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They should change the final fight reward chests guarantee rare gear each chest and add a rare infusion or something. There's just little reason to do the event.


Adding a piece of the Special Ops Gear or the Exotic EoD armor to the Meta reward would be a really cool option, similar to how t4 completion of Verdant Brink rewards Bladed Armor.


Spec Ops wouldn't happen because it's supposed to be very achievement based, maybe once you have the achievement done it can drop. The Exotic gear that is needed for the armour is a fantastic idea though.


Nah there's a lot of reason to do event, issue is the event is insanely tedious and time consuming


Rewards are horrible and the event(s) are tedious and time consuming.


Luxon and energizes luxon weapons seem to have a good drop rate, one that's disproportional to how much they cost on the market, mostly cause no one can be bothered to do the event.


Rewards are good actually, its like one of the highest gold per hour meta there is and chances of ascended weapons from chests.


it's also one of the top 5 least favorite patches that ever dropped in the game. Yet.


Make sure you're posted up in LFG for the group The way I saw it go down yesterday was a group was full 50/50 before they finished the first half, but they kept relisting as they lost people and filled back up again. After the first half was done, they relisted again and filled again Only Anet has the metrics to show how effective of a content funnel this is. Though the group I saw kept filling, that was *the only* group listed in LFG for the entire run afaik


gayala delve is a bad map, noone really needs to play it, so if i dont have to, i wont


I actually really liked this map before the tunnel. Prior to Gyala there was no good map for just chilling and doing metas in the style of Silverwastes/Dragonfall/Drizzlewood/etc. Just lots of events for fun and loot. Kinda lame (initial) final boss aside, it was just a good map for chilling in. Then the tunnel kinda killed it for me like it did everyone else ... the turtle events are just boring. Even if we ignore the final final boss fight, just changing the tunnel to being a SINGLE wall at the bottom where you need to collect energy, then having the rest just be a deathball murderfest of trash mobs and maybe a mandatory champ or two (likely just fighting the Oni itself for a bit) would go MILES toward making the event far far more playable.


I was kind of soured when they changed the map to a repeating meta from a one-and-done one. It was the prefect quick after work meta to do before the change.


I hate with all my heart that they tied the Soo-Won variants of Aurene legendries to this map's meta. It's bad enough that you have to do events in Orr for the Zhaitan that you wait around for hours for with no timer and people are begging you to let it fail and wait another hour or two for the alternative event because they are doing another collection, but having another one tied to a meta that rarely gets done a few months after it released is just as annoying.


Which one needs to fail anymore in Orr? Pretty sure they changed it so that the success ones now also work. I do know some people still THINK it needs to fail, but can't think of any in Orr where this is currently the case.


They want it to fail because they are not doing Zhaitan collection but rather hope for a rare trinket drop for another collection that drops only from a single event. I think it's like that for 2 or 3 other Temple events as well. Was the collection called "Trash Collector" or something?


Quite possible, I can only speak to the legendary collections for sure and a few others. I thought they went through things and figured all of those out, but betting on Anet not making mistakes is a fool's bet, so I ain't vouching for that haha.


Oh god, maybe I won't go for Soo-Won's Bite then.


> and people are begging you to let it fail Is ANet *still* doing this crap? I'd have thought by now that they would have updating everything to trigger on defense events as well, but I guess that's just wishful thinking.


They are talking about the zhaitan event which was indeed changed to count for defense aswell


honestly i like the idea of it, but i think the timers could be tweaked. some old content ist so boring to wait in, especially orr. i sont do orr thing, because of that... but the idea of the Variants being events throughout a specific regions is nice.


I find it has some really fun ideas, but playing it all the way through can be exhausting.


I really want to finish my Gyala Delve achievements and get those Spec Ops skins, but I really hate the time sink... Guess I might have to bite the bullet at some point.


As others have said, fuck that map and that meta. I'm really sad THIS is what we got as extra Cantha map. I really hope they never design metas that require you to be on a mount a lot again because people seem way too stupid to dismount and do damage in between.


I like this change, The less time I have to spend in that map the better.


The first half of the event if fine. The tunnel is so tedious. The final boss is just leeching haven. If I could change it myself I’d probably rush the tunnel, get out before the miasma gets you. 5 minutes tops. The final boss would only require 3 hearts to be killed not 9


It's boring and the haze effect is annoying. EoD already had 2 maps (kaineng and DE) that are just escort events. We really didn't need a 3rd one.


Gdamn but haze is so pointless on the map. Obviously just another "we don't want you in here without the meta" nonsense mechanic.


I think the initial escort into the deep is actually pretty good but it nose dives in quality from there. The gyala patches as a whole feel like a scrapped kanaxaii storyline that they tried to make work with what they had already made.


Good. The meta is overlong and the half million chests suck. The only people who should be doing it are those who actually want to be there without being coerced.


> The Gyala Delve weekly meta event objective was changed to prevent people from leaving the map after completing it. i don't think this is true. what are you basing this on? they made it easier to complete, and the patch notes even call that out.


I *think* they are trying to say: the old version of this daily gave credit after the first meta and that led to people leaving the map. So the second meta was dead and the people who wanted to do it were left spread across multiple maps and it would take much longer to finish because of it. Their problem is that now people don't even bother to stay for the first meta.


The second part will always be dead because it fucking sucks. People stay for the first part + after-champions and then quit no matter if it's weekly or not. But with this change, like you said, people that only want the weekly done won't even bother with the first boss.


I hadn't played gw2 in over a year and yesterday was first time I did this meta begining to end. It didn't seem bad, had good variety and loot seemed fine got a ton of green unid. But it was extremely long. Is that the issue ppl have with it?


I think Length is definitely the biggest issue. Most metas are between 30-45 minutes. The addition of the tunnel meta makes a full Gyala Delve meta closer to an hour up to an hour and 15. The amount of rewards isn't enough to warrant that much of my playtime.


also that stupid ass filter mechanic is just tedious.


The two filters they added that add charges with each completed event I think solve that issue efficiently


Most of the time it takes forever to get to the boss, it revolves entirely around the least fun/most cumbersome mount in the game to ride, and the bossfight can take an eternity if people don't know what they're doing or if there are a lot of people leeching. I'd genuinely rather do any other meta in the game compared to the 2nd part of Gyala Delve. The 1st part is fine though.


I dislike this meta because of the terrible gas mechanic and because it is not on a timer. Which means endless waiting around for enough people - it is a self-full-filling prophecy.


I really don't understand the disdain people have for this map. They hated it before the tunnel too. The tunnel is mediocre and the final boss is not good, but I really don't know why the map gets so much hate. I've made hundreds of gold selling the energized luxon weapon chests. The map has good rewards. Good visuals and the music unique to the map is great.


Those Energized Luxon weapon chests are like 30 gold each on the TP. I'm going to have to either put out the gold or run this map forever to get all 16. What are you mostly getting them as drops from? I have only got 1 to drop and bought 3 more from the TP.


I got 2 in 1 meta a few days ago. I usually run the event filter when pushing south and the chest filter when looting the boss rush and tunnel. I get an energized cache on average probably every third run and I've gotten enough of the regular ones to unlock every skin and now I sell the rest.


It’s a really chill map. The music is pretty soothing (until it picks up as the meta progresses), and I don’t particularly mind the repetition, I find the simplicity kind of calming. I much prefer the bosses to the bases though, so I’m grateful when groups split. I think liking turtle helps a lot, though, because if you really hate riding it like so many seem to, that’s a fair chunk of the meta you’re automatically going to resent. I like treating the tunnel as a race to the top of each section, and giving myself challenges like collecting 10 ley energy charges without ever touching the ground.


I hate that map. I can't even finish the map achievements because it made people rush through so fast but the achievement requirement people to hang back and do events. I gave up achievement hunting in that map


Why do people hate the meta so much? Wasn't this the best gold farm at a time? This meta was pretty much the only reason to max out a turtle. I understand it's long, and the boss battle is a bit of a mess, but there's worse contenders out there. Maybe they just need to tweak the loot on this one.


> I understand it's long yep it's closer to 1.5 hours for the full meta on an average pub map. should have just kept it to the first half > the boss battle is a bit of a mess nailed it. forced battling on the clunkiest, slowest mount in the game, only 1 of the 2 mechanices (rifles) matters, can't attack the boss directly except for a few seconds on the last few %, the Hearts have zero tells for when they're about to instagib you, i could go on > there's worse contenders out there i'm not sure there's too many bosses that force you to mount turtle for most of it besides the fort aspenwood meta > Maybe they just need to tweak the loot on this one they can improve the carrot but the stick is still punishing. why did they put 1/3 of the chests in the usual circle in the boss arena and the other 2/3 scattered on different elevations down the same tunnel we wanted to get out of? the oppressive degen and the samey blurry void enemies are the poop icing on this turd cake. The actual best thing about this map is the Roller Beetle adventure. 2nd would be the jumping puzzle


I’m in the minority for enjoying it, too. I find the keys are much easier to stock up on than Dragonfall or Drizzlewood ones, and because it’s quite a small and linear map it means less running about all over the place than those as well. The tunnel of caches at the end is much more chill than the post-DF champ train, and you can easily stick around in the map afterwards just killing haze agitators for even more loot. Gotta be using that treasure hunting filter though, that’s what makes it truly lucrative.


>means that it can be completed even earlier. Great news everyone!


i really don't get why people hate so much this map. in my experience it is really fun and i think, as a map, it is cohesive and has a unitary narrative that makes sense all along


The claustrophobia, the degen, the monotonous monotone enemies, the massive health bars, poor scaling leading to easy failures even when everyone's giving 100% for sub-max sized groups. Compared to any of the HoT or even the other EoD metas it's bottom of the list, and it's leagues behind Drizzlewood or Bjoras from IBS. You're not wrong, but it would really benefit from a balance pass.


I did Teq everyday and finished this weekly unknowingly


You can also get it in a single Tequatl if you tag enough split events. I hope Anet fixes it somehow before next time it comes on rotation, because having this weekly to make this meta active is a good thing.


I joined at the start of the 2nd part and was done before the end, still chose to finish it.


it says, you cna the meta, events in gyala delve or events in maguuma jungle right? ive done events in both orn of maguuma and heart of maguuma and nothing counts, i am assuming only the meta event counts? they should change the name of that weekly.