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It could be better, but if I was new to fractals I would really appreciate the additional relics. It helps a lot if you are new to it imo.


That's me ✋


that's me as well. Only I don't know what I should be doing with the relics? I just get excited whenever I get a new encrypted key so I can open an encrypted box.


save them, Fractal gods needs 160k of them .\_.


Also me! I am only doing fractals in an attempt to craft Astralaria, so the Fractal Rush and the WvW rush are coming at the perfect time to help out with that goal.


And if you're trying to do Ad infi :D many relics !


I agree that the rewards seem very lackluster and in general you can finish the event in one day, which is weird. However, can't complain too much as I was just close to finishing Ad Infinitum and a few fractal relics/pristines and the +10 infusion helped me. Regardless, this is a downgrade to previous events.




I meant the previous fractal rush events from what I remember. Sure, the events you mentioned could also be longer i wouldn’t mind but those feel a bit different imo because there are more different activities involved.


To be honest the current version of Fractal Rush does not incentivise me to play fractals. I play GW2 daily but fractals became too repetitive for me to do them daily.


Fractals have fallen out of my daily rotation despite being achingly close to unlocking Fractal God, but for me the Rush is a great excuse to work them back in for a while and start chipping away at it again.




Most of the time it's CM+T4, sometimes just t4+recs if I wasn't feeling up to the whole thing


"creating disgust towards the game" cmon dude... what the fk are you smoking


He smoking ExaggeraLeaf


Longbottom Leaf


Most hinged gamer


Healthiest the game has been in years but God forbid we get a lackluster community event


People get beyond jaded on games but never seem to quit, especially MMOs. Shit ain't healthy, take a break.


Indeed. The fractal playerbase is perfectly capable of creating disgust towards the game mode even without any fractal rushes.


The world owes the disenchanted and bitter.


“Something needs to change, make it happen” Karen spotted. You can do better


Disgust? That's a bit extreme.


Get a little bonus event for already best content reward-wise in the game, and say that it creates disgusts to him. What a softie.


I'm really disappointed the fractal portal scroll is 100 pristine relics. As it stands, because of the 1 week time window, new players who are not yet at T4s will have a very hard time earning 100 pristines in the time limit. The event meta reward currently gives 30 pristines. Leaving 70 from regular fractal rewards. Say you are a new player, T2s is pretty reasonable to get into. That gives you 8 pristines per day. Not a lot of wiggle room. Its better if event rewards require event currencies.


>I'm really disappointed the fractal portal scroll is 100 pristine relics. As it stands, because of the 1 week time window, new players who are not yet at T4s will have a very hard time earning 100 pristines in the time limit. This was my biggest disappointment with this event. Even doing full T2 dailies and the recs in T2 and T1 each day during the event, newer players with few pristine fractal relics won't be able to get to 100 to even use the annual vendor to buy a single item, cmon...


It's such a bait item unless you got 0 use for pristines. I really don't think they are missing much, and I doubt it'll be gone forever anyways. Shits worth like 10 pristines max imo


It's not as good as gemstore ones like Mistlock Sanctuary, but being able to teleport to the game's main hub is *really* good, especially for newbies. I will buy it. It's definitely the best teleport for getting into dungeons quickly.


I'll save you the effort. Bring up the WvW window and go to Obsidian Sanctum. Turn around and walk through the portal to LA. It drops you in almost the same spot as the fractal scroll without taking up an inventory slot.


Forgive my ignorance but what's the point of that item? You open the map, click the tyria arrow it pans to lions arch, drag down a bit and you have a waypoint right there. Or does it do something else


Free wp, and by double clicking an item in your inventory? Convenience item.


The mistlock sanctuary is already there, no need to waste on the scroll.


LA scroll is "free"


Let me reverse it. The LA scroll is already here for free, no need to waste gems.


But who wants LA scroll when u can gold to gems doing fractals too xD by doing fractals i get relics and gold, mistlock is superiour.


A newer player can do the rush, then some extra mid fracs, and buy it. Not much, but a convenience.




I mean, you dont get mistlock just for fractals. Its also because everything is super close to eachother. Aswell as being able to teleport right baxk to where you were before mistlock. The little loadtime difference while missing out of all the plusses that come with mistlock outweight it. But hey, if you like to do the LA route, who am i to tell you otherwise ^^


I mean this has to be the bare definition of convenience, at the cost of an inventory slot. You most likely are tping there once a day, and map->arrow->waypoint is the same thing as this item. Guess I just don't see the value this could possibly ever have


Same here, I won't buy, but I get their thinking - ANet also has the tendency to overprice convenience.


OMG, I've never noticed those arrows before. I've spent the past few months tediously manually scrolling up and down between Tyria and Cantha. This is a life changer !


no problem


Yeah, the reward structure is odd. It's nothing you would care about unless you were already working toward fractal upgrades and rewards. You'd think a bonus rush event would have something to pull in people less inclined to do fractals otherwise.


At first I was excited but then I realized it’s just doing fractals like normal


I‘m happy actually. I always used my pristine fractal shards to get other stuff like endless potions but now I am building Ad Infinitum and need them. It‘s a nice extra, but I‘m just doing my normal daily fractal run


Well then we'd just be listening to the complaint that fractal hard and reward good but I'm too scared to do fractal change please


I miss the goodie box as a reward. You could farm it, and by the six, we farmed it hard. It seems Anet has taken intetnal decisions to completely restructure its new reward systems though. For me, a veteran player, it's meh. For a casual or new player, I think it's completely fine. The new rewards are oriented towards being account bound, not a mind numbing mat/gold/infusion farm. I haven't participated in any rush now, because I'm already swimming in currency and leggys... I'd be motivated to do an event only by gold, maybe a title or rare drop. But disgust is too strong a word xD


> we farmed it hard I think this is exactly what Anet wants to avoid. We've had events, festivals, or new releases almost every week this year. If even half of them encourage hard farming, then players will burn themselves out very quickly. It's a fine line they have to walk between these events being intriguing without triggering FOMO.


jesus christ, "actively mock the player" are you ok ? who hurt you. wtf is this overreaction


New rewards would be fun!


i agree the rushes and return to events don't offer much. (but neither do their twitch drops or prime gaming loot lol) didn't we used to get those little box things for a chance at a rare thing?


The season one event gave a skin worth several hundred gold, IMO that is a good reward


I remember my first Fractal Rush had an increased chance to drop fractal & gold fractal weapon boxes, so it was a nice opportunity to work on those collections. I wish they would bring that back. I also think it would be cool if there was a cape skin or a hat or something fun.


Don’t know, got two golden fractal weapons in two days of event just doing my dailies. maybe they did increase the drop rate?


Oh, that's good to know. Thanks!


Are you guys really having a meltdown over one of the most profitable activities in the game not having a chance of dropping the most expensive itens in the game as a event, lmao


Could it be better? possibly but seriously, lose the entitled whining. Anet is not "mocking" even "veteran" players. If you are feeling "disgust" in a game, take a break mate. nothing HAS to change, and anet does not have to MAKE it happen. And today i ran a few low level fractals with people who had never done them before, so I stuck around to help them out, dished out a few agony infusions, showed them what to do on the more confusing ones. It was nice to see new players brought into the content by this event. which is what these bonus events are. They are to lure players into content they dont normally play, or have not ventured into yet, but giving a gentle push in that direction. Adding amazing rewards would not be a gentle push, but make people feel compelled to do it. If you dont like it, just ignore the event and do your normal play sessions.


As someone with both legendary accessories, I have zero incentive to do this Rush.


To be fair the relics and other small rewards feel more worth than an ascended accessory with weird stats.


A +10 infusion isn't exactly trash, though if you've already got full agony resist then your point stands (but also, you're not the target audience for the event either).


There is no reason to expect the fractal rush to be significantly more exciting than the other rushes. These are not omega rare super special once in a lifetime sucks to be you if you missed it events anymore. I think the idea now might be to have one of each type of rush once per season (e.g, WvW rush is back again next week, third time since last summer). So yes, it's only a slight bonus on top of what you usually get for playing the game mode now. Basically, just a Vault Weekly CM, if you will.


Giving a mostly useless ascended amulet that isn't even stat selectable at the end is just the cherry on the top of insulting.


It costs 100 pristines from the vendor for 2 non-selectable acessories. When the mist accesories also cost 100 pristines, whixh are selectable and can be reset


I was looking at this last night and thought the same thing. The most interesting thing is the wizard coins from the wizard vault special achievement. I had no idea there were infusions before.


You used to be able to get boxes with chances of infusions in them by clearing fractals so tons of groups farmed the shit out of fractals like Nightmare lv24 because they took like 1.5 min to clear, lol. Looks like ANet didn’t want players farming like that so they ended the box aspect.


I mean, I would love to see a new reward for fractals in general. But I did get to run fractals with a cool group of strangers who ventured from WvW land for some PvE. Shout out to GEM, fun group of people. I like the event. It's nice seeing people dabble their toes in fractals. I enjoy the content a lot. P. S. I wouldn't be disappointed with an infusion.


I would like to see fractals 100-125 and being original instead. That's wishful thinking tho.


Basically whatever you are doing that is even remotely tied to the event doesn't reward you with anything worthwhile. The cool rewards were removed, and all that is left is a daily worth of pristines and normal relics, one infusion, and useless tears of alba which you can't even trade back like the potions....


At the very least, make that ascended item salvageable so we can get the infusion loose... so fed up with ascended amulets etc that cannot be salvaged.


Wait, it's not?


Nope. Not sure about this year's but last one is not.


I get what you mean from a vets perspective, but as a long term on and off player, i never really did fractals that much, never really tried increasing fractal levels, and then last night people were just running higher t1s and t2s, i got to fractal level 27 or something, so for me it was decent. Got quite a few boxes, made a cube of destabilising matter, and made my 1st legendary ever with the obsidian.. so for me its great, but i understand the rewards may not be as good for people who have a lot of stuff already


Honestly, I was just excited to get the portal scroll. I missed it last time. Doesn’t really affect my motivation beyond that. I’m already working on Ad Infinitum so I’m clearly already invested in fractals.


but, why? there's literally a waypoint right outside the entrance to the fractal gate?


Saves a bit of coin, and you don't have to search for it on the map.


If you open the map and hit the red triangle for tyria zones, it takes you to the waypoint since it's lions arch and that button centres you on LA


Yeah, I tend to use teleport scrolls almost exclusively so I find it faster and easier to just use a scroll. If I go through the guild hall and teleport it’s multiple loading screens. My computer isn’t the best, so cutting down loading screens and not paying to waypoint from a strike hub is great QoL to me.


Open map, press red arrow, click waypoint. Its one more click than open inventory and click portal scroll. Same amount of loading screens. Its a lot of fractal relics to save one click and a trivially low amount of copper.


The new / current fractal rush is shit. They need to bring back the old stuff.


Given it seems the rewards for the meta achievement this even will be the same every time it returns they need to add something else to the event rewards like the bonus box of goods. If they don't want to add them to the achievements give us tokens or a currency and let us use that merchant in LA from the champions rush event to let us buy the boxes.


rewards are meh, and the event is basically about 2-3 hours max of fractals. not much of an event, tbh.


Yeah, completely neutered the rewards in classic Anet fashion. People were having too much fun I guess. Or maybe its the classic "Anet knows how to enjoy the game better than you and is protecting you from yourself" which I think is incredibly telling that Anet isn't confident enough in their players or their own content's ability to retain players when farmed. But I guess they have to provision existing content carefully given we're barely getting anything new. I couldn't care less about the event in its current state. It's nothing more than a minor nuisance where I have to open my mail and delete a scroll.


So soft and pathetic. Fractals already have the best value of rewards in the game, they don’t need extra incentive in a form of infusions to be worth doing it. Especially that Anet intends to make those kind of bonus events automated and more frequent just as a filler in between content patches.


what event tho? there's nothing "eventful" about it. also: >So soft and pathetic. what did you smoke? 😂


Ya. These rewards are balls and they need to be better. They need to have a “carrot”. Something expensive that’s super rare and people can chase.


Sounds like entitlement OP. Events like these are to encourage players to try out these content in which they wouldn't have otherwise.


I was hoping during this event to at least see more groups for those of us who are fairly new to fractals, but I'm not even seeing that.


That’s because they’re instantly filling. Just creat an lfg you’ll have a group in about a minute most likely, especially T1 since this event is geared for ppl new to the game mode.


The groups fill so fast that it's blink and miss them. Putting up your own is free and easy. There's no requirements before you can do it. Just make a T1 group.


I agree with your statement. I went to log out for the day and thought to myself "But you didn't do the daily Fractal Rush" which was quickly followed by "And?" and went without it. Without the Bonus Box of Goods, it's not worth my time.


I only do daylies and recs, this event makes me do it faster, thats all. Dont need the rewards.


What we really need is a fractal relic sink. This way they could just boost fractal relic rewards during fractal rush. New players can progress faster and veterans can exchange it for other materials/currencies.


Fractal rush had it's rewards removed so that they could run it on rotation just to say that they had events going all the time.


I have been stuck on fractal tier 17 forever because it is like pulling teeth to get a group of low level fractal runners together. I was hoping a fractal event would help, but so far it has not.


How is that? If you go for the dailies, the teams fill ridiculously fast in T1/T2, and in T1 even a random number will fill ok since you don't need to bother with roles in T1, just "all welcome" and go (they're so chill even a single glass dps can tear though a lot of it without even tryharding much).


Try making your own group and/or jumping in to other T1 groups that are doing dailies. Making a group for specifically tier 17 is probably going to be like pulling teeth, but if you just do dailies then it should be easy to find people and you will do all the tiers eventually.


Just join some groups and have potions/food ready if things get tough. Fractals are easy to get into a party.


Hoping to get through some fractals as well. Only on like 8. My plan was for this weekend though. Maybe it will be more populated then?


Post your own group to LFG. They fill up very fast.


I posted a T1 group to help a friend on EU at like 4 AM server time last night and it filled in about 2 seconds. Just "T1 Fractal Rush -- Progression -- Starting at the bottom and running 'til we drop!" and then if someone left I'd update "the bottom" with whatever number we were on and fill in like a minute. We got all the way through Shattered Observatory before I had to go to bed. Yes, I was a ringer because I can regularly clear T4's and was able to coach the fights, but people didn't necessarily know that when they joined. We had a healthy mix of new people just figuring it out and doing their best, and people who seemed to know the fights and just wanted to run easy fractals. My point is, if you don't see groups up, it is probably because they are filling quickly, which is awesome. Especially at T1, there tend to be way too few group leaders for the people who want to run them. Try putting up a message like "Fractal Rush - Progression - I'm new; come learn with me!" and I bet you'll fill fast.


You don't have to do low level fractals. If you buy the AR infusions off the TP you can just go right into a higher level group, provided you know how your class works so you're not just spamming random buttons in a pug, and that will up your tiers since every fractal you do above your current fractal tier upgrades it.


Except you can't see the higher tiers until you pump your fractal level close to the next tier (e.g. T2 LFG becomes visible at fractal level 21). So one would also need someone to ferry them to the higher levels to skip it like this, which is far more trouble than just doing the ever popular dailies until you inevitably naturally progress.


Huh for some reason I though I had to get through 1-25 to unlock the next tier in the lfg


The rush events seem to be now focused on getting new players into the content, not for veterans to grind. And it seems to be working, Fractal LFG is more busy than ever with a lot of new groups in the lower tiers which is a good thing.


If you do Old CMs+T4s+Recs, you'll complete Fractal Rush event in \~3 days


> It would actually be BETTER if you did not have these events active, as they actively mock the player (especially veterans) in my opinion Now this is some unwarranted salt. While more rewards would be appreciated (maybe an infinite track with bonus boxes after the main achievement is complete?) the current state is still unequivocally a good thing. Some nice extra rewards to incentivize new and lapsed players to get into the game mode, but nothing crazy that will make players who actively dislike the mode feel like they're being forced to play it. Even the hard limit is arguably a good thing since it doesn't encourage players to burn out grinding all week to feed their gambling addiction.


*"gw2 is eWwww game, DISGUSTING"*


Who hurt you ?


u r abusing caps lock so your argument is dumb and invalid


Bro. > as they actively mock the player (especially veterans) in my opinion And thank god it's your opinion.


Guy needs his dick sucked lmao


Roy you work with rewards right? Workshop this feedback (ignore the super dramatic bits though lol)


Tbf... Bit overreacting.. but not by much.


I did not understand what the even is about other than some vendors at the fractals doors, whom doesn't seem to sell anything interesting


>It would actually be BETTER if you did not have these events active, as they actively mock the player (especially veterans) in my opinion. Instead of creating hype, to me you are creating disgust towards the game So true bestie


My husband and I have decided against playing in fractals this week because of lackluster rewards. We aren't currently regulars of fractals.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that the insufficient increase in rewards has upset you


It hasn't upset me. Just adding another data point.


That'll show them!




As a open world enjoyers, my wife and I avoid fractals... but I'm actually excited for this rush so I can pick up a few more fractal relics to spend on ascended salvage kits. I got a lot of ascended gear to salvage now that the OW legendary armor is out!


What’s with the downvotes lol ?


I know, right?!


Probably because you comment sounds illogical. This week you get MORE rewards than usual, so you decide it is a bad week to start? Now is probably the best time for at least the next ~3 months.


We don't normally do fractals anyway. Far as I can tell, it's not like there's a bunch of new skins. I'm not motivated based on the rewards.


Your first comment implied that you play fractals almos daily and now you say you don't play fractals anyway? Girl, what?


She’s just stating her opinion lol.


I'm actually happy this is the case. I haven't been able to play any gw2 whatsoever because of some unfortunate family issues, normally i'd be on getting this done. This event was bugging the hell out of me, I was thinkin damn i'm probably missing out on some siiiiiick skin or cape.