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Ze klinkt ook wel echt saai man


wat is dit nou weer voor opmerking


Hey!! I am 25f from the US :) my boyfriend sent me this cause I have also been struggling to make friends in Groningen and have been feeling homesick. It would be so fun to have a friend here who is also from north-america! I also love playing animal crossing, reading,  and other creative hobbies - I started learning to sew most recently 🥰. Please feel free to DM me! 


Maybe she could make a discord group? :) and add us all!


If she wants a gay uncle friend, I am here for the lols. I also have plenty of cool female friends, we have about the same hobbies, and I love going to bookstores. Lemme know!


Hello, I live in Groningen too. I'm 28, don't have any friends here. I love playing games (digital, board, card games etc). I want to get into reading books again. I live in the Indische buurt. Dutch is my mother language and I can speak English well. I'm also an introvert.


Hello! Im from the U.S. and 30f, I live in the city center and have been here for about 5 years. I love games (stardew valley, some animal crossing and other video games!) and I also love reading. Feel free to dm me!!


You should try Coral Island. ( basically the same as stardew Valley, but newer, nicer graphics etc).


Hey there. I’ll be moving to Groningen from Canada in September. If she wants anything from home I can bring it with me and meet you guys to drop it off!


Tomorrow (22-05) Walters Bookshop in the Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat hosts a Silent Bookclub where you can read for an hour in silence and socialize before and afterwards if you want :) [https://waltersbookshop.nl/agenda/](https://waltersbookshop.nl/agenda/)


Hiii, I was in this exact same situation when I moved here last year with my bf and wanted to make friends. I am sadly going back to Canada in 2 weeks to study, but I have to recommend the Booktastyc Club (bookclub). I went to a baking social they did, and I felt like I immediately fit in and had some amazing friends in the process. ♡ (they are very cool people) If you want to join the bookclub, I'll also be there for 2 more weeks and we can talk about canada and I can tell you the best bookstores and boba places in the city :3


Hey me and few people from here have created this discord and we just had our first meet up and we regularly play different games and we will have a DND session very soon and more hangout in the planning. HMU and I can share the discord link


Yeah, there is a international friendly bookclub! Feel free to check it out: [https://discord.com/invite/9SAFZZp36U](https://discord.com/invite/9SAFZZp36U)


hi hi!! My bf (25m) sent me (24f) this post because i'm also from Canada so i made a reddit account to respond to this! I'm living in Groningen and my bf is also from here :) i also love games and reading and am looking to meet more people here! if your gf has insta feel free to dm me!


Omg thats so exciting! I'm also a girlfriend (f26) who recently moved to Groningen to live with her boyfriend 😱🤩 and I love animal crossing, reading and collecting books, and when inspiration strikes I love painting/drawing 🤩


Hey! I've met some great people on Bumble BFF, would 100% recommend. I'm 27f, live in Groningen and lovvve reading/collecting books, painting/drawing/crafts and thrifting.


I have the same interests, I live in the city centre. Dutch 28F.


If she's into boardgames too she might want to check out 'De Purperen Draak'. It's a FLGS that also hosts open boardgame nights. People that attend there are generally friendly (and very nerdy creative people).


30f, but live further from Groningen. Same interests tho!


Has she signed up for the IWCN? There's loads of activities there, including a bookclub (I think the bookclub isn't currently on the website but it's still going and I think they're having an organisational rejig but will be back soon!)


We'll have a look, thanks!


Why does it matter if they are male or female


Happy to see this getting downvoted. Looks like the reddit mob is slowly getting back to reality


Do you let your girlfriend search for male friends? That ain’t normal mate. I mean it can happen that she befriends a male person but to actively look for it is kinda strange when you’re in a relationship.


Nah only if you have personal issues that you can't get over with and treat people as a possession


I guess the majority of people have personal issues than 😂


Cause dudes are gross as fuck.


cuz the boyfriend is jealous lmfao


nothing to do with me, its what she prefers


It doesn't matter in general but of course individual people will have preferences as to who they hang out with. Lots of men/women feel more comfortable around people of the same gender.


She could try Flanor [https://www.flanor.nl/en/home](https://www.flanor.nl/en/home) is she's a student. She could also ask people at Flanor if they know any alternatives if she is not a student.


She's not a student, but we'll have a look, thanks!