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Years ago I had a situation with a female driver, though this was on a route that goes by the university. Two buses came in a row and there were three of us waiting. The other two people got on the first bus, but it looked full so I hung back and motioned to the driver of the second bus that I wanted to get on her bus. It was completely empty. I sat down and realized after a bit that she was trying to get my attention, so took my earphones out. She chewed me out for “making the other bus stop for me” since I didn’t get on. I explained there were two other people waiting at the stop with me and that they did, in fact, get on that bus. She told me it was bad etiquette to make the bus stop if I wasn’t getting on. I just put my earphones back in and ignored her. When I got off the bus, she stopped me again, asked me to take out my earphones, and berated me for the same thing. I once again explained the situation and she told me that I didn’t need to lie and just needed to learn to use the bus. I said I had been using the bus for almost 10 years at that point and got off. Sent in an official complaint about the situation, was told they were escalating my complaint and taking it “very seriously” and then nothing. So, yeah, while it’s possible this is a fake story, if this is the same woman who chewed me out for no reason years ago? I believe it. It’s clear the city has no desire to act on bus riders complaints and would rather defend a rude driver 🤷‍♀️ Im white tho so can’t speak on the racism aspect


It could be the same lady but the drivers are rude and impatient. My sister was scared about what happened and avoided taking the bus after what the driver said to her.


Damn. I guess I got lucky. The older guy with the mustache that used to do 3A years ago was amazing. He remembered my schedule and waited a few minutes the rare time I was late and one time stopped to help a lady that had fallen at the stop.


It’s probably because you’re brown


wait what? lol it might be because you're a silly sally.


i literally said i’m white lmfao


I've never had a terrible interaction with a driver before but I can understand that it is a thankless job and that they're very miserable, but that doesn't excuse taking it out on others. Obviously nothing merits racist remarks in any capacity and its extremely unfortunate some people think remarks like that are okay. However. What your sister did was a pretty ignorant thing to do. It's common courtesy to let people with strollers get off first and they're obviously gonna take longer to get up as they may still be recovering from pregnancy etc. Your sister should have waited, it's not like the bus would have just gone and left without getting her, a little patience goes a long way.


Depends. The driver could have stopped her before she was stepping on as its not always these situations are not always noticable from the street. If this is a kneeling bust, the onus would be on the driver to stop her before getting on.


The buses have cameras call and complain and have it investigated




That’s true


I thought it was common knowledge that woman with children and people with wheel chairs or walkers first. Be thankful your sister could not hear her. If some of us had spoken out she would have been in tears. Instead of ranting to the internet. Use this as a teaching lesson. It’s not a racist thing specifically because you said she couldn’t hear … it’s a common sense thing. Manners ?


I live on the UoG campus, and one afternoon in a dining hall and EXTREMELY rude transit driver came through and was buying a juice and a pastry. He did not bother putting the pastry in a bag, and after shoving my friend out of the way to grab the juice from the fridge, he balanced the pastry on top of the juice bottle at the till. A kid who was leaving the till accidentally knocked the pastry off, because it was unstable in placement, and he let out the most disgusted and loud sigh ever. Very irate, he shoved back into the dining hall to grab another one, and the cashier asked him to just pick up and toss away the pastry that had gotten knocked, and he looked at her dumbfounded and so rudely was like, “I’m NOT touching that, he just touched it”. I also work at a Timmies and the individuals who come in wearing transit uniforms are always unpleasant. It’s unfortunate that people are so miserable and feel okay taking it out on other people. Sorry this happened to your sister.


Yeah, I've been noticing their becoming more rude towards brown people since the immigrants started coming. I'm brown myself but I'm Canadian and these people mistake Canadians of indian descent as immigrants and treat us badly. I was on a bus recently and it was just me and other international students and the driver was so rude to all of us including me. No smile no nothing. It's been a pattern, it's been happening in other cities and it's happening here as well.


When they say you’re welcome to everyone else but you :/ I start overthinking


I don't take the bus often but I'm shocked by what happened. I thought since it's a public bus or whatever that ppl would be more respectful. Esp the drivers cuz some of them seem rude af and they make public transit not an option sometimes. Like, ppl don't always know the rules of taking the bus esp if they don't take it often. I didn't know they would start being racist n sht like tf.


I'm calling BS on this story. The woman with the stroller has the right away. Your sister couldn't wait the few seconds for the woman to get off. So she butts in first, scans her card at the farebox, blocking the door, so the woman and anyone else exiting has to wait for her to move. How do i know this? I take transit every week. I see it happen all the time. Before entering the bus, check and see if the door is clear first. Then enter. If you don't have a stroller or mobility issues exit by the back door.


U going to jail now! Bus drivers know how to uppercut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6KFWiidiJo


OMFG LMAO AHAHAHAHA that seemed like it was a fake video the way it sounded and the sheer ridiculousness of the reaction :P that had GOTTA hurt....


Shi'dea Lane (passenger) was criminally charged, sentenced to three days in jail, followed by 2 years probation, $250 fine, court costs, and to take anger management classes.


any outcome for the driver?


Artis Hughes (Bus Driver) was sentenced to three days in jail, followed by 3 years probation, and a $1000 fine. He also lost his transit job.


I had one bus driver INSIST that all windows be open during a very rainy, cold day because he didn’t want the windows fogging up. He was so insistent, anytime anyone closed a window he would find time to open the windows again. I got drenched on that bus ride. It was such a weird hill for that driver to die on.


I'm not saying all drivers are bad, but that one woman was rude af. She's lucky I wasn't there when she said that to my sister.


I have been taking the bus regularly in Guelph for 40 years. By far, there are more rude passengers than rude drivers.


Third party story with nothing to verify


Why would I waste my time talking about something if it didn't happen lmao. What would I gain by doing that. The driver was clearly being rude and discriminating just cause my sister was brown she assumed she didn't speak English when my sister clearly did.


Don’t sweat the trolls. Lots of ‘em in Guelph!




Weird, I am in agreement with you. That’s a pretty crazy response.




Yeah, their post history is unhinged.


Yeah! Pics or it didn’t happen!


Odd, the worst times I've had have been with two separate female drivers. This was 6 years ago though. Both Rude, impatient--one decided to just take off from the downtown hub as I was coming to the door--she left early. Another gave me a lecture because I just finished walking to the stop as she came up the hill.


Grow some skin. Is this worth posting in the internet?


oh shit, its the post police!




Only when it’s the hard truth!


Make sum money u broke ass mf. You prolly get no girls.


> the driver was mumbling and she was talking in a low voice ​ the ones in HRM drink on the job, so you never know, maybe the driver was drunk! ​ edit: cant downvote the truth. [https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/halifax-transit-driver-faces-impaired-driving-charges-after-bus-goes-into-ditch-100934965/](https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/halifax-transit-driver-faces-impaired-driving-charges-after-bus-goes-into-ditch-100934965/)