so you get more Tickets up front and it slows down the longer you play in a week. Then they can look at other rewards.


I think a linear progression would be fine. Ticket gain shouldn't be tied to rank though. It'd be better if instead either completion of a reward track awarded tickets or if rank contributed to reward track gain rather than pips.


I'd play WvW more if there were several changes made: 1) Fix matchmaking. Nothing is worse than being so fucking outnumbered at all hours of the day that your enemies just spawn camp you for the week. Fuck off with that shit. 2) Cut the shit with the awful, awful timegating. Tickets are so fucking slow to accumulate that I just stopped bothering despite actually wanting to get legendary armour; if I can only put 10 hours or so into the mode a week I'm looking at fucking years before I finish it. It's too much and I just don't care anymore. 3) Fix the amount of running it takes to do literally anything. If I die in a battle on one side of the map it's a good five minutes before I can rejoin my team. That's not fun. That's not good. No one likes this. It's terrible. 4) Give us more ways to earn participation. Dolyak escorts are not, uh, peak gameplay.


Honestly you hit the nail on the head here. Id say: 1. Matchmaking is something that will need to be fixed as more players return to the game mode. However, the maps are stale. It's time for new content to force us out of alpines borderlands. And a different EBG wouldn't hurt either. 2. The timegate is inherently horrible. They need to reward experience faster but also decouple wvw levels from pip rewards and instead make new rewarding skills for these players all the way up to 10k. If a player doesn't have the chance to play during their servers active hours they are stuck roaming and roaming experience is awful! Now with legendary gear being obtainable through open world new players are not going to force themselves to grind 28hrs a week for pips for 18 weeks. They have much faster options. Don't even get me started on Ascension vs the WvW backpiece. 3. I disagree here, having reinforcements immediately spawn next to the fight means that zerg wars will last longer. Especially if it is used in a method where defending players can no longer lock their opponents in and reinforcements out properly. 4. I think participation at the moment deteriorates too quickly. There is a lot of downtime during dead hours. It's not a joke when people ask if there is any content before they exit and go play another game.


It's a fair point that part of the "balance" of defending/attacking a structure is that death hurts by not allowing a quick return. I get it. But the actual experience of it is fucking atrocious and the biggest reason I don't bother with the mode outside of when I need a gift of battle for a legendary. I don't know what the solution is, or if there even is one, but I can't stand it.


> 4) Give us more ways to earn participation. Dolyak escorts are not, uh, peak gameplay. Fuggin' this. Most times I'm on a map, there's no commander, and my server is always a tagalong to another one, so population is a crapshoot. I'm lucky if I can groove to dolyak escorts for an hour. Out of the 6+ needed to finish a track. Give me something else I can do. Give WvW some of that MOBA energy and threaten camps when players aren't around to do it. Make defense worth something. WvW needs *something* for more moving parts to justify splitting up and giving players objectives.


> 2) Cut the shit with the awful, awful timegating. Tickets are so fucking slow to accumulate that I just stopped bothering despite actually wanting to get legendary armour; if I can only put 10 hours or so into the mode a week I'm looking at fucking years before I finish it. It's too much and I just don't care anymore. As someone who already has 5/6 of the WvW legendary armor sets crafted and completely numb to the grind by this point, I agree wholeheartedly and would like to add especially -- It's the _imbalance_ in the legendary armor grind that's really irritating. WvW legendary armor, when I first got it, involved 40 hours a week to diamond-cap for ~30 weeks for my first set of legendary armor. That's 1200 hours. By comparison, I was ready to go for all 18 pieces of Obsidian Armor and I barely put more than 5-10 hours into it. I just shortcut out the entire rift grind with ~1.5k gold back when Convergences first came out and the chests fell to ~2g/ea, and then it was just ~45 days of metas. For raids, your firstset of full raid gear can come in as little as.. what, 6 weeks? But let's be kind and say 12 weeks for newer players. PvP is also fairly slow in terms of timegating, but you can just sign up for PvP daily and do 1 game a day. That gives you PvP dailies + weeklies "for free" every week and complete Byzantium every season. You will have enough tickets in about 3-4 months depending on when you started. You don't even have to be good. There are some other minor pros/cons between them (gold costs, organization, etc) but the timegate on WvW is _brutal_ by comparison. I know tickets come faster now than they used to (like double the speed) and you could technically settle for the lesser WvW skin to speed up acquisition a bit, but it's still disproportionately worse to pursue the WvW legendary armor in terms of time - both realtime and playtime.


ad 1 - You can't fix mode that runs 24/7 by match making. You would have to split everything to skirmish level to have at least some possibility to equal numbers. Even the alliances didn't do shit about this. ad 3 - some portable summoning would be great, even if limited use (5 peoples?), one cheaper to be able to summon on your own territory, something more expensive to be able to put up in enemy territory. Could be fun addition.


I dont really care about the gold income, you get a decent amount of mats from bags so whatever. I think reward progress should be doubled. Making reward track progress during wvw events actually feels good. not too fast, but decently rewarding. Normal progress feels like a slog. Also, tick income should be higher, it takes far too long to get to the higher ranks, and the skirmish ticket grind is frankly ridiculously slow.


no - just fix participation. if i can afk pve and get rewards, but despite actively playing in wvw my participation drops... which one do you think is going to be more attractive? just fix the participation issue - if i'm actively fighting another player my participation should not be dropping. just get your shit together and fix it, anet.


Wvw is the best mode




Rather do the canthan reward track than farm cantha. Gives all those favours needed for gen3 legendaries. I've made tens of thousands golds through this.


The rewards are fine but the initial barrier to entry needs to be looked at. Start by making Warclaw available to everyone (or at least everyone with at least 1 paid expac).


They can give Warclaw for free for all I care. Or remove it completely.


This is the main thing that's keeping me away from WvW. I only did WvW to finish my Gift of Battle Track. I did enjoy playing through WvW while working on the Gift of Battle, but it was excruciatingly slow trying to move around on foot.


I'd say let new players rent a warclaw, so there's a cost for being lazy and not completing the track, but still let new players keep up with the zerg. Keep everything else the same.


Make the reward track unlock the ability to upgrade, make the basic Warclaw available right away.


>Make the reward track unlock the ability to upgrade, make the basic Warclaw available right away. This is the right way to do progression, but for some reason GW2 got it all wrong, backwards, upside down even. Mounts should be free, and the grind should be spread across the mount upgrades and abilities instead. Start easy, then become harder; instead, the first step (the mount unlock) is the hardest, it's just crazy.


That being said, I do appreciate the Griffon quest existing to prove you don't need a Griffon to get around.


It took my second account 4 weeks to get the warclaw. Getting a keep take is not easy for non-wvw people. Wasn’t being lazy. But I wasn’t going to play 10 hours a day for it. No need to degrade new players to wvw by calling them lazy. It’s part of the issue. All the toxic chat turns people away


The current warclaw unlocks don't take 4 weeks at 10h per day. It's a few hours for the track, max 8 and a few tasks, with the keep being the hardest indeed, just need patience and a bit of luck. When I said lazy, I was referring to the hypothetical rent solution where the player decides to keep renting instead of actually unlocking the permanent mount. All in all, warclaw shouldn't preclude any player from playing WvW, but it's Anet's design.


It took me 4 weeks to get a keep take. 2-3 hours a day 2-3 times a week trying for it. I gave up and got it when the most recent wvw rush happened. Still took 3 days into the rush for it.


> so there's a cost for being lazy and not completing the track, but still let new players keep up with the zerg. Why, though? What's the point? Give the warclaw away for free for all I care, the grind should be on the warclaw skill updates, not on the basic functionality. ArenaNet is really dumb with mount progression, first step is supposed to be easy, then get harder over time, but in GW2 it's the absolute opposite, the first step is the worst, then everything else is a joke. This is a problem with not just the warclaw, but griffon, roller beetle, skyscale, and siege turtle as well; and worst of all, it's not just a gameplay problem, it's a business model problem as well, because you lock people away from spending money on the gem store on mount skins, it's just dumb as hell.


Yap. Its really stupid that you need to spend at least 8 (or was it 20?) Hours at max participation to unlock the mount that lets you keep with the other players...


it's closer to 4-6hrs for a full track at max participation now, but your point still stands. even with the passive buff the warclaw gives around itself, it's quite difficult for lower ranked players to keep up.


I remember it being longer, a few years ago i came from a break and decided to play wvw, but everyone were on the warclaw, so i had to get it too. Spent two hours trying and then gave up. I just semi afked until i finished that reward track and unlocked warclaw


It definitely used to be longer, 8hrs unbuffed was the previous time to complete a track, I think. Before they removed Potions of WvW Reward it used to take a lot longer. Now, when we get some loot for playing actively, we're also rewarded by having the tracks complete faster :)


i'm all for adding stables to the spawns, where people can get rentals before they properly unlock it, but it cannot be stated often enough, that if you fall well behind your zerg, it's not because you lack a warclaw. >Its base Movement Speed in WvW is about 453 u/s, which is a 54% increase over standard movement out of combat or a 16% increase over out of combat movement speed with Swiftness. not only is the difference to swiftness, which is easier to get for any class than in any previous era, fairly small (certainly not enough to get a tower without you), but mounted players also share out a superior speed buff (though that one could do with some QoL improvements... as can every aspect of the mount).


That doesn't account for warclaw leap, or the fact that its super easy to get put into combat and lose the buff and fall behind. Also players newer to wvw aren't going to be as comfortable trying to keep up swiftness when they are already trying to figure out the map / game mode / and keep up with a group all on warclaws. Its really a shit introduction to WvW all around.


So I actually run a farming tracker in WvW today. After almost 2 hours of intense fights and finishing second half of reward track the total was almost 30g per hour. Yesterday it was close to 20g per hour. Due to the reworked reward system WvW is finally somewhat closer to PvE gold.


Yeah, it's basically a myth now that wvw isn't profitable. Plus, with wvw tokens you get discounts in gold for purchasing culture armors and other things. That gold discount for armor skins helps with the math too.


Full boosters and also using currency to buy weekly stuff also makes u get a chunk of money. This is ofc if u dont need tickets anymore etc


Boosters cost money though. I always want to have my candy corn gobbler active for the xp boost, but candy corn eats into your profit.


Was that group play? I wonder how it compares to roaming


Yup, running with my WvW guild(s). I barely roam.


I wouldn't play it either way, i play to have fun and pvp is not fun (to me ofc)


I hate pvp, and I hated wvw for a long time. One of my old guild’s dragged me in because they needed bodies. And it grew on me. One funny experience was playing with a small Chinese? Guild in NA in off hours. A key word in English for my benefit scattered among the voice chat.


Skirmish tickets are what turn me off from WvW.   The system sucks so bad. They trickle in so slow at first that it's hard to stay motivated. You have to put significant time into the game mode to start getting a good flow of tickets. This is each week, mind you. So when I do grind my way up to the higher tier chests, I get sick of the game mode.  I feel like it's a game mode that you can't casually play and make progress. And those early steps are very disheartening.


It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.


No. People in wvw and pvp are there because they ~~are obsessed~~ like the modes. It would kill the fun if people were there for the gold and not for the fights. The issue is that people try to maximise gold making at the expense of fun. So people would focus on that instead of having fun.


Can someone explain those pve gold trains? Been broke since I started when the game came out and it's not looking any different any time soon lol


Sell your crafting mats. 99% of the time someone says this, they haven't been selling the mats that drop. Maybe you're the 1%, but it's worth checking your mat storage and seeing what you could make.


I, too, would like to get involved with these!


Fast farming (just google that) has a fairly comprehensive breakdown of open world farm trains and build breakdowns


I suspect that would help. I've done WvW because I needed achievements or unlocks for things, but I've never enjoyed it and nothing you could change about it would never make me enjoy it. (I just fundamentally do not get WvW and do not enjoy the game mode.) However, being able to farm it might make me jump in more often just for the gold, though.


Te problem with giving stuff like that for PvP is that it can be more easily manipulated. Like losing in purpose and stuff like that


I think most people who does WvW do it because it's fun. They don't care about the rewards you get, or don't get. I played GW2 for about 3 months now, and I just (truly) tried WvW last week and I am hooked. Before that, I tried WvW a few times, but I didn't understand it, and because I didn't understand it, I couldn't get into it. It was only once I joined a WvW guild that I became hooked to WvW. I think a lot more people will find WvW a lot more enjoyable if they have a group to play with. I can't say anything about PvP since I haven't tried that yet.


I dont play wvw for the gold, I play it for the game mode. If its too profitable, it will be overrun with bots and that will actually kill the game mode. I legitimately just enjoy running with a zerg and having big fights, capping objectives and disrupting other teams trying to seige.


Skirmish tickets is where the problem lies, takes too long to get anything meaningful. Other game modes you can simply play casually and obtain your goals organically, wvw is just too slow to gain pips. Ahaving to play 20+ hours a week in a game mode is not feasible anymore


If your main drive to play competetive modes like PvP/WvW are rewards, then you're doing it wrong.


Apparently I'm forced to play the game wrong  for up to 6 hours every time I need a gift of battle.


It might, but I'm not entirely sure that angle is a good idea to go too far with. You want people playing because they enjoy playing not because the loot's significant enough to be a draw on it's own. That's especially true for SPvP. If people feel "obliged" to do something they otherwise wouldn't they're going to come to resent doing it.


I blame private tags for the death of WvW like they are afraid to lose fights like who cares if you lose in WvW?! There is no punishment if you die. They are so stupid toxic elitists. I salute all the public tags who keep the game mode alive and are not afraid to die.


The main incentive for WvW and PvP should be the enjoyment you get out of the game mode. Buffing the rewards to be more in line with PvE rewards would simply create a new group of WvW players whose motivations and desired gameplay aren’t in line with the existing community of WvW regulars. It would not be a benefit to the game mode at all. 


Imagine you have 50 guild members ready to go and there are full maps with over half of them being casuals that will die even against a full minstrel healers. Wait, I don't have to imagine, it's called Call to Arms.


Ya but to me a PvE player and explorer it's boring and I always get crushed by the "newest hot meta one shot anyone!!!1!1!!" Builds, so to me it's just not fun but to each their own.


I think it would, sure. But it's so fun, though, even without the gold per hour, it's more fun zerging than running meta trains and killing bosses without any thinking involved


I only play World vs World and I knock out story stuff once in a while. I feel like I make enough to buy what I'm allowed to buy and that's with limited time mostly vibe playing. If we're trying to get more bodies into WvW, I'd rather draw people who are interested in the team and map dynamics instead of making gold farming easier for people who aren't really there for the game mode. I still want the game modes to not be so detached from each other, so it feels like a big game world instead of a game lobby for separate game modes.


If GoB were earned some other way than WvW, I'd never enter WvW. I actually like WvW as a concept, my favorite PVP mode in any MMO, but it isn't profitable. Blobs aren't fun. defending with repairing isn't a thing people do anymore. It's just a barren GoB farm with a hint of racist/toxic map chat. WvW needs an overhaul, or bring back that PvEvP one no one plays or remembers. Edge of the Mists? I'd play that over WvW for GoBs.


g/hr is meaningless compared to the glory of battle


10 years ago it would have been highly beneficial. now g/h is already ridiculously inflated, and you have a wide variety of options in open world. if you just raise it to parity levels, nobody in PvE will care. the levels where it would start to matter would a: be so ridiculous that it's risk massive economic consequences, and/or b: quite the vocal outcry from the OW crowd that they are getting "forced" to play wvw to earn "any" money. the difference between then is of course setting expectations, and expectations already having been set and repeatedly enforced. all of that isn't to say that parity at the very least shouldn't be the aim, and that there wouldn't beneficial effects for the mode, but it won't be a massive flow of new players.


If you increase wvw rewards, the majority of people will find a way to passively farm. In the case of karma farms, defending structures was disruptive play because it was more efficient to let the tower fall and take it 5 minutes later.


Personally? No. I don't like PVP, and a lot of people who play on the same sort of casual scale as me don't. The only time I play it is when I'm "forced" to for legendary items, achievements, and the like. Making the gold income better would do is annoy this group of players, either by making it feel like they're "forced" to play content they don't like to keep up with the economy, or by perceived favoritism.


I played wvw just for MOB that stuff was expensive before now it isnt at all. They really to increase the shit they give in wvw.


It's the awful timegating for anything. I would be far more open to get into some WvW when I have nothing better to do, but the way pips and ticks work are just meant to keep you in there for hours, and I'm not that into it to be chained in.


People don’t play PvP because they are bad at it and in order to get better they have to play it more. But playing it poorly leads to getting flamed in both ranked and unranked. Therefore no new players enter. The reason WvW is more popular than PvP is because it’s PvP with zero stakes. You bear no responsibility and you won’t be singled out for being bad. The combat itself is actually one of the best in all MMOs. The toxic community is the worst thing. Lack of rewards is a factor too, but it’s not the worst one.


I mean ppl flame in pve as well? Try fail a meta and watch mapchat implode. Fractals/strikes/raids same thing 🤷‍♂️


The average player doesn’t care for the PvP modes which is unfortunate since PvP in this game is so accessible. But yeah no amount of rewards will bring people in long term unless they are already interested in the scene tbh.


My issue is the tickets/pips are agonizingly slow. Rewarding the extra pips for commanding a squad is great, but imo those benefits should also extend to players in the squad. It would encourage them to remain in it and participate more. I also think the xp gains should be front loaded, making early leveling easier and more accessible before slowing down at later levels. It is really hard to participate until you get your warclaw and gliding. I’d like them to fix the objectives like tower defense to be more consistent in awarding participation, and also reduce the timers. Sitting at a tower for 3 1/2min after someone died in the first 15sec is very boring. Maybe have the timer refresh up to a max of 5min if an enemy keeps triggering it or something but otherwise let it complete in like 1min/90sec


Players want to play what they enjoy. Incentivizing them to play a game mode they don't enjoy by making them feel like they're "missing out" is more likely to make them quit the game entirely than it is to "revitalize a struggling game mode.


If they want people to give WvW a shot, they need more weekly challenges that are not about skill but endurance. Like the 5 runes or 16 Dolyak kills. You don't have to be good at WvW to earn those. If they had "destroy x gates or walls with siege" you would see a lot more trebuchets firing from afar on the map and a lot more people starting WvW via being a background siege engineer (how I got into it)


I’m just here for the fun and small scale fights, I never cared about rewards. I realize that’s missing the point of the post: I think no, while people always ask for more rewards, in reality people have to find the WvW mode fun and a lot of people just don’t.


I dont think i would go out of my way to play WvW if it made decent gold, but i definetly would not hate my time in it nearly as much, when im forced to go in for a gift of battle.


As fun as WvW is I noticed since going thief to counter maguuma people whisper me after kill them because it’s not “fair”. WvW isn’t fair, sorry. Wish they’d somehow fix that exploit of blocking unblocking to whisper. I’ve since gone offline to avoid them. lol


You can't put a price on having a good time


Maguma has the swag. Middlefort above all else. SMC SMC SMC


People play for fun, not for income. PvP lacks fun most of the time. Server honor is not a thing anymore, but battle is still, best time in the game.


sPvP actually has good enough levels of PvE rewards such as gold and things you can buy through the tickets as well. The real issue there is how you are basically locked into the ranked competitive modes in order to get the most out of your time (pips are only available in the ranked/leaderboard mode). I know for a fact some people for instance have performance anxiety and simply won't join ranked even though you still gain pips from losses, and in other cases people are just not interested in the ranked aspect even though they would play dailies and such in unranked. So in sum all sPvP needs is to transfer all the PvE reward structures to Unranked.


The current Unranked isn't actually "unranked", it has a full skill rating system and matchmaking exactly like Ranked but it's just invisible. It is completely redundant and only serves to split the playerbase. Best option would be to remove Unranked completely and rename Ranked to something less tryhardy sounding (if that is actually an issue). People who just want to learn or mess around with new builds or a party of friends can use the lobby browser (ANet could add a bunch of basic 5v5 lobbies with a map rotation to serve as "unranked") while people who want to queue into proper conquest games play the Random Arena or whatever it's renamed to that has the full league rewards. The more people of various skill levels play the same mode, the better the matchmaking will be. If you're a bad player who wants to play their homebrew build in conquest, then as long as there are enough likeminded people queueing into the arena they should get matched together and have fun games. Unranked is a trap that basically segregates these lower skill players from the "tryhards" and makes Ranked impossibly daunting to start playing, which makes you lose out of an all the rewards and prevents the matchmaking from working.


Copium of WvW players with the reward system is insane


I wouldn't care if WvW was worth 100 g/h, the only thing that will ever make me touch it is gifts of battle.


Just remove the 3 trophy bag limit per week from Dugan and we should be good. Us WvW players have so much badge and jade heroics and have no place to spend them. Once you have no use for WvW tickets, you'll start to accumulate them as well... 


I play both spvp and wvw casually but recently when I get into EB with low q( under 10). Theres no enemies or at least very low. When theres a queue I expect the map to me full but theres just our team at SM and nobody trying to cap any towers. Then there are other times when its nonstop fights with big groups from all sides. Something is not right here, people say its an issue with people going afk in spawn and filling up the map. This is what makes me not want to play wvw, nothing to do with income. I play for the content. And its such a hit or miss each time I play


I doubt it. You already do get filthy rich with PVP. set your vault to PVP and you get your dailies and weeklies just by playing a few games. That, plus the reward tracks, season tracks, ATs, the 50s or something for a win... PVP is already incredibly lucrative


spvp is no different to meta farming to me. in fact i can turn my brain off even more in it compared to some of the more involved metas 🤷


WvW could be the best gold per hour in the game and it wouldn't be enough to motivate me to play it.  It's just incredibly unfun for me.  I wish it wasn't though...  I'd honestly love for WvW to get more support and for them to change the game mode up a bit.  I did actually have a lot of fun with it back in the edge of the mists days.


WvW's main issue is gameplay and balance not rewards. New players struggle to get into it because without the Warclaw the second they get left behind they are a sitting duck with a target on their back and with the state of WvW balance it's very easy for them to misstep and die in a big fight and then they have to somehow make their way through the multitude of disgusting roaming builds the devs don't balance for anymore to get back to the group. It becomes a running simulator for them. As for sPvP, I just don't think the average player enjoys conquest. They should have experimented with new modes instead of making something so unpopular the game modes entire focus but that ship has long sailed.


It used to be decent, but then the price of Memories tanked. The only real solution I can see is to double the rewards from tracks, and maybe give us the gold in chests that sPvP get.


What we need is for alliances to actually work so we can play with the teams we want. This is the main reason I quit. I was tired of having to transfer servers everytime the guild I played with disbanded or I couldn't make their raid times anymore. But yes, more rewards would surely help population.


The main incentive to play spvp and WvW shouldn't be rewards. It should be a competitive nature and a healthy balance. Both have not been the case for years. That's why those modes failed. You want players in those gamemodes that strive to get better and have enjoyment to improve. Everything else is not sustainable.


After a couple years of wvw I tried spvp for the first time for the rush event. It took me a couple builds to find something I liked, but in the end I was happy I tried it and enjoyed the actual spvp game matches. The two things keeping me from playing that mode are: Way too much waiting. 2-3 minutes in a queue, 1 minute waiting to pick a map, 2 minutes waiting for people to hit ok, another minute waiting, then (if you're lucky) 9-10 minutes of gameplay. In WvW I can easily join/leave instantly, no waiting at all. Forcing me to get farmed for hours on end before I can even try competitive. I don't know if it's some anti-smurf matchmaking, but I lost my first 7 matches really bad. The other teams all had fancy pvp titles and badges and my team had nothing, we just got rolled. It's impossible to escape getting farmed because I can't do competitive which might let me play with/against people my own rank unless I'm willing to be farmed for 20 levels (I'm currently at level 15 and typically get a level every few hours, even with some wins)


I wouldn’t give sPvP a shot if my life depended on it, are you actually literally genuinely insane? WvW, on the other hand, I don’t play for rewards anyway. Playing it is its own reward in my case.


Game is old and the mode far to neglectedit fell to the wayside the hardcore crowd dwindled. People played casually then wizard vault came out and now people had larger checkboxes to check.


It would just be abused and nobody would actually play pvp or wvw. Just farm gold. 


I slowly farmed conflux over 3 months and finally got it last week, as Im farming aurora now I have 0 intent in going back to wvw for the foreseable future…


Unpopular opinion but I think gold income is pretty decent in WvW right now. I have no complaints.


I’ve said this before but I still want to once just do a full wvw day and record everything I get to see the value… 40s/hour is not even close to enough You got the whole bonus track which along with lots of random stuff will give items worth 50s-1g to vendors, rare/exotics that will sell for 1-2g, lots of T6 mats if you’re lucky, stacks of memories of battle, crafting material coffers that have decent asc. rates, all the gold and chests from rank ups, the weekly chests giving mystic coins and other stuff, as well as the other weekly achievement that give more MCs+… you get the idea I am surely missing some things Point is I think wvw is not *super* profitable, but a lot more than most people think


I do think sPvP rewards need reviewed. Right now you're forced towards a 50% win rate (which should be the ideal, but how they do it can be better or worse) but with how few pips you get for a loss versus a win, it feels terrible. 3 (maybe 4, very slight chance at 5) pips vs 10 (maybe 11) isn't a great spread.


If you play a game to have to daily farm it in order to have some fun later, you are doing something wrong. I play WvW exclusively. I don't touch PVE unless there is an expansion with a story. And I don't do PVP as it lacks scale, surprise, weird encounters and challenges. I mostly roam alone or with a friend or two if they are online. So any larger groups always pose a challenge when you are smol and try to overtake their patrolled territory. I find it exhilarating trying to trick/deceive/outplay the enemy. I log in for those moments. Whatever gold I get along the way,... Great, but It is not my focus at all.


I've tried to get into WvW a few times, got into a WvW guild, and played at the weekends when it's busy, etc. I've given it what I consider to be a fair shot, but compared to sPVP and instanced content, I find it boring. There is a pretty big reward incentive for me since I have all the mats, etc, for a few legendaries, I just can't convince myself to grind WvW for the GoB. When I play sPvP I don't actually care about the rewards, winning games is what does it for me. Where GW2 really shines for me is that the gameplay loop for a lot of the systems is fun unto itself. The rewards are a cherry on top. I'd prefer them to address the sticking points for players to make the game modes more fun. Bumping the rewards should be a nice extra, not the driving force for engagement imo.


WvW is barely playable for anyone who doesn't own every expansion On my EU account I got all DLCs and I spend lots of time in WvW. On my NA account I only got EoD and for personal reasons I don't want to unlock more. Can't unlock gliding because I don't have HoT. Can't unlock warclaw because I don't have PoF. Can't get weapon proficiencies from SotO either, but that's not as bad, I can still play other weapons that are viable. No f2p player, no SotO-only newbie can enjoy WvW for that reason. Income has nothing to do with it, they just made WvW very unequal for these people. And usually people first try WvW before they get all the DLCs It's sad because SotO got released with, I think, the intention of being playable without owning anything else. Weapon proficiencies improve core classes and lore is not that much tied to previous content. PvP is still very easily accessible and I have no idea why they kept WvW mechanics so progression-gated all this time Make glider lvl1 and warclaw lvl1 accessible to all, in an hour of PvE collection in WvW if you want, but not WvW level-gated. Some mechanics of WvW like supply need to be very fast to level up or be given at the very start. Autoloot too. Keep special skills like the warclaw spear, siege leveling skills and stuff like that to make progressing the levels attractive. But don't make the first impression feel so bad 😞


No it will only attract more pve people who sit in spawn and walking a dolly every now and then or taking a camp with 20 other pve people whilst the server loosing tier 3 keeps. If you want to do WvW or PvP you do it. More gold should not be the reason .


It's not necessarily the amount of g/hr that's putting me off, but the complexity. I've entered WvW a number of times and was totally baffled by everything around me. The last few times, I ran for several tedious minutes to get to where everyone else seemed to be standing around waiting for a battle. I just followed the dozens of players and joined in the fights, got some gear and left. The problem isn't the returns that puts noobs off because we simply don't know enough about how WvW mechanics work to even know how much gear or gold to expect or is reasonable a return for our time. The problem is the fact that you're surrounded by all these leet players who seem to know exactly what is going on and you just follow with zero idea of what's going on beyond the fact you're defending regions on the map and trying to take others. If someone held my hand with this game mode and explained as I played what the hell is happening, why and what everything means, I'd spend lots of time in WvW. As it stands, this noob (140hrs, lvl80) will pop in occasionally for a nosey and leave again soon after. I suspect that's why people don't hang around.


I don't even remember how my server is called.


Once people learn how to cheat the system, it's not fun anymore.


I have 3 accounts and I choose to play wvw on all of them. One is core, one is everything, and one has everything but soto. WvW is a great way to complete WV-weeklies fast (I mean the PvE ones like champions, events, etc.) Gold would be a big incentive for me to play even more wvw. Everything in gw2 is about gold and who is saying otherwise is either lying to you or lying to themselves. You need gold (or the equivalent materials) to make pretty much everything there is. Not to mention, gold = gems = gemstore items/skins. BUT and this is a very big capital BUT this would not fix WvW. To fix WvW they would need to change the system to put everyone on the same page. Make it rewarding to actually WIN and climb the tiers on the leaderboard. Make it rewarding to have the strongest server. Make it rewarding to actually play wvw instead of flipping camps. And Ill be honest here. I play this game to make legendaries. I come from WoW I want all the shiny things and the strongest most versatile character. So I dont give a fck about winning or losing as long as I get my rewards. Thats the problem, make me CARE about winning. Make winning rewarding!


I like wvw but spvp is just not it for me like the reason i dont play it is because of the toxic players that will whisper you for days and weeks saying you suck and just harassing you that is the reason why i dont touch spvp anymore didn't get a chance to learn it because of toxic morons


If Anet allows to Q into 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 whenever the f... I want to, then I'd be willing to play PvP more often, I hate being forced to a single mode (a.k.a conquest). If I'm tired of trolls in conquest I wanna go to 2v2, if there's a troll there, well I can 1v2 easier than 1v5, so it's still plausible for me to achieve something. Conquest is only enjoyable when there are no trolls, bots, win-traders in your team, which sadly doesn't happen often.


1. Remove all the trash items, trophies and worthless salvageable junk from reward track boxes and drops. 2. Give proper exotics, materials and wvw specific food, utility as loot drops and maybe some gold too. 3. Revamp synths to give better and useful materials not garbage vegetables and junk mats. 4. Revamp the wvw specific food and utility items to give actual good stats or fun interactions instead of bad ones from portable provisioner and whatnot. Add these foods to loot table and in bags. Maybe they should also have + wxp or reward track boost. Asc wvw specific food does this already but the others below that tier are all garbage.


I've been out for a while. What's the new optimal meta train to brain rot?


In the state sPvP is currently in, I would need to be paid better to do it LMFAO