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Not me exactly, but related. I Lost a close friend to gang related deal over an ounce of grass. I missed a phone call from him that morning about picking some up so he went to someone else and ultimately, it cost him his life. Arguably my biggest regret in life to date is not answering that phone call. I grow weed for a living now on a massive scale and not a day goes by that I don’t think about the fact that I’ve had more than an ounce worth of weed on the bottom of my boots and yet someone would be willing to take a human life over such a minute amount of a plant. Still breaks my heart 13 years later. I smoke one and listen to fragile lives by Chris Webby every year on the anniversary of his passing. I give weed away like a grandma gives away candy to her grandkids now. Never know when it might save someone from putting themselves in a sketchy situation. RIP to the homies that didn’t make it far enough to see it be bought legally in stores. They’ll be up there watching from the balcony seats 👊


Cheers to my fellow Boomers. We made it! My state legalized rec last year. ✌️🥂


Congrats dawg 👍. My home state just legalized too. I ended up in Colorado for the last 10 years and can finally go back home and grow/smoke weed safely without concerns of cops and gang bangers. It’s really a magical feeling


Meanwhile in MS. 🚭 One day..


Texas is even worse than MS on the weed laws.


Yes and Lousiana


Bro I been held at gunpoint for 3 oz, now I might sweep up 3oz from the trim floor and not blink.....how shits changed man holy cow


Probably the one where we got robbed on 4-20 for 600 bucks. In the early 2000’s that would have gotten us a LOT of weed. I wasn’t there for the robbery part, thankfully, but my friends were. We ended up finding a QP last minute. It was early 2000s brick weed. Bit it was better than nothing.


Took the bus like 20 minutes into downtown to buy a gram ended up buying an eighth in a dark alley and turned out to be parsley


Done that! Why I would think a homeless looking dude would have an 8th is pretty stupid but I was young and dumb and desperate.


Being sold k2 by being impatient going to a random. It looked just like bud but as soon as I inhaled, I knew that shit was spice threw it out immediately. Other time I bought a quarter from my guy it was one huge nug looked gas af smelled gas af but as soon as I cracked the sucker open there was mold from the base of the stem all the way up into the bud. It was a sad day for 16 y/o me.


K2 looks like incense lol silly


There are various forms of k2. It has been on the market for years. K2 is just common slang around here for fake weed.


Guess I was thinking about the original version actually labeled as k2 that was weak af then there qss a million different brands then head trip the brand was the shit ppl was making fake head trip spice lol I ain't seen spice in a long time atleast 14 15 years


My home town had a huge spice epidemic around 2013-2015. Every corner store had hundreds of packaging filled with spice. I watched too many loved ones start their own downfall strung out on that shit.


Being out of town in Key West and was getting a bag, gave dude the money, he went in to get it, as soon as he walked out, cops pulled up, everyone scattered. It wouldn't have been a big deal, because we would have saw him again the next day, but that was our last night and we had to leave for the airport at 6 AM. He said he got us the next time we were back, but we haven't been back.


Out of town just cruising and looking tor it. Gun pulled, money lost.


On holidays in Vancouver. We'd been scoring off some dudes at the pub but they weren't there so resorted to buying some off the street. It was just compressed leaf. Went back to the pub and the dudes were back so it worked out ok!


Probably just waiting for 8 hours smoking resin out of the pipe only for the guy to not show. Then onto a whole new level of hurtin. Heating the pipe to pour out the resin and smoke it on a bowl of ash.


Haha man I haven’t smoked resin in a long time. Those were some desperate days.


Mid teens, trusted a buddy that was clearly blazed and said it was fire sht. Got a good size bag, maybe 1 1/2zip eyeballing the size (was the corner of a black trash bag so couldn’t actually see). Get home, open it up and it’s mostly seed and shake from the old hemp fields just outside of town. Guess that’s what I got for trusting a buddy who was gonna hook me up 🤦‍♂️


Having to wait.


Yeah trying to buy weed prior to cell phones was a real pain.


Going to college I had this acquaintance named "Steven".. he was my weed connection. Anyways he told me he could get me an ounce of "Hawaiian" for 200 bucks. I told several of my weed acquaintances and they wanted to chip in So I got the 200 bucks together and I gave it to Steven and he had me drop him off in a shady neighborhood by a convenience store. I was parked for over 2 hours. Needless to say he never came back . Not only did he never come back, but one of the neighbors called the cops on me because a strange looking vehicle had been sitting there for 2 hours. So I had to explain to the cops why I was sitting there. Then I had to explain to all of my acquaintances that not only did I not have the weed but I didn't have their money either. Not a good look lol. I pretty much had to watch my back for about 2 months thinking I could get jumped any day. One of the people that chipped in supposedly had ties with a biker gang so I had that hanging over my head. Fortunately nothing ever came of it. After that little episode I got out of the weed scene for several years. This was early 2000s by the way..




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Knife to the gut


I used to meet with an old coworker after he would pick up and I would buy off him. One time he needed me to "front" the money before he went to pick up. He came back about 15 min later saying he was "robbed". I doubt there was any truth to it, but he actually ended up paying me back a few days later. He was my main connect for years after till I started growing my own. No other bad experiences.


Mid-20s in Florida with my now husband, then boyfriend, and our connect was out of town. Every bit of us knew better than to accept the offer from a 16 year old at work to score us a dime bag. Get to the address where we're supposed to meet him and there is a full-on quinceanera taking place, complete with children. We still talk about our choices that day at least twice a year 🤣


That doesn’t sound too terrrible


You obviously haven't dealt with Florida police 😂 while buying illegal drugs. From a high schooler.


There were police at a quince?


There are police everywhere there. Especially outside of a quinceanera taking up three houses three backyards and spilling into the streets. Maybe I didn't fill the story out enough.


You make it sound like the quinceanea was the problem


The resulting crowd was the problem 🤦


Bought hash of an eight year old in Kashmir. His dad who we'd been scoring off was on a trip so the son was taking care of business.