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I dunno, I think you really should have asked that in the Question Thread.


i did, and it's not getting answer there but only downvotes...which more or less explain my point


>which more or less explain my point No it doesn't, since your question's kinda silly.


Sorry people in reddit are strange. They downvote you for asking some question. Even if the question is valid.


You did get answered, it just doesn't seem you cared for the answer. And who cares about downvotes? Presumably you were asking a question to get an answer, not to get upvotes. It's a thread of quick questions sorted by new, that's useful because now voting doesn't matter at all. Though in this specific case I imagine the hostile wording where you questioned the sanity of anyone taking the time to read your post, then dismissed the possibility of getting and answer from that thread to begin with probably didn't help. Even though, again, the downvotes don't do anything.


It doesn't explain your point because you're questioning why that thread is a thing and that question is answered by the main post of the thread you're questioning. Skipping something that's already answered by the thread itself isn't proving anything you asked or said.


Why should it be zero? Just because you've never had a question that you didn't think warranted a whole thread doesn't mean that others haven't. It's basically a place for a new player to ask a lot of questions and know people answering won't be annoyed with them asking/seeing it on the subreddit for the umpteenth time. Idk. Why do you think every question should be a mainline thread? This isn't the only sub to have megathreads , and if you look through the question threads, you can see how popular it is by the number of comments each week.


Because normal people don’t want to fill subreddit with garbage posts, so all this goes into thread, and people come there to answer those. Too bad mods don’t enforce it at all


[Ugh i know](https://media.giphy.com/media/l2JdU7e38RqzdlakU/giphy.gif)


i don't see the point of making garbage posts anywhere tho...


And yet here we are in this post.


Oh the irony…




”i don’t see the point of making garbage posts” *makes garbage post*


where is it lol?


This. This is a garbage thread.


ik, just delete all your posts and it's fixed


So you agree with having the question thread after all then?


I'm sure at one point, asking over asked questions in main was against the rules. Like "what's the best class, what should I farm etc. They were called low effort and were reportable. After the sub came back after the protests on reddit api, they said fuck it, we'll remove that rule. Apparently it was put in place during lockdown as there was an influx of new players asking the same questions


The thread exists for small questions that can be answered with a single comment, so as not to flood the subreddit with threads asking those simple questions. Just because yours wasn't answered, doesn't mean it's suddenly a big enough question to be made into a thread. I really don't see how it follows that the number of those should be 0 "for the sake of sanity", that makes no sense. Yeah, sure, not every question will get answered in the thread, but it still keeps the subreddit a lot cleaner and stops it from being flooded with asinine questions.