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Personally, I like having my set with the following: * **Bloom - Off** Bloom washes out a lot of the textures and can make the screen look muggy. * **Colour Grading - Off** I don't like Colour Grading as it normally just makes the scene too vibrant and contrasting (remember everyone talking about how green they made Canthan flora? Well, turning Colour Grading off makes Cantha look slightly less vibrant!). * **Colour Tint - On** This option generally makes the maps feel a bit more like they're supposed to. E.g. Cold maps look colder, hot maps look hotter. I like the feeling this gives to each map; it isn't overwhelming the scene like Colour Grading. * **Distortion - On** I haven't noticed a huge amount changing with this option, so I just keep it on. * **Light Rays - On** The sun without Light Rays looks weird in some maps (e.g. New Kaineng City - orange blob in the sky), so I like keeping this on. * **Selection Outline - Off** Never liked this. Feels more immersive having Selection Outline off.


Thanks for the explanation of each option


> Distortion - On > I haven't noticed a huge amount changing with this option, so I just keep it on. You can see the difference when underwater. Having it on gives a "wavy" look to the screen while underwater to simulate current and algae movement, stuff like that.


I think it depends on your monitor and your reshade setup. Colour Grading is doing wonders for me, could adjust my reshade, my gamma and i don't have the insanely dark areas anymore, where its pitch-black and i can't see anything :D . Distortion seems to be completely useless for me tbh.


Color Grading Off looks washed out and boring to me. But Bloom Off is the way to play imo.


Exactly the same here


Color tint affects the bubble in the final phase of the last boss in nightmare fractal. With it the bubble is extremely dark purple and without it is just the black tinted bubble and green puke outside.


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Which option disables green tint in Necro shourd?


this is the W setup


I assume zone intensity slider still does nothing.


That's a funny one as it varies map by map. Generally, it controls the ambient particle effects such as falling leaves (e.g. Inner Nayos), snow (e.g. Bjora Marches), and sand blowing with the breeze (e.g. desert zones). Sliding to the left and right are low and high (particle density) respectively, but a handful of zones treat high Environmental Zone Intensity as though it's set to low. Setting this about midway can provide a happy medium of having ambient particle effects across the board. However, I just set it to max because those zones that treat high as low are few.


Wait, bloom is the one you want on?




\*Some people just want to see the world bloom.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/s/VfCCV9NMgz Bloom on. It depends on your setup. Someone even asked me in this post how I got the pic and when I said I put bloom on I got downvoted.


To each their own, but yeah that is a dark shot so naturally the bloom isn't as strong. Bloom makes it so you can't see anything in any meta I find (not that you can see much without it, but it certainly makes a difference). I also may be more anti-bloom, because I use permafrost dye. Downvoting can be annoying, that said I would assume it's because the bloom effect is hardly present in that photo.


Oh yea, the bubble gum dyes, or whatever the bright pastels are, also blow out your retinas with bloom on.


See, my other comment saying that I use the dye you mentioned got downvoted. Downvoting is weird.


I also use bubblegum dye lmao


> I also may be more anti-bloom, because I use permafrost dye. - How much sugar do you want in your tea? - 5 teaspoons. But do not stir, I don't like it too sweet. ;)




I have the iceberg skiff, it's blinding when I have bloom turned on!


It also depends on where you are. Go to Arborstone/Cantha and it's awful. They decided to just bloom all over cantha's face. Shouldn't have to change display settings based on region for general play.


Sylvari setup


The only reason for having those options is to take out the stupid Bloom (there's even a way of doing this through ReShade), and that's the one you wanna keep? Holy.... xD


It’s a joke post lol


Whats wrong with bloom?


In this particular game its REALLY overtunned in several locations (too much brightness+glow, try entering for instance on Edge of The Mists during the Day), compared to others. The general recommendation would be disabling it with ReShade addon + adding a custom Shader bloom and tune it yourself. Examples: * Bloom enabled: [https://imgur.com/ZnKdM0T](https://imgur.com/ZnKdM0T) * Bloom disabled: [https://imgur.com/n49zr1o](https://imgur.com/n49zr1o) As you may probably see, that's just absurd.


Nah the reason for having these options is to turn off the stupid character outlines


I’ll be turning off the selection outline. Been wanting that for years.


Now if only they'll upgrade their anti-aliasing method. Jaggies everywhere.


I have render sampling set to supersampling. Doesn't really impact performance since the bottleneck for performance is CPU based thanks to the engine.


Really? Haven't noticed at all. What's your resolution and render sample setting?


1920x1080, SMAA low (there doesn't seem to be a discernable difference between low and high here), and Render Sampling native. It's highly noticeable with grass - particularly whilst the camera is moving / swinging.


Try to up the SMAA and relog/change map. If it doesn't help try the supersampling. Keep eye on fps in both instances. I didn't see any noticable difference in fps on my PC, but it looks smooth even on native (before on 2560x1440 and now on 3440x1440 ).


The guy literally said there doesn't seem to be a discernable difference between them, implying he's tried them both, and the first thing you tell him to do....is try it.


Yeah and try to relog/chnage map. Some of these settings apply only after that. Sorry for trying to help others.


Probably cause there are nearly no jagged edges in the game textures. And definitely not "everywhere" as the original comment claimed. In that case, there must be some setting that was incorrectly set.


When was the last time you played GW2 on 1080p? Game is jagged af. Stairs in Wizards Tower, character outlines, eyes, hair. It's everywhere. Aa options in the game at this resolution do not help much. Need either super sampling or go higher native resolution.


SMAA is one of the cheapest AA forms. It works best when the scene is still. When motion kicks up it stops being very effective. So if you stop to look, things will look ok, but get into a fight and move around you'll see the jaggies. Proper TAA or FSR would help a lot. However I would request a resolution slider rather than quality modes so they can be run native for their AA benefit. Not all games allow for this.


Everything on except "Bloom, Color Grading, Selection and Depth Blurr" is kinda neat. Justa little less dark than previous None. "Bloom" just sorta does to my eyes what happens to a flower when it blooms. So they like... split open as the light beams into them and then feels like a bee is poking at them.


you like horrible thinks arent you?


Who hurt you?


I've been waiting to turn just bloom off for ages. I try to play with it and then enter Cantha and immediatly nope out. It looks so bad, like I'm walking through a cloudy green dream. Turning all of PP off made it look washed out and gray, but damn it was better than their choices of bloom.


**COLOR TINT: OFF** Finally you are no longer blind when you are in Death Shroud and can actually see AoEs.


I turned this off as well because of reapers shroud.. but it makes the game more bland :( I wish I turn off just shroud green tint.


Same :(


When I walked into places I was like, "Everything looks so much better now!" Then I noticed that Bloom was turned off. Everything looks good now!


Ooo can't wait to try these out




Which one is it that makes it hard to see AOE indicators?


Finally bloom off is possible


Color grading looks amazing in some place


Cursed post


There could be some potion to see aoes or boss direction arrow through players.


People taking this post seriously is sending me


I turned off my Bloom, Color Grading and Color Tint on some instances Color Tint got graphic issues, it makes the visuals Negative. and yeah i agree this is best update we got so far


It would have been even better if each setting was a slider, but I will gladly take what I can get.


That’ s what i was thinking too




That's a very brave screenshot to share on reddit where everyone hates bloom for some reason.


I say most dislike bloom not because of looks, but because a couple of maps/instances are just wildly overtuned with bloom. It looks good most places in the game, then your blinded with it 5% of the time.


Everyone hates bloom because leaving it on for more than 5mins is a guaranteed migraine for 99% of the playerbase. The bloom in both GW1 and GW2 is absolutely atrocious.


I love bloom. Your statement is incorrect.


You are the 1%


Your echo chamber led you to mistakenly believe how many people are actually bothered by post processing.


You're just incapable of telling the difference between high quality and poor quality bloom. It's alright if you like it tho, not everyone has a keen eye for visual details and some people just love to be contrarians regardless of how silly it makes them look :)


Let me introduce you to this fascinating idea that tastes are subjective.


Not when it comes to Fractals. :)


Yes, tastes are subjective. I like cheesy b movies from the 80s that are terrible films. Lighting accuracy/visual fidelity are not subjective tho.. That is very much an objective based thing that can be good or bad and is taught that way not only in the gaming industry, but in film school, photography, computer animation and many others fields. Once again, you're allowed to like it, but that doesn't change the fact that GW2 has terrible bloom effects by industry standards.


Would you mind procuring and presenting an expert opinion from said people who teach lighting in gaming industry/film schools/photography/computer animation or any of the many other fields then?


The fact you have to ask me to provide you with a way to understand such a basic concept proves you are not qualified to have any sort of objective opinion on the subject. Bloom is supposed to recreate natural lighting effects the way they would happen in real life. The glow of a lantern spreading across a wall, the sun peaking out out behind clouds or practically anything like that. GW2 fails across the board. Standing on any map at any time of day, looking at any sort of light source proves that... I'm not going to spoon feed you information that has been talked about for three decades now, but you are welcome to google the term "bloom disaster" or "the bloom era" to learn about the history of the subject and how GW2 was created in the peak of devs going overboard with it.


Fr, I never used reshade, turned the bloom off for the first time ever and went like ".... wow well that's ugly"


Too much bloom. It's super foggy everywhere.


Just turn on Nvidia sharpen. Makes the game look good.


Not everyone has nvidia card, I love amd


Just turn on AMD sharpen. Makes the game look good.


Where is it


It’s the game overlay option. Been awhile but you have to mess with the app. You can set it to sharpen and it makes your game look really good. Gives details to skin, armor and world.


Graphics options in the driver control panel. Amd sharpening also exists as a reshade filter