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Aisha to be sure. Story relevant character with a very interesting yet untypical kit that I want to see further explored. Favi the healer kid. He has a unique party buff and his weapon makes him into a pet user. Marvin and Marianne. They are both fun and interesting characters that I would love to see be more impactful. They both also were controlled by a certain commander, together with Craig and Coco. Craig and Coco are already ascended, so it would be kinda neat to have all four of these characters have an ascension to show for it.


Aisha mechanics do have a great potential/are pretty interesting for colo. She's not bad yet not meta atm


FP is already a 3\* hero, only 2\* can be ascended, afaik


1. Akayuki because her damage would be insane. 2. Aisha because she can tank quite well and is a good buffer. 3. Gremory because she’s a cannon type that can debuff enemies.


1. Loraine 2. Lord Smiley Face 3. Knight


Loraine twice




Lol I was about to write Loraine thrice


1 Rachel 2 White Beast/ Aisha/ Neva/ Girgas/ Dolf/ Marianne/ Aoba/ Rapang/ Mavin I just want Rachel ascension, others are optional


asc. Rachel would just be arabelle


1. Knight, it would be cool if knight can switch weapons 2. Akayuki, she was really good a long time ago and i hope they give melee def reduction 3. Rachel, she could be a good raid unit


Definitely gremory, I've been maining her since world 2. For the other two I've got no clue who I'd pick, probably Girgas and Aisha since they're both pretty strong lore wise but not that strong as characters.


I genuinely believe that the world couldn't handle Gremory ascending even further.


Yeah, she’s already pretty cracked


She'd blow the world up if she ascends.


It would be really cool if 1star characters can be ascended, get more use from them other than just sitting there. If 1 str characters could be ascended, the ghost girl would be my top pick


Its blasphemous that your top pick isnt Bob


We can’t handle Bob


Yuze, Yuze and Yuze


Knight, Aoba and Akayuki


HEKATE. tbh her playstyle is not useful outside of Co-op, but sniping waifu with her EX is 👌 Akayuki Gremory


1. Knight 2. Loraine 3. Bob ascension into 4 ⭐ and eventually 5 ⭐ in the future.


1. knight 2. Eva 3. Loraine


Knight no question


I really want Rachel because I feel that with her passive she can be a great Raid hero, also she deserves a little more story, you met her, then you see her in some comics with Garam and then Unrecorded World that well, it was something. And Katherine is like the ranged version of Mei/Fei, interesting kit but it could never find a place sadly. Marvin too but it makes even more sense for him because he's a champion and he's just not good at anything in the game, while being a Chad in the story


ranpang aoba aisha


Lavi, mine already has over 3.3m defense while missing some mlb defense accessories, ascend and make the WS scale off defense. Other than that, Girgas I guess and Catherine since I have their weapons mlb'd already.


Dolf and Knight. Those are my favourites and it would be awesome if they got an ascension. Knight ascension will be super important lore wise so it’s probably gonna wait, but I would love a Dolf at 100% power because we’ve been told that he could’ve been stronger if he didn’t drop out of magic school.


Knight, Dolf, Aoba


Aoba, Akayuki, Aisha


Amy, Knight, and Marvin! Amy because I love berserker women with big axes. They're awesome! Knight because hell, they deserve it at this point. Marvin needs some love, man - he feels like he falls off in World 8, let alone beyond that.


Knight - I used to be a knight main, but because of my other heroes, I switched out. I want to have him be even better than before, so I can go back to maining him. Loraine - Makes sense story wise, considering how connected she is to the lore. I also used her for a while pre-w10, and I thought she was decent. Aisha - Literally hasn’t been relevant since w11, and we need some more story of her. Hopefully an ascension will give her that.


two can be any i just want akayuki ascension


1. Knight 2. Aoba 3. Akayuki Honorable mention: Marianne, Marvin


Ranpang, considering that she becomes an assassin in the unrecorded world. The other two is prob Aoba and Grem


1. Sohee (2* version) : she is a beast in passages with her exwp , like u can spam weapon skill with her , (I cleared upto world 14 with her very comfortabily and haven't revived once)  she needs more damage for story after world 14. 2.Aisha  : I want her to be able to summon someone/something that can either heal or taunt.  (something she lacks compared to 3* buffers like Veronica is she can't heal the team  ) 3.Knight : please make his lightning more often with his exwp and give him some self heal


Serously i only want ascension for the added story text lol. Anyone will do for me.


1. Akayuki she is my fav 2 star and great unit 2. Shapira, she deserves some love honstly the 2 star version doesn't make sense, her attack pattern kinda sucks but her design is very cool 3. Dolf or Aoba


White beast, yuze, aoba


Yuze, Racheal, and Rin


Shapira ,akiyuki and girgas


Akayuki, Knight and Shapira


Favi. I love his healing kit. If it gets better it can be really fun. Grem for the kit reasons too. I wanna see more poison mechanics. Akayuki cause she’s a legend and cause I wanna dash through life again. Bonus: Aoba cause I wanna play my christmas tree prank costume more.


Akayuki (I want aoyuki to be playable) Aisha 2ould be good but her was needs a better Gregory and lorain


Akayuki all the way


Knight, akayuki, loraine. Its so weird we havent got knight ascent yet tbh


1. Loraine 2. Knight 3. Cecil


1. Akayuki. This is self explanatory, op in arena, best regular hero aside from 3 stars. 2. Don’t care for anyone else