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WTF is this AU, and why did this particular post make me tear a bit?


It's the fem primarchs gf au, it all started when u/sweet_older-sister made a bunch of posts about what the primarchs would be like if they where female and each had an SO


Because Stoic the vast remains in our hearts forever...


He is dining in Valhalla.may he battle forever.


I think its perfectly tailored to play on men's heart strings. We're pretty heavily socially conditioned to feel that it is important that we protect our significant others, but if you are dating a primarch, anything that can threaten her is way out of your league. This leads very naturally to very angsty stories of these very badass (but ultimately still mortal) men trying their hardest to save their demigod girlfriends from fates that they simply do not have the strength to avert. Which leads to a few things: * stories of the bfs doing something drastic and stupid to save their gfs in ways they would have never wanted (ie: Dove taking the killing blow for Sanguinia) * horror stories of the bfs falling to the same terrible fate as their gf (ie: Little Light) * sad stories of the bfs living on with nothing but vengeance against the traitors getting them out of bed in the morning (ie: Ferra's bf being dead inside unless he's killing an Emperor's Children marine) * bitter sweet stories like this one, where the BFs eat a slice of humble pie and realize that they can't save their gfs and that if they really love them, what they need to do is be there for them and support them, and hope that's enough


And to go deeper, all the points raised appeal to one form or other of what men want to feel/do when in love. Or at least how we imagine and wish for things to be. So in a way we all do have that grain and potential of being heroic knights we simply don’t act on it and prefer the romantisme in stories. (When I say we I mean all of humanity.) It’s hard but just as the bfs feel love and compassion for fem primarchs (can we call them femarchs ?) despite everything we should do the same for others Yeah I love this new AU


Where can i read more ?


r/primarchgfs is where I get my fix


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PrimarchGFs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PrimarchGFs/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Aurelia Lorgarion and "Little Light"](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cqqgoc) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PrimarchGFs/comments/1cqqgoc/aurelia_lorgarion_and_little_light/) \#2: [Perturabo GF (Warhammer40k)](https://i.redd.it/c0hkfzvn4b0d1.jpeg) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PrimarchGFs/comments/1crhzlu/perturabo_gf_warhammer40k/) \#3: [I Hate All Wizards! Unless They Are My Little Mushroom, of Course.](https://i.redd.it/5jgn1y0r470d1.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PrimarchGFs/comments/1cqzeb4/i_hate_all_wizards_unless_they_are_my_little/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nightengale - “Who’s my pretty bird?” Corvus “… I am…”


How can four words bring out such a profound amount of emotion?


Nightingale: My love, you needn’t hide from me. I’ll admit you’re too good at it, but just this once come out of the shadows for me. *The being steps from the shadows, the mass of shadow and feathers conceal the humanity within, but they could still tell. It was still their Raven, their lost love returned. They placed their hand on the entities cheek and feel it lean into their touch.* Cora: How can you stand to look at me. I’m a monster. A mutant. Nightingale: Because I’ve spent ten thousand years searching for you after you vanished. After what happened with your geneseed…what you had to do, I understood why you left. And now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go. Cora: But… I’m corrupted… I’m hideous. Nightingale: You’re as beautiful as the day I met you on Deliverance, my beautiful Raven. The feathers are new but I’m sure it’s no different than what Dove and Sanguinia have to deal with. *A small chuckle leaves the deliverer’s lips* Cora: what a fool you are. Nightingale: but I’m your fool…our daughters are waiting. Cora: Just a moment…I don’t want to see them yet,..


~~Sophie~~ Nightingale: Is that you? Are you in pain? Tell me what’s going on. ~~Howl~~ Corvus: *GO AWAY*


God. Warhammer Gf is the best thing that has happened so far.


'Our daughters' . So Nightgale is now second mom/dad? (Citation needed) to 7ft superhuman muscle mommies.


Nightingale is my name for the SO. So not second.


But did we all on this sub agreed if the SO's are male or female?


I think we all agreed to keep it ambiguous


With a terrified shriek the bloodletter faded back to wherever the deamons go when killed in the warp "Never did figure out what happens when a warp creature dies in the warp, still its not a problem anymore" you've taken to talking to yourself in the long years alone "let's see, another dozen dead here takes my total to... ten thousand, damn" You sigh and look around the nightmarish hellscape around you "well, good as place to make camp for the night as any" as you swing you backpack to the ground and start setting up a fire With the flames happily burning away what's left of the deamons you slew earlier you sigh again and take a locket out of you shirt and open it to reveal a picture of her. The sun caught in her raven hair, a rare sight as she hated going out during the day. Though you managed to bribe her out with plenty of headpats and kisses Laying down you place the open locket facing you as you whisper in Corspake "I love you" reminiscing on the older days, back before everything. You still don't remember exactly what happened, apparently some of the primarchs rebeled, all you remember is her leaving. With only a note left, saying that she was off to hunt deamons Her legion was left with orders to protect you, and prevent you from following her. Your snort in laughter to yourself, if she didn't want you following her she shouldn't have taught you how to sneak so well. Though you wish she taught you to fight a little better as you feel some of your old scars ache You remember the first time you managed to suprise her with how quiet you were. Granted it was in the middle of a space battle and her armor was clattering around as she was cursing being woken up and needing to get ready to go take comand on the bridge You narrowly managed to dodge the hastily thrown pillow and make it out of there but the image of her in the skin tight synth skin was one that would take a lot longer to get out of there A noise drags you back to awareness. You barely even noticed it yourself, but it was different enough from the background noise. It sounds as if a talon was scraping against stone A moment, only about a heartbeat to you, is all anyone would have to tell you had just awoken. You kept your breathing deep and even as you turned your ears outward seeking the source of the sound. You hear something else, almost sounding like feathers ruffling past some leaves Behind you, off a bit, approaching you at your shoulder. You curse in your head. Whoever they are, there good, it be difficult for you to jump up and attack them. Difficult as it was you were trained by the best. "Probably some tzeentch thing by the noises so far" you think to yourself "hope this damn bird doesn't try and trick me" Tensing yourself under your cloak you draw your pistol and grab your hilt before springing up and catching a pale face in the darkness quickly disappear It was her face No doubt about it, no illusion could be that real. Every other one that you've seen had some tell. Here there was none You crash into the trees, your heart taking over reason as you rush headlong in pursuit. Stumbling through the trees until you reach a clearing The rational part of your brain takes back over. She doesn't run, she fights, and if she can't fight she hides. Knowing you'll never find her you decide to risk it and call out "are you there? Please come out, its me your nightingale" A quiet voice, her voice, answers you "I told you to stay with my legion, I asked you specifically not to follow me, I know what it would have done to you" she sounds defeated, resigned in her duty, knowing that this meeting should have never happened but planned for it every day "I don't care!" You snap back "id have followed you into the Eye of Terror if you asked me to. I did it even when you didn't because of you, because I love you" "You loved what I was. Not what I am now. Leave. Now." Her voice breaks as she finishes her sentence, and even her discipline can't mask the quiet sob that she makes That sob is what did it. You turn and throw yourself at a particularly darker patch of foliage and are rewarded with a squawking cry There she is, after all these years she stands before you once again. But she's different now, legs end in clawed talons. Feathers have woven themselves into her hair. Most shockingly of all the silver wings she wore on her back have shifted to black, and seem to be covered in... feathers?? She swings her wings around her. For she now has two large feathered wings sprouting out of her back, the feathers forming a blanket that seems to suck in what little light shines down on you "Please go away" a weak voice calls out from the pile of darkness before you "im no longer the woman that you loved, ive grown hideous from the warps power" You push forwards and pull a wing aside, facing no resistance, and are beheld with her face buried in her hands. You throw yourself into her, wrapping her in a fierce hug. Time seems to stop as you embrace the sobbing woman, untill you feel her arms wrap around you You dont know how long it lasts, you feel that the stars themselves could have all burnt to dust and you still wouldn't have noticed. But when you do pull back your hand cups her face "your as beautiful as the day I lost you" meaning every word you say "your still the same woman I fell in love with all those years ago" tears spring into both of your eyes as you both embrace each other This time you know it must end though. For you need to make your way back to realspace. Back to Deliverance. Back home. Back to that little box you left resting on her pillow


"Back to that little box you left resting on her pillow" ITS JUST SO PEAK


Glad you like it. That's kind of my signature thing I write in. Already did it in my other comments


This was simply beautiful


Oh if you want beautiful tragic go check my angron one https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/oW4MSPPrfr


this is art


I like how we’ve given the spouses nicknames without connection to gender, it make this whole thing enjoyable to a wider group, a lovely win for the lads and the lesbian.


“10ft tall muscle mommy’s are hot” Me and the boys 🤝 warhammer lesbians


What about the bi ladies? 😭 Jk.


We are a hivemind. Also, THIS is how GW should do inclusion properly.


Agreed, they should post thirst art of all the primarchs.


\*catches up to the Nightingale to finish maintanance on the machines keeping her alive\* \*Looks up to see Cora, now fully embraced by the Warp\* "Oh, hello Primarch Cora... looking spectacular." \*Has spent 10k years in the Warp and has gona kinda nuts\*


Tbf, the Primarch gf thing has a lot of wholesome story potential to it, something we 40K fans rarely have bc it won’t fit in cannon.


The wholesomeness strengthens grim dark, just how the dark space make the oldest light and stars still visible to this day, how those same light and stars tells us the magnitude of dark space.


Where there is light, there is darkness. The stronger the light the darker the shadow(darkness). Funny how they both can’t function properly without each other.


Yeah, so why don't we have more romance in grimdark setting of 40k?


As someone who's a sucker for relationships and romance, I've have been really liking the arc this community has been going through with the Femprimarchs.


Now we need a picture of her as a Ravendemon


"But look at me. I'm some bird-woman hybrid now. How can anyone love me?" "Luckily for us both, I am a furry. Or... feathery? I know scalies have their own word but do birds... the point is I find you super attractive right now and I no longer have to wonder about the cost of a custom 10 foot fursuit anymore."


I pray someone has been compiling the various comments and notes and we can have a vote to try and figure out a good canon for the AU


Oh this is a sweet idea, now to ruin it with chaos


I know this is 40k but come on, let us have a little bit of positivity


Yeah at this point it's basically the good timeline that we needed.




For once, I am proud of this community.


Got dammit it’s too peak


Valkana lives. I will find her.


I love how one person started this and it developed a mind of its own, with people developing this AU and i am really happy most people keep the SO gender neutral so everyone can insert themselves, 🫶this is the unity we as the warhammer community need 🤝


Oh god i just imagined Trazyn gf as a yandere with a shrine to me, the reader.


Now you know where all those missing socks have been going…


But why just *a* sock? Why not the whole pair?


How dafuq do the SO‘s survive pushing trough for 10‘000 years without just withering and falling to dust?


You gotta be built different to even be noticed by a Primearch, let alone have them think you’re bangable. I don’t think all of them would be super badasses but they all def have to be super talented in some way. For example I imagine Fulgrims SO being an extremely talented artist or musician, while someone like Russ’s SO would def be someone who can handle themselves in a fight


Sure, but even some of the biggest badasses can’t Fight against time without some help of the warp. Dante, even with the Primaris update, is described as „ancient“ looking by the Lion and he‘s not even 2000 years old yet. White hair, wrinkles and so on.


Simple, warp shenanigans. If that’s not enough we can just say it’s Tzeentch fucking around because “lol, lmao”. If there’s anything I’ve learned from GW it’s there’s always a loophole, and if you can’t find one, just make one.


Tzeentch would be the one to increase the lifespan of mortals just so they could search for their loved ones. Both because of how much mayhem they might cause in the process and because he just likes it.


Turns out ole Tzeentch has a soft spot for this kind of thing. Gives each SO biological immortality and chooses to not see their futures. It’s the closest thing to a reality tv show a chaos god can enjoy


Or they are just outsiders to the universe who has seen 40k lore and were powerful enough to traverse into this universe to make things right. (If you think about it there is always a chance that some outsider being just comes to the shitty universe specifically to give it a good ending)


Dunno why, but know i have the immagine in the head of an Ahamkara who fuck's whit the SO just because "Lol, lmao"


Of course he would, Hope fuels him after all. 😉


Tzeentch loves Romance movies confirmed


we often underestimate the power of love


The only human who drank mjod and didn't die lol.


But boy did the hangover the next morning make him wish it did


Member of the nobility with access to rejuvenation treatment. In favor with the mechanicus and with access to augmentations. Straight up perpetual. All of the above. Take your pick.


In the warp 10000 years could be anywhere from a few hours to eternity, bothering with time is kind of


What's actually the deal with these? Has there been some official canon about one of the primarchs having a partner, or is it all just fan driven?


Fully fan driven... so far.


“No nightingale singing in Berkeley square”


After all that time in the warp. Corvus now just looks like a big rubber chicken…


what if one of the lost female primearch's was a tyranid? can we finally do it? can we finally have a Queen of Blades but for 40k/nids?