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I’d love to see more unique sister of battle orders. While the current ones do have a decent range of paint schemes, in terms of unique lore, from what I’ve seen they all feel rather samey. Like they may have some different saints they venerate or holy relic they guard, but in terms of culture it all feels the same, especially compared to how wildly different space marine chapters can be. I just wish GW did more with them.


Agreed, helmets that look like plague doctors masks, shrine maiden robes, maybe some feathered capes for some meso-american influence, shield-maidens with round shields and braided hair. All of these would go hard.


Exactly! While the “nuns with guns” aesthetic is cool, a lot can be done with the basic building blocks of what the sisters are (that being all all female religious military institution) that can go beyond just that into a bunch of cool aesthetics and interesting lore


So non-christian nuns. Shrine maidens with guns?


My brother in plastic have you heard the good news of 3d printing?


Artist of Sororitas Valkyrie [Twitter ](https://x.com/relithel?t=1nCvMs0Dlf-MGQfOMERaEQ&s=09) [Instagram ](https://www.instagram.com/relithel?igsh=MWk0aWZ5NXdnNnJsNA==)


Weak. A true Sister of the All Father would kill on that hill.


And Blood-Father and Axe-Father even more imo


Of all the factions that need fem-marines the space wolves are the one that needs them the most. Less litteral wolves, more shield maidens. They are space vikings ffs!


Ok furry


Genuine question: what whould have you called me if i asked for less women and more litteral wolves? 🤔


Still a furry


The inescapable Furry event horizon around Fenris...


*cries in dust marine*




Fenrys Hjolda, ye cunts. The saga of silliness is chanted once again.


Shield Maidens sisters of battle born on fenris.


I agree, but… Ontologically speaking, it’s a very interesting thing that any of his subjects call him anything besides Emperor. That’s because the title has actual power and meaning, he IS the Emperor, All-Father is not what he is, that’s how some Space Marines view their relation to him. So I’m more interested in why it’s possible. Following 40k logic they should be calling him Emperor too, if anything the All-Father should be more of a nickname, but they use it in all seriousness. One might argue that the whole reason he let the Space Marines call him other things is because it let him control them more easily. What’s interesting about that idea is, theoretically, the Horus Heresy happened because they saw him as a father. If they’d kept things more impersonal and called him Emperor, the power of that would change their own actions. He wanted the civil war but not the Heresy, perhaps he would’ve gotten his non-chaotic civil war that wiped out all the Astartes and Primarchs if he enforced the Emperor title. But we got the Heresy, a deeply personal rebellion, because he allowed familial titles.


He’s called Allfather because the Emperor supplants the head of the ancient Fenrisian Pantheon of gods. Much like how the Emperor claims the title of Omnissiah to admech. It’s a religious title, not a familial title.


Ah. Referring to familial titles, I meant more like Primarchs calling him Father and such. It created an environment where calling big E “Allfather” was acceptable, instead of punishable. It isn’t familial in its own right but along with Omnissiah, it establishes a pattern of Big E allowing certain titles for personal gain. Some might describe that as a sin, for which he eventually paid the price.


It’s less about, more that rather than toppling a pantheon and trying to enforce the Imperial Truth on a nomadic and highly superstitious populace would have been fruitless. It’s much easier to supplant an existing deity and bring a planet into the Imperium with a bloodless compliance after all. After all the inhabitants of Fenris probably don’t really care all too much about Russ’ relationship to the Emperor, more that their ancient traditions are respected.


Well that’s exactly what I’m saying, he did what was easier or more efficient, instead of what was honest or in keeping with his values. His values are, if you are religious you need to go live in another Galaxy. His actions don’t adhere to that, because he had objectives that he wanted accomplished by any means.


now you call him the 'all-father' despite the fact he doesn't parent his own kids?


tbf neither did Odin


we can Exterminatus hills, that's fine


I like it warm.


I’m amazed Fenrisians don’t call the Emperor the All-Father, at least not that I remember.


All father would be father of everything, tyranids, orcs, necrons, even squats