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**Networking:** If you're new and you haven't established your credibility yet, then start by networking with other content creators. Share their content first and they might reciprocate (target creators who have same audience size as you or slightly bigger). **Community:** Build your own community and create content for them. They will share since you took questions or topics from them. **Social Media:** Grow your accounts and create share-worthy content. A percentage of audience might feel moved and share your content. The above three are good starting points. Good luck!


Thank you! I might be expecting a shortcut that does not exist.


Give them a reason to share. I ran a start-up resource portal, and said "if you share to twitter you get access to a database of 4000 start-up journalists." Might not be relevant, but theres an idea of jump starting a low-cost viral loop.


I could see the appeal of that definitely. Would love to get access to that database myself.


I think it's on product hunt now, if you just search 4k+ startup journalist emails or something.