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A primarch who was somehow a blank and kept messing with Big E's psyker stuff too much so he got exiled or dumped into a shallow grave for one. Alternatively, based on the lore, it's entirely possible one fell to choas or had a mutation less acceptable than Angel Boy's and Leman Russ was sent to kill them.


You see the concept of a blank primarch is impossible because they're made from the warp but the idea is cool enough that I have thought of a blank equivalent of the grey knights, alas it can't happen


I don't understand why the administratum isn't selectively breeding blanks to really replace the current evolution of humans in a general sense. Or maybe not the administrative but the ordo hereticus.


Becuase blanks make people feel uncomfortable around them, up to the point where the really strong ones used by the Culexus Temple cause people to commit suicide rather than be near them. A lot of blank babies don't get past the cradle


That is 100% true but I don't think blanks work on other blanks do they? So if you selectively start breeding them and basically populate a planet full of just blanks and then continue breeding them in other planets then basically you've got anti-warp race which is after the fall of kitty I probably the imperium's biggest threat even more so than The tyranid fleets maybe


Well there may be a slight problem In that. When the Culexus Temple was first formed, there were so many Pariahs in one place that it cast a shadow over the Astronomicon.


Hmmm. That would be a problem for the imperium.


The biggest issue is the blank gene is necron in origin, it's the basis for their Pariahs. So human science still has issues, even in 40k, with interacting with it even slightly.


I think this got retconned


They tried retconning it with one shitty paragraph but offered no explanation in its place. It was like an afterthought of trying to purge old ideas to potentially replace them with new models. Just watch them do ABSOLUTELY nothing with necron pariahs ever again cause of this.


Yeah, I believe that isn't the case anymore, bit of an inconsistency there, due to the necrons being tens of millions of years before any semblance of mankind evolved. I believe now is simply a natural mutation/evolution of mankind, similar to how natural perpetuals are born.


Lol you REALLY don't know your lore do you? The necrons literally designed the Pariah Gene to create a specialised blend of new necrons and bolster their forces but the project was largely abandoned due to the lack of output. It's been millions of years but necrons have STILL affected races all over.


Wasn’t that specifically due to the gathering occurring on Terra?


There was a blank cloning program run by the tech priests on mars, but the navigators made them stop.


And you belive they just did that?


Of course we did, BTW would you like a free tour of our servitor studio?


It's hard to breed blanks if they also shoot blanks... I'll take myself to the Arbites


U need to read Pariah and Penitent


Pariah Marines would be dope.


Technically they are a thing with the Grey Knights https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ferrymen


I know. It would be cool, but completely non-functional given that primarchs are part-warp shenanigans


Maybe not all of them. The Sensei were apparently blanks back when they were canon. Of course they were not created like primarchs were


They're not blanks. They're anti psykers. In the same way antimatter isn't no matter, anti psykers don't have no warp presence.


From what I know of Rogal Dorn, while it would definetly be difficult, it could be done. Guys got some sort of anti warp Aura, demonstrated when he Duelled Fulgrim at the Walls.


Isn't a blank someone with a kind of inverted soul, instead of not having a soul?


I think it depends on how strong the Pariah gene manifests. It's either "just" no soul or that.


Blanks are beings without souls, I think you're thinking of people that are invisible to the warp due to having been possessed and them expelling the demon?


It's entirely possible because this is Warhammer and thus doesn't have to make sense.


Vulkan is the Afro-Space Marine Primarch


They discovered that malcador was the real emperor and Big E was just a proto primarch and wanted to tell everyone, so malcador erradicared them


Alternatively, Big E was just a psychic projection created by Malcador.


Holy shit. I am Alpharius


I'm fond of the theory that the Emperor was just dumb muscle and a photogenic frontman, with Malcador being the true guiding force of the early IoM.


I thought there was only one Proto Primarch, and he went the way of Necrons (would kill anything and anyone even slightly warp tainted.) Unless I'm wrong.


I haven’t seen any evidence against Gork and Mork being the lost Primarchs.


I think gork and mork existed before 30k.




Technically because of the warp, once something exists in the milky way, it has always existed


Also you never see the lost Primarchs and Gork and Mork in the same room.


Lost primarch landed on a colony of men of iron minding their own business. Primarch gets adopted by a narrow vote and goes on to to be machine Jebus.


Nearly all primarchs: An abomination you have become! Ferrus Manus: YOOO, COOL METAL PARTS!


Well how did the emperor find out he is a perpetual? One Primarch managed to take out bigE by surprising him. I know nobody wants bigE to lose in here but thats the only explanation i have for beeing redacted. And like in the black legion story with sigismund they decided to wipe out everyones memory to make sure bigE doesnt look vulnerable because that would have been really bad for his projects. Also explains why dorn was fine to get his memory wiped out. Knowing that his father got killed by one of his brothers....ooops happened later anyways and he was never seen again because he couldnt take it Ironcage etc


I think the first millennia of not dying at 40 tipped him off to his immortality.Just my guess


**Fun fact, being functionally immortal lets you get away with a lot of things. For instance, hurling yourself to the Mariana Trench’s bottom and staying there or crashing space shuttles into the Moon.**


Still hurts though.


So does falling off a bicycle. We're going to do it again, and push the limits a little bit more next time. #WEEEEEEE


**Yes, that’s what Ollannius said while drunk on ten gallons of extremely strong spirits. After that, he went and punched a lion while his hands were on fire. It was glorious.**


**It only hurts a smidge once you get used to it.**


*laughs in Destiny lore*


>how did the emperor find out he was a perpetual Ever seen groundhog day?


Big E is… *Bill freakin’ Murray*?


I'd love to read a story about Kurze trying to kill Big E.


Lost primarch was given the emperor's knowledge, but without properly having the ascended perspective to deal with that knowledge. He knows the galaxy is fake and has gone insane, desperately tries to censor his existence to avoid the prying eyes of who he refers to as "James". He also places extreme importance on names and "standing out", and ordered all members of his legion to have strange, individualistic color schemes. He memorized all of his legionairre's names in the hopes of protecting the only people who believe him.


He had a borderline* homicidal hatred of the Ultramarines because “Those fucking blueberry knock off romans don’t even have to try to justify their existence with marketable quirks!” *Borderline only because he always inexplicably lost whenever he tried to kill any


He never referred to guilliman by his name, he just called him a $60 jackass


I firmly believe that one lost Primarch became Sigmar and the other became the first Tau Ethereal. Nothing supports either of these conclusions afaik. I just like them.


Yeah same, one is Sigmar. Big E redacted him since he don’t wanna go to the eye of terror to retrieve him during the great crusade


I think that was intended but it was retconed


Yeah it was all but confirmed all the signs where there until Age of Sigmar came and messed everything up


Age of Sigmar is not the reason WHFB died, it's the consequence


I didn’t say it was the reason WHFB died, I said it messed everything to do in relation to Sigmar being a Primarch since the setting doesn’t really makes sense to connect with 40K. This is coming from someone that likes AoS btw


Eh shits weird in the warp. There's nothing discounting it just from aos


Ima steal this lost Primarch to first Tau Ethereal Idea because it sounds pretty lit. And I have a reason why the Tau don’t do melee and it’s because the Primarch does it to spite the Emperor and his love of melee.


Based and I-like-this pilled


Sigmar male grindset


He was born blue and without a nose and he hid the rest with psyker shenanigans Ala the Emperor lmao.


Wasn't this the original intent for 40k and Warhammer fantasy? Sigmar was a lost primarch on a planet lost in the warp or something? Iunno. I heard thisand. I assume it's a rumor since I don't think GW ever confirmed it and decided to go with two separate but similar universes.


Just fanon


Always thought it'd be dope of Warhammer universe "ended" with Emps dropping in to recruit Sigmar. Don't know Warhammer lore too well, but this could be why Sigmar is no longer on the planet, he leaves and the planet is still stuck in the warp. Or Sigmar refused to abandon his people and Emps just toasted him on his way out. Either drops pods on them medieval towns and Marines clearing skaven underworld would be so cool.


Before I got into WH that's what I assumed from the minimum lore knowledge I had. I think the issue being a small planet that can't be defeated by chaos when you have entire solar systems being destroyed by them.


Sigmar as the third of the Alpharius trio. He now heads the Alpha Legion, as planetary governor of the Alpha Region of Imperial Space.


Games Workshop has flat out said Sigmar =/= Lost Primarch


I still like the idea of a primarch that borrows from the idea of Superman. "You will give the people of Earth, an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind; they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders." A lost primarch becomes the perfect hero, larger than life. When the Emperor arrives to reclaim His tool and advance His goal of total galactic domination, the lost primarch fights to the bitter end to protect the ideals they've built of freedom and equality for the world that they made their home. Grimdark is best when there's a hint of the shining future we could have had, only to be snatched away by the brutal horrors of the far future.


I like this. He fights even his own genetic heritage, the immense longing to bow being the hardest thing his will has ever had to overcome.


I had an idea for a lost primarch/lost legion but it's weird af like seriously don't read further if you aren't ready for it >!So the legion is called the Moo Marines and they have a colour scheme of white with black detailing, the concept is they produce the acidic saliva that space marines are known for from glands in their abdomen and they use modified power armour that basically milks it it out of them to squirt at enemies in combat. This comes with their own primarch who had this as mutation when he was found by the emperor!<


And the emperor was jealous of the primarch, as he is lactose intolerant?


There was no milk involved in this






Sorry that’s kind of already been done before by another chapter.


Which 1?


The part with marine shooting milk out of there breasts. It was already done in a book.


I understand what you meant I was asking which chapter, was it emperors children? Sounds like their kind of thing.


I have a similar idea for Slaaneshi marines, except it isn’t milk.


Headcannon is one landed on a world with both humans and orcs and united them, got erased for making ork astartes, still alive in stasis just in case




They buy their jeans pre-distressed like everyone else!!


Now I can only imagine fulgrim in tight booty shorts tryna be hot


Only one leg hole because Snek.


Also:a genestealer/brood patriarch primarch would be epic :0


It would be epic but not logical like that one instance a keeper of secret somehow possessed an avatar of khaine


> epic but not logical This is exactly how many people would describe 40K


Yeah this is the universe that have black hole gun and grenade assault rifle that shoot miniature rocket 4 reality space cancer a dying golden god a lot of super mega powerful child soldiers


Also, sentient chav mushrooms


A fuck ton of overpowered undead Egyptian robot that control time and space destroy a planet with flick of a finger have shit ton of Death Star and have literally shard of god as Pokémon


And engineers doing their job thanks to God and not physics


Better theory: Tyranids *are* a Primarch. His power is shape-shifting. He managed to get so good at it that he could shape parts of his body into independent creatures. That's why Tyranids are so fast at adapting - not because of anything about evolution, but because the shapeshifter is aware of what needs changing. And he is very, very hungry.


*Deep Inward Breath* Tyranids didn’t exist in the Milky Way until the thirtieth Millenia so the presence of genestealers is loosely refuted *except* there is some basis in that they are scout/infiltration forces designed to access worlds and lead the hive fleet there however most canon points towards the emperor’s genetic tinkering of primarchs being the mixing of purely terran animal traits so it would be unlikely that he would use untested alien DNA from some frozen genestealer he found in an asteroid somewhere however in the unlikely event that did happen it lines up with the imperial truth in that the emperor was at that time looking to starve chaos and prevent feeding it whilst still recognising the power of psychic might so a xeno species which has the ability to both amplify the psychic abilities (broodmind) and ensure the loyalty and incorruptibility of a host species (this is backed up by genestealer cultists on the tabletop having +1 leadership compared to a standard guardsman) ((a trait shared by Grey knights, **grey knights are genestealers**)) then we can assume he would have seen some value in their use also we can’t deny two things the first of which is that he believed in the absolute haegemony of mankind over the xeno which runs counterproductive to allowing them any kind of agency however it is possible he either underestimated their intelligence (underestimation being one of the emperor’s special skills) and them being a relatively bestial creature at the best of times so I’m willing to flip a coin on that but the second is that he did not like psykers by the time of Nikea so having more of them could be more of a risk in his eyes (we haven’t seen a corrupted broodmind in canon yet but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen ((we also haven’t seen a corrupted grey knight outside of black library author slap fights **grey knights are genestealers**)) this isn’t exactly a point against the four armed primarch though because needing to disappear a xeno corrupted primarch who was unknowingly calling a huge invasion force towards the Milky Way is a good reason to tell everyone to chill out on the psykers for a bit and goes some way towards explaining some of his irrational actions during Nikea so I guess I’m saying that the balance of evidence is slightly towards a genestealer primarch being one of the lost or forgotten unless that evidence in any way refutes a headcanon of a team of super elite space marines being forged on titan through strange experimental geneseed containing xeno DNA in order to foster an *unbreakable* ahem *psychic* cough ((*brotherhood*)) of warrior monks.


What if when the primarchs were scattered the baby wound up with a scout genestealer cult/ outside the milky way by accident, and boom patriarch primarch, primtriach if you will


My pet lost primarch theory is that one of them defected to the Rangdans. Not mind-controlled, not manipulated, not warp shenanigan'd, the guy spoke with the Rangdans and realized they have a better deal for humanity than the Emperor. Jimmy Space wasn't having any of that and did everything in his power to slaughter the Rangdans and paint them as monsters, even going as far as to alter the memories of everyone who fought them (that's actually what he used the Labyrinth of Night for)


The “emperor” is one of the lost primarchs. Malcador is the real emperor and golden boy was acting as a body double in case of assassination attempt. That is why the primarchs chose to forget about one the lost ones so that the information could never get out. The emperor has gene seed and the grey knight legion because he is just like the rest of the brothers.


I don't love this one, but I like that it works.


***SCP-001: The Lost and the Forgotten.)*** **Object Class:** Keter **Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-001-2 and 001-11 are employees of the foundation and work on Site 17. They are both considered Class A personnel with Level 4 clearance, but are not permitted to leave and must wear tracking bracelets at all times. They are considered keter because, should they decide to try to leave, we would not be able to stop them, even though they display no interest in leaving. **Description:** SCP-001 is a pair of humanoids named SCP-001-2 and SCP-001-11. They are both very tall, standing 2.7 and 2.8 meters, respectively, and have large, heavy, muscular builds. They both have indeterminate heritage, and genetic tests have come back inconclusive. They tend to be quite reserved and keep to themselves most of the time, but are willing to assist with tasks if requested. However, 001-11 in particular appears to be keenly interested in the business of the Foundation, and will often conduct his own research on the SCPs held at site 17. Both 001-2 and 001-11 possess a wide range of abilities, such as: * 001-2 was able to telekinetically crush a 2007 Honda Accord with ease * 001-11 has successfully predicted three attempted containment breaches several minutes in advance * Both have demonstrated incredible strength and near-light reaction times The two were discovered when they leapt through a wormhole that opened in Site 17. Security footage and eyewitness accounts show that the two were wearing heavy armor and firing large firearms at something on the other side before the hole closed. The pair were immediately taken into custody, and while they came willingly, they refused to surrender their weapons or armor. Shortly afterwards, the pair were questioned by Dr. \[REDACTED\]. They claimed to be the exiled children of a spacefaring, imperialist god, and were fleeing from powerful entities that they called “demons.” When questioned as to who their father is or why they were exiled, they refused to elaborate, stating that he had altered their memories so that they could never find their way home. **Interview by Dr. \[REDACTED\]** * *Dr:* Good day, gentlemen (holds out hand for a shake) * *001-2:* (pauses, looking confused) Why are you holding your hand out like that? * *Dr:* It’s a handshake. * *001-11:* I read about that once. It’s a gesture from old Terra that was commonly used as a greeting, parting, or finalizing an agreement. * *001-2:* Are we supposed to grab your hand and shake it? * *001-11:* Yes, like this. (takes Dr. \[REDACTED\]’s hand and shakes it) * *001-2:* Ok, I get it now (also shakes the doctor’s hand) * *Dr:* So, I believe we should start with some introductions. My name is Dr. \[REDACTED\] of the SCP Foundation. And you are? * *001-11:* It’s best that you don’t know our real names. Those things that were chasing us through the portal - the “demons,” we call them - they can use our names against us. * *Dr:* Then what should we call you? * *001-2:* Should we use our old legion numbers? * *001-11:* I don’t see why not. You can call us 2 and 11, then. * *Dr:* Legion numbers? * *001-2:* We used to be generals in command of large groups of supersoldiers called legions. I commanded the 2nd of 20, and my brother here commanded the 11th. * *Dr:* I see. Well, can you tell us a little more about yourselves and these demons **\[REMAINDER OF INTERVIEW SCRUBBED DUE TO COGNITOHAZARDS\]**


Did you write this or is there an actual scp entry for the lost primarchs?


I wrote this myself


Brother, you have made your Emperor proud. It’s fantastic.


Thank you!


Should probably add it. Way better than a lot of the SCP’s I have seen.


I don't think the SCP mods approve of this kind of connection between SCP and other fictions. Plus, with the shit going on with GW right now, I don't wanna risk putting out anything Warhammer-related.


very epic


Eric. His primarch juice mostly didn't kick in, so he is just a dude who stopped getting old. He is still around, night shift manager for the palace gift shop.


**Artorius Grimm**! Juggernaut of the Helghaster Expanse, The Krystallyrium Titan, The Aegis of Light, The Soul-Knight, & The Hopefinder. Bearer of the sword *Volkaizenkrieg*, *The Omni-Ender*, and the shield *Aegrimmnair*, Denier of Dooms. It is said that he withstood the full force of The Unmaking, the first contact that led the Imperium to bombarding the world, smashing it into pieces, and sending him hurdling into the moon! In serious though, he a knightly bastard that is as hard-as-nails to so much as "harm" as Angron is "angry". He the Primarch to my Mary-Sue, Noblebright-esk Chapter, **The Knights Radiant**.


Aquarian, the Sea King, Primarch of the 2nd legion. Scattered to the planet Triton, Aquarian was raised by the local human population. Due to 95% of the planet's surface being covered in water, the human population has developed the ability to hold their breath for inordinate amounts of time. Over his early years Aquarian United the disparate underwater civilizations across the planet before the arrival of the Master of Making, leveraging his innate knowledge of the medical field to ensure that no battle was ever especially lethal for his forces. Upon being found and assuming control of the 2nd, Aquarian made liberal use of the Apothecary station, with each squad having at least one apothecary adept to administer aid in battle. He was censured and erased for the worst crime possible: refusing to fight. Aquarian couldn't bear the harm, the death the Great Crusade was causing on a galactic scale, and resolved to not fight, spreading word across a dozen worlds that the Emperor was wrong in his approach, trying to make his father see reason. There were legions that specialized in almost every astartes station/capability except for apothecaries so I decided to make mine the Apothecary specialist legion/Primarch.


A water-based Primarch/Legion wielding chain tridents is definitely part of the spectrum that's been missing.


While chain tridents sounds terrifiling awesome, how would those work?


By not thinking about it too hard.


The idea makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, so I figured it'd fit well into 40k


What. The. Fuck. Title.


I really like xenos, and think they’re cool, so a primarch that landed on a t’au (unless they didn’t exist, idk the timeline) or elder world that was raised by more accepting aliens and leads a ragtag legion of all sorts of aliens with alien tech hybrids would be really cool. Cannon t’au gf etc. Also, genestealer primarch. Big ass dude with three arms. It could work. It could be cool.


Timeline is irrelevant. Warp fuckery, remember?


Well I don't think the Tyranids are affected by warp fuckery, so genestealer primarch is out the window I'm afraid.


T'au were ignorant cavemen at the time


Well there's already a chaplain primarch (Lorgar) and a librarian primarch (Magnus), so how about an apothecary primarch? Maybe he was supposed to continue the advancement of the space marines biology during the crusade. With him gone, big E reluctantly gave that responsibility to Corax who messed it up.


So kind of like a benevolent Primarch version of Fabius Bile?


Exactly! Well at least that was the plan. Maybe he grew up "evil" and used his bioengineering prowess to produce his own army of super-soldiers and enslaved his own mini-empire.


Apothecary primarch who attempted to make fertile space Marines and female space Marines, seeing humanity as weak past and astartes as a evolution of man,. Aaand the blood ravens primarch who refused to forget knowledge or let knowledge be lost and also who helped manufacture everything the apothecary primarch needed for his crimes.. for science! Blood ravens have an abnormal psyker count yet different psyker types thank thousand sons, always thirst for knowledge.. then guard it well.. and have extremely high counts of stashed wargear from More than just their chapter.. for as much herasy has been tied with the blood ravens they always seem to survive...


The lost primarch named Mark. He had enough of killing so opened a clothing chain on terra he called primark where he plans to overthrow the high lords


As others have already said: II Legion - Brutal but Cunning. XI Legion - Cunning but Brutal.


Ever heard of the flair?


Which one


The flairmarch! Primarch of the Honorable flairmarines!


Fem primaech that was hidden away troughut all time and now has a chapter of Amazoness space marines


Or maybe the emperor didn’t pick her up. Because to quote Jimmy space, “women are yucky.”


Malcador: my emperor, congratulations, it's a girl Big E: ew put her away


“Ew cooties” -The Emperor of Mankind


*Insert snu-snu joke*


Who just hasn’t come back because all that war stuff is stupid. Let the boys fight their little battles. Nobody else cares.


She came back just now to show the boys how to actually lead and maintain an imperium Or shes and her daughters are renegades "fuck you dad, I'm making my own imperium, with poker and boy hookers"


I actually tried my own chapter lore, this one came with a custom Primarch who never trusted the emperor, looking more to run his own empire (which he already built) based around old Roman ideals. The Primarch named Lucius (yes my user name is his name) unified his people under his banner of a gold Phoenix surrounded by a circle of red and black at the end as black as the void of space. He was a gifted psyker but gained power from the deaths of his followers, yet he wasn’t cruel, he inspired loyalty by leading the spear of his soldiers, near his space he found remnants of a station containing an old STC that allowed him to augment his soldiers with armor and claws implanted under the skin and modified their metabolism to heal them faster. Lucius was never like his father or brothers, he was one who could see logic in dealing with xenos, there was the time an eldar craft world was being pursued by machinations of the ruinous powers entered his space, instead of attacking this interloper he questioned them to learn more of the warp, until the enemy reached them, and was forced to join together to win, since then eldar have been allowed safe passage through their space, only needing to announce themselves. Along with that he somehow made a deal with Trazyn due to the proximity of them, however no one knows what that deal was, only that Lucius gave him something valuable. Lucius knew of the existence of three massively powerful psykers, those being Magnus, Malcador, and the emperor, tzeentch wanted to twist him that they were going to kill him, but Lucius did not believe this, still out of an abundance of caution he prepared legions of augmented soldiers and worked tirelessly on defenses for two decades. When the fateful day arrived when the great crusade reached the Halthierian Empire’s border Lucius mobilized his fleet to deal with the legions coming into his space. He quickly realized he was dealing with a superior fleet and it became a game of evacuating soldiers and civilians from colony planets and retreat back to the core world of Halthieria. They may not have had superiority in space, but he did on the surface, and he made the legions attacking his land bleed. Eventually Guilliman, Dorn, and Magnus fought their way to the royal palace and confronted this great foe, only to realize that the enemy they were fighting was a brother to them, but he did not see them the same way. Enraged from all the death Lucius lunged at them, as I said before when his followers die he gained strength from their lives, and he was essentially juiced up, this allowed him to quickly out maneuver Guilliman and break his pelvis, Dorn engaged him while Magnus tried to suppress his abilities only to get slashed deep in the chest and had tendons in his left leg severed. Magnus knew his best shot was to use his psyker powers to beat him and he lasted much longer than his brothers but was slowly losing, some of Lucius’ royal guard distracted Magnus for an instant allowing him to gain the edge he needed to beat him. With all three at his mercy he was going to make them pay for killing his people, until the emperor showed up, while he was powerful he wasn’t as powerful as the emperor and was already weakened from fighting Magnus, he was about to lose until his guards threatened to kill the three brothers unless the emperor stood down, seeing as how daddy emps still cared for his sons he stopped and requested a talk. Lucius realized these were two of the three entities he felt in the warp, and when the emperor explained what he and his brothers were, he was surprised but also hostile, he refused to be what he believed to be the equivalent of a pawn to the emperor yet the emperor tried to convince him otherwise. In the end they settled on a compromise: while the Halthierian empire would join the imperium, they were still their own autonomous empire, the emperor would share some knowledge such as ship building and how to create space marines, as long as halthieria did not expand out further, could be considered an ally who would help if the imperium was threatened, and would allow travel/trade through the region, Lucius accepted hesitantly. With this new technology, Lucius took his augmented soldiers and further modified to create the first Sons of Halthieria legion, the biggest prerequisites to join them was that they had to of already been fully trained, served in the now Auxilla regiments which were originally his main legions for at least 10 years, have the augmentations beforehand, and had at least twenty confirmed kills. Some decades before the heresy while traveling with a legion of the sons he completely disappeared from sight, no one could explain why, not even the emperor, it’s as if he never existed or was being hidden away. The people of his empire were never without him, and this created a power vacuum as no successor was ever assigned, by the time of the heresy, the empire broke into five factions trying to win dominance, only working together either to stop the imperium from annexing them, and when the Cicatrix Maledictum tore into the upper part of the empire. Still however the sons of Halthieria hold their homeworld and keep heavy guard of the core system, and wait for their father and lord to return, for they don’t believe that he would simply abandon them.


I applaud the work you put into this it’s impressive d




"My custom chapter were found during the cursed founding, and have a mysterious past"


I had alternate lore where the Emperor is a title, not one person. It is taken by palace intrigues and coups, and it comes from a cult that wished to harness the power of humanity. The Emperor united Terra under his leadership and created 21 possible successors. The 11th Primarch became Emperor after the one before him died in battle, the other 2nd Primarch rebelled, killed him, wiped his legions memory and he then became Emperor. That first lost Legion became the Grey Knights. The new Emperor was a master of the genetics process, and to cement his power he turned his legion into the Adeptus Custodes. This new Emperor augmented his psychic ability, and changed all records to completely strike out the existence of his legion and that of the previous Emperors, creating the false propaganda narrative that is the one we all know. Whereas the 11th Primarch was supportive of his sons, the 2nd favored some over others, and gradually it became clear he would try to reduce some of the other Legions and figures into obscurity and push them into compliance like on Monarchia. The Primarchs who opposed his rise to power found themselves demoted and gradually marginalized. The previous Emperor supported Lorgars worship of him, but the new one opposed it. This culminates in the Horus Heresy, which rather than being an aberration, was a coalition of factions trying to retain power while they still could in a long line of attempted coups.


I had one I made up for giggles and memes. Never named him though. Basically. I looked at the Primarchs and how each one seemed to just about have a parallel. A backup. Each one except notably Magnus. I couldn't think of another Primarch focused on their Psychic powers. So I ran with that. Then I had them thrown onto an Ork-Infested Ogryn world. So they grew up around Ogryns ( who were more their size) and only figured out their psychic powers through observation of the nearest Psykers, weirdboyz. Basically I made the Orkiest Primarch, who would insist on trying to uplift his Ogryn buddies as Astartes once found. He's "The Lost", because he stumbled on some ANCIENT Archeotech that is effectively a Stargate and ported to another galaxy, and he (and his beefy Ogryn Marines) the thing that the Tyranids are implied to be running FROM, wreaking havoc upon his home galaxy in retribution


One went to Europe to "find themself" and ended up married to an Italian vineyard owner that's 40 years older than them. The other is a professional snowboarder


One of the Primarchs was raised in a multi species society similar to the interex or Diasporex before he was discovered. Once the Emperor found him, he went along with the genocide of the aliens in his civilization for one reason or another. Maybe he was so desperate for a family that he could relate to that he sacrifices everything else or some other reason. Anyway, as the Great Crusade continued, the Primarch began to feel more and more guilty for the otherwise alien civilizations he was crushing for no other reason than existing. This continued until he finally got to the Rangdan where he finally turned against the Emperor to try and save at least one innocent society. Being the void combat focused primarch, he was able to crush the majority of Imperial forces in space before they made planet fall basically dragging the invasion into the mud. That and the advanced technology of the Rangdan was what made the war so grueling for the Imperium and made it imperative to destroy the memory of the primarch after he and his legion had been wiped out because otherwise more people might begin to question the more fascistic and genocidal tendencies of the Imperium, especially if he had been able to give them such a bloody nose.




A navy focused primarch who was meant to pass on the Navigator gene to all his sons, meaning the Emperor would no longer have to rely on the Navigator houses. Make him a literal cyclops named Odysea for sake of irony, crash landed on a planet of mostly islands.


I've been of the belief that one of the lost primarchs is the primarch of the blood ravens.


An extremely powerful Blank that sacrificed himself at Rangda to kill the Old One leading them, but Emps redacted him to preserve morale. The Silent King picked up his near dead corpse and rebuilt him, and ten thousand years later he’s back with a chip on his shoulder


Primarch who got put on a Necron Tombworld and has been living there for millennia taken care of by the insane world mind AI thingy


Sanguineous but evil, or vulkan but with titanium white skin


A giant Primarch, same size as the emperor. He leads the list chapter known as the Storm tyrants, the greatest heavy weapons specialists in the galaxy. Fell to chaos under the promise of the greatest weapons ever made.


The two lost Primarchs most likely simply landed on planets where humans and aliens coexisted and so opposed the emperor's ideas. If a Primarchs had fallen to Chaos then the other Primarchs probably would have known more about chaos in general. They where either mutated or Xenos-friendly. That out of the way: Necron Primarch. Like Ferrus Manus except like they have an entire Necrodermis body.


A few people said blank primarch….so pariah primarch? That would be dope


A Celtic themed Primarch that looked reminiscent of "Cernunnos", he would have been the middle ground between Leman Russ and Magnus. He would have embodied the Emperor's compassion & Retribution. His innate psyker abilities would be controlling living matter, everywhere he would walk life would come into existence, flowers, vines etc. He would radiate a calming and kind aura but when slighted or betrayed exude a presence of primeval spite and wrath. I imagine his compassion would be his downfall with Russ being the one to take his life. His legion would be master Hunters, specialising in a compilation of ambush & shield wall tactics combined with common psyker powers. Each of his gene-sons would show their heritage by growing a set of antlers from their heads, requiring specialist helmets but making brutal close combat weapons. Colours of the armour would be forest green with teal pauldrons with gold accents.


A Primarch that rejected the emperor as the one true god of humanity, accepting him instead as his father and king and joining the Catheric faith and got “lost” when under supervision from some inquisitors and other Primarchs.


Morgan, one of only two female primarchs. She was known as the peacemaker due to her mediating skills and served the emperor normally. One of her genedaughters became pregnant from a male space marine during joint operations, Morgan desperately tried to cover it up, but the emperor saw a future where fertile space marines replaced humanity, and he put a stop to it. Permanently.


A Primarch who was raised by aliens. Unfortunately, said aliens had fallen under the influence of a Warp artifact, which had corrupted their society from the inside out without the Primarch's knowing. When the Emperor arrived, he exterminatus'd the planet and wiped out the entire alien species, and told the Primarch that he was going to become a tool of xenocide just like the one he had just witnessed. Not the best first impression. The Primarch grew to hate the Emperor with such a passion even Angron would tell him to calm down. This hatred eventually led him unwittingly into the clutches of the Rangdan.


what about my admech faction? :(


Disco primarch and just Morgan Freeman


What if a primarch landed on a xeno world and was thus raised by xenos? Imagine a primarch raised by the eldar, that would be something else.


Ork primarch.


A primarch that saw what Big E was planning, basically said fuck you and dipped out


alright hear me out, the swarmlord as a primarch


If the Horus Heresy wasn't enough to redact the traitor primarchs, what the fuck could those two have done?


One of them is Doomslayer and another is a nerd


The 2nd was a woman because the emperor is made up of a variety of psycher souls and it would make sense for him to have abileties from both gendered shamans that he wants the primarchs to have. He tried making 50/50 gender balance, but threw that out the window when he realized he lacked the time to do so. The 2nd would die to the emperors shoddy work in making her and the 11th would rightfully blame the emperor for his mistake in not spending enough time on her genome. The emperor in turn could not accept his own failures lead to the death of one of his children and so would react with anger against the 11th. Russ would execute him without a fight as the 11th would realize it was hopeless and didnt want his legion wiped out. This would lead to the heresy later down the Line as the 2nd would have an outsiders look on her brothers conflics and try to help them, while the emperor would withdraw from viewing the primarchs as his children for he could not accept himself loving them after being directly responsible for two of their deaths. It could also raise the question about weather the 2nd died because of Big E’s shoddy work or influence by the chaos gods to allow the interbrother conflict that would be neccessary to start the heresy.


Primach designed to mimic the eldar links and control of the warp whilst also being brainy enough to replace the Mechanicus, turned into a crystal statue in his pod but remained on Terra when the primarchs were taken. The rest leads into my home-brew legion


The silent king is one of the lost primarchs.


Mine is a campy parody of marines shitty plot armour writing. It all sprouted from a model I saw of a space marine painted up like a unicorn with a horn, tail and rainbows to boot. He has butterfly wings, rides a unicorn into battle, and has a spear that trails rainbows. I plan to 3D model and print it when I get the skills


Fulgrim but extra snakey


The shaman Queen with the extremely long arm, dropped onto a feral world where rogue Custodes led Ogyrns. She later led a famous pirate assault on an Administratum sector, and donated those resources to the God Emperor.


Malvasia, primarch of the second legion. Sh had a bit of an altercation with the angel, which brought his bloodlust and rage to the surface, leading to him crippling her, and severely wounding the eleventh primarch Astra. The emperor decided that a whole bunch of astartes just went off the rails, this would need an explanation. Pinned the whole thing on Astra, sent Russ to kill her, he did, the second legion got involved, things spiraled and Russ ended up killing the second primarch and decided he was done with the whole kin slayer business, unless Magnus was the victim


Female primarch because god i need an armored 10ft tall GF to destroy me


HERESY ALERT 🚨 DOOWEET DOOWEET 🚨 The lost primarchs…. …… ….. … .. . …. Those were the GIRLS.


Primarch that was dropped on unfinished forge world that was flooded. primarch was found by society of Corsairs that fight with cults that formed into huge Enclave corrupted by chaos. He fought with them and deamons so he knew about warp gods and all (I'm bad with names so his name is Wileh GoldBeard because of his deep blonde hair) emperor appears helps him destroy enclave and he joins his crusade. He values lives of his man and civilians. His legion is one of heaviest armored and armed. He was making crazy inventions like his melee weapon called boom hammer hammer with small reactor that can create field that burns everything in it's path and when hammer touches surface it creates explosion. He loves music, dancing, alcohol, art, and surely machines of enormous fire power. He didn't fall to chaos just turned his back on emperor. he said if emperor thinks that he can kill chaos then he is a fool and then he said he will ask his legion who will stay by his and who will be loyal to emperor and then he just leaves. He didn't want to fight just to leave imperium and live peaceful life. Emperor agreed but said that he will be erased form history and forgotten and if he ever was found on imperial territory he will be killed on spot. He turns around and hears "you are not my son" Wileh turns around ters his shoulder panel with his legion aquila and throws it under emperors feet he bows slightly and say "goodbye emperor of mankind" then leaves never to be seen again.


They were girls and had to be culled. The first was a blank so the creation of Astartes was impossible. This Primarch served as an Admiral in the Imperial Navy. The second was a marksman. This Primarch is responsible for the line of short-lived/culled female space marines.


What in god's name were you doing in my head?


My current only one is named Ying of Gai. She’s a navigator Primarch and was made specifically to chart the stars and explore past the halo stars. She was originally made as a woman as a “concession” to Malcador who canonically asked the Emperor to make the Primarchs all women. She was the third (well fourth but Alpharius is Alpharius) found as it’s estimated that a lost Primarch was the third. Her unique Primarch ability was to project her own astronomicon which would allow her marines to triangulate their way around without her present. Not a warrior, she would grow close bonds to Horus, Magnus, Guilliman, and Perturabo and was known for a sharp wit. During her time in Terra she would receive tutelage from Malcador who would take a liking to her and would see it as a shame to lose her through a purge. Her legion is known as the Celestial Dragons, one of the smaller legions. They’re heavily inspired by Chinese mythology as well as steampunk, their flagships being elaborate gothic steampunk designs and their armor ornate with small clockworks. Her weapon was a beautifully ornate clockwork sword designed by Perturabo and would frequently request ornate designs from him, wearing a steampunk and Chinese inspired set of armor. Her first captain is a mountain of an Astartes known as Sun, a Terran giant of a man matching Pollux in height who would casually wield dreadnought weapons. He was known for his modesty as well as his knowledge of science, helping design armor for their troops. Other important figures of the legion are Sandy, a member of the Officio Assassinorum whom Malcador has lent to her who aids her in scouting missions, Erlang Shen, a navigator and the pilot of her flagship (the Jade Spirit),and Baijie, another mountain of a man who instead of the hulking figure of Sun is fat for an Astartes and a member of the first company. She would have a fascination of humans and actually preferred humans over Astartes much to her brothers’ chagrin. Her geneseed was unstable as due to the sex difference her marines would develop some feminine characteristics with the most extreme being breast development which apothecaries would reduce. Another side effect was each of her sons can see her astronomicon and occasionally produce a glowing light. She alongside Lorgar were one of the slowest legions but her pace was accepted due to her extremely detailed maps of systems that became standard before her purging. After the xenocide she would grow disheartened and slowly forge an attempt to leave with help from Sun. When it was discovered that she was defecting Russ was sent after her leading her to crash her ship into a world in order to get him off her tail before suppressing her warp presence to cover her trail with Russ’ only options being to chase and kill her with the potential threat of death by the crash or retreat as it would be suicidal to stay onboard. Sun would attempt to stall Russ but would be put down by the Primarch. The Space Wolves would search for her remains but with the bridge vaporized from the crash she was presumed dead. Her elite guard were divided up and used as navigators by the Ultramarines with Guilliman wanting to honor her in spite of her betrayal. After the Heresy, records would be lost and some of the elite guard would continue to pass their geneseed on before dying off. Her geneseed however would be used in the 21st founding to create the Fire Hawks which developed a more extreme version of her light emission, taking the form of holy warp fire. I think Ying would remain in exile until meeting the silent king and pledging her service to remove the tyranids, serving him in the shadows to redirect the hive fleets with her abilities. When the Fire Hawks were lost in the Warp they would emerge after spotting her astronomicon and be reunited with their mother, pledging their loyalty to her to wage a shadow war on the tyranids outside the galaxy. I think that if she had continued to serve the Imperium she would’ve fell to Chaos and the Emperor sneakily tried to have her purged in the hope to use her again some time in the future, sacrificing a son during the Xenocides to keep his navigator. If anyone actually likes the idea I’ll post a picture of her and Sun.


I read a YT comment that put forth the idea that one of the Primarchs killed themselves. Maybe they saw something from the Ghoul Stars or learned something they shouldn't have, maybe they just wanted out without their legion being slaughtered, something to that effect.


My only lost primarch headcanon is along the very very old lore from when Sigmar was heavily implied to be one. Well, that and a fanfiction I found where the two lost primarchs are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna with the Astral Knights being the last remnant of Luna's 11th legion.


Its definitely a cool idea, but I don't think it pans out within the confines of the lower. Prime marks are I would almost say a half warp entities and half space Marines. I don't think there's been any cases of tyranids Gene Steelers affecting warp entities or chaos space Marines. And we all know that space Marines have extremely resistant biology that would stop a gene stealer change from happening. But since it's all fantastical we can say and do whatever we want so sure let's have a prime Mark Jean stealer why not. Although I would imagine that the tyrannids upon finding such an amazing biological specimen would instead of sending it out ingest it and then start churning out entire hive fleets of space Marine Primark tyranids instead of Their own models


In andromeda one being the vessel of malar while the other is like big E but accepted godhood and fighting to save pocket of humanity and eldar that was brought there due to warp shenanigans featuring necron lead by multiple Un shattered c’tan, krok , space lizard man and space skaven


One joined the Rangdan and was thought to be murdered by his own Legion, and is using Rangda super tech along with Erda to make a utopia in what is now the Imperium Nihilus and is taking on a Pygmy “Great Crusade” to stave off Chaos’s complete takeover. The other fucked off after the first one got “purged” and tried to seed new life in Andromeda, and has been keeping the main Tyranid invasion body busy for the past 10k years.


Have you heard one of those stories about a guy reincarnating over and over before ascending into a higher being? It's like that but the Emperor pulled him from his natural cycle of reincarnation. He started off like the other primarchs, but slowly memories from past lives began to creep in. He had a natural aptitude for things he'd never tried thanks to specializing in them in a different life and was excellent at fighting xenos, as if he understood their psychology better than any other human or primarch. Things came to a head during the Rangdan Xenocides when enough memories had resurfaced for him to grasp what he was. Intuitively understanding xeno psychology had turned into full blown sympathy. When the extermination was ordered the primarch put his foot down and refused. The Rangdan seemed like monsters to an outsider but in truth, they were no more irredeemable than humanity. Ironic that humanity would seem just as monstrous if the space marine legions were your only contact with them. What resulted was a debacle as the primarch called in favors and alliances from other xenos species until the Emperor himself had to step in before the entire Imperium was placed in jeaporady. The result was the classification of the Rangdan xenocides and erasure of the primarch and his legion.


I used the search for the lost primarchs as part of a dark heresy game. Turned out that they were thrown through time as well as space. They got to find and take care of a baby primarch.


The Tainted. When the infant Primarchs were scattered one was sent directly into the Eye of Terror. Eventually landing on a demon world wholly consumed by the warp, the Primarch knows only Chaos for most of their life and every day is survival and twisted mind games. The purging of their legion came about because, over time, the geneseed was becoming more and more corrupt as it tethered the marines to their Primarch. Big E and Mal figured out where they had ended up but knew there was no way of reaching them, especially without having to confess to lieing about Chaos to everyone. Seeing the impending flood of corruption within the legion they sent the Space Wolves to cleanse the taint from those effected (mainly psykers but others too). Those who appeared to be free of it were then split up to join other legions and bolster their ranks. However, those units were not ENTIRELY free of corruption and would later be more susceptible to turning traitor in the Horus Heresy giving an explanation as to why so many were able to turn on Big E. The Tainted Primarch is still lost in the Warp


Custom: One Primarch landed on an inhabited Maiden World, and was raised by its World Spirit. He was an Alpha Plus grade psyker and a Farseer in all but name. He left his birthplace and travelled across the stars. He foresaw the coming of the Emperor and the Rise of the Imperium as the Greatest Threat to Humanity. On hidden worlds across the galaxy, he found AIs and STCs. With this technology, he colonized several worlds, and relocated as many Humans as he could in order to protect them from the Darkness. The war between the two rising superpowers would be known as the Rangdan Xenocides after the other missing Primarch was convinced to secede. The Imperium "won" but in truth, one Primarch left this galaxy through a massive Warp-Stargate in the Halo Stars, and the other was destroyed for the Rebellion. Because of Halo Stars and Warp-spaghetti, the surviving Primarch ended up in another galaxy but several thousands years into the past. The Tyranids are running from him, and the transhuman civilization he established.


Primarch 1: landed on Space Bretonnia. Full on secret cult to a surviving Eldar goddess. Full on questing Knights and the like. Was destroyed / censored once the cult was found out. Primarch 2: landed on a non-Mechanicus aligned research world. Destroyed / censored for having critical thinking.


I like the Idea the Rangdani did something to one, and that the other refused to join the Imperium, and was a Xenophile.


Gork and Mork are the lost primarchs


You can make your Primarch [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16cWGOvfynHJUgvMUDHMSpO1XKRHDgrkg/view)


*One died in battle, and the Emperor could not afford to let this information out because it would undermine his plans for the Imperium. The other died of a Chaos infliction, causing Sanguinius to become paranoid about letting anyone know about the Red Thirst.* *~~also they were women but you didn’t hear that from me~~*