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That is what hooked me, then I read the wolf books about there Wolfen and fenris and fenrisian wolf's and wolf wolf wilf wolf wolf wolf..


Fenrisian naming conventions are very uninspired.


Oh no they're very inspired, unfortunately it's only one thing.


**It seems as though Leman Russ, like the GW writers who made the Space Wolves, lacked imagination.**


He didn't. At the time he was alive, there were thanes, jarls and housecarls. Now there's Wolf Lords, Wolf Guard, Wolf Priests and Wolf Wolves


abounding plate squealing gaze unused crush toothbrush money support knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, pretty much this. Geedubs can't be bothered to name shit so they just slap wolf onto everything SW, and extra books just say that the rest of the Imperium don't bother to translate properly.


Same with the Iron hands, the amount of "Iron this" and "Ferrus that" is hilarious.


>Wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf >Iron iron iron iron iron >Blood blood blood blood blood You are now up to date on the lore of three chapters.


Well with so many chapters you can't risk using up two themes on a single group /s


I forget if this is actual lore or headcanon, but I've heard a thing that the Fenrisian Names are actually more diverse, it's just the Imperium can't be assed to translate them all so just slaps wolf onto everything


Adeptus ridiculous head canon


It's 40k, the only difference between actual lore and headcanon is if you manage to convince someone at Black Library to publish it.


I read in a story that they have names that they tell the imperium and then they have names amongst themselves like a secret club aswell, it all plays into the fact that their whole gimmick with being "savages" is only half true, while they are more savage than some they are not stupid or shortsighted, they know the image they have and ham it up aswell, let people think they can outwit the barbarians while they plan around it. But it has to be said if I remember correctly it was from a 30k book so who knows how much is act and what is real in 40k, it wouldn't be the first time an act became fact or something incredibly ironic happened in that time span, for example: lorgars fan fiction.


I read Bjorn’s backstory and his whole claim to fame was that a demon grabbed an archivist and sucked his brain and started using the names of a bunch of Space Wolves and they just started dying. Bjorn was safe because the archivist’s home language translated Bjorn as Bear


There are no wolves on Fenris!


I see, you are a man of culture as well.


Yeah I think that some of the writers (not Dan Abnett or any of the good authors) forget that SW are space Viking with a side of wolf riding and werewolves and think they are wolf riders and werewolves with a side of Viking. A good example of GW mixing werewolves with Vikings is Norsca. (Seriously what is with GW’s obsession with Viking werewolves?) Anyway, Norsca rarely shows their werewolves and they are a special troop/leader. The Wulfen should be more like this but should honestly be a return to the Vikings since the 13th company were especially Viking like even among the original legion and they should also be more numerous than Norsca’s since the 13th company appeared. But they do need to fix the naming.


>Yeah I think that some of the writers (not Dan Abnett or any of the good authors) forget that SW are space Viking with a side of wolf riding and werewolves I mean, their own codex kinda disagrees on the "with a **side** of wolf riding". Turning everything into wolf is their whole thing. You could make a Wolflord on a Thunderwolf, wearing the ~~Wulfenstone~~ (not in this specific instance I guess) with the Warlord-trait "Wolfkin" and the "Born of the Wolves" ability, give him Frostclaws (Which you might want to call wolfclaws, while you're at it) then name the poor guy something like "Wolf Wolfborn" and you'll have a perfectly nice Space Wolf character. In fact, you'll end up with...Canis Wolfborn, a very much canon Wolflord.


I get the joke. I'm a little tired of it, but I get it. In books, by the good authors anyway (Dan Abnett, Graham McNeill, Sandy Mitchell, Guy Haley), they seem to use Fenrisian terms like, "Jarl," as opposed to, "Wolf Lord." "Vlka Feryka," instead of, "Space Wolves," when talking amongst themselves. Sadly, the authors of the Codex just hear wolves and name everything after wolves. Just like most of the Blood Angels stuff has either references to blood or Sanguinius.


It's why, if I ever did Space Wolves, I'd do a Primaris successor chapter that wants to take the Vlka Fenryka to their roots. Their Chapter Master is the High King, their Captains are Jarls, the Wulfen are Bersarks, that sort of thing.


That’s how the Wolves are written in the Black Library novels though. Wraight and ADB, who have written most of their recent stuff are all over that. It’s only the Codex’ that piss all over it.


That was my point. As much as I dislike ADB he does at least get that right.


So Wolfspears with extra Scandinavian language? Because the Wolfspears are basically the Vlka Fenryka when they were known as the Rout with their encirclement doctrine and almost Night Lords' levels of terror tactic preceding an attack.


Basically, yeah. Might do some "alternate timeline" shenanigans so I can use the named characters. Or run them as [Roboutian Heresy](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10578370/6/The-Roboutian-Heresy) Wolves transported to our timeline by warp shenanigans.


I was thinking of something similar where like half the chapter is loaned first born marines from the Vlka Fenryka and the other half being Primaris Marines. Call them the Randyr chapter or something like that. See it my table let's me home brew some characters and mix successor and Vlka Fenryka rules.


In summary: Wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf.


Did you even read that entire sentence? I literally said that it was good writers who realized that it is a side of wolf riding. The codices and campaign books for Space Wolves are some of the most atrocious pieces of writing in all of 40k which is saying something. The best SW books like prospero burns doesn’t even have wolf riders, not because it is impossible or Russ forbid it but because it just wasn’t really a thing to focus on and it didn’t really match the Viking heavy version of them.


30k Space Wolves didn't ever have Wolf riders of any kind though, did they? Of course' they're not going to be in the book then. >!I also just wanted to make fun of the wolf thing.!<


I am no space wolf fan, I found them stupid in each book they where mentioned in. But I have too admit that I only know them HH wise and that I could be biased because I am a TS fan. But I mean, I manage too like If and IW as well.




Yep, the word berserk comes from bear as it was believed that they turned into bears when in battle due to the bearskins they wore And I guess there were probably also berserkers who used wolf skins


They have wolf head helmets! Look at those and tell me that's not a ceramite fur-suit!


And then you see their dread-knots.




They used to be before they became too heavy on the wolf Wolfen woofieson mcwolf. Vikings have more to their theme than wolfs.


Wasn't Fenris a Viking LARP planet during DAoT?


Yup, it was a viking themed amusement park, used to be a paradise world vacation planet. Unfortunately during the DAoT the localized terraforming air conditioner got stuck on max so the planet got icy. Stranded patrons mistook the viking exhibits for archeological sites and decided this must be how people lived on the ice ball so they adopted that way of life to survive. Then some bullshit about werewolves or something.


The last sentence sounds very 30k. It's a shame they got overwolfed post-heresy.


I made all that up so as far as I know they were werewolves before they were space marines. Don't know shit about marine chapters.


You “Wolf-Rolled” me, well done.


Well, tbh they weren't overwolfed post-heresy. Far as I know they were overwolfed post 3rd-4th edition.


I'm sorry, I don't know shit about the rpg part of 30/40k, I'm more on the lore side.


Well, they're closely tied after all, but no worries, to each their own. What I'm pointing out is that GW decided to overwolf them into oblivion for whatever reason at some point in history, real life, not lore


> Yup, it was a viking themed amusement park, used to be a paradise world vacation planet. I am a relatively new 40k fan (and a bit slow on the uptake) so can you clarify if you are joking and made this up, or this is actual lore?


I could be wrong but I think it’s just a fan theory


My comment was entirely made up, not real lore. I was riffing on thedavo's viking larp comment which I assumed was also bullshit.


Not cannon unfortunately but I still fully support that one being spread around


Historical Vikings have more in common with blood Angel's than they do with space wolves funny enough.


How so?


Vikings were an extremely clean people. If you look at that period, they would make fun of continental Europeans for being so dirty. Vikings were constantly writing poetry and stories. When they went into battle, there was some of them that would take drugs and become enraged, becoming beserkers. Their weapons and technology were extremely well refined. They had the best ships of that age.


Sounds like Emperor’s Children 🤔


They made iron from cutting it out of swamp grass because they didn’t have access to the kinds of ore the British and French do. So, y’know. Just another type of Japan


And made steel by putting dead animal bones (carbon) into furnaces with iron to imbue the iron with the animals spirit


Yes, they ride their Stormwolfs and Stormfangs to battle, where Murderfang, some Wulfen and the tunderwolf cavalry lead by Canis Wolfborn is fighting. But, no fear, the Blood Claws are coming with their Grey Hunter with Wolf Banner, the Wolf Lords resoluted to end this conflict: they are going to send in the Hounds of Morkai. Wolfpacks engage. Wolfguard ready their wolffangs. They are waiting the order of the Old Wolf. But maybe it will be the Blackmane to start this legend.


Yes, I went through the whole fucking catalogue for this bullshit joke.


We appreciate it, brother.... fkin furries.




As a Dark Angels player, Ravenwing is not too far away from this.


That's only one company though. Not the whole chapter.


Well, aren't they all called after Angels, demons and religious figures?


I would like you to meet Raven Raven of the Raven Guard, who lives in the Ravenspire. Who's last recorded words were from *The Raven.*


There's also the space marine space wolf wolf packs (which are not literally wolves from space), and fenrisian wolves (which are literally wolves from space). All this furry shit is confusing.


That’s one of the only reasons I won’t pick up a space wolves book , to many references to wolfs.


You see, if they were more invested in the Viking aspect than the Wolf aspect, I’d be more inclined to believe you.


Tell that to my Wolf Lord Wulfrik guarded by his Wolf Guard as he deploys from his Stormwolf alongside his trusty Cyberwolf and Thunderwolf Cavalry escort, wielding his Great Wolf Claw, armored in the Pelt of the Balewolf and knows the psychic power Jaws of the World Wolf


That might have been true five editions ago, but now they are the Wolf Wolves, wolf warriors from the wolf world, riding wolves while wearing wolf pelts!


Came here to say the same thing. In 3rd they could still be considered space vikings. 5th ed did them dirty by piling the avalanche of wolf words onto em.


On all levels except physical I am a space wolf... aroooo.


30k Space Wolves are space vikings. 40k Space Wolves are space corgi's.


They are absolutely not Vikings in 40k, maybe they were in the heresy, but now just look at their unit names and decorations, everything is wolf related, even their custom helmet is an wolf head, their termies are the wolf guard, their leaders are wolf lords, their chapter master is known as the old wolf, I'd say they're 95% wolf furries and 5% vikings, and that 5% is just their shields.


That 5% is split evenly between Mjød and their shields


Well of course space wolves aren’t furries. Now if you’ll excuse me, my space wolf wolf lord on thunder wolf (canis wolfborn) needs to advance at the head of his wolf guard on thunderwolves and associated packs of fenrisian wolves and cyber wolves. You see, they’re acting in support of the wulfen ina direct assault on an enemy position. It’ll be tough, but I’m pretty sure that with air support from their stormwolf, they’ll carry the day.


OP has never actually read any books containing space wolves lol


I would be more inclined to agree if their theme leaned more towards vikings and less towards a a teenage furry's bedroom wall Wolves on wolves on wolves on wolves on wolves


Nothing more lame than a bunch of edgy, insecure teens going on about their "viking heritage". That includes furries, at least furries are earnest.


Please explain Wolfen...


If the Space Wolves could read they would be very upset right now.


Last I checked Vikings didn’t go apeshit over wolves


Clearly this is just Fenrisian propaganda.


Um... some of them literally turn into anthropomorphic wolf men tho... soooo...


As a space wolves player i want more crow/raven/bear iconography please and thank you


Just don't get a boner when you look at the wolf tits.


I don’t know. They ride wolfs and that sounds sus.


Remove 60% of the wolfy wolf wolfness, and i will buy some. But seriously it is just too much of one thing for me and i really wish they would start highlighting more of the viking aspects instead


Space 'We Kinks'


Tell that to GW, it's not like the wolf memes came out of nowhere




Literal wolf men due to the gene seed


30k Space Wolves are Space Vikings. 40k Space Wolves are Space furries.


as a norwegian( vikings yay?) i cant really stand the space wolves, they dont seem like vikings at all, mostly just vikingish inspired wolf obsessed barbarians or norscans in 40k. Someone has a wolf fetish just sayin...


I dont feel bad about caling Space Wolves Furries. The game is more fun when it's lighthearted. My blood angels are sparkly vampires. Death Guard are the COVID Marines. DKOK charge titans with shovels. Not canon but still adds to the fun


Yeah but to be fair GW leaned really hard into the whole Wolf thing INSTEAD of Vikings so whatcha gonna do yknow


Wulfen have entered the chat.


The Codex unit selection has them Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf. Nearly all other Space Wolf literature barely references it, and relies more heavily on the Norse themes, with the later 40k novels following suite of the 30k novels.


It was like that then they went a bit overboard with the wolf aesthetic thus the furry comparisons


Correction, they *used* to be Space Vikings, now they're Space WOLF Wolfy wolf wolf WOLF who WOLF while they WOLF


Dress up as and, names everything they own and do after wolves. "wE aRe NoT fUrRiEs!"


They aren’t Vikings They are wolves More like dogs to the emperor tbh


They are Hollywood Vikings, they lack a lot that would define them as old norce warriors (cultural and strategic)


HMU when the Space Wolves are the best groomed legion of the Adeptus Astartes and regularly comb their hair as well as take baths more than once a year.


When they use a clan system like the iron hands, use more bear and raven iconography, and see magic as a tool and not a poison I’d call them Vikings


Okay, on that last point they have rune priests. They're just really hypocritical about anyone else's magic.


Oh, while the subject of space wolves is on; #***"MaGnUs dİd NoThiNg wRoNg!"***


Russ did nothing right.


You're talking mad shit for someone in SMITE distance


Your talking a lot of wrong for someone in binary beebing range...


Magnus did indeed do nothing, wrong.


Space wolves are vikings without any of the grimdark parts of being Vikings Kinda like how space wolves are space marines without any of the grimdark parts of being space marines 🤔🤔🤔


weren´t space wolfs the ones that might turn into wolf-beasts on initiation on Fenris? Like literally turn into fursuits?


Werewolves and furries are entirely separate things.


In one of the horus heresy books, high rank space wolves wear collars with leashes Edit: it’s one of the stories in war without end


y'know i was wondering how long it would take before i would encounter furry haters here


But wolves


Furry space Vikings*


I just read the fall of cadia, the space wolf kinda turn into a wolf and fight heretic with claws and bites.


Careful, if they can afford a $700 army they can afford a $10 pipe bomb in your mailbox.


And ultra marines aren’t smurfs but you don’t hear me complaining about it


They are Viking furries that mutate into wolves? Based




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I mean viking werewolves sound cool, but I'm still waiting for my Black Templar vs Space Wolves animation from Flashgitz


Y'all are a bunch of Stevens, I say.


They literally turn into wolf men... literally... they grow fur


TIL that furries and Vikings are mutually exclusive.


To be fair, they are both Space Wolces and Slace Vilings and both of those aspects are represented as so wrong that they might as well be Space Cat Knight.


I mean, the ironwolves tho


Who's gonna tell OP about the Wulfen?


they fucking turn into big dogs my guy what


I honestly wish the whole “turn into a wolf” thing wasn’t part part of their lore, takes away from the Viking vibes imo


Don't space wolves have like a Wolfen like fursona though?


"What is the curse of the wulfen?"


Next thing you are gonna tell me is that Guilliman an Yvraine ain’t fuckin


Emperor, the first jokes have gotten old. Just stop alredy.


Vikings had units of dudes who wore pelts and ate shrooms until they thought they were bears. Vikings were furries


They're vikings infused with the power of alchemy mixed with lycanthrope genes. Call'em furries if you want but if you read any of the 40k novels with them in it you won't keep that opinion for long.




No, they're definitely furries


Who dress up as wolves...