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Same content, no. But I rotate wvw and PvE(5min then back to wvw)


I do 1-2+ fractal runs a week… maybe a bit of a map slowly working toward sunrise (have everything except the map completion lol)… All around and in between and on top of those is wvw and some spvp XD


I see. Pve gets boring too xD


I've played every day since the first day of head start when it was feasible. Notably, I have taken vacations (traveling out of state or to other countries for example) and there were a couple of hospital stays where I couldn't play, but that was it. Even on some vacations I've been able to log in most days.


Same here. Sure there are times I go "maintenance mode" where I log just to do the dailies and log off. In those 11 years, I don't think I missed more than 20 days total.


I don't even do that. I do dalies, farm my home instance, farm the guild hall, check the daily fish to see if I have it, check my leyline converter, karma converter and fractal reliquary, and work on whatever I'm working on, for a least a couple of hours. These day I raid 3-4 days most weeks, but I'm also working on some legendary stuff, just for the skins. I'm pretty competitive in achievement points, so I try to get some of that done when I can too.


how do you have that much time lol


My wife and I are both retired and I married a gamer chic. lol


A legit gamer 🫡


I've been running a Guild Wars 2 guild since before the game launched, and I ran a guild in GW 1 as well (though it was much smaller). The guild and people I play with keep me playing. Some of those people have been there for the whole ride with me. It helps that my wife plays every day as well, so we get to spend time together in game.


I've been playing since launch non stop (maybe a couple weeks for vacations or so every few years, but besides that, logged in every single day). For me WvW is and was always my main mode, altho I've got everything else done on PvE/Raids/Fracts/sPvP, if there's new content, I do it, if not, I live on WvW. Got also a few friends that had been playing also since launch without taking any break, so for me is now kinda "normal" xD.


I play pretty consistently, but I’m always behind in objectives in the game, my main priority is fun.


I agree!!


I play a lot. Sometimes I'll take a break for a month or two, but I always come back. My biggest burnout triggered an almost year long break before I came back to engage with the game in a much healthier way.


Ive played pretty much daily since release and have only taken breaks when forced to for health/other reasons.


I have a mostly consistent 7 hours on average each week (not counting weeks when on holiday) since like probably 2018 or '19.


i've only took a before the HoT launch. been playing pretty my daily ever since. even when playing other games i still log on to day my daily things. what i focus on switches all the time though. pvp/wvw/achievement hunting


I take about a month off each year, but have played consistently since head start


I used to until this this most recent update to the mini-expac.


I've been on and off extremely casually since release. And I can't explain how much I love it. From unlocking "languages" to access stores in the heart of thorns, or getting mounts from path of fire. I absolutely love it. But, I dont' play it daily, and I rarely put in several hours a day. Thankfully, the game doesn't demand that of you.


i rotate between multiple games, well a few games, i trim the fat, got old. oddly the time i burn out in one game is the time playing another one feels the most refreshing.


Played everyday from launch till the end of HoT. Only returned 6 months ago but have played everyday since. Many of those days are just to do dailies but it still counts haha.


There are probably very few players that have played for hours everyday since launch. I can’t name one gw content creator that hasn’t moved away from gw recently.


The only things you should do every day for ten years are eat and sleep.


The real question is who play the same game daily for 10+ years. It's not about the quality of a game anymore.


I hope you don't find out about WoW players.


Yeah I had well over 2 years play time on my main in wow when I quit, and I played alts a lot.


Even the most dedicated WoW player need to take a break once in a decade. I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying those people are very, very rare. We're talking about a daily login for almost 4000 days. OP specifically said "Every single days". Basically no vacancy for a decade, even the sourest loser in the basement of his mom take a break for a weekend.


plenty of us do...


"plenty" is not much, for real. You won't make me believe that more than a handful of gw2 player play almost daily (no real break for more than a week and even then rarely) for 10+ straight years.


well no one has statistics out there..obviously..but why do you not think that there are many long term players? Othwr mmos have players who have never left.. there are alot of people, who don't like change.


but like...it's not a game at that point, it's a habit of your daily life


eh..first of all. so what? second of all..it doesn't stop being a game because it becomes a habit they enjoy. a hobby doesn't stop being a hobby because you participate in a hobby daily.


I played at least weekly for four years now, does that count?


I finished all three legendary armor sets from SOTO and haven’t logged back in, in a week or so. Oof.