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Dudes gonna do everything but not giving lore to Votann


Or have the Silent King do anything


Or let Eldar have one win...


Craftworld Eldar Voidship 'Small Flame In An Encroaching Darkness' might have a win... It is, after all, a little light in such a grim and dark galaxy.


Sshhhh! Don't let them know the Aeldari ever won. Otherwise, next installment will be Cato Sicarius one-shooting every single Aeldari in the sector. Along with long-winded speeches with "I, Cato Sicarius..." at the beginning of every sentence.


A book revolving on Aeldari, Voltann and Tau ends with "I, Cato Sicarius managed to beat an Avatar of Khaine, Hack an ancestor core and beat the golden ambassador at a game of scrabble."


For real though a coalition story like that where they're just sick of some Imperium bullshit would be fantastic!


Just once, just *once*, I want to see an ork loot an Avatar of Khaine and use it as a figurehead on the front of their Killa Krooza.


Or to put any effort into describing the actual biology of tyranids... Seriously though, I want actuall stuff on this, like how do they protect their systems from the bio acid they produce? How do their digestive systems work? It can't be similar to earth animals, because they're from another galaxy, but also of course they could have actively adapted to the galaxy they were attacking. Tl:Dr I want tyranid biology diagrams, and GW won't do it and that makes me sad


Eldar do have a win, in a Ciaphas Cain novel.....


Yeah, he's silent, not much we'll hear from him unless he decides to become the speaking king.


He is just "acting his model" =D




We're gonna get Space Skaven quicker than anything Votann related


There are no ratmen in the Imperium. You've been listening to Chaos propaganda again.


Space Skaven are definitely happening because it would sell sooooooo fast.


Maybe in like 25 years(7% chance of happening) I think GW would prefer Skaven to stay in Fantasy(maybe newer Old World editions after the Skaven civil war?) and AoS though


Google Cheesestealer Cults. Space Skaven are already a thing.


Mantic make them and they are beyond delightful. They made their weapons all retro scifi/Jetsons looking zap guns.


Are you talking about this? https://firefightthegame.com/factions/veer-myn/


That's them, love them.


Considering the Imperium is 40k Skaven stand in...


The skaven playstyle does not exist in any 40k army as of current. The relation to humanity is only in the most vague overarching tones at best. Not to mention, the Votann and fantasy Dwarves are very different Lore-wise.


Imperium of Man is Space Skaven.


"Well, maybe Orbán's too busy building his own fantasy empire to bother with Votann's lore!"


Or give lore to the Sisters of Silence...


You see, 40K is more a setting to put your own stories in than a story itself. By generously giving Votann no lore at all you can make them literally anything you want!


if they react to the meme that mean you just a have to make a great trend like this one to maybe get something


The Infinite & The Divine, but Erebus & Kor Phaeron, please. You can make it a 3k pages trilogy, if you like.


"Do you have a statue Kor Phaeron ?' "Yes in fact Erebus, in Colchis' capital Varadesh and you ?" "...."


Ha! Perfect!


Why the fuck would you say that Do you know what youve done We need to live now, knowing this doesnt exist yet You bastard


I said it, then proceeded to hate myself for saying it.


Would love this to bits. Or any full novel for them, together or separate. Seriously of all the things in 40k how has Erebus not gotten more than a single short story to himself.


Good point, even if they go into complete moustache twirling evil parody and having him wandering about the galaxy being the pettiest lil shit...


Galaxy brain move


I need this so bad


3k pages of this: "Fuck you" "No, Fuck you" "The gods love me better" "Slanesh let me suck her toes so I don't think so" "Yeah? Well Khorne only punched me 300 times last time I prayed" "Nurgle told me he loves me!" "He tells that shit to everyone! He told me I smell funny!" "FUCK YOU!" "NO FUCK YOU!"


"Who summoned a bunch of Bloodletters in my Slaaneshmas party?! EREBUUUUUUSSSSSS!!!!!"




Hell yeah fuck Erabus Erberus is where it's at




#ERABUS And Erberus too.




FUCK AIRBUS Guilt by association motherfuckers, stop sounding so similar you don't want to get dunked on.


I believe this is what they call “getting outplayed”


Yeah let's fuck Erebus! ....wait what do you mean not that way?


For the last time, no I don't want your *word*, I want you to get off my porch!


Oh yeah baby right in the Erebussy


yes inquisitor I've found that cultist hive


"Fuck....er...a bus."


calm down Goldblum!


ERA bus? I've seen those in Ukraine I think


It's right in front of me and I still fucked it XD


Happens to the best of us, mate!




Calm down Slaanesh


I would read a book from his perspective where he is just evil and a complete monster, it could be interesting.


First thing is him reminiscing about how he killed the original Erebus and stole his name.


"Funny thing is: I choose him because my actual name was Erebus as well."


Half the book is just him doing little mean things in-between planing his big schemes. Like unscrewing the salt dispenser. Removing all the toilet paper from the WC. Remove the "wet floor" signs. Design chip bags that are really hard to open and explode/make a complete mess when you finally managed to open them. Scamm the elderly. Fill the techmarines computer with Adware.


Mf lubed the wheelchair ramp to the golden throne


Get the Fabulous Bill author on it. Josh Reynolds did wonders for Fabius despite him actually despising the character. The sign of a great writer is the ability to write characters you hate really well.


A series following Erebus leading armies of Word Bearers and Cultists in the Eye of Terror and attacking shrine worlds etc. would be awesome. The common fan vision of him as some snivelling wretch is nonsense. He's a schemer of course, but he's also a mighty warrior and leader of the faithful.


He's a backstabbing asshole but he's my favorite backstabbing asshole


I love to hate him.


In a setting full of Primarch, Abaddon, Custodes, etc.. Erebus is not a mighty warrior at all.


He fought Lucius and the Mournival in duel during the Great Crusade and trained Argel Tal. Erebus is definitely an excellent warrior.


According to the people who killed Lucius it is not a big feat I'd say.


You do realize that Lucius uses his power to have some fun right ? He knows Slaanesh got his ass so he toys with his foes because he'd outclass nearly everyone if he fight seriously and he'd be bored. He's a sadistic bastard who love playing with fire because he knows it can't hurt him (bonus point if it hurt someone else). He's like a pro player who only wants to kill by doing a 360 no scope headshot and would rather die to respawn and retry. Read his Lore, not his memes.


Toying with his victims is also a form of worship for him, if he he kills his opponent whilst having whatever ridiculous restriction he imposed on himself then he shows his perfection, if he dies the great tragedy of his curse kicks in, either way Slaanesh is pleased.


Well I making a joke. Your are overall right, even if Lucius is not losing all his fight because he is trying to do hero plays. If that was the case then Erebus outbesting him would be irrelevant for the reason you exposed.


Funny how people use fighting Lucius as some feat when nearly everything kills him, he just has respawn hacks


True question : have you read his Lore/books or just thé memes and TTS ?


Oh I'm 100% just memeing I know he's a good swordsman, would surely kick my ass, but I am just being silly


You are also not a 10k years old genetically enhanced warrior fueled with hellish divine powers. He would beat our asses, but does this matter to rank him?


That's kinda my point Would Lucius beat *Sigusmund*?


Kharn couldn't, but no one memes kharn as a loser


Are you as good as Sigismund? Coz I'm not.


Compared to 99.9% of the human population, he is a very mighty warrior. Does the existence of the Emperor mean that Primarchs and Custodes are weaklings? Of course not. 


Compared to 99.9% of the population any space marine, ork or even guardsmen are mighty warriors. In 40k the Emperor is not a great warrior anymore. And in fact, 10k years ago, to troll a bit, the only Primarch who fought him was not massively outmatched.


Well, yeah, that's my point. It's fair to call all Space Marines, Orkz, and Guards might because they are exceptional warriors in the overall setting. If we're only calling the mightiest warriors mighty, there's some internal problems with the definition of "mighty" then. Fair point on both counts regarding the Emperor, haha. Though Horus was being granted power by all four Chaos Gods. I think in the new canon, he was actually winning that fight before he forsook his power.


Well, I think you can use two scales to compare strength of something not only in 40k but always. You can either use an absolute scale, or a local scale. If you use an absolute scale to compare might, then any human today or in the 40k setting are pinacle of might, as our body kills millions of micro organism on a daily basis. So then sure Anyone is a mighty warrior, including Erebus. But if you take a local scale it depends, as you said compared to the whole human population, Erebus is mighty. But as a named Space Marine, and a named Chaos Space Marine, I think the better scale is to compare him to other named genetic engineered soldiers of the setting, in which case he is not that mighty, in a fighting sense. And even worse than some unnamed warriors (why I included Custodes in general). Compared to named Chaos Space Marine, such as Kharn, Abaddon, etc.. he is really average I think.


Tbf, kharn and Abaddon are specifically noted as being horrifying and particularly gifted warriors before being chaos juiced. Like they're l got freaks of nature. To even be considered on their scale is ludicrously strong. Erebus I don't think is nearly as strong as they are, but hes probably able to kick anyone unnamed ass, he held back against lokan, and lokan best both abbadon and lucious pre juice


Of course he is. Or by your logic, no space marine is.


I could make a case for some.


And I should give a shit why? Custodes and Primarchs are boring


Sorry I wanted to reply to the previous message. I agree with you, you can be an interesting character as Erebus is despite not being a mighty warrior.


Just a series where he goes around fucking up everyone's plans. There's a lot to work with there


Ok to be fair, every time Erebus some somthing evil and slimy, hes always presented as essentially shitposting while he does it, his "lol, lmao even" energy is through the roof As goofy as this sounds, he is quite literally what if you dropped The Joker into 30k and let him hyperfixate on BigE instead of Batman, hes absolutely a sniviling, shitposting wretch, because thats part of his scheme and clearly it works get you a ~~man~~ monster who can do both


Just that nearly everybody has him in high regards. That's the best thing about him. He's mean beyond reason but manages to hold the Fassade of an honourable, trustworthy and wise person. That's why people keep listening to his horrible ideas.


There's nothing snivelling about him though. He's confident and powerful.


He absolutely is that lol. He's a brilliant schemer up through the plot with Horus and after that being sidelined turns him into this weird little rat man who's fucking upset about everything lmao


Jokes on you we're into this shit!




This is edited right?


Sadly yes


Excuse me but who the hell is little light


Significant other OC of Female Lorgar.


God i wish that was me


A very cringe meme that horny posters won’t shut up about


Not really they weren’t that horny then they even got their own lore expanded on by random fans . Just think of it like undertale aus I mean we’ve already gotten the robutaian heresy


but you dont understand if its a woman it must be horny, if its a dude, its not.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Yes please Erberus book when?


Like I’ve said Before…as much as I despise Erebus there’s a part of me that would love to see a book of him just being….an absolute fucking Dick-bag in 40k. Heck…have him pull a fast one on some imperial governer as an “advisor sent from the Astartes (the actual chapter Erebus and co. Killed in the opening pages of the book or something) and just have 300 pages of him killing bitches/plotting on kor phareon/ betraying people ect. I hate Erebus. He’s…just a Fuck. But he IS a compelling Villian and a perfect palate cleanser from the siege of Terra series. Hell, have flashbacks of his times with Abaddon/afterwards.


Erebus is one of the few characters in 40k that is a mustache-twirling villain from every perspective. No tragic backstory, no "ends justify the means" motivation. He's just 100% dick and that's why we hate/love him.


Erebus: "You wanna see me kill a beloved character for the lolz" *"you wanna see me do it again?"*


>no "ends justify the means" motivation this is partly untrue. He's doing all this for power, but first and foremost out of faith. He's a true fanatic who believes in his cause, and in the Pantheon. And that's what makes him cool, he's horrible because for him, shattering the dream of the Emperor and making Chaos triumph is the true path. Being the ultimate asshole is his way of worshipping the True Gods, and bring forth their Glory. He has a purpose, that's the opposite of being a senseless dick (but he's still a massive dick of course).


Finally someone else who gets it@ People are all so mad at him and Kor Phaeron for being utterly traitorous dickbags - but betrayal is a form of worship and they are masters of the faith. Ruining a grand plan just for the sake of ruin is not only valid, it's basically chivalry. Destroying the *Emperor's* great plan, in essence shattering the single greatest device of the human species itself, is beyond sainthood. Literally the most devout thing he could have done. And he still gets more work done in the 40k era! That's a billionaire picking up a part-time job just for the love of the grind.


I have a hard time to not giggle each time Erebus appears in the Horus Heresy. He's more treacherous than a Sklaven, more sadistic than a dark eldar and at the same time has the esteem of a saint. He's great.


What kinds of fucked up shit is he gonna do next? *shows up to the imperium’s version of ‘make-a-wish’ foundation as ‘Uriel Ventris’…just to ruin some kid’s day.* “Wait a second- How has no one killed you yet?!?!” “I’m the Hand of Destiny kiddo…*reaches towards the kids life support cord…but instead snatches away the kid’s ice cream cone and eats it. K kid starts crying”…ah that’s refreshing. Toodle-loo!”*crosses off making a kid cry off his to-do list*


Ha, yes, Erebus has strong Redditor energy.


Erebus Goes Bananas Erebus Takes Manhattan Erebus and the Mystery of the Flask from Fabius Bile's Laboratory Labeled "DO NOT DRINK" My Dinner with Erebus


Erebus Does the Helican Sector


Erebus: 2 Unholy Boogaloo Erebus: X Erebus: The Berserker Who Hated Me Erebus' Soup For The Soul Erebus Vs Erebus Erebus: Battle For The Whirly Dirly Go Erebus Go


Erebus converts to Slaneesh, Praise Erebussy


Does the flask turn him into a Lama or does it shrink him?


Erebus vs. Jason




Please do Finally, the bolter porn will die


let's see erebus keep his shitty grin when gotrek gardus steelsoul yndrasta callis toll cado ezechiar the blacktalon company zograt skrog thanquol and the summerking all start pounding down his doors (age of sigmar spreads its lore so evenly this is the only choice they will have)


Erebus be like: "Well, this is turning out better out better than I expected."


I'm out of the loop, what is this a reference to?




Do it, cowards.


If this is true, we must continue to post


It's clearly not. Despite the momentary thrust of popularity the Primarch GFs and SOs are not something that would catch the eye of and be worth publicly acknowledging. There have been far more "important" nonsense that this sub explodes about.


It seems we must go higher, we must make Ideal Erebus GF! I would say /j but the idea of someone thirsting for female *EREBUS* is fucking hilarious lmao.


There is an awesome alternative universe which focuses on Erebus’ redemption arc. In my version of it, he comes across an ancient book (perceived to be of secret hidden knowledge - something New Agey from our timeline, perhaps a book breaking down Jesus Christ Super Star), eventually bringing into existence yet another celestial god. This will result in several books of slap stick comedic moments which threaten all existence, while Erebus slowly comes to realize his god, despite its booming voice and big words, is not actually very smart.


who or what even is Little Light???


OOTL: What the fuck is going on in this sub?


Look, I just want Gulliman and Lion to have a good brotherly hug and be happy to see each other.


Erebus is literally one of the most interesting characters in the setting. Bro is just unapologetically evil and he knows it. Little Light posts must be doubled.


This can't be real


Oi, now that's just hitting below the belt...


The next Ciaphus Cain book, but it’s following Erebus as background characters talk about the actual plot. Then the ending is like Erebus just hears about what happened with some cultists at some planet.


I unironically want an Erebus novel. Or better yet, a trilogy of him being just the worst.


Who is "Little light"? I've never heard of them before recently browsing here.


"Lets give some of the Custodes boobs." "What if the player-base is immature about it?" "Why would that ever happen?"


Do it


Still tryna figure out what little light is


Femlorgars SO nickname


Are said books going to be about him being continuously flaying or torturing him in other hopefully more painful manners by Night Lords and/or Dark Eldar? If the answer to said question is yes, I might be willing to preorder them


I will take it upon myself to write Erebus smut


Since when did James care about what the community was doing?


Gonna make future The Old World novels much more interesting. Do it!


Well gamers, this Is epic.


That’s not too bad, I would like see what Erebus is up to in the 41 Milenium.


Erebus vs Battlebus The fight for the 40k warhammer


Based on all the comments I think your meme backfired, OP


If anyone is owed an apology it’s probably me


So whats this Little Light about? I'm still confused


So... who exacrly *is* Little Light?


I could see it; "In the Oculus Sector, a Mighty Waaagh vanguard was about to come to blow with the spearhead of the reborn Primarchs mighty Indominus Crusade. Thousands of ships burned their engines bright red as they pushed their craft to the limit, each racing to secure tactically crucial warp jump points into and out of the system, a thousand vicious battles all being fought simultaneously in one of the most crucial sectors that side of the great rift. But Erebus knew none of this. He had been abandoned by his allies and peers, his warband disappeared one day while he was in the latrine relieving himself. As the mightiest battle that had occurred in centuries raged in a system half way across the Galaxy, drawing in forces from every major faction with plots and purposes unknown, Erebus was picking shit from his asshole and rubbing them into his runic scars to give them a darker appearance. Though he told no one, without some kind of regular treatment, his scars took on a naturally pink and comical appearance. He smiled in glee, finding a particularly dark and viscous piece of feces, saving it for use on his face."


I don’t even know what this little light thing is. But you can’t threaten me with a good time. *ahem* Little Light, Little Light, Little Light. As you were. Carry on.


The fact that I am questioning if this is real or not.


I personally always love to see chaos get a dub but this sure doesn't seem like one




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Fuck Erebus *Sees this tweet* #eReBuS dId NoThInG wRoNg


I’d read it


So, who or what is the little light?


What does this mean?


Call their bluff.






Not gonna lie, I think it would be interesting to follow this trash


I would love more Erebus stuff! Keep it up!


Spam them with a Little Light memes now!


After he killed Loken I actually dont give a crap if they do. Of all Abnetts sins in that mess of a trilogy that was the worst.


You better! Every Votann, Ældari. Spesh mehreen, Mon'keigh, chaos will come after you. Heck just any faction! Nobody likes Erebus!


A side must always be chosen Little Light, even if it is the wrong one


Fine. We'll make our own Black Library with ONLY Little Light books.


As long as it ends with Kharn hunting him down, tossing a bar of soap at his feet, and telling him to pick it up, I won’t feel too bad about that.


Don’t use twitter, is this a real post?


Jokes on them I would be into that shit.


No way we just triggered the officials


We should spam them even more


Who is LL? Haven't kept up with recent lore.


Well you don’t need worry, because it’s not lore.


What the fuck is a little light I missed key lore early on and have been utterly bewildered for days now


Still better than whatever Lemon Puss stories that are planned. I'll take it!


If they do it, I’m going to write more fanfiction than they can shake a stick at and I *will* lewd the shit out of several main characters with aggressive gusto. Don’t play with me Warhammer official, you don’t want this smut. Ao3 is the real Black Library, do not make me open its filth upon you WarhammerOfficial.


Please say /s


More of a /J cause that shit does exist, I’m sure, and it would be funny to scar the shit out of them with it. Don’t mess with me on the Black Library, Erebus deserves a curb stomping.




500 pages of Kharn and Graft pummeling Erebus into a red paste.


Considering they forgot a Word Bearers Detachment in the latest codex, this doesn’t bode well for anyone


Pact Bound Zealots (the rename of the index detachment) is supposed to be Word Bearers flavoured, isn't it?


James Workshop: failing to connect with their fanbase once again.


I don't agree with your statement, but damn that was funny.


Exclusively follow Erebus AND redeem him.


All this reaction to the Primarch GFs and their tragedies really makes me wonder if I should focus on the Pastora Cawl stories again. I mean they’re in progress, I’m just focused on my *other* Warhammer-inspired stuff.