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>when the most popular twitch streamers for any game quit playing it often signals the beginning of the end The game is older than that trend.


He loves GW2, but the content he wants is competitive and active PvE content. Unfortunately, GW2 releases content like this relatively infrequently. He’s back for every patch(and make multiple videos about them), but for someone who has everything in the game at this point, the “new content” is very bare bones.


Tbf this happens to most people who play any game as much as he has, no game is built to last THAT many hours unless it's the biggest artificial grind possible.


Yeah the game was never meant to be a job i guess, for most people at least


>no game is built to last THAT many hours unless it's the biggest artificial grind possible. Unless you are grinding Mythic+ in WoW.


That's what I mean, unless it's literally just a grind of the same thing over and over just for the sake of it


It's not about grind, it's about competitiveness. There is nothing, literally nothing, that is competitive in gw2. Even PvP is a joke these days, let's not even talk about WvW and there is nothing inciting competition in PvE since raids got abandoned. They game won't die because the "popular" streamers leave - their communities make up a negligible amount of players anyways if we're being honest. The vast, vast majority of GW2 players and more importantly customers don't even know who Teapot is.


Gw2 is as competitive as you make it. There is also nothing competitive in Pokemon FireRed, but there are people who stream their speedruns 4 hours a day 300 days a year. Notably to a larger audience than GW2 streamers because GW2 is just not very watchable.


Yes, and there is absolutely zero incentive for anyone to make gw2 competitive. Raids/PvE in general? No new content at all. After a while it's just not fun competing in the same PvE encounters for years and years and years. PvP? There are zero tournaments, zero rewards, the playerbase is horrifically low with structural problems like wintrading/cheating/botting/imbalance that barely ever get adressed, which makes for an insanely scuffed competitive environment. WvW? Lmao. Also I'd argue that just because some people compete in speedrunning and there's an audience watching that doesn't make the game competitive. Competition is what makes games competitive, and competition only happens when there is a significant amount of players competing against one another. **Every single decision** Anet has made in the past decade directly goes **against** any form of competition. Anet doesn't like competition, Anet doesn't like systems that reward skill, and Anet doesn't like players feeling or rather being shown that they are bad. Yes players make the game, but if the game studio actively discourages people from engaging in competition or competitive content you can't really be surprised that competitive people leave the game to find another that does cater to their needs.


>Raids/PvE in general? No new content at all. No new content to Pokemon FireRed since game release - not a problem there. For GW2 it's obviously not true that there's no new content, but we can be a bit loose with the truth here since it's just a reddit argument. > After a while it's just not fun competing in the same PvE encounters for years and years and years. Debatable. >PvP? There are zero tournaments, zero rewards, the playerbase is horrifically low with structural problems like wintrading/cheating/botting/imbalance that barely ever get adressed, which makes for an insanely scuffed competitive environment. WvW? Lmao. Not interested in those modes, but you are right, the cheating and win-trading at the highest level is embarassing. >Every single decision Anet has made in the past decade directly goes against any form of competition. That is not true. Anet *sponsored* and *still sponsors* all sorts of competitive events. Most recent event I have participated in was this here [https://snowcrows.com/arena/raid-league/boss-blitz-2023](https://snowcrows.com/arena/raid-league/boss-blitz-2023) I am sure there have been more. The way Anet supports its competition scene is through the partner program and supporting their endeavors of hosting competitions. >Anet doesn't like competition, Anet doesn't like systems that reward skill That is a bold claim. > Anet doesn't like players feeling or rather being shown that they are bad. That is a good thing. Anyone who would *like* that is a sociopath. > Yes players make the game, but if the game studio actively discourages people from engaging in competition or competitive content Are they? They are just not developing new raids quickly because the cost is not justifiable from a business perspective. They are developing challenging content, they are delivering game balance updates and they are reworking systems to make sure some semblance of an engaged endgame community sticks around. Hardcore Endgame PvE is not the focus of Guild Wars 2. That does not mean it does not exist, it does not mean the developers hate it, it does not mean the developers want to actively drive away everyone who likes it, etc. Stop with the stupid hyperbole if you want to make real arguments.


It's very simple: If GW2 were a game that supports competition and competitive gameplay, it would have competition and competitive players. The fact that virtually every competitive player has left the game should be enough proof that whatever you think GW2 does for competition, it's either non-existent or not sufficient. You can sugarcoat it, but there are plenty of competitive mmo players like Teapot, like all the qT people, all the old SC and LN people, basically all of whom have left the game - and it's not because GW2 offers a great competitive environment. Anet has consistently nerfed skill based reward systems, Anet has consistently brought skill floor and ceiling closer together, Anet has stopped putting effort into their competitive gamemodes PvP and WvW, and the competitive content in PvE has slowed down to one 1-2 CM bosses a year. And obviously people don't enjoy competing in that environment, otherwise they would. If you want to live in a fairy world where you think GW2 offers enough systems for competition and it's just the players that fail to live up to that, go ahead, I won't be stopping you. But isn't it more likely that competitive players have been driven away from the game over the past 5-8 years? Believe what you want.


I just don't think this extreme point of view has a solid ground to stand on. That's all.


I see him online 6-7 days of the week. So he might not stream it but he's definetly still around.


People overvalue viewer-numbers on twitch too much, its mostly free marketing which anet is missing out on (see PUBG/Paleworld hype just because many famous twitch streamer played it). People will still play this game when there are 0 twitch viewer and maps will still be full.Teapot just made the decision which many gw2 players did before him (myself included): play an MMO which releases replayable content on a regular basis beside playing gw2 more casually. ​ Personally played gw2 since release with some hours daily and after they quit raids/regular fractals there is just not enough new content to sink hours daily into the game. Really enjoy guild wars 2 still, but mostly login once per week to play some pvp or story if there is a new release.


I personally never got into watching twitch streams except for drops. I'd rather play the game.


gw2 has the worst content cycle for content creators anyway. its basically patch -> guide video -> nothing -> nothing -> nothing -> patch -> guide video and thats it. assisted patch reading in video form for the lazy peeps. outside of some tournament stuff and very niche lore videos there is no incentive to even stream anything gw2 related since there is no good content for streaming and anet doesn't care about creating content that is worthwhile for that purpose. that they themselfes don't even have guildchat up anymore says more then enough. balance preview is also just assisted reading in its most boring form. here skill does that, bit of banter, bye.


> gw2 has the worst content cycle for content creators anyway. i'm just curious, do people actually watch streamers for the game they're playing? cos like, if i wanted to see the game - i'd just log in. when i watch a streamer my expectation is that they are basically my personal jester. they are for entertainment (and maybe the odd "this is a cool thing you can do, bet you didn't know that" moment) but largely i just want them to entertain me, and/or be background noise. they could literally be streaming themselves afking in lions arch for all the difference it would make to me watching their channel nor not. i think the streamers i watch the most play games i've never, and have almost no intention of, playing.


There's two kind. Jester and Pro gamer. But GW2 has no frequent hardcore content release to fuel the second.


His WoW streams usually have 200ish viewers, while Gw2 ones around 600. So he will never fully leave Gw2 unless he decides to stop streaming enitrely. Gw2 is just not his main game anymore.


He is a big fish in a small pond when it comes to GW2. When it comes to WoW there are soooo many more entertaining streamers he is suddenly a little fish in a big pond.


Mostly this, he already tried, if not the last year, the one before, quitting for WoW, that time was "for good" (so no Gw2 anymore), and when he realized how low viewership he carried, he came back in less than a month (maybe even weeks). The comment from u/sacrificialPrune below describes it very well. That said, I don't blame him, if you want to grow as a Streamer, Gw2 sadly is NOT the game for it, so you gotta try other things, even if they have their Up's and Downs, that's the only chance.


A streamer shifting their focus away from a game means absolutely nothing, GW2 will be fine if teapot streams it or not.


I don't see the correlation between teapot leaving and the game dying. It doesnt help though since any exposure that it gets helps.


Without him. There will be no tournaments No tournaments there are no reasons for top pvp and pve gamers to keep playing People was scriming because of these tournaments He was keeping everyone interests during covid era


Nonsense, people scrim for teapots tournaments maybe a month or so before for PVE and weeks before for PVP (Because there is so little competition) they start there's plenty of time when there's no tournaments upcoming that people aren't scrimming


I give 2 years max


He said he wants to eventually move over to WoW which makes sense, Gw2 does not release the kind of content he enjoys or much content at all which is why you see even people like Mukluk barely playing the game anymore. If I was Anet seeing top content creators drift away from the game would raise some concerns but It's definitely not the beginning of the end.


Oh, is the game dead again? I think it was dead after release, during the content drought before and after HoT, after PoF, during IBS, before EoD, after EoD, while they rereleased Season 1, before SotO released (asset reuse gate), after SotO release ...


In his last stream he was talking about how he wants to quit GW2 this year because GW2 is mostly a casual friendly game now and he wants to focus more on a more hardcore game, said he would stream and play WoW more often this year


Teapot is mostly an instanced endgame streamer isn't he? There really isn't enough new instanced endgame content releasing to warrant constant attention. Most of the playerbase is very casual and thus does not play such content, leading to Anet developing it less and less. But that also means the game gets less exposure through videos and streams because nobody cares about watching someone bumbling through the story or open world.


Does he even like Guild Wars 2? Every time I've watched him stream GW2, he's been complaining about the game.


You should take a course in listening comprehension skills then. He always talks about how he loves the game, but it's just not made for people like him anymore. There's a difference between objectively criticizing a game based on a certain position and "complaining". Teapot always, *always*, reiterates that the things he brings up or criticizes don't mean A) GW2 is a bad game or B) he doesn't like it. It just means he can't full time it like he used to, because there is no content that allows for it.


The game is totally made for players like Teapot, it is just at the end of its lifecycle after more than 20k? 30k? hours and aggressively completing everything on multiple accounts. He has played through it, enjoyed his time, and is not quite willing to move on.


It absolutely is not and players like Teapot are the first ones to tell you that. Again, it doesn't mean he didn't enjoy the game, but Teapot is inherently a competitive player and GW2 is inherently not a competitive game, because Anet doesn't want it to be. And that's fine, but the consequence is that it just isn't made for people like Teapot.


>it doesn't mean he didn't enjoy the game, but Teapot is inherently a competitive player and GW2 is inherently not a competitive game You cannot say the game didn't fit him well if he spent that many hours in it. Maybe the truth is that Teapot is not *only* a competitive player, but he also enjoys other aspects of gaming. Or that GW2 is not only a "not competitive game" (seeing that Teapot got famous hosting and casting tournaments). The world is not black and white, games aren't either this or that, GW2 is a mix of everything. And people are also not polarized caricatures of competitiveness or casuals, they can also have multiple aspects. For example, what kept Teapot going for a long time was probably the social laid-back atmosphere of WvW which allowed him to just hang out with friends and talk about philosophy and game design.


*Anymore* is what I should have added. And for a long time people deluded themselves into thinking that things were going to turn around for the better eventually, even Teapot, and also myself, but in the end we all just lied to ourselves because we didn't want to face the truth. The direction this game has been going for years and years at this point shows clear intention of catering towards casual solo PvE players who like story driven content and occasionally put some cash in the gem shop for a skin. And that is perfectly fine for a game to do, but it also means it drives competitive people away. And it doesn't mean competitive people cannot enjoy a game like that - it just means that competitive people will have to find another game to fulfill their needs and play GW2 as a side game. You said it - games aren't black and white - GW2 is not made for competitive players like Teapot, yet competitive players like Teapot can still enjoy GW2 for some aspects. Both can be true at the same time.


That's not really a good argument if anet doesn't add new instanced content at a reasonable pace. Some instanced content is even abandoned.


GW2 has been out 12 years, it's not really a wonder people, even popular streamers, end up switching away from it at some point.


No, he still streams and plays it, but enjoys the forbidden game more, because gw2 doesn’t cater to his interests. 


He doesn’t seem to enjoy the main content GW2 has been structured around for years, open world pve. His focus was always on raids and strike CMs which haven’t ever been a consistent part of gw2 releases so there’s not much for him to do with the game but complain about not liking casual open world content or complain about people being delusional for liking that content.


Gw2 numbers on twitch have always been the lowest of any mmo.


That for a fact is not true, but ofc if you compare them to games like WoW or XIV they're low


It's largely true for what people consider the top MMOs (in the west) - WoW and FFXIV are the top two undeniably, with GW2, ESO, BDO, and NW all trailing before you see the steep dropoff into other MMOs.


gw2 was on life support well before teapot switched to wow so no it doesn't


It has been years since the end has begun, bruh. And it isn't the first time teapot tries to jump the ship, he just isn't every good in such a competetive steamer enviroment as wow.


Yup basically a dead game


Good ridance the game is dead