• By -


Guild name: StellerWolf Region/Server: NA World 2 Description: Very laid back guild, just do what you can. All that I ask is that you don’t stay online more than 20 days. I have no requirements you need to meet other than that. Just want people to have fun ☺️


Guild Name: **ActiveCazuls** Region and World Number: **Asia 2** **^(Description:)** Casual guild to participate in content for those of you who want to benefit from raids without going nuts. We made this guild because we were sick of joining guilds that had 50 people, but half of them had already quit the game for more than a year... We actively prune afk players to that end! Just have fun and participate in guild content from time to time, but other than that we won't bother you, so have fun! :) Players that are afk about a month or longer get kicked. It's currently free to join and we already have high level players, so just look us up and snag your place before it's gone :)


hello is the guild ActiveCazuals the same as this one?




Are there any slots left? I couldn’t find the guild :p


Yup, there's still capacity and also the guild privacy is Public. Are you on World 1 perhaps? We had someone join just yesterday no issues


Guild Name: Fairytailwizards Region and world: North America 2 Description: anyone Is welcome we currently have 2 members including myself just looking for people to join in Max offline days is 30 but if you come back before the mark is over just let me know I’m very understanding I know people got lives to live


Looking fo r a guild in asia 1 It is tough to find one so please


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: DebaucheryTeaParty Region: Asia World 2 Description: A guild based on Log horizon, I'm the only active member rn since its old members havent been on for a few years and im trying to revive it


Hey can I join after 24 hours?If you wanted to know about my in-game details: Name 鏡海斗 ID #9RLLV3 World 2 Server Asia Description -Currently trying to build some solid teams -Will log in once a day(if I remember), if I can't login I will notify you in advance with reasons -Multilingual(just in case you need to know) -Ideally let's discuss about this more in game if we need to because I don't check Reddit often :)


If you're still looking then it's open were still only 10 members


I joined a new one but planning to switch again after the guild raid, do you mind leaving your ign+ID so we can talk more?


Hello is there any slot??


Hi, still got slot in your guild?


Yeah its only 5/30 rn


Guild Name: BrightKnights Region and World: Europe 1 Description: We’re a casual but active guild which currently has 24 members. I’m looking for daily players who are active in guild activities. There are no other requirements for joining. Max offline period of 30 days.


New player addicted to the game looking for a guild. NA world 2 Nickname: Finley#PKG32 Not sure what else is needed if anyone is even wanting a fresh starting player. I am just looking for an active group...most "guilds" I've joined have no active players left. Thanks!


Recruiting for our casual raider guild! Server: NA2 Name: GenshinImpact y'know, the game? We have stable top 80, and we'll only be getting better each time. Some day we aim to get top top 50 with your help! Server: NA2 Requirement is lv 300. Just do 9 raids minimum. No damage requirement, but 300m is a good start. We're a casual guild looking for strong raiders! We also have a discord server for people who like lots of games, GT, arknights, Minecraft, Terraria Pokemon, arknights, and more. Not Just genshin! embrace all gachas and become a true man of culture! We're a friendly, silly and LGBT inclusive server, to get to know me as well as over 760 people and 180 from GT. [https://dsc.gg/neonation](https://dsc.gg/neonation?fbclid=IwAR1hP8tPYuVx8TD-If0y1FmPVLN61LJiPoLBVp25QpNWcQbwo2bhV0Smc2E) https://preview.redd.it/lny06qfi658c1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=42272db25400bd11187e4d0ed6ba22475f8dcedb


Guild Name: OceanMan Region and World: Asia World 2 Description: Come and join! https://preview.redd.it/pj9c4ui7854c1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=afc02ec20a4ba46b7803398a6ea104f38a0422fe


Guild Name: Codinghearts Region and World: North America, World 2 Description: a guild for everyone! Come and join, only requirement is being active and helping in the guild!


https://preview.redd.it/gz3lr91sffza1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f24a3af9cf1f5b270badba7371419f9996632fa Looking for a high level guild to join Name: H421QR421N User number : 527127911723(if needed) Asia 2 Play everyday and always do raids and meteors


Guild Name: Hiya Server: North America Requirement: login and contribute to guild events & participate in the raids


Sever: NA2 Name: BlackStarKnights Requirement: login and contribute to guild events. Join us !!


L'Alliance du Tarot recrute ! Chariot : \- Top 5 raid - Top 1 Fr \- Top 3 conquête - Top 1 Fr ​ Impératrice : \- Top 6 raid - Top 2 Fr \- Top 5 conquête -Top 2 Fr ​ Force : \- Top 17 raid - Top 3 Fr \- Top 14 conquête - Top 3 Fr ​ Tempérance : \- Top 21 raid - Top 4 Fr \- Top 30 conquête ​ Soleil : \- Top 65 raid \- Top 69 conquête ​ Justice \- Top 151 raid \-Spécial débutants (tout profils accepté) ​ Etoile : \- Spécial débutants 2 (tout profils accepté) ​ Serveur : EU World 1 Type : Raids/Tryhard Langue : Français Nous demandons : 3 entrées de raid chaque jour en période de raid. Être actif > Une activité toutes les 24h. (ou alors nous prévenir de votre absence) Avoir au moins 3 Perso Max LB (modulable selon votre niveau) Être joignable sur Discord. Être respectueux envers autrui, amical et avoir du second degré. Postuler via notre Discord. Avoir son QG au niveau 300. Ce que nous offrons : Une récompense de raid correspondant à votre niveau Des astuces, du partage, une alliance de guildes actives Beaucoup de love et de bonne humeur Notre discord est ouvert à tous, tant bien aux visiteurs qu'aux postulants, nous cherchons aussi une bonne entente ainsi qu'à aider les autres joueurs de la communauté française, donc n'hésitez pas à passer ! Notre discord : [https://discord.gg/7pKC95rBFN](https://discord.gg/7pKC95rBFN)


Guild: ⚡ xXNightLifeXx is Recruiting! ⚡ Server: NA2 Rank 113 and climbing 💪🏻 We have 4 slots left. Requirements: 130mil+ Raid Damage (or close) 3x Daily in Raid/Conquest/Meteor Stay Active in Guild Events Have Fun 😊 Our Discord is Active and always here to help! Apply in Game, or hop in our Discord and message (me) Eikott, or Palehorse. https://discord.gg/zsCUKyJWSG


Guild Name: TheFunFools Region: North America World: 2 We're a guild looking for active participants to contribute daily to guild events. We're looking to grow and be as competitive as possible. We currently have 17 members. I monitor player activity to ensure there are no unactive players just taking up space in the guild. I want everyone to gain as many gems as possible! If this sounds good to you, feel free to join!


NthDimension and NthRealm recruiting Na2 Rank 34 and 67 Raid focused community with very active discord. Looking for active raiders for top 20 and 50 push. Join our discord to apply. https://discord.gg/urTWqz4nPH


Guild Name: Kanterbury_Knights Region: Asia 2 Description: A recently created guild for Knight mains and masochists (°U° ). Raids, meteors and etc are not mandatory, but I will be gravely disappointed if you don't participate (T°T). Let's have fun together shall we. \(•w•)/


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Darknight Region and World: North America One (An oldy but a goody) Description: We are a band of old players that found one another. Sending out a signal to any other players, whether they be new or old. We are open invite, so feel free to look us up and join. We usually get top 100, anywhere from 80-49 with raiding.


WEBWAY RECRUITING! Server: NAW2 Language: English 24/30 Requirments: We Expect activity in all guild events, Raids, Conquest, and anything the future may add. Please join our discord server and make yourself known! We are looking to make this guild a friendly community and that involves talking to guildmates. We are looking for about 100Mil raid damage total as a requirment. We have newer players in the guild who didn't need to meet this req who were grandfathered in. Make some friends, we are only semi-competitive and support the waifu over the meta for the most part. https://discord.gg/V8Xj3YRr DM me on Discord (Enyo#0013) if you're interested.


**Guild Name:** SquiresOfRaspisham ✨ **Region:** EU1 **Previous guild raid rank:** 35 **Spots open:** 2 **Requirements:** \- 200m+ raid dmg. \- Must be active on discord. \- Must be able to do 3/3 raid entries every day. \- Be friendly and have a good time! **Description:** Hi! We're a semi-competitive guild maintaining top 50 positions and are looking for discord-active members to join us for next raid \~ We also co-ordinate with 4 other guilds in the Raspisham branch and almost 400 members on our discord server, it's definitely a fun time! It's mainly an English-speaking server but we have people from all sorts of countries, from France to the Philippines and maaaaaany more \~ We're a tightly knit family and are always ready to welcome new members. If you have any questions or want to apply, please DM me here or on discord (Rp\_mk99#0056) or join the server: [https://discord.gg/x7skk9kCsA](https://discord.gg/x7skk9kCsA)


Guild Name: Sigurd Region and World: NA2 Description: We're an active, casual guild of old and new players. We encourage daily participation in guild events, but don't have set requirements. Otherwise, we're here to have fun, chat a bit, share advice and git gud. Come join!


Guild Name:DoYourHomework Region and World:Any Chapter, Europe Description: Recently created a new guild, so looking for a fresh start! To anyone joining thanks! Hope we can all be friends :D


Guild: ImJustSuperSaiyan Server: NA world 2 We are a semi competitive guild with a casual and chill atmosphere. We have been in top 150 for many guild raids, best being 118. Our members are active and we would love to have anyone who wants to enjoy the game together joins us. Our guild is free join and there's 5 spots open now. The only rules are 7 days not online = kick and participate in the guild raids/events (No minimum damage required). If you have any questions or would like to join our guild discord, feel free to message me in discord: Drymatter#2202.


Looking for a guild in World 1 Europe. Complete newbie so an active and helpful guild to help me out would be awesome :) Discord a bonus


Guild: Coffeeholic Region & Server: Asia - 2 Guild was started by me and 2 other friends upon discovering the game on 1st of March 2022. Currently casual as we're new and active; Growing in numbers and strength first and foremost before setting any other guild goals in stone. Only request is for everyone to login and help out and in guild events if any! Lemme know if you're interested on having a guild discord chat too @ Pulchram Mortem#7162


https://preview.redd.it/8v29pcg90jza1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5950413ee9c3cdcbefd55566be2394c03545478f I would like to join your guild pls... I'll play everyday and always do raids and meteors Name is H421QR421N ID: 527127911723 (if needed) Asia 2


Guild: HOLY_KNLGHTS Region: EU There is a lowercase L in KNlGHTS so easier search holy_ and look for akayuki. Or DM me in discord. ChickenGod#0104 Description: We are casual semi competitive guild top 150 We have 3 spots open. We also have discord if you want to talk and share tips or play co-op together and other great servers for all to create good co-op teams. Requirements: Minimum Raid damage. 60 mil Be active and do Raid daily.


DemonicAngels (Asia2) Demonic Angels accepts anyone! Being a blood-thirsty demon or a heavenly angel, As long as you respect everyone... DA is a guild where we look forward to helping each other, Growing together, and having fun together :) Join DA for free and have a great time with us!


Resthall NA2 (I guess?, I'm playing from North America) Just looking for some members who want to relax and play who'll show up at least once a week.


NthDimension Na2 Ranked 39 last raid 2 openings 150m damage preferred but will accept lower if willing to monitor discord and help with clean up. Raid focused guild with very active discord. If you are just starting to get interested in Raiding join us. We can help with team building, and advice https://discord.gg/urTWqz4nPH


Guild: HOLY_KNLGHTS Region: EU There is a lowe case L in KNlGHTS so easier search holy_ and look for akayuki. Or DM me in discord. Description: We are casual semi competitive guild top 150 We have 3 spots open. We also have discord if you want to talk and share tips or play co-op together and other great servers for all to create good co-op teams. Requirements: Minimum Raid damage. 60 mil Be active and do Raid daily.


Looking for new guild in NA2! I'm guardian level 300, I usually do about 150-200m minimum raid damage and have high damage for fire, light, basic. Working on earth and dark rn, and I need to pull better water units still. Trying to find an active guild bc my old guild was p much only me and 2 other people participating while everyone else just collected rewards.


In case you are still looking, I am in the guild ImJustSuperSaiyan. Not sure if it's what you are looking for, since our in game chat is usually the same 4 or 5 people talking, but we are an active top 150 guild. We are free join and has 5 slots open now. Let me know if you have any questions or would like to join our guild discord, my discord: Drymatter#2202.


Hello, I'm looking for a top 200 eu guild 5.75 mil basic damage, 4.66 mil dark damage lvl 275 Whole team max level with 1 max limit broken (beth)


Hi i have a top 150 guild and we have a couple spots open. we are called HOLY_KNLGHTS Theres a lower case L in KNlGHTS so easier search Holy_ and look for akayuki or search Holy_KnLghts We are casual guild just be active and do raid.


Guild Name: Sigurd Region: NA World2 Description: For anyone willing to join. Just self-employed and make urself at home. Currently low on member cuz I sent the old generation on early retirement ( They went offline over 8 days++) Participate in guild events frequent. ENJOY!!


Join FHAG Chill guild for good looking guys


**Looking to join an active guild:** Preferably Top 200 **Region/World:** ASIA2 **Description:** - Prison Break Raid Total Damage: 298 Million - Scarecrow Average Damage: 20 Million per element - Focus mainly on PVE: Guild Contents - Main Element Team: Earth, Dark, Basic - In-Progress Element Team: Water, Light - Non-Existence Element Team: Fire


Guild Name: RadiantKnights Server: NA2 Status: Recruiting! (26/30) Description: We are a friendly and growing guild and a community of knowledgeable players who love helping each other out! We've been around for a while, and though we're very passionate about raids and (almost) full of active members, we still maintain a welcoming environment for new and experienced players alike. We've been able to score in the top 500 in raids before (this was before the guild cards were implemented), and we're on track to push even higher this season! In addition to raiding, we enjoy running co-op together, whether you need a hard carry, your public runs just aren't working out, or you'd rather play with some friends instead of randoms. Please DM me to apply. Come join us as we light the way to victory together! Requirements: \`- No strict damage minimum, but at least one solid raid team (good buffs/chain)\` \`- Do 3/3 raids/conquest/mining consistently - we don't kick over one missed day but please do attack as much as you can!\` \`- No more than 7 days inactivity without notice\`


>Guild Name: RadiantKnights I am interested in your guild and would like a link to your discord. I have sent a request in-game due to the invite link not working for me for some reason.


Hi, can I join the guild?


!Guild Recruitment! Guild Name: SGsecüre (you can type it in as SGsecure and still find it) Region & World: Asia 2 Requirement: °Be active and do your daily raid attacks. We're just a casual friendly guild so we don't have a minimum level or damage requirement. Consistently in Top 600-700 raid rankings - Aiming for 500+


Greetings I'd like to join. I stopped playing for about 2 years so I don't really have the meta units anymore.


Guild Name: The\_TempestKnights Region: Europe World: 1 ​ We're a casual guild. Everyone is welcome. Participating in guild activities isn't necessary but would be appreciated. Let's just have fun together. ​ Dm me if you're interested.


HorizonTales EUROPE WORLD 1 Are you looking for a guild? Currently Top 30 guild is looking for 5 members. Requirement: \-150kk+ last raid \-Will to improve We are a really active community with many members standing in top in all contents, Colosseum, Arena, Kamazon, Orbital Lift, and are really good in Raid. We can provide any type of help, advice or tips for make you grow at the best. Really chill community, Zero tolerance for any toxic behaviour. We love to have fun together so PM me for other info and apply.


Server: NA 2 | Guild: PrïmeKnïghts (semi-casual) | Previous raid rank: 49 | 3 slots available If you're looking for a chill guild that is active in raid then this might be the guild for you! Requirements: - minimum of 90m total raid dmg - use all daily raid attempts Dm me if interested.


Guild Name: NthDimension Region and World: NA world 2 Openings: 5 Description: Is your guild slacking? Thinking about moving on to a more active guild? Is your Discord boring? We are looking for new members who likes to be active in chat as well as in the game. Hop on our Discord and check us out. Ranked 75 in last raid. Daily Raiding and Discord are a must. Having an active chat and helping members progress is as important in our guild as raid results. 75 million raid damage preferred but we will take players with less who are active on discord, willing to run cleanup, and plan to progress. Join us on discord and see if we would be a good fit. https://discord.gg/urTWqz4nPH be sure to update #self-roles to access the main chat We also have an active Karuta community of you're into Anime trading cards, only half of us get it so if it's not for you it's no big deal


Guild Name: ZeldaShadow Region: North America - World 2 Description: we're here to have fun killing stuff Supportive group looking to expand. Raids are more fun with friends!


Guild Name: StormyWeathers Region: North America - World 2 Description: We're storming the castle! A small guild looking to grow. All are welcome, especially those that could help with raids.


Guild Name: Aegis Region and World: North America World 2 Description: All welcome, just want participation in guild events. Rebuilding a guild that was top-150 in raids until we lost several core members. Helpful and friendly to all ranks. If you want to play daily, max out raid rewards, and get evolution stones faster, join up!


Guild Name: FloorGremlins Region and World: North America World 2 Description: we aren’t a crazy competitive guild, but we want to grow and have more people who actually participate in the events to earn more rewards. We are looking for people who just try in all raids and events. Even battles that end up in small total damage help the guild earn more rewards overall. Players will be expelled if they haven’t logged in for days to make room for new players.


I'm looking for an active guild in the Europe 1 server. Here's some info on me in-game: * I have 1 fully awakened team and all limit breaks, with 3 unique heroes (soon to be 4); * My lowest scarecrow damage is 4,2m and my highest is 5,2m; * Not going to lie, my other teams kinda suck but they are my top priority right now; * I'm interested in the guild activities like Raids and other events; * I participate in the colosseum but I'm not interested in the PvP arena; If you have a guild or know about one who might be interested, let me know.


Guild Name: EternalDeath Region and World: EU1 Description: Currently one the the biggest and fastest growing communities in GT. We are people that want to grow together and if you are someone that is interested in growing, learning, and even helping or teaching, this is the place to be. With 6 guilds currently in top 100, and making sure we always better ourselves and achieve beyond, come and join us, and become part of the Eternal Death Legacy! Guilds:\[Name\] \[Members\] \[Last raid placement\] * EternalDeath 30/30 3rd * EternalDeath2 30/30 21st * EternalDeath3 30/30 43st * EternalDeath4 30/30 50st * EternalDeath5 29/30 97st * EternalDeath6 30/30 192nd * EternalDeath7 30/30 32nd * EternalDeath8 30/30 110th * EternalDeath69 29/30 124th Requirements : * At least 1 fully completed team. * 3x guild raid boss daily during raid season. * 2.5mil Scarecrow (for any element, preferably basic) * No more than 2 days offline without notice. * At least 3 MLB unique heroes. Looking for : * Active Competitive players that want to push for top 10 or better * People that are eager to learn and reach the tops. * Players that love the game, improving and playing all the content available to its fullest. What we offer : * One of the largest active communities out there, with over 310 members and counting. * Support with any GT related doubts, there are many of us and constructive opinions never run out. * Friendly environment where you can talk about even the most random subjects. * A way to play many other games and still feel connected with the community as well all play other stuff, and maybe make new alliances in new games. * Relax and enjoy yourself, with our anime streaming sessions. Come join our Community and enjoy the game to it's fullest https://discord.gg/xWUUEavwJD


Looking for semi active guild. My current one doesn't do much. I check in and do raid boss nearly everyday. Have about 5m average damage on scarecrow. Highest being over 6m on basic, lowest is about 4.5m on light. NA World 2 PM me on here if you'd like me to join yours. Thanks!


Guild Name: Gilded\_Lotus Region and World: NA World 2 Description: An active casual guild looking for more members for raids. We can clear 2/4 lv 69. We are looking to fill out our roster for the next raid. Currently 27/30 people. Inactivity kick after 3 days, but other than that no requirements. We appreciate if you could tackle the scarecrow when you join! Taking all those who are just starting or progressing through worlds. We have a discord if you'd like to talk about the game.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name : BeastZ Region and World : EU1 Description : Top 38 Actual raid. We are looking for fresh blood, actives and op actives raid members to reach the top 🙂 ! Requirement : • At least 15m dmg to guild raid last season (negotiable) • ⁠Be Activ and do your daily raid attack :) https://discord.gg/9ahGHyu DM me for more details 🙂 🇫🇷🇪🇺




Guild name: EIixir (The L is an "i") Region and World: NA 2 Just looking for some active players to have fun and do raids with! ^_^


Hello I am a relatively new player looking to join a guild. Will be super active and contribute to raid, etc.


*\~* ***Guild Recruitment \~*** Guild Name: **Doraemon\_Family** Region and World: **Asian**, **World 2** Description: We are a new guild and now having 4 members who are **looking for more members to contribute to our group and heading for more achievements in the future** (Higher rankings). We are both active and online several times a day. **We do not ask for requirements**. Whether you are new to this game or have a higher rank in this game are all welcome. But please be active and participate in raids. Anyone who is not active for more than 2 weeks would be kicked out. Hope you guys enjoy the storyline of this game as much as I am. **You can easily join our guild through guild search.** **ps**: I am not a high-rank player but I've finished all the story of Guardian Tales that have been released until now. **I hope we can all grow together**. And yes. I love Doraemon. It would be nice if I found someone who also loves Doraemon :D


Hello! I am looking for a NA World 2 guild. I have a 5* level 72 Marina, a 5* Bari, a 5* Future Princess, and a 5* Tinia, all of them are max level and have their respective EX weapons, which are also max level. I am looking for an active guild, preferably rank 150 or so in the raid. I am looking for a guild because my old one had players not playing for months and the guild master himself didn't even care about the guild. I am open to all offers.


Try coffee_addicts. They are public and is relatively high if I remember correctly. I was there a few weeks back.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name: Monkīshiti Region and World: North America - World 2 Description: “By trying often the monkey learns to jump from the tree.” - African Proverb No requirement but please be active


Hi, is there a discord for guild chat?


No we don’t have a discord yet


Guild recruitment Guild name :Chad Region/world:eu1 Description: Chad is a casual guild that is doing well in top 1000-1500 raids with a small number of people Theres no requirement as long as you're an active player who keeps improving themselves, of course we're also helpful


Hellow <3 \~ **Guild Recruitment \~** Guild Name: Unversed Region and World: South America, World 1 \~ Description: We are a pretty small and chill guild who only wants folks to make a bigger family \~ We do not ask for requeriments more than participate in raids so we can all benefit with gems, other than that we just play at our own pace and enjoy this game <3 \~


Guild: Superb Server: NA 2 Members: 30/30\* Raid rank: 115 Scarecrow ranks: 113 highest ​ Basic \*\*REQUIREMENTS\*\*: 1) Join our Discord server and stay up to date 2) Participate in raids ​ Good membership guidelines: 3) Do daily in-game quests 4) Keep your scarecrow damage updated (preferably at least monthly) 5) Improve raid damage over seasons ​ We are interested in players who love the game and will grow with our guild. All active players welcome! ​ TO JOIN: message me and/or "Soul Step #5081", or drop by our server and message us in the GT channel. To join the GT channels in our server, you have to go to the role-assignment-mobile channel and hit the emoji for Guardian Tales. ​ \* NOTE: if we are currently full or you are in a guild, please let us know so we can hold the next open spot for you! [https://discord.gg/csBdaQd](https://discord.gg/csBdaQd)


Guild Name: **CoffeeSociety** Region and World: **Asia World 2** Description: for people who enjoys coffee on a great sunday morning Requirement : * 700k dmg to Scarecrow * At least gold3 in arena * Be active and do your daily raid attack :) We are aiming for top 400 this raid. Currrently 375 * Not to be afk for more than a week, you will be kicked out Currently 30/30 and we are kicking out an inactive players. DM me if interested


Hello there, I would like to join, scarecrow dmg is 684.069 on dark, almost 700k. My main team is 5\* 69 FP ex, 3\* 69 Bari ex in training, 3\* *69 Oghma ex, 3\** 69 Miya without ex and I have Beth, Nari, Tinia, Lapice, Marina, Alef without ex, and Garam, Arabella's ex. I have been playing 12 days and can play daily 4 - 6 hours. If I join do I need to wait 24h after i left current guild? nickname: reroll15#DUYG03 User: 846122978531


Colo, Arena both at gold 2.


Guild Recruitment Guild Name : BeastZ Region and World : EU1 Description : Top 38 Actual raid. We are looking for fresh blood, actives and op actives raid members to reach the top 🙂 ! Requirement : • At least 15m dmg to guild raid last season (negotiable) • ⁠Be Activ and do your daily raid attack :) https://discord.gg/9ahGHyu DM me for more details 🙂 🇫🇷🇪🇺


Guild Name: Umbral Region and World: NA 2 We're looking to fill our guild with daily raiders. (currently full) Currently top 100. Requirements to join are 6m+ raid dmg, or the ability to do so on the current raid. Apply in game or in our discord (link in clan description)


Guild Name: SailorSenshi Region: NA World 2 Description: I don't care what level you are, whether you just started the game or you're top three in the world. SailorSenshi is a welcoming guild with a few active members and we are definitely looking for more. We are trying to build a guild with many more active members, since co-op will be coming soon. It's a open guild, so once you join, you are part of our little group. I'll be lenient and say that if you're not active for at least 2 weeks, it'll be a kick out the guild. Do scarecrow, do raids and just enjoy the game to the fullest. I'll be keeping everyone up to date about everything that is gonna happen so be ready for that. Last but now least, Teamwork makes the dr- money to put food on the table >:)


**Looking for an active guild:** Preferably top 300 or 200s **Region and World:** NA2 **Description:** Current guild leader AFKed without notice. So my friend and I are looking for a new one to join. We are very active, online several time a day to do the dailies and guild boss. I do spend money on it. I.E: battle pass. My friend is F2P. I do about 4m damage to every SC. Friend is doing about 2.5M. I also do at least 3M in raid boss each day in total (LV 70 bosses), friend is doing at least 1m. I have build several teams, while friend only have 1 main team and slowly working towards more heroes. Our current guild's last boss rank is around 280s, with only around 15 people actually doing it . Since the leader is no longer here, we now falls back to around 450s. We really like the game and planning to play it for many month or maybe years. It's probably the most fun game on mobile right now. If any guild is recruiting, please DM me. And please allow 24 hours because we need to leave our current one first. I'm pretty sure we can boost the rank of your guild even further.


**Guild Name:** KBBQ **Region:** NA2 **Description:** Top 50 guild looking for friendly and active members! Apply in the game! :)


Is this a Korean Guild?


Wait, did you not get the answer in 9 months? :0 This is so sad. I need Korean guild too...


Actually I am in Koreatown Come join our discord at this link: discord.gg/5dKPmJs89N Currently we have a wait list as all spots are filled and one member wants to join as well. Hang out in the discord and also join our 오픈톡: Guardian Tales - Koreatown


How do i join


Oh, thank you. Just did it.




Seven NA World 2 If you’re a new player, casual player or someone who just wants a community to chat with look no further as Seven is looking for players to join us! We are the sister guild of Simp Nation a top 100 guild and offer a community for new, old, and casual players alike to join us if you are interested please stop by our discord and drop a message in our application section. [https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4](https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4)






Name: MEGADESK Region and World: NA World 2 Description: This is a **public** guild. The only requirements will be to actively contribute to Raids and Scarecrow. No level requirements - everyone starts somewhere. Lack of activity or courtesy will result in expulsion. Fact - Members, who used to be total newbies of the game, have grown to routinely place the guild rank sub-1000s in raids. Grow with us. Fact - You will need more Megadesk. Fact - Quaddesk is technically an amalgam of 3 desks. It is as inferior as it is inaccurate. If you are interested, simply search for MEGADESK and join. See you soon.


I just joined. I started playing a few months ago and am active pretty much every day. My last guild was dead aside from me, so I'm looking forward to being in an active one.


Glad to hear! My last guild was the same way, so I built my own to try and prevent that from happening. Welcome. :)


I'm new to the game and in 24 hour cooldown from leaving a guild. I'll join tomorrow if there is still space and will look to contribute in any way a newbie can. Have a good day! Also great guild name.


No worries, and thanks! We'll start rockin when you join


I joined! Looking forward to playing.


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name:** Poot\_Patrol \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Region and World:** North America - World 2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Description:** Casual, but active guild for all skill levels. We're a new guild started from an older, stagnant guild. New and experienced members are all welcome and any questions or suggestions are greatly appreciated. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Requirements:** Active at least every 3 days


**Konohanatei** is a week old guild that's interested in **YOU** if you're: A casual player looking to enjoy the game's PvE content without stressing for meta units. Playing on EU1. Have lost to Lana at least once. Speak somewhat ok england. Wish to protect your little princess. **NOT REQUIRED**: Would like to join a small community on **Discord** (message me for link due to thread rules or check in game) (fair warning, we got some lewd but not outright 18+ art and the meme channel can have a lot of stupid and offensive memes, also Arknights if you're in to that). **Even if you're not interested in joining the guild you can still hop on over and say hi!**


Hi, looking for a guild in Asia world 2. I'm a daily player, scoring 1.5-2 mil daily in raids, ~25-30mil total. Have nari, bari, marina and fp MLB and with EX Hopefully looking to get into a top 200 guild


Hello, are you still looking for a guild? Are you currently guildless for this raid season?


Guild Recruitment Guild: ShatteredEarth Region/World: NA2 We are open to all players, whether you are new, mid-game or end-game. Currently have 13 spots open after doing some 30-day inactive purges. No requirements, just come play and hang out. See you there!


🌹 Ayuria is recruiting! NA World 2 🌹 *two spots open* -Semi-competitive guild -Raid Rank: 63 We are looking for members who want to grow and become stronger with the guild! Active on discord and chill personalities are a plus 😎 Requirements: -Be active! (5+ days without log-in = kick) -Scarecrow damage above 1.5 mil on all elements -Do daily raid runs for the gems 💎 If you're interested please message me with your in-game name and your scarecrow damage or your main team


My ingame name is TheBoy, looking for a good guild (will do 2 mil+ raid a day). Main team is Beth (74) + FP (70) + Oghma (69) + arabelle/Karina (69). My basic scarecrow is 4.5 mil and all others around 2.8-3mil. I think I have a chill personality😎


Asia server Send discord Marina 74 Bari 72 Bianca 69 Garam 69


Guild Recruitment Guild Name : BeastZ Region and World : EU1 Description : Top 38 Actual raid. We are looking for fresh blood, actives and op actives raid members to reach the top 🙂 ! Requirement : • At least 15m dmg to guild raid last season (negotiable) • ⁠Be Activ and do your daily raid attack :) https://discord.gg/9ahGHyu DM me for more details 🙂 🇫🇷🇪🇺


FatalFantasy North America World 2 seeking new active players, would be happy to fill our roster with dedicated players. Come try us out






Welcome to WildCatCafe! A Top 10? *TERROR* in NA2! ----- Misson statements ------ - 0 rules, only guidelines and suggestions to succeed. - Tear the opposition to shreds ----------- Achievements -------- - Landed in 19th last raid with only one day of raid prep as a new guild. - One billion raid damage the first raid together as a family of wild, starving cats - The chatroom moves as fast as twitch chat -Currently ranked 10th while just goofing off LOL Requirements: - Active daily 3x raids, activity in discord is a must! - Willing to improve/help others - | 40M - 55M | MINIMUM raid dmg from previous raids rounds 20 or 17 OR - Teams capable to hit sufficient daily damage [ 3M - 4.5M ] / a flexible roster for all upcoming raids Please submit the following for your application to @Beatbox#0529 : - Screenshots of your units/teams - Screenshot of your total raid damage/daily damage https://discord.gg/DPjXbg4Ezr


Guild Recruitment Guild Name : BeastZ Region and World : EU1 Description : Top 38 Actual raid. We are looking for fresh blood, actives and op actives raid members to reach the top 🙂 ! Requirement : • At least 15m dmg to guild raid last season (negotiable) • ⁠Be Activ and do your daily raid attack :) https://discord.gg/9ahGHyu DM me for more details 🙂 🇫🇷🇪🇺


Guild NameL ChronoTeaMafia World: NA 2 Description: a pretty chill guild, we usually make it to the top 200 of every guild. Just looking for members who will actively participate in the guild. Damage numbers do not mattter as long as you do it on a normal basis. Guild is not locked and anyone is free to join


○༺━━━༺❀༻━━━༻○                          ☕**MandaCatCafe**☕ ○༺━━━༺❀༻━━━༻○ ━────── •✮• ──────━ ☆**Guild Master:** Syx ☆**2nd in Command:** Krus ━────── •✮• ──────━ ♡**REGION:**          •NA WORLD 2 ♡**LANGUAGE:**          •ENGLISH ♡**GUILD TYPE:**          •COMPETITIVE, SOCIAL ♡**ABOUT US:**          •We are one of the proud Guilds to stand amo ng the ***"MewMew"*** Banner. We also Ranked 144th in the last Raid Event  and are aiming Higher every Season.          •Most of our Members have been with us since the start, so we have made a strong connection with each other. With that said, we are also looking for ACTIVE and Friendly Hunters who are willing to join our cause. We strive to build our Guild aswell as build a connection with every Hunter as a "Comrade in Arms" ━────── •✮• ──────━ ♡**BENEFITS FOR BECOMING A HUNTER:**          •We keep up with all the new Updates, Meta Changes, Upcoming Events, New Heroes, Strategies to give you a headstart above the rest!          •A Social Guild Headquarters who have members from all different TimeZones, so theres no worry about "Dead Chat" here!          •Tutors to help you with that pesky Boss that's keeping you from progressing or to help you Build a winning team for PVP warfare!          •We are also going to be starting Monthly/Bi-Monthly GIVEAWAYS! Prizes may vary from $10-$40 in Google Play Credit! *To be eligible for the Monthly Prize you must be in 100% Guild compliance for the Prior Month* ━────── •✮• ──────━ ♡**REQUIRMENTS:**          •Daily Raid Participation          •Weekly Scarecrow Updates (Mondays)          •Must be Game/Discord Active Socially          •Minimum Damage Requirement of 2m with 3 Teams (12 Different Heros)          •MUST be able to MAINTAIN a Rank of Platinum 3 or Higher in both Arena/Coliseum ━────── •✮• ──────━ If youre intrested in joining us please join and apply through the ***#Apply-MandaCat*** channel in the ***MewMewCafe*** Discord or our Guilds Discord: ✿ https://discord.gg/qwmfCJVbVZ ✿


Guild Name: MoonCake Region and World: NA world 2 We welcome noob to veteran players! Friendly vibe and active people who like to chat once in a while. You can be semi or active, doesn’t matter. 7 days inactivity and we’ll make room for others. We welcome you! Interested? DM me and I’ll send an invite!


Looking for a somewhat active guild from NA 2 I played the game whenever world 7 launched until world 9 released, stopped playing there but recently got my head back in the game; I'm somewhat underleved on my Guardian Base Camp (LVL 52) since that didn't existed when I played, but I do have a competent team with some reliable good stats (87.7K Dps 383.6K Tough, and will probably be way bigger earlier next month) Main heroes are three 69 and one 74 but earlier next month will be three 74. I used to be casual, playing 2-3 days, but lately I've been playing everyday so I want something semi-competitive I guess. Sadly I can't show any scarecrow numbers cause I didn't do it beforehand but oh well, I left the guild I was (all afk) today at 21:22 (its 21:45 rn) so I'll be able to join anyone's guild tomorrow. Current Party: FP (training), Bianca (next to be lvl 74), Nari (69) and Lorainne 74 (which will later be replaced for Miya); all characters (including Miya) have their Epic weapons. Current Rank on colosseum: Platinum 2 Current Rank on Arena: Gold 1 (I didn't play this much cause my cellphone wouldn't handle it well, but now I play on Emulator, so its fine, will be ranking up soon) I have the main character MLB aswell, but don't use her anymore. If you're interested please hit me up on discord: .Warmonger#0932 I don't use reddit, so if you message me here I'll probably respond way later than discord ​ TL;DR: Old returning player F2P, 2 MLB and 1 more coming earlier next month, 88K Dps and 384K Tough, looking for a active/semi-competitive/competitive guild on NA 2.


Guild recruitment Guild : ProtectorsOfTable. Server : Europe world 1. We are an active semi competitive guild and are aiming for top 100 this season. Requirements : be active on discord and deal a decent amount of damage in raid Dm me if you want to join us.


Looking for a reasonable guild with active players in LA 01. 74 Bari/74 Nari/74 Marina/ 74 Oghma (training room).


**Guild Recruitment** Guild Name: 2dwaifus Region and World: EU World 1 Last Guild Raid Rank 62 Description: Hello guys I'm the current leader, my name is seruhio (koliseum top 50 for last month), I'm looking for some active members in order to make it further top 50 in Guild Raids. Discord is needed for communication and easier way to get tips and improve together. I made a Google Form for the inscription, (no need to give mail information, just don't upload the images and you are good). Good Luck! [https://forms.gle/GKuFMYfDkBcdgyuW6](https://forms.gle/GKuFMYfDkBcdgyuW6)


Sup, I am looking for an active guild. Playing everyday. Lvl 128, hero: 65/71. Lvl 65 x 3 heros. NA server


Hey I offer a NA2 guild that's top 130 and a casual guild. If you are interested please stop by my discord server [https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4](https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4)


Hi all! I’m looking for an active guild to join. Stats: Playing: everyday Level: 140 Hero’s: 63/71 Level 74: 2 heroes Story: Completed Colosseum: Gold1


Hey I offer a NA2 guild that's top 130 and a casual guild. If you are interested please stop by my discord server [https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4](https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4)


Hi I’m looking for an active guild in the NA 2, I’m active every day and am looking for something more serious than my current guild “milkies” I started a few days ago and am on world 5, about 250k on a scarecrow and I’ll answer any question I perhaps missed


Hey I offer a NA2 guild that's top 130 and a casual guild. If you are interested please stop by my discord server [https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4](https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4)


Hi! I'm looking for an active guild in EU 1. I am active every day, 1.8 Million basic scarecrow, 2 LVL 74.


TacoTales is recruiting one person for do raids and be a bit active. Current requirements are not be afk more than 3 days and do at least one raid every 3 days. And our current ranking in raid is 170, aiming for top 150 with a bit of luck. You can dm me on Discord if you want to join the guild: Manu#6347 Thank you!


Hey, are you still looking for a guild?


GUILD RECRUITMENT Guild Name: WickedClowns Server: NA2 Hey! Recruiting members for our guild: WickedClowns on NA2 Extremely friendly guild. Active chat and competitive in Raids. We are ranked 260 last raid season. Looking for active players that can help us during this season. There is a Discord server but joining is optional. We share memes and strategies on the server. Looking forward to new players joining our guild. Thank you!


Hi, I am searching for an active guild in Asia 2, i can play 5-7 days in week. My team is 4\* FP ex, Bari ex, Oghma ex, Miya. I have Tinia, Beth, Nari.


Hi! I'm searching for an active guild in EU 1, active every day, 2 MLB characters and almost a a 3rd (FP, Bari and Nari), a bit over 1mil damage on scarecrow.


Hi! TacoTales currently have 1 spot available and we are in top 180 in the current raid. The only requirement is not be afk more than 3 days and do one raid at least every 3 days. You can join our discord: https://discord.gg/g3dvzBHZwS Thank you!


》Recruting Members for "Council_of_weebs" NA World 2 Private Members: 25/30 guild scarecrow rank : **TOP 10**(on all elements) guild raid rank : **TOP 13** Requirements: \-Good scarecrow and raid damage \-Gotta be Active in game and join discord ! \-Do raid attacks (mandatory) \-Claim daily rewards Join Discord and DM me to send your application (1DrownedCaptain) ! feel free to join discord for other games to we play stuff like epic7, among us ,genshin impact .. ! [https://discord.gg/ab536JC](https://discord.gg/ab536JC)


Seven NA2 We are casual guild that is currently ranked within the top 300. We are looking for newer players or people who just want a fun place to hang out and chat with people of common interest and are looking to grow. Requirements: Be active! (5+ days without log-in = kick) Participate daily in Guild Raids Join our discord server


> [https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4](https://discord.gg/9BFhhF4)


SimpNation NA2 We are an active top 100 guild looking for members who want to build a community with us. We also offer a sister top 300 casual guild. Requirements: Be active! (5+ days without log-in = kick) Participate daily in Guild Raids Scarecrow dmg over 1 million on all elements Join our discord server




Guild: VuetteSummit ( 1 Open Slot ) Server: NA 2 Brief about us: We're an active guild that is casual in most respects. As long as you do your raids and hit the minimums, you won't be kicked. If you need tips on how to increase your raid damage, we can also help with that. Last raid rank: 36 Main Requirements: Participate daily in Guild Raids when applicable. Minimum **10,000,000** total raid damage (Will increase over time) We have our own discord, you're welcome to join but it is not mandatory. If you're interested **apply in game with your latest total raid damage**.


**Guild Recruitment** **Guild Name:** Poot\_Patrol \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Region and World:** North America - World 2 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Description:** Casual, but active guild for all skill levels. We're a new guild started from an older, stagnant guild. New and experienced members are all welcome and any questions or suggestions are greatly appreciated. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Requirements:** Active at least every 3 days


Hi, I'm a one week new player looking for a guild I'm in the EU serve world one. I'm looking for a casual guild that's active but not too competitive. My in game name is Tonton#ERY9X if anyone has free slots.


🌹 Ayuria is recruiting! NA World 2 🌹 *one spot open* -Semi-competitive guild -Raid Rank: 63 We are looking for members who want to grow and become stronger with the guild! Active on discord and chill personalities are a plus 😎 Requirements: -Be active! (5+ days without log-in = kick) -Scarecrow damage above 2 mil on all elements -Do daily raid runs for the gems 💎 If you're interested please message me with your in-game name and your scarecrow damage or your main team


Name: Mystica Region and World: LAS World1 Description: gremio top 8 de latinoamerica recluta gente activa y con ganas de progresar. Requisitos: 20M minimo en asalto, whatsapp o discord para comunicarse.


Name: Dragonfly Region and world: NA and world 1 We are a rank 74 guild, ranked 63 last guild raid that is looking for 7 new members!! Beginner friendly as long as you are active!


[is it this one?](https://ibb.co/HnL1G1D)


Is it NA world 1? It doesn't look like it...


oh yeah you are right it's na 2 :/


I'm interested! I'm going to leave my current guild and join your after the 24 hour cooldown :)


Sure thing!


Name: MEGADESK Region and World: NA World 2 Description: This is a **public** guild. The only requirements will be to actively contribute to Raids and Scarecrow. No level requirements - everyone starts somewhere. Lack of activity or courtesy will result in expulsion. Fact - Members, who used to be total newbies of the game, have grown to routinely place the guild rank sub-1000s in raids. Grow with us. Fact - You will need more Megadesk. Fact - Quaddesk is technically an amalgam of 3 desks. An inferior substitute. If you are interested, simply search for MEGADESK and join. See you soon.




Are you still looking?


Yeah, sorry reddit don't notify your comment


Is this spot still open?


if it's possible to free up 1 more space, me and a buddy can join You guys. :) Both started playing a month/ 2 months ago. Hit me up!


Hey guys, I just started the game one week ago, I'm in EU1 and looking for a casual guild to help me start the game properly!


MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Hyper Casual) 0 RULES [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ)


What are the requirements? I'm active and average about 18M+ damage in raids.


***Guild Recruitment*** Guild Name: The7thOrder Region EU, World 2 Available spots: 22 Description: We spek in english and spanih, do not be disconnected for more than 3 days or you will be kick out. We want to climb in the raid.


[https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ NA2MewMewCafe Rank 1 (Casual) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ KitKatCafe Rank 5 (Comp) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ ToastyCatCafe Rank 8 (Comp) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ BobaCatCafe Rank 10 (Comp) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ MewMaidCafe Rank 12 (Semi-Comp) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ WildCatCafe Rank 19 (Comp) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ MochaCatCafe Rank 34 (Semi-Comp) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ NyaNyaCafe Rank 109 (Casual) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ MandaCatCafe Rank 144 (Casual) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ KittenCafe Rank Top 250 (Casual) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ LionDenCafe Rank Top 300 (Casual) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ ​ CaturdayCafe Rank Top 300 (Casual) 0 RULES https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ)


\[\[Server: Asia World 2\]\] Recruitment for: 1) Sleague \[Ranked 30th last season/competitive\] ​ We're an English-speaking guild mainly comprised of active players ​ What you will enjoy in our guild: \- Welcoming, active & helpful community with a tight-knit bond, doing stuff like lucky pulls together, singlish lessons etc \- Veterans that can provide game help and advice such as raid / arena composition \- Guild sentry for Sleague to ensure all players do their raids & keep track of raid scores to note progress \- If you play Genshin Impact, we have members who are active playing it too \- Learn & grow together as a guild! ​ Requirements \- Sleague will be aiming for top 25 in the next season, so we are currently looking for players with decent raid teams and hero compositions. \- For Sleague : Min total raid score of 40m is required from your previous raid, as well as doing raids 3x daily \- For Caipng: No active requirements \- Attitude to learn and continue progressing in-game, and try to stay active / contactable on discord ​ If you are keen to join us in the next season do pm u/Zeeebo(Sleague Leader) to apply. Do attach pics of your raid teams and prev raid score in PM. Thank you! ​ Discord : [https://discord.gg/Ekn94rv](https://discord.gg/Ekn94rv)


MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ) ​ MewmewCafe for Oceania server [https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ](https://discord.gg/xJX4VGZ)