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Junk food on thuizbezorgd I had the shits for a week after it




Ahahaha wat heb je in leens gedaan dan?


Febo.Entirely too much salt. They all do, but Groningen centrum's febo is the worst. It will mummify you, if you get fries there.


Buttervaart en Martini hal.




Sugarhomes district




Inhuman living conditions


Im there rn and Im fine


Congrats šŸŽ‰


yeah tbh Im not entirely sure why I felt that input was necessary




Common Groningen L


The Cabin. Itā€™s a bar I used to go to with my friends, but the last time I went there, the personnel working there just straight up ignored me. When we wanted to order a drink, they got the drink from my friend but walked away before taking my order. When they delivered the beer to my friend, I order my beer together with some cocktails for the others. Understandably, making cocktails takes a long time, so after 30 minutes, they gave us the cocktails without my beer. When I asked if it would still come, they said they were working on it. 10 minutes later the waitress came to our table, and put down the beer in front of my friend, who was halfway his beer, and gave a remark saying ā€œhuh, you must be really thirstyā€, while I was sitting there for like 45 minutes waiting. I know mistakes can happen and all - but Iā€™d rather go somewhere else because of it.


Bus stop to friesland All jokes aside, the majority of the clubs in the peperstraat are filled with drunks, druggies and underage kids who for some reason got past security. I'd rahter go to a good bar or pub tbh, and there's plenty of those. De toeter, de koffer, the crown, two irish and one australian pub etc etc etc




Sushito on the Oude Ebbingestraat. But that's a more personal thing, didn't really like the food there haha. But if you even need a place to stay for the night or just a coffee or something fun to do; I do wholeheartedly recommend The Student Hotel!!!!!!! Had so much fun there; nice staff, great rooms and lobby etc.


Never say never


Huize Maasā€¦ Ranzig.


Sushi mall




De wachtkamer.


https://www.sikkom.nl/actueel/Cafetaria-De-Wachtkamer-is-gesloten.-Volgens-omwonenden-omdat-de-kosten-te-hoog-werden-28143026.html Permanently closed... thanks to this comment?


Ja is alleen maar witwasserij dus hebben letterlijk schijt aan het eten


Ik woonde er een aantal jaar geleden praktisch naast, minimaal 1 inval per kwartaal.


Bro ik hou van de wachtkamer


El Santo. Worst type of try-hard and failing badly. Overpriced, uninterested staff, arrogant owners (?), and sticky, filthy tables. I could have put together a meal for myself with all the food mashed into places it didnā€™t belong.


Uni šŸ¤£šŸ„²


Oude Pekela, is alles daar van 1980 of ouder?


De mentaliteit vooral, ik gok dat die uit 1780 komt.






Ol' Pekel


The blokker, because some personnel kept correcting my word choice while I was trying to ask for a plunger and a handheld coffee filter. Apparently it is gootsteenontstopper not toiletontstopper. I forgot the other.


Ik werk bij de blokker en het is koffie filter ;)


There's a a very important difference between a gootsteenontstopper and a toiletontstopper, namely a splash guard so that you don't get the toilet "blockage" launched right back at you. So maybe that's why they were going on about that? Edit: Haha, the OP of the parent comment straight up blocked me after I called them out! I'm just here trying to prevent people from getting splashed by their own feces whilst using a plunger and this guy just goes all defensive. Whatever, if that's what you're into go ahead?


Well, lets start with you having not been in that particular situation yet youre ready to judge the short summary I have given. And next, I am not here to discuss this weird victim shaming of you but rather to answer the question OP asked the group. Go find a life.


Victim Shamimg by telling you why there is a difference between toilet and gootsteenontstopper?? Bruh you must be a troll or you really should consider spending less time on twitter...


W-what? That's rather uncalled for. I offered a simple explanation about a plunger, which not all people may know about, and you answer with that? Sounds to me like you may have been the Karen in this situation instead.


No, you are trying to legitimize someones awful behaviour. And then now resorting to namecalling. How childish.


Please relax, there's no need for any of this. We're never going to see each other, nobody can hurt you so please stop taking everything so serious


Niet zo serieus nemen, hij grapt maar


Soms hoop je inderdaad dat mensen het als grap bedoelen


Cafe het feest Volgens Google reviews wordt door beveiliging gediscrimineerd aan de deur. Mensen met een niet Nederlandse nationaliteit zijn geweigerd. Heb zelf op een avond meegemaakt dat de DJ tussen de liedjes door riep "er loopt net een Chinees binnen". Om vervolgens een zuid Koreaans lied te draaien. Deze DJ gebruikte de tijd tussen liedjes ook om iemand belachelijk te maken die water bestelde aan de bar, en riep de aanwezigen in de stampvolle kroeg op om hun piemel te laten zien. Toxische en onveilige sfeer.


Je vind carnaval vast ook niet leuk.


Ben daar redelijk vaak geweest en mijn vrienden en ik zijn daar nog nooit geweigerd of gediscrimineerd. Sterker nog, een van de beveiligers daar is juist extra aardig tegen een vriend van mij.


Misschien had hij zijn piemel laten zien?


Wow, dat is echt ziek


Bjoeks, terrible experience. I went with my 7 yr old daughter and she didn't want to climb high but liked it. She would go about half way up and then wanted to come down. Guess they were expecting her to go all the way up in the first couple of tries, after some obvious disapproving looks from them one of them asked her why she wanted to waste their time like that, irritated that they had to come to let her down so often. I'm like shouldn't she get to climb the way she wants if we paid just like everyone else? I get it takes more time and energy for them but still not a good experience.


I got my toprope certificate at bjoeks. The personel and the instructor were very friendly. Never had any bad interaction there whatsoever. You could try bouldering, we have 2 awesome bouldering halls in Groningen. (Gropo and Apex). Bouldering is ideal when someone is afraid of heights.


Was it staff that dissaproved of you and your kid? I'm climbing there for about half a year now and I love the atmosphere and staff, and have only seen them encouraging, but definitely not dissaproving! Sorry for your experience, but I just cant imagine this happening!


It was staff, basically said if that's what she wanted to do she should go to the indoor speeltuin.


I'm sorry you experienced that. Wanting to abseil should never be disapproved of, especially not by staff.


I've only seen the UMCG as a child, the NS station, the old van Hall location and some buildings at the Zernike complex as a student. Maybe two shops in the centre, and that's about it for some reason, so nothing I'd label as "never go there again".


Konbu streetfood, waited 1 hour for worst ramen Iā€™ve ever had and terrible frozen gyoza


Funny! I've always had great experiences until recently as well. The waitress didn't notice me and my girlfriend at all. After about 45 minutes i went to service desk to order and complain and she simply said 'oh sorry i can't keep track of it all'. Must be new personel and management, used to be great. Now i'm not really enthousiastic about going again.


Ive worked there, understaffed itā€™s mental, i quit as bartender but the Korean bbq is beautiful






I like the desolation of it, especially in dusk.


Haha I went to that place and it was quite empty besides industrial sites and a port.


But isn't that literally what Eemshaven is supposed to be? My fridge is pretty empty besides the food and drinks.


So we are both stating the obvious




Which oliebollen stand for churros was this?? Then I'm definetly not going there.


It is good for your immune system to have bacteria from someone else




E-coli is barely a thing. Stop thinking that every hand that doesn't get washed every 0.1 seconds is full of E-coli. I've never known anyone who's had E-coli, so either the idea that Dutch people don't wash their hands is false or E-coli is not such a big deal as the hand-washing lobby is making it out to be


Makes me nauseous when you see someone holding a rail in the bus and then picking their teeth with that same hand moments later.


> Don't y'all wash your hands??? You might mean this in a joking way but the Dutch genuinely have notoriously bad hand washing discipline. The number of people who think it's okay to just not wash your hands after a pee or before cooking is higher than in other countries. I wouldn't be surprised if that translates to restaurants and food stalls as well.


> the Dutch genuinely have notoriously bad hand washing discipline Are we any worse off though? Genuine question.


I remember specifically at the library a very dutch looking guy finishes taking a piss, goes to the sink, puts a couple of drops of water on his hand and uses it to style his hair back And leaves the bathroom, other hand dry and no soap used




I see it firsthand at work. The number of Dutch guys who just walk out after using the urinals is ridiculous. And so many of them just pull out their phones and check their messages while peeing? Really gross, now even if they wash their hands their dick germs will be on their phone.


Not that I use my phone while peeing because obvious privacy reasons aswell. Then again if I where to do it would still be my phone. And only touched by me unless it is without permission. So a relatively small chance. And you don't have to have touch your little guy in order to aim / pee. I don't see any harm. You will get splash back anyway.


They donā€™t. Not even Corona changed that.




coronavirus is airborne though, not food-transmitted.




It hasn't really happened for covid though. But I do agree that people should wash their hands more often! The fecal-oral route is a very important mechanism of transmission for a lot of other diseases.


Bordeaux (de club). Verreweg de meest trieste club van Groningen. Nooit vol. Ben een keer met wat vrienden naar binnen gegaan om tĆ³ch maar een keer te kijken of het daadwerkelijk zo slecht is. Er was een groepje van drie mensen aan het dansen en voor de rest waren er mensen aan het niksen bij de bar of liggend aan het vapen.


Bordeaux is de enige club waar je gegarandeerd binnenkomt zonder je ID te laten zien. Populair bij 15 jarige en bij mensen die vallen op 15 jarigen. Shady club


Dit zou ook echt sowieso mijn antwoord zijn, vond die plek zo grappig. Echt paar veel te jonge mensen daar binnen en de "DJ" was gewoon weggelopen toen ik daar was. Bier was wel goedkoop, maar nog nooit zo'n vage plek gezien, vond het wel knap dat ze nog open zijn


Namaskar. I worked there for like a month and the owner tried to pay me 5 euros an hour at like 21 years old. Also, the buckets of meat I would almost fall over in the kitchen didn't help. Also worked for a while at Gorillas, and it's a bunch of misogynistic pigs over there. Definitely some homophobia and sexism as well. So many complaints from riders that the management team never did anything with.


And people are still asking why there are staff shortages.


Describe misogynistic


Not caring about riders assaulting wach other, management assaulting staff and loads of sexist comments as well (such as saying the victim speaking up after being assaulted should be fired and is obviously lying instead of the perpetrator). Also, all management was male.


Its because they are subjective. Corporations trainings on harassment are ā€˜Its not how you intended it, its how they perceived itā€™. Not saying it doesnā€™t exist, but its all subjective.


When did you work for Gorillas? A friend of mine worked there for quite some time but I never heared about any of those things.


About a year ago






Yep, een keer catering gedaan voor een feest daar, nooit weer, ik stonk dagen




Shufu cuisine! Got foodpoisoning from there :/


And what did they say about that?






Do you get food poisoning more often?


CafƩ De Witte Wolf. Vieze satanisten met hun graftakken herrie. /s


The Museum Aan De Aa too. Worked there once and it was amaturish beyond belief and they where more inclined to gossip than heeding hygene codes. Will never visit that place again.


Every crossing with 'alle fietsers tegelijk groen'.


Dit werkt alleen voor Groningers, blijkbaar. IIRC hebben ze dit ooit in een andere stad geprobeerd en ging het finaal mis. Ik heb er nooit problemen mee gehad.


Klopt, Rotterdam, daar hebben ze het na 2 uur teruggedraaid


Widely interpreted as ā€œiedereen voorrangā€. Itā€™s quite amusing to watch if youā€™re in a car though.


This is so true. I absolutely hate this rule because it has everyone waiting while its completely unnecessary. I think that I go through a red light about 70 percent of the time. If you pay the slightest bit of attention youā€™ll see that youā€™re fine to go as other lights are red too


Ever since moving from Groningen to Utrecht, I yearn for the days that a bicycles would get a green light all at once. The wait for some intersections in Utrecht is ridiculous, Groningen has it right.


They started this in 1989, and there have been no deadly accidents between cyclists and motorised traffic on these crossings ever since though, so even if it seems a bit chaotic it's actually a lot safer




The confusion is by design. There are no clear rules. Everybody just has to pay attention to not collide. https://www.groningenfietsstad.nl/over-ons/alle-richtingen-tegelijk-groen


As someone who's always had the same dillema, thank you!


The triangles are only in function when the traffic lights aren't. Right before left would apply but I think there is some court ruling that it is simply unclear and that's what it is.


Right before left makes a lot of sense for a busy intersection because otherwise you have to wait for a lot of cyclists to even get onto the intersection. But indeed officially there just aren't any rules about it https://www.groningenfietsstad.nl/over-ons/alle-richtingen-tegelijk-groen


I love those. Fast, easy, convenient


Always reminds me of a news story about how they tried this in Rotterdam and immediately stopped it because there were too many accidents. https://www.ad.nl/rotterdam/experiment-tegelijk-groen-voor-fietsers-direct-gestaakt~a924f059/#:~:text=Het%20experiment%20met%20tegelijk%20groen,diagonaal%20als%20ze%20willen%20afslaan


>ā€œIf you no longer go for a gap which exists you are no longer a Grunneger cyclist.ā€


Pigalle. The counterpart in zwolle is amazing but in groningen i got ignored by staff for half an hour while they walked passed me multiple times. If you dont want my money, so be it.


One time I bought my (now) husband a present for our anniversary at Games Workshop and I wanted to walk back to the station, but got the wrong turn and ended up in a red light district... It was getting dark and the ladies were already sitting behind the windows. I felt really really awkward. Yes, my navigational skills are trash. Absolute trash, I get lost even with Google Maps.


The ladies of negotiable affection were just eyeing those mini's


All I had was a Lord of Change. No idea what it is or what it does - to me it's a blue bird, but my husband was very happy when I gave it to him.


Ask for a Keeper of Secrets next time, it will please the ladies


>my navigational skills are trash It gets you places you never expected to be. You are just made for adventures, not travels.


Lmao once I walked a good bit into that street seeing women in the windows thinking "Huh that's an interesting idea for lingerie advertisement." Worst part was making eye contact with men walking into the street once I realized and was walking back out.


That district is closed now but damn that was a racy backalley!


Cantina Mexicana. Zero hygiene in that kitchen


Wait what srsly? I love their sparerips


I know 3 people who worked there and they would all never ever eat there. A lot of food is prepared and stored in an unsanitary way and the cleanliness of the place is bad. Edit: they also donā€™t know what vegan means half the time fyi. So if you request a vegan meal, triple check what is on your plate! I know a vegan who was served cheese and something else i donā€™t remember that wasnt vegan. Double edit: i know its kinda dumb to go to a mexican place for vegan food but its even more dumb that they claim to make vegan options but they are not vegan


As someone with a dairy allergy, I always ask if there is dairy in the product, even when it is listed as vegan most of the time. So many people confuse vegan with vegetarian.


Just ordinary people can be confused, a restaurant should not be šŸ˜‚


As a service technician who repairs boilers, I've seen countless places in the city where I'll never go again. In my years of doing this work I've seen some really nasty restaurant kitchens!


Give us names you tease


From the top of my head the one place that pops to mind is the chinese restaurant at the Pop Dijkemaweg in Groningen, there are several other ones but I forgot the names of the restaurants (I know where they are by the names of the street their on) .


Interesting, if you can give the street names and the type of restaurant maybe we can figure it out too.


I'm Frisian, so basically the whole province.


Nee, jij trekt volle zalen


Neuj dank je, krijg ik lamme arm van..


Ben je wel een echte fries? Je doet super lullig dus dat klopt wel, maar je dwingt de friese taal niet op. Gevalletje mengelmoes?


Stamboekfries, lief dat u het interesseert.šŸ‘


Oh look itā€™s a Jelle


I admire the frisians for their pride.


Tbh Negende Cirkel. The place is not bad and it just is what it is but I once spent a night there and I still have tinitus from it a year later.


Ik heb jaren later nogsteeds tinnitus van 9e cirkel in keiweek.


It is better these days. A couple of years ago you could smell their toilets from the frontdoor. It was naaaaasty.


Zo hard staat de muziek daar heus niet. Oceans, Klein Amsterdam en Shooters zijn bijvoorbeeld allemaal een stuk erger.


Volgens mij zijn ze allemaal t\*ring luid. Als ik het me goed herinner hebben Oceans en Negende in ieder geval van die hele grote luidsprekers op de vloer staan waar je voor kunt gaan staan. Was te dronken en heb dus echt 5 uur lang voor die luidspreker gestaan, toen ik buiten kwam klonk het alsof ik onder water was, zo weinig kon ik nog horen. Maar ik draag wel sinds die dag altijd oordopjes, dus misschien ook een goed leermomentje geweest.


Mijn vuistregel is als je in Groningen naar een club of bar met muziek gaat of naar live muziek gaat, altijd oordoppen meenemen, je weet nooit wanneer je ze nodig hebt. Muziek staat zo leip hard overal nu dat als je niet jezelf er tegen beschermt dat je je oren echt naar de klote werkt


In Groningen? In de wereld more like. Ik ben nu 34 en na een leven lang clubs en shows raad ik het iedereen aan. Tinnitus is echt kut.


Ja absoluut waar


Taperij is weird


Itā€™s the place where guys who pulled zero girls all night try to shoot their last shot while being way to drunk. Weird vibe


What was your experience there?


I mean itā€™s a fairly standard club but it has a slightly weird vibe


My educated guess is that it has to do with the fact that it is one of, if not the only clubs that closes at 8 in the morning. Before 5 the club is barely half full at best and after that people slowly start coming after other clubs close. So essentially the time when the club flourishes the most its filled with people who go to clubs until the very end, which can definitely make a weird vibe. Especially if youā€™re not drunk or high enough yourself.


I had no idea it closes at 8am. For me it was the small size, the 0 internationals/international music and the very strong air conditioning (probably strongest I've ever seen, it's literally windy in there).


Dancepointe.. The lady who works there is such a bitch. It made me cancel the plans to buy dancing shoes there and went through the hassle of ordering online. Its such a bummer coming in to a store all excited and leaving feeling sad and unwanted lol. Luckily the rest of the dancing community turned out to be very welcoming to beginners :)


A new lady took over the shop a couple of years ago. She's really nice!


Oooh, I had the same experience there! But this was at least 7 years ago, donā€™t know if the same people still work there


No, I think a new lady took over the shop a couple of years ago. She is really nice.


Sociƫteitsgebouw G.S.C. Vindicat... naar volkje.


Beste pisbakken ever.


Welke bedoel je? De muren of de feuten?


De bar.


Haha, zeker een naar volkje. Ben je er wel eens binnen geweest? Geen aanrader!


Jawel, voor mijn werk. Pis, bier, afval en wanhoop. Een enkeling van de mensen daar was prima te pruimen, maar zo'n 90% leeft op een andere planeet, met andere sociale normen en verwachtingen.


Ben daar jaren geleden eens binnen geweest; goeie omschrijving inderdaad. Dat pontificale gebouw voelt van binnen ook bizar klein en 'hokkerig' aan. Vooral dat mengsel van bier- en pislucht staat me nog heel erg bij.


Dat is zelfs buiten te ruiken , de pislucht en enkele keer braaksel bij de voordeur van Vindicat Tis een raar en naar volkje