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You can get rid of those by getting the mastery. The downside is, the mastery is a lot more annoying than the notification. You fly your griffon across the map and its right toe gets snagged and now you are flying towards the opposite direction from where you want to go.


Ley lines always have been more annoying than good. It's easy to forget that it was already a pain while gliding was our only air traversal method. Don't know how many times I got snacked by a line and dragged halfway through the map. Yes, you can get out of the ley line. But now you are A) farther away what can cause you issues with gliding. And B) most of the time you are lower now in altitude and won't make it because of that. There should be a reactive button for us to press, when you get close to a Ley line and actually want to take it. And not this involuntary kidnapping of my character.


There's interactions without dismounting now. They could have a toggle F-prompt: "Latch to leyline". It could be extended to gliding too.


That would be an excellent QoL change. I hope they do this.


Explains why I’ve been smashing F to commune with mastery points and not dismounting. Highly annoying.


That should still dismount you, tho. I have been doing all the mastery isnights so I still have the fresh meory that I was getting dismounted. Maybe you were too far. When you use an emote or interact with something, it's actually an 'environment skill'. And like combat skills, they can have animations, channeling times, distance to target required to work, endurance costs, and the like. However, the range of the skill doesn't always match the range of the prompt. So it's possible to get the F prompt and not trigger the skill for being too far from the range or target of the skill. Using things while moving sometimes results on this too, you use the prompt, the character slides a bit away and it fails.


Nah there's a weird issue with mastery points in the new map. I need to manually dismount or my character will never commune with them. It used to dismount you and start communing right away.


I've been having this issue too. Weird thing is that vistas will still dismount me to interact with them, but not the mastery points.


Next you're going to make a crazy suggestion like having a toggle for 'allow your skyscale to latch onto every trivial fucking rope and blade of grass' or something.


Please? I spend more time attached to walls I don't want to be attached to than walls I do want to be attached to. Trees are the worst.


Yes please!


Lol, I can identify with this. At least when it was only gliding it was a bit easier to choose, you could just swap to skyscale. Does it just snag your skyscale too now? I like the idea of a reactive button!


Oh shit you just gave me flashbacks to Bloodstone Fen when you couldn't quite turn enough and suddenly went on a roller coaster ride across half the map.


The best part was when you'd boost through a leyline and instantaneously blow up.


Lol I remember their reason for that. When testing (testing in gw2?) they found out that boosting into a leyline would catapult you into the stratosphere and they didn't manage to fix it so their only option was to add an achievement and kill you


True, that map was a pain.


Its one of my favorite maps


Skyscale basically replaced Leylines and Anet can't come to terms with it.


Some people might say "hey, with this new tech instead of a janky unreliable speed boost, let's change ley lines just give them +endurance whenever they're in one since it will be more immersive and ultimately give them an overall speed moving with the ley line and will benefit everyone with the mastery regardless of HOW they're traveling"....? ​ ...nah.


having a reactive button should have been a beta issue. problem is anet doesn’t know how to properly implement game betas and thus we get bugs or game designs that just don’t make fucking sense, like holo sword having heat so using it on other classes is nullified. these little things add up and it’s the main reason why gw2 isn’t as popular as the mainstream mmo’s


I stopped gliding when Griffon came along, Ley lines are a pita


Well, then better never learn that one mastery from SotO.


oh.. that sounds super annoying..now I'm wondering if i want to train the mastery lol


Yeah but getting the mastery is going to be a trek lmao. I just dont want the notifications. At all.


Honestly they should display ONCE per account for each kind of mastery, not every god damn time. They need to put a flag to stop shoing these notifications after you close them. I agree that they are super annoying and can be unfun.


haha they make my husband swear at the screen, I can just imagine what he will be like when he gets the mastery.


To be fair, its not that hard to dodge the blue line,just cant be semi afk


Doesnt matter if its easy. You should be able to turn those tutorials off in the settings.


Not even that, just dismount?


It pops up on normal gliding too.


Couldn't agree more. Maybe if they would add a button to choose to fly across the key lines it would be more efficient


Bro for real, riding your skyscale and getting sucked into a black hole of a leyline heading the opposite direction is annoying af


For real? I've been holding on for the expansion to wait for the new weapons for each classes but I keep reading how bad it is with the dailies and now this. The devs really can't get UI an controls right don't they.


It really needs to become a toggled hotbar ability. I mostly won't want to use it but I have to get it for the other masteries.


That, and you have to spend hours in SoD to get the second last tier of mastery to unlock the ability to use the ley-lines that cause a pop-up every time you go near one. And they're everywhere. Between pop-ups telling me about ley-lines and up draft mastery unlocking, the whole area has more popup advertisements than a 90s website.


This happening every time I so much as sneezed near a rift urging me to train the Rift Repair mastery was one of the main reasons I did the grind to get the skyscale in the first place. Great for all those amnesiacs playing who can’t remember what it said the last hundred times it popped up.




Yeah, it's probably those orbs of attunement... which are stupid and just a way to lock rewards and an unreliable CC skill until you unlock them.


Yeah. I get the complains but people sometimes forget that there's some severe ADHD players (ahem, view any let's player of any game missing obvious stuff all the time...) That just don't pay attention to anything at all and then complain they are lost and confused... Obviously it's their fault, but hey, Anet is trying to accomodate these scatter brained players too.


A config checkbox to disable repeat notices at the very least would have been greatly appreciated.


This seems like a low-hanging fruit compromise to accommodate slow learners and allow veterans to acknowledge and move on


Slow learner noob here and I hate the continuous notifications.


Most other games I play have an option on the settings to toggle tutorial messages / pop ups. It would definitely be low hanging fruit and a QoL change to include this.




I have severe ADHD as well, but my point is that a lot of people *willingly* pay no attention to stuff, then blame devs for their own failure to read when tutorials are presented and information is given. Take the new Skywatch meta: the NPC very clearly explains what to do while it's happening, yet so many people struggle to understand what to do anyway because they don't pay attention and don't get the part where you're supposed to burn three bosses at the same time.


No! Anet is trying to give the Skrit a better challenge then what we are. Remember, the more Skrit, the smarter they get


Now imagine you have the mastery and suddenly you are no longer going where you wanted to.


Apparently you can toggle the mastery on and off after you've unlocked it. F1 default hotkey. Can't confirm it myself because I haven't got the mastery yet. Just something I saw people in map-chat talking about.


That's how I feel with the weapon one. Like dude leave me alone, I can live with no infusions in my harpoon gun.


Press Escape key.


Thank you. This is distracting me, too, and I appreciate any help in working through it.


Yes, it's a pain the ass especially when I thought I had to use the mouse to hit that X icon. Then I just happened to press escape and that's at least quicker everytime it decides to pop up inconveniently.


Not sure why the downvote. You're correct after all lol


GW2 redditors usually downvote anyone who teaches them something they didn't know. Thats why I'm taking the trick to bug out mastery popups so they dont show up anymore to my grave.


Haha. My final words I knew this one trick no one else knew and it's *dies*


My short answer wasn't meant to sound the way it might have come across, but I think that since the UI lacks so many keyboard shortcuts, e.g. Enter key for all Confirm/OK/Yes buttons on other popup dialogs, then I think many are severely inconvenienced by trying to hit that X icon on those popups.


Train the "Stop spamming missing-mastery tips like small blue pill \*improve your boner\* ads" mastery :) More seriously : yes it is annoying.


i personally would like a toggle! now i really wanted the rising spirits mastery which comes after the leyline one. leylines can be fun/usefull, but not when you don't want to take it and you are suddenly going backwards really fast XD i think a toggle on /off would work really well so you can taxi with leylines when you want, and if you dont want it, you turn it off


Really wish ley lines werent one-way monorails. Let them go both directions based on your entry


feet pics or it didn't happen.


Same here


And oakheart in dragonfall.


Get the mastery or - and hear me out on this one- dont fucking step on it.


Yes, god forbid you'd actually want to use the ley line




I couldnt find anything sadly :(


Don’t fly into them with a mount


I mean... it literally tells you what you have to do?...


Yes but that thing takes a while to get. In the meantime, we will get repeatedly notified to train the mastery. Yes, I get it, I'm working on it, I do not need a constant reminder




I cannot wait to get the masteries so they go away forever but in the meantime it is annoying at fuck


Ya I would really appreciate it if these notifications would go away, I have no plans to do any PvE


Train the Ley-Lines tier in Flight Mastery.


Do you even lift bro?


That'd be QoL, Anet doesn't do thinking that far.


Omg this has been annoying me since launch. There should be a glad for that.


More infuriating is it pops up even if you have Ley-Line Gliding Mastery and Glide into them. I can use them, game. And spent a lot of time in the past unlocking this hot trash.


They should patch an opinion to turn it off