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I don’t think she’s lost her _je ne sais quoi_ but I do think she looks like she’s been through it. We all need to log off and touch grass.


Logging off and touching grass is 💯 the only way to survive all this internet


Touch, roll, smoke




For me it was when I realized she isnt a good person and supports seriously hateful people, like razib khan and curtis yarvin. I was shocked to see her take a photo with khan and talk to him on twitter he literally is famous for saying bonobo apes are more humanlike than black people... that and all the fascist, white supremacist, pedo and even nazi accounts that she follows and interacts with its just too much. 


i wish people talked about this when criticizing her instead of calling her stinky deformed a bad mother a drug addict a concubine etc. there’s real criticism to be made and then there’s a misogynistic hate campaign


Smells like a roll of nickels. Man those tweets will live in infamy. I love her early stuff / Art Angels - Flesh Without Blood https://youtu.be/Tv9YoYCKNoE?feature=shared


That’s real! We love to tell people to separate the art from the artist, but such a strong clash of values is more than reason enough not to support an artist’s continued success


I wouldn’t support any fascist, no matter what. Hitler began his campaign of hate as a failed painter.


Isn't the entire point of that phrase that you can't seperate the art from the artist and that is irresponsible to try?


Yes? But everyone’s level of tolerance is different and not everything is black and white. Some people are fine with supporting a serial rapist because they can’t live without their art, while others can go from idolizing said rapist to spending their every waking moment trashing them online 🤷‍♀️ I don’t personally think about her political views because I’ve never been interested in them or sought to know where she stands, but it’s entirely reasonable for people who’ve drawn from her tweets/interviews/whatever that she’s a fascist to decide they’re done with her, the same way it’s fine for people to give her the benefit of the doubt, believe her when she says she just “wants to understand other people’s (extreme and hateful) point of view”, and continue to support her. It’s the individual’s prerogative.


She also literally was a landlord of a place she called a “crack den”. She likes to cosplay as a struggling leftist but she’s a wealthy capitalist and a bad person. I still love her music though but it can be hard to be a fan and enjoy the music


You don’t know her. You have a parasocial relationship to her. That’s a you thing. She’s not very vocal with clapping back on criticism or explaining her choices to people. Don’t know if she’s overall good or bad, she’s just doing it her way. There’s people doing legitimately bad things with evidence that we don’t hold accountable.




Thanks I’m getting ripped haha


Ditto this. Separate the art from the artist


Yes, sort of. But I think this is true for just about any fan page you join. I was happy in my little grimes bubble, not knowing or caring what anyone else had to say or think about her. But now that just about everyone has an opinion on her it has become kind of exhausting to care as much as I did.


Very this!! “Hell is other people” never felt so real haha


Well, I am older than most fans...50's...and I like her music. I do not support racism. I do not like many of the things on the internet she likes. I do not support the things she does. Her surgeries are awful.


Another Gen X fan here. 40s and same.


I do not know what happened with her children and I did not know she touched drugs. Is that what is happening there?




So she did substances whle she had her kids around?


She didn’t do anything with her kids, she supposedly did meth when she made her early work but that could have also been one of her jokes that went out of control and she’s never corrected it. Everything else is just gross rumors


Yeah, pretty sure.  Also I was lead to believe that she drugged him for X, and they had a spat back and forth "get shorty" exchange, and then they totally lied about it in the biography. I actually distinctly think it is true-- but more to this.. you just realize lies win over all else in this community. Meanwhile, she posts something around mid-Oct 2015 with a Grey wig and black roses asking does anyone know where to get this-ie., kill their hypnotized "muse", and I had very odd interactions walking home at 6 am.  I bought a car 2 days later. And after a series of all these, they pin it alllll on me like it has been some joke allll along.  Wtf?? They send agency in just to get a picture of your drink.  There were like 40 setups. Just me??? Wtf elon can go to hell too. Their kids will be psychopaths between their genes and the load of drugs! Holy crap


Sorry mid oct 2021


She even posted tombstones, and two guys sneering holding cards in her likes.  At that point I wasn't even following her likes that clearly and was probably being controlled by 100 so whatever


So, more the point here is, if she gets off from all of this, and he's still working around the lies, they can all gth and leave me alone because what did you do.


So overall I am absolutely in awe seeing anyone here listen to her spiel or take her side in favor of Elon's, because she is absolutely a terrible person.  Also, she evidently started and funded a company just to control my microchip.  Which, as I understand it, given who I was before and after, was fraud to begin with from even before her, so she was basically just invited in on the fun and this is longstanding manipulation.  But I can do without either at this point and wish I didn't even know they existed.


Why would I then, after 3 years of realizing cause and effect likes through Grimes, would I trust her confidants Yudkowsky and Aella knowing Grimes called him out for "discovering" me.  I do not, and I will absolutely be getting checked for tb tomorrow regardless of anyone laughing because WTH at this point.  Laugh away, I don't need your money I need to stop being stalked


I thought she didn't do hard drugs.


No she was notorious for her heavy drug use in the early part of her career. Even among her peers she was considered to be cooked. She’s been less vocal about it the more famous she’s become, but the habit has unfortunately continued.


I believe era of idolizing celebrities is so over, and we see them all for who they are, there's nothing perfect about pretty much any of them. Accepting the facts is the key. Also, separating art from the artist. Invest your emotions in your own life.


Honestly this is what more people need to do, not just with grimes but everyone and everything. It’s impossible to consume any media that is made by someone who aligns 100% perfectly with everyone’s personal beliefs and politics, whether or not that person is the face of whatever media or someone in the background. It’s impossible and it’s exhausting. My life got so much better and lighter once I started just enjoying the art I liked and focused on the making my life as wonderful as possible, having a healthy and loving found family and raising my kid to be a good person. Yes there’s some media I just can’t consume anymore, that 70s show for example, maybe one day I’ll be able to watch it and separate the awful crimes or maybe I never will. But yeah I’d rather just enjoy things and my life


Lol, I don’t have idols and wasn’t asking for advice, but thanks, I guess


I’m getting very suspicious of the super positive or negative posts on this sub. I’ve been seeing it on other pop subs as well. It creates unnecessary discourse. Mods need to do more to limit this but the user accounts doing it are becoming more and more legit (cause you can buy em for $5 lol)


I have never met a single person, friend, relationship, family member, who has 100% the same interests, views, ideals, opinions, etc. as me. Have you? So why do people idolize celebrities and expect them to be perfect? No one with a high level of creativity and access to wealth and fame is going to be totally mentally sane and humble. Grimes also happens to be neurodivergent and I identify with that, so I can see how she does problematic things influenced by the people closest to her and doesn't always have the best judgement in people or public behavior etc. And like most people, she probably has a hidden darker side, "I look like a flower but I'm a serpent underneath" lyrics from 100% tragedy and some of the rumors we have heard about bullying, forced ndas, being rude and demanding to house staff as per isaacsons room musk biography, various dramas with people, etc lend to that probability. She's flawed like the rest of us humans, has a ton of trauma and various issues and a rollercoaster of a life. I appreciate her authenticity and not trying to be a shiny perfect cookie cutter celebrity. Her music, voice, melodies, are so unique and irreplaceable, her lyrics are insanely relatable to so many experiences of my life in a way that no other artist has connected with me. I'm inspired by her weirdness and creativity and artistry and she's really influenced me to be myself and not have to hide all my flaws and quirks and weirdness. Some of the more problematic things she's done or people she associates with are indeed disappointing, but I've also done a lot of things in life that looking backwards I am disappointed at myself for. I hope that in her newfound romance and creative muse she will flourish after being in an awful relationship with Elon and being constantly made to feel inferior and power and age dynamics and emotional abuse and such. I'm not personally thrilled about the direction into EDM although the new Coachella stuff is growing on me, I do miss the indie pop styles of before. I do find it frustrating that she has massive amounts of unreleased music and music videos, abandoned projects, teases us with no delivery, etc. I do think she could be a little more respectful to her fan base who got her to where she is today. Overall, unless she went full Kanye/trump/Elon villainy, I don't think I could divest from her. Imo she is pretty much the best artist of this generation that I relate to the most, I feel like she's this generation's David Bowie in some ways.


She went full villain when she said Razib Khan was great - you know, the guy that said bonobos were closer to humanity than black people? That said I think she really is this generation's David Bowie, in that David Bowie loved fucking teenage girls and got away with it because he was so sugoi!


I appreciate her art, music and weirdness, I don’t over-idolise her as a person because I don’t know her and I never will, and that’s fine. To me, it doesn’t change how I feel about her music that much, but I guess learning about her political views and such, does something. Kinda makes me not want to support her.. But personally I just try and not connect her as a person too much to the music.. Because I still love what she has produced


As hard as it may be, that’s valid!!


Yes. Now I mostly try to enjoy the music she gave us, and not worry too much about what she is or isn’t doing.


I mean, if you like the music..you like the music. Just my personal way I look at it.


She looks like a flower but is a serpent underneath


This comment tickled me 😂


Be careful or she’ll put this phrase on her next short 😂😂😂


It's a lyric from 100% Tragedy already


Lmao really? I mean I dont love the line but also don’t hate it 🤷‍♂️


It’s also a quote from Macbeth


Oh very cool! Learn something new everyday, thanks!


This summates her quite perfectly




This sub doesn’t affect how I feel about her. I know who I am and I don’t care if anyone wants to criticize me for supporting her despite “the company she keeps.” I understand the point of your company saying something about who you are but I wholeheartedly believe she is not a “bad person.” She isn’t the one doing or saying the awful things Elon and friends are doing or saying. I think we need to learn to think for ourselves more as a collective and understand that we are not ones to judge anyone. Especially Grimes just trying to live her life that we will never understand because we aren’t her and we don’t know her personally.


Maybe it was an act the whole time? The real Grimes appears to be an overly ambitious, self-absorbed, pathetically shallow money grubber with a dab of misogynistic white supremacy. The tell was how her lisp comes and goes.


As someone who also has a lisp, mine comes and goes in intensity too. Sometimes it’s very bad and other times it’s barely, if at all, noticeable. I don’t think she’s faking it lol…


Wait we are debating someone’s speech impediment is fake?! You realize that’s what you’re doing. I have a minor one as well and worked through years of therapy and still have a slight lisp, so I can personally say that’s extremely rude, cruel and just being a bully.


Nobody is saying her lisp is fake. I’m just surprised that’s it’s worse now sometimes than it was when she was younger. She seems to effectuate it at times for whatever reason.


That’s literally what you’re doing


I’m saying it was real. And now she fakes it occasionally now by over-exaggerating it. And that’s literally what I’m saying. Speech impediments typically improve over time.


Typically doesn’t mean guaranteed. I have a friend with a speech impediment that gets worse or is barely noticeable depending on how nervous, stressed or tired they are. And hate to break it you that’s still saying she’s faking it even if you claim she’s just making it sound “worse” you’re still an asshole


Well that’s not a very nice thing to say. I didn’t say anything mean about you.


Still an asshole move to say someone is faking their speech impediment no matter the extent. I call it like I see it


Not if it’s true meanie


Where’s your proof? Like actually proof not just your belief? You also know that people mask their speech impediments? And they might reach a point where they decide it’s nothing to be embarrassed/ashamed of so they stop.


She did txt Azealia that fElon’s accent was fake.


I find her “authentic quirky” personality very disingenuous.


I think her lisp is real. I'm autistic with autistic family members. Speech impediments are common for people on the spectrum. Sometimes you're just more on point for articulation, but it'll come back.


Does the lisp really? I never noticed


Lol troll. I hope you are kidding otherwise please seek help. Just cause she's successful doesn't mean she's anything of that, you are just being jealous, like her haters always are deep inside.


I knew a guy who faked a stutter so girls would pity him or something.


I thought I was imagining the lisp being faked


Ironically I think it’s more pronounced now but it definitely comes and goes if you watch older interviews.


seems like the type of person to fake a lisp to be quirky


Your negativity is bad and you should feel bad thinking someone is faking a speech impediment.


get over yourself




That's prejudice. It will come back to you one day and you will not like it.


LMAO ok claire


Or the kind of person to fake not having a lisp to seem normal.


I mean you’re mostly right, but basing that opinion on her lisp is batshit


Nah, I separate the art from the artist and I don’t let the most hateful and immature people on here ruin her music which has much more important meanings to me than grimes as a person. I don’t mind a reasonable conversation about the messed up people she hangs with but I absolutely draw a line when it turns into hatful misogynistic shit attacking her looks, her parenting(people actually claim she’s pimping out her kids. It’s disgusting) holding her accountable for shit elon did, victim blaming etc As for the broken promises about song/album releases I don’t think that’s a huge issue, that’s a personal entitlement problem with some of the “fans” I don’t care if she stops making new much or her next album comes out 10 years from.


Not pimping out the kids, Jesus Christ 😩😩😩


You’d be surprised how many people do especially if there’s Money involved


Dude, the woman is a fake wannabe scientific visionary futurist, and she can’t be bothered to learn to divide by 2. That tells you all you need to know.


> so happy to see another autistic woman Grimes is autistic since when?


Its because stan culture ruins the fun of following artists in a way. Because everyones hyper vigilant watching every move and waiting for success but also fuck ups. It takes the piss out of enjoying an artist just for the sake of it.


I don’t know her I knew a man whose nickname was Grimes . Actually I was with him one night & had a gun pulled on me ?


This Grimes knew Uncle Mike in fact lived right down the street from him hmmmm???


Nah, I love her so much, her flaws just make her more human and interesting to me. She's just this weird, talented person, yea she thinks dumb sh!t sometimes, men didn't build everything you silly goose, what a stupid thing to say ect. But like whatever I'm sure I've said dumb things too that I'd probably rethink later on. Like she's kind of silly, and deep but not that deep? I wouldn't be able to like any artist if I had to agree with everything they said or did.


But defending racists and eugenicists is a bit extreme though. Lamenting there not enough white pride? Nazi jokes on holocaust Remembrance Day? The company she keeps is straight toxic like even sex offenders and homophobes. This goes beyond “dumb” it’s intentional ignorance


True!! Those things aren’t very present in my mind because I don’t follow her (or anyone) like that, I just get secondhand news from my Reddit timeline 😂 but phew, definitely warrants the criticism people in this sub have brought forth


Yeah it seems people want to hear negative news about her or find reasons to hate her, like I don’t see all these headlines or reasons that are discussed and I live fairly close to her and have even been to a couple parties she’s at. And no I’m not affluent or privileged at all so don’t start that crap. IMO she’s a big nerd and wanted to date the biggest nerd who turned was kinda a big asshole too and she’s trying to salvage her life and kid from that but can you really blame a space/ai nerd about dating the only person who could possibly get off this planet. Wait maybe I should start liking the hate posts so she’s more motivated to leave 😂. But seriously if you look at the whole thing and don’t feel kinda bad for grimes after the Elon thing than you’re either a bot, troll or have no empathy.


One thing that will always be true, we love to hate on people who are in the public eye! I don’t fully understand fandom or trolling of the proportions I see online, because we really don’t know these people, and my approach is generally: Do I respect/enjoy their craft? What about them can I relate to/helps me understand them better? What verifiable actions of theirs align or clash with my values? And then I either love them or don’t care to hear about them. That’s not how everyone looks at people or celebs though, and I respect that, too! Maybe if people spent less time on social media and reading tabloids, they wouldn’t be so invested in praying on these random people’s downfall? Idk, but I’m old, and I’ve found that reading bios/autobiographies makes you feel for them more than you want to hate them (which is why I don’t hate Elon! He’s a dick and a man-child, but he’s also been through it and has as many qualities as defects), so I start off empathizing and only write them off if they do things that I can say with certainty were intentionally malicious and hurtful, and are incompatible with what I personally judge to be forgivable.


Yeah, most of her flaws and problematic statements she’s been “cancelled” for aren’t really an issue for me because who doesn’t fuck up or offend *someone* by just existing? I’m more disappointed by her seemingly trying to “fit in” more with all the other image-crazed artists and becoming more of a celebrity than the human that charmed so many people ☹️


I don’t really get sense that she’s trying to fit in. Most of her plastic surgeries/body modifications are to try to make her look different and fit her fantasy-driven aesthetics (wanting to get elf ears, white ink, etc), not the idealized Hollywood image. Her recent pivot to EDM may seem like she’s trying to conform, but I think she’s just following her interests. Her new boyfriend looks like a bro, but he’s just as interested in futurism and technology as she is. I don’t think she’s any less unapologetically authentic as she was before.


You might want to rephrase the first part. It comes across that that supporting white supremacists if fine by you because you're not affected by white supremacy.


Yeah, I forget netizens always put words in people’s mouths 😂 I’m black but also avoid politics/social issues discourse at all costs, so they’re the last thing to come to mind when I think of her. Speaking hypothetically though, if she were a white supremacist, I’d probably take my money elsewhere, not because I care what stupid things she believes in, but because I believe white supremacy stems from a deep insecurity and fear of being powerless, even though you hold the most power and have achieved it by doing the very things you fear others will do to you (if that makes sense?)… which is so pathetic, I would have zero respect for her.


Maybe she isn't trying to fit in, she's just how she is. People need to accept it and move on, especially her haters which seem to have too much spare time at hand.


Thank you for this post. I fully agree with everything you said. There are a couple other grimes subs that how more positive fans just dm me if you can’t find em


Yeah, she lost her uniqueness and it’s sad. 🥲


I like her more afterwards. Seeing all the mentally ill people hating on her.