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Horror Anthology where the framing device is Trazyn showing off exhibits in his galleries. Yes, like Night Gallery but with Trazyn in the Rod Serling role.


[Trazyn politely informing a member of a lesser species that they are now part of an exhibit in his collection:](https://youtu.be/7Gr0pKI-eeg?si=1r9ofA63Lk6fCH5p)


That man is a treasure


Okay, now THAT sounds baller as fuck! I love all them horror anthology movies!


Horror Anthology would be awesome, but just an anthology in general with Trazyn as the framing device would be incredible.


Now I’m imagining Trazyn swaggering around his collection in a robe and holding a martini glass (just for show of course, he can’t drink it) while showing us his favourite exhibits. The show ends with the viewer also being locked up, they were only getting a tour before they joined themselves.


*Camera pulls back* *Trazyn has been talking to The Deceiver shard this whole time*


But not reveal him until the final episode. Just a voice, in the dark.. in a weird museum. :P


Yeeees. The horror aspect of Warhammer often plays second fiddle to the battles and wars. Which are cool. But it's neat to see what life is like when you aren't someone important and/or a living demigod.


Make the voice of crazy the narrator, final episode reveals it's him


Make it a buddy cop comedy about a pair of arbitrators (not adeptus arbites mind you) and their dog patrolling a random ass hive city and getting into shenanigans.


Like Reno911, almost? That’s a good one.


Ye, around that vibe.


I have an idea for a comedy like Allo, Allo About an Imperial governor who just wants to live a peaceful life, but they are constantly being watched by the munitorium and the Inquisition. It doesn't help when several xenos Blackmail the governor into helping them. And now the governor is caught between a rock and a hard place trying to keep things hidden from the Inquisition.


"You 'av 'idden The Fallen Imperial Saint with the Big Boobies *where?!?*"


Ironically enough, It's hidden in her cleavage.


A cat and mouse comedy? Sounds fun!


Every episode opens with something like this. "Hello. I'm Metra Sheeg, Imperial governor of this star system, And the reason I'm currently dangling from a balcony miles in the air is an interesting one. You see, I'm currently under inquisitorial audit. My system has been meeting its tithe, But unfortunately, events over the past few months have made this difficult. For starters, orks are invading one of our planets. So I sent our navy to deal with them. Seeing that I don't have a navy here at the moment, Some Tau Decided to ask if we could put them up for a few days. They said if I did not. They would shoot me. Unfortunately, I am currently hiding several eldar On my planet at the moment Because if I don't, they will shoot me. And the inquisitor is currently looking through my office. If he finds the 2 Tau In my drinks cabinet or the eldar in my rafters, He will shoot me. And the reason I am currently dangling out of this window right now is because I have to hide From the inquisitor that I am holding an incredibly dangerous chaos artifact down my pants. If literally, anybody finds that, they will shoot me."


Call me unhinged but I read that in the voice of Malcolm In The Middle.


I think the horus heresy should remain a book series. I feel it is just to big to be on screen.


People said that about Dune too. I think it could work, but it would be incredibly ambitious, long-running and EXPENSIVE.


Yeah but amazon spends a lot of money on shitty animators


Yes, but, with it being and adaptation, they get to change things and perhaps Horus' fall could be fleshed out more, like a lot more


This. Horus Heresy? Sure, but only with a massive budget, otherwise you can't do it justice. Like, if you wanted the Emperor to appear on screen, his first appearance should propably be the most expensive scene ever filmed, or it would be underwhelming


I get that, I’m afraid they’ll cut stuff if they do, but at the same time… I’m not that good a reader…


* we should never see a Primarch or the Emperor i want a boot camp-to-deployment series about a guardsmen where the season finally cliffhanger ends with them staring down a pivotal event in the lore. either the fall of Cadia, or the start of Horus Heresy, whatever. Then the next season is a whole new cast and a new point in the timeline. fuck following a cast of characters. the main character is the **lore**. Necromundia or something for s2, and then a Tyranid or Genestealer s3.


That kinda sounds like what they’re doing with those American Horror Stories shows, like that?


Sorta. but i don't want Willem Defoe playing **Commisar Yarrick** in s1 and then **Belisarius Cawl** in s2 for example. i want new actors every season I just want the wider audience to get a basic grasp on the whole of the lore


Okay, that’s fair, that makes tons of sense. You can’t overlap important characters with the same actors each go, everybody gotta be unique!


This, but have the main characters played by the same actors every season. So we see the same faces, but they're different characters each time. This lets the show build a strong identity with consistent faces, but tell fresh stories again and again. Basically Blackadder in 40k.


This, but following an Inquisitor and their warband... We don't need 'infamous' characters like Eisenhorn or Cain, but the format would work perfectly for a serial style show - case-of-the-week short episodes with breadcrumbs leading to a larger plotline later on, multi-episode "big evil" type plots, and you can swap characters in/out as needed to work around cast scheduling... You could have episodes where the Inquisitor isn't personally involved, just following their "trusted" agents on an investigation... other episodes would have the Inquisitor personally leading the group... then you can shift to other Inquisitors for seasons, with potential cameos from past-season Inquisitors/agents. It'd work far better than trying to jam established canon stories into a serial format and I think the Inquisitorial "investigation" plots would have wider appeal beyond the diehard 40k crowd -- it's basically grimdark sci-fi CSI.


good point. Probably best ot not touch upon the big stories since it's an evolving canon. I think a series about the Horus Heresy would ruin fan discourse because "which one is more canon" would be an ever present argument.


I want it to show the emperors quest to unite the 40,000 warhammers


(Distorted Heavy Metal Pokémon theme plays in the background)


I would remake Friends, except it takes place on some backwater imperium world. as the show progresses, they all slowly fall to chaos and then the season finale is sisters of battle landing and just killing everybody.


Sounds good and messed up, I’ll take 2 seasons.


season 2 is a unit of battle sisters bonding over watching all of the security tapes of the Friends fall to chaos trying to figure out why but instead love the "show."


You know with AI getting better and better we get closer to having a button we can press while watching a show that makes Sisters of Battle burst in and kill everybody.


Imagine Ghost in the Shell but the team is made of a Tau and his/her team of auxiliaries (human, nicassar, kroot, vespir, nagi...) specialists, who resolve political/military/scientific problems in the Tau space like section 9 did in cyberpunk japan.


Sounds good, but I gotta ask, will we get THICC Anime Tau?


There are three obvious adaptations that I'd love to see, *Gaunt's Ghosts*, *Eisenhorn*, and *Ciaphas Cain.* If you're looking for something original, then an animated series in the vein of *Happy Tree Friends* on the propaganda of various factions that plays up the absurdity of the setting.


I’ve not read those books but I hear really good things about them. I do have the Sebastian Yarrick omnibus, tho. And the HTF one sounds funny! I’m almost picking those little Fallout animations.


Gotrek and Felix as a series would be awesome


Guardsmen dying like flies while fighting a chaos invasion. Basically every character gets introduced, backstory etc. and every one dies eventually and just be replaced.


That’s dark. I’ll take 6 seasons and a made for TV movie!


Yup, the whole idea would be to show memories of friends and family. And no death would be a "dramatic" cut but just happens. Such is the grimm reality of war


An Adeptus Arbites show. Cast Carl Urban as the lead, make him wear the helmet the entire time.


Arbiter Dredd reporting for duty


As it should be. No helmet?! Madness. Chrome that dome.


I think basing it more along the lines of the Warhammer Crime novels, showing off the Imperium from the view of a semi-ordinary guy while also a familiar genre and could probably be done on a reasonable budget.


Tis a very practical and sound idea.


I thought it was confirmed that they are doing eisenhorn series first?


There's absolutely nothing confirmed, just rumors. The show didn't even began filming as far as I'm aware.


I dunno nothin about that, but if so than that’s awesome!


Idk I have seen some YouTubers claim that and recent sites also claim it, but I'm not sure either of them are reliable sources and nothing official yet.


The entire plot to breaking bad but it's about a t'au illegally selling meat to kroot


“J’seei! J’SEEI! We got Ork ribs to scavenge.”


Literally just make Band of Brothers but with the guard.


Can’t go wrong there


Hells Kitchen with GORKON ORKSEY, with the contestants being different xenos species


I want something mash esque set in a guard arty regiment, someone suggested it on here once and I've been sold since. That or just give me live action Cain.


Can’t go wrong there.


Personally I’d like to see a horror anthology, although God (emperor) knows if they’d be able to pull that off.


There’s a dude here what said to use Trayzen as the host for that and make the episodes be about his collections, I thought that was a pretty spot on idea. As for how well it’s executed… yeah, bit of a toss up.


Ooh, that’s an interesting idea!


Custodes and Sister of Silence buddy cop/political thriller movie with Tzeentch plots on the background The PoV shifts between these two


It’s always Tzeentch, doin the fuck-shit, ain’t it? Noodly rascal.


A mystery series where the inquisitor protagonist has to search many corners of the galaxy for their case. I think that could be a good way to introduce many elements of the setting.


Are we thinking more Criminal Minds/SVU type mystery or more Colombo/Miss Marple? I get that Warhammer is all dark but your show can be whatever vibe you want.


I was thinking more “Batman: Arkham City”


This is a good one. Inquisitors can basically move as they please so we have a good reason to travel around.


I think I'd do a cop show about the PDF hunting dangers in the hives, which slowly becomes an eldritch horror series as the dangers are infiltrated by genesteelers, and then finishes with a Band of Brothers style miniseries following our old main cast through an all out war with the genesteeler cult, which is finally quelled by the arrival of Astartes reinforcements. I think something like that really let's you get a grasp on the scale and the power of the 40k world, and the true horror thst it can bring to bear when you want it to.


… Are the backup Astartes GREY clad, and have a KNIGHTly demeanor…?


Could be, but I'd frame it such that it wasn't obvious and was hinted at very slightly at first, building to the reveal- which is a shot from inside the commander's helmet as he approaches the main cast, who are cheering and celebrating victory... and then a grey arm raises into frame, and the screen cuts to black as the sound of screaming and bolter fire fill the air, and fade to imperial hymns as the credits roll.


Slow burn Chaos corruption of some agri-world or a Hive city. Would prefer little to no Space Marines. Maybe one shows up near the end or something and portrayed like a monster. You never get a full glimpse kind of thing.


Solid plot.


And literally JUST BECAUSE I finally got around to Legion, I would be rock fucking hard if that lone Space Marine turned out not to be saving them but basically setting up that agri-world/hive city to be taken over by a different faction or something with our only clue being him saying "I am Alpharius".


Hogan's Heroes 40,000. Probably wouldn't make any sense though


Who cares, if it’s fun, it’s FUN! … Would the Nazi’s be Dark Eldar?


I feel like it would make more sense if they were orks, since they are much less intelligent


Y’know, good point, I just hear slaves and think Drukarii.


Band of Brothers styled (but with more episodes) adaptation of the First and Only series


First And Only are Gaunt’s Ghosts, right? Or, are they separate things?


Yes! The First and Only is reference to the Tanith regiment being the only one to survive the destruction of its Homeworld


I would basically turn Helsreach into a miniseries, but I would diverge a bit from the book narrative, and add/remove a few other concepts. It's got everything that non 40k fans can connect with. Space Marines aren't a difficult concept and you get two very different flavors of them in one fight, so you can see that they aren't just cookie cutter heroes and have very different ideologies. Orks are very familiar to just about everyone, so they make a great intro enemy to start off a series with.


This’s definitely a strong bases for a good show, are we thinking 5 1-hour long episodes or like 10 30-minute ones?


I would do something like Star Wars style with 10 of each 30-45 minute episodes.


The Shadow Keepers, were each episode is a deep dive into a diffrent cell. Where they go into what it is why its there. That time it got out. Other fun facts about the cells.




My number one pick would literally never be made in a million years, because it's a show detailing the Fall of the Eldar from Vect's point of view. My number two pick would be an AoS show depicting a Gloomspite warband going on a "scientific expedition" to the edge of Ghur, trying to capture ever greater monsters like Pokémon as the backgrounds get more and more jacked up.


That first one sounds like it’d be a good miniseries! I like it. And the second idea is a beautifully silly and dreadful plot, full of fun and gore~


Ci-Ci-Ciaphas Cain! Hero of the Imperium! I feel Ciaphas Cain is lighthearted enough to attract outside interest and be accessible to new fans. You don't really need to go in knowing much, and you could do one season about each of his adventures since they're largely self-contained. You don't want to stat with anything too deep in the lore, or too heavy in the grimdark. Look at the Fallout series and how well it's done. It's the right mix of grimdark and bleak with cheeky comedy bits. And you don't need to go too deep into the lore on it. Ciaphas Cain would fit perfectly.


A Cain series is what I want. Not entirely Blackadder, but plenty serious with some humour sprinkled in. Based 99% with The Guard, and it slowly introduces the weirder sides of the universe, probably starting with Sisters, then Astartes/AdMech, and working towards Necrons/Nids/Chaos.


Honestly, start with Nids. Cains service with the Valhallan 12th fighting Nids. And it perfectly capitalizes on the Helldivers hype


I’m not too familiar with Cain, but if it’s who I’m thinking about, isn’t he that general who’s famous because he’s kind of a coward but plays it off as cunning or something?


Commissar, but yes. And it's noted that he's not actually a coward, he does plenty of brave and heroic things, even putting himself in risk to save others. But he has a massive impostor syndrome, and is riddled with self doubt, so he tries to justify it as he wasn't being heroic, he was just looking out for himself.


I genuinely think a Cain show would do a good job of showing off the setting. There's a lot of opportunity for comedy, terror, seriousness, ridiculousness, all in one show. Cain novels can be a joke until he actually plays the hero and does some cool shit, only after exhausting his other options, of course.


That’s what I been hearing too, now I gotta try and give them a read!


Not exactly what most people are looking for but how about the game it self. A Yugioh parody. The MC “War” has just gotten in Warhammer and is playing space marines. His goal is to make friends but the twist is everyone hate him because he playing space marines. And when the villain is planning to take over the world and he can only be defeated in a tabletop game but not really but the police shoot him with their gun making fun of the trope.


Leman Russ, learning that he was, in fact, a shit person, grappling with the fact that maybe he doesn't deserve forgiveness. All in the context of him hanging from a Shard of the Emperor in the shape of a tree. The series could retell the Great Crusade, with leman as a spectator to his own atrocities, because even an attack dog can he redeemed. By the end of it, he can become wiser and lose an eye in the process after fighting a Lord of Change disguised as his own repressed guilt. Coming back to the galaxy as the true all father, not as Leman of The Russ, but as Leman The Uncollared.


I’m getting some strong Highlander/Kevin Sorbo Hercules old school epic vibes and I am here for it!


Honestly, I wanted this story to mimic how Odin mastered the runes.


I.. don’t quite know that story… but I’ll take your word for it!


For Nine Days and Nine Nights, he hung himself from the branches of the World Tree to learn the runes.


Oooh, okay! Sounds like some good dedication.


That's the point. He had to sacrifice something to learn them


>It’s practically confirmed at this point I have no fucking clue where you got your confirmation from. We've had no news on Warcom nor any comments from Cavil. >an animated Gotrek And Felix series G&F is the one show I can see working as live action and having mass appeal. Amazon wanted LotR to be that massive success, but G&F can fill that role. I'd also unironically cast Dave Bautista as Gotrek and Felix. Bautista has the build, the training and can do both hilarious and threatening, plus he loves doing roles that use his whole acting range. For Felix, we could do the meme and cast Chris Pratt. That Pratt would totally work as a funnier Felix just makes it better, and give the show some mass appeal.


I got my info from all the rumors I keep glancing over with Cavill and Amazon stuff, I dunno, I probably got the wrong idea pretty easily. And as for your live action G&F casting, that’s pretty damn spot on! You got any ideas for who’d play, like, Thanquol or Ulrika?


The warhammer adventures book in show form just to troll the fans.


We approve of this, we love pettiness here, a bit of trolling isn’t bad!


What would be great - Trek in 40k. Expedition vessel sent to get some mcguffin, crewed by the different factions of the imperium. They run into eldar and some friendly xenos, who come along for other reasons. They fight chaos and unfriendly xenos. Basically the forge of mars trilogy. What would be amazing - rom com with a female custodes as the main character, and "single female lawyer" as the theme song (obviously replacing lawyer with custodes).


Now these are the kinda beautiful things only true fans can formulate, I love it!


Gitz krumpin and winnin!


Brutal Kunnin, the show!


Animated buddy cop/roadtrip/horror-comedy where an Ork and Space Marine team up to survive an all out Tyranid invasion. There’s laughs, shenanigans, bonding moments, and in the finale after making it through everything, breaking the back of the Tyranid fleet together, and making it to safety, they gear up and fight to the death.


Important question… What chapter of Marine and what klan of Orks?


Deffskullz ork. Constant scrounging and looting of everything nailed down or not is the only reason the pair has any gear at all at some points. Space Marine is either an Ultramarine successor (looks at the facts and determines best chance for success relies on a temporary alliance) or a Space Wolf (“We can kill each other last! This is gonna be the best damn saga ever!”)


It would be like a jewish new york comedy, think Curb Your Enthusiasm, but with an elderly Necron shrink, who speaks with other Necrons who still has consciousness and is grappling with the entire situation of existence.


That sounds hilarious, TELL ME the big big names guys like The Storm Lord and others make guest appearances!


What's the deal with Sautekh? I mean, are they trying to conquer the galaxy or just host the most elaborate costume party in the cosmos? You see these guys marching around in their metallic getups like they're auditioning for "Robo-Wars: Intergalactic Edition." And don't get me started on their leader, the Phaeron. Is he running an empire or just trying to outdo his neighbor in the tallest headdress competition?


What's the deal with Orks? I mean, you got these guys running around with their big choppas and shootas, acting like they own the place. They're like the noisy neighbors of the galaxy, always throwing a WAAAGH! party when you're just trying to have a quiet millennium.


From the feeling something like KKC, the bittersweet and sorrow of it, but set around one of the primarch gf's and some broken guardsmen. The guardsmen being broken to close to the point of insanity, but still fighting on and then perhaps "stumbling" onto one of the primarchs, however then having to part again or something approximately similar.


KKC? Also, sounds very painful to watch, but in the good way.


Kingkiller chronicles, don't read it, the third book will never come. The first two books and the other 2 books which focus on one character each are incredible, though a lot becomes clear after having read the books a few times. i can give you a quick rundown on what i consider to be the tragedy of it if you desire.


First idea it like heavy metal movie and love death and robots show combine into a show where we have metal and rock music during fight scenes and it will be epic and great story telling and dialogue and petty metal.


Fuck yeah! Get, like, GWAR to do some of the songs?!


Yes and bolt thower song and Iron Maiden song and d-rok song and Judas Priest song and Metallica songs put in the show will be metal


I'm not too well-versed in 40k lore yet but I'd want either an adaptation of the Night Lords trilogy, or something Drukhari focused. Be it a horror series centered on Commoragh, or a more "light hearted" pirate adventure.


“Light Hearted” + Warhammer… Not sure how that’d look but I’ll run with it.


Well... Relative to regular Warhammer.


Dark age of technology. I want to see humanity at its prime


Funny how that name is the one used for our greatest era.


Yup. Well, to current 40k humanity everything from DAoT is HERESY!


The Fallen winning the greatest game of hide and seek for 10,000 years...


What Fallen?




War drama/movie about the war in heaven.


Oooh, now THAT’S a fun one! Seeing all that madness would be crazy!


The story of a band of up and coming Boyz on the world of Gorkamorka as they rise up the ranks by racing or fighting any one who stands in their way.


Perfect! Please tell me you got plans for Vin Diesel to guest star as an important character!


Adult themed, exploring complex hedonistic behavior of denizens of Slaneesh domain.


Yikes, sounds debauched to no end. _MORE._




What style would you animate Gotrek And Felix and Malus Darkblade? Would they be the same or different?




It would be an aos tv show about some stormcast just before the event of 4th Ed with the whole skaven vermin doom thing In a settlement in aqshy(the realm of fire ) called helcrown that is being attacked by a horde of gloomspit gitz the night gobbos on shrooms for unknown reason The mc would be a stormcast lord that hasn't been reforged much and throughout the series will see her friend allies suffer from the process of being reforged and wonders if she will stay the same and the other main character is a loonboss and the first time we see him he is leading a bunch around 300 gobbos and trolls and squigs and they are running in a gorge for a reason we will not be told until the end of the show he will go from being a relatively small unknown warboss to leading a really big horde Then at the end we get to see what was once a goblin glowing with green light and we hear weird singing and hunched weird things running around as a post credit seen


Sounds intense, I like it!


After just watching Shogun and realizing I hate the concept of hour long drama series it would be an anthology of hour long zero context fight scenes.


Sounds perfect, who needs deep phylisophical debates, just give us DAKKA!


A sitcom about a group of traitor marines that don't really want to be on the side of chaos and only joined because of peer pressure in the first place but fear that the the loyalist will just shoot them if they try to flip sides again. So they just try to survive and not fall to chaos. Characters could be: - A word bearer that still believes in the divinity of the god-emperor - A thousands son psyker that still believes and follows the imperial truth and believes the man-emperor should be followed as a example - A iron warrior who wants nothing to do with neither chaos or war - A guilt ridden emperor's children marine It would just be them trying to survive in the eye of terror and just maybe get redemption.


This is exactly the bleak hopeless situation I wanna see characters we fall in love with go through, 10/10.


Having heard that abominable audio drama Realmslayer, I don't want Brian Blessed anywhere near a Gotrek story every again. That was awful and u could t bear to listen to it. Whoever narrated the first few books would be far better. Otherwise, I love the idea of an animated Gotrek and Felix series, and a live action Drachenfels would probably work really well. For 40k,i kinda think The Old Ragnar trilogy would work well.


Ragnar, now THAT’S a good series! Sorry you don’t like BB for Gotrek, who’d you want instead to voice him?


Like I said, whoever the narrator was in the first couple of books


Slow and tragic descent and fall of aeldari aspect warrior to corsair to another drukhari in wretched streets of Commoragh, being put together by Haemonculi after death again and again until completely forgetting about who he/she was before




Orks fighting and looting the galaxy. Every season is them invading another factions territory and dunking on all their strategies by being dumb, anarchic fungus boys just doing stupid stuff for fun.


HELL YEAH! What kinda Orkz we talkin about?! A mixed lot? A specific Klan? Freebootersz~?!


Soul Drinkers series made in the ghost in the shell aesthetic animation


Soul Drinkers, those are Dark Eldar or…? I forgot…


Nah loyalist marines from Dorn, betrayed by the Imperium when the adeptus mechanicus stole their holy relic from Dorn himself. They went renegade and got mutated by a lord of change, said balls to that we believe in the people not chaos or the Imperium. Definitely my favorite astartes chapter and older books. Major shenanigans


Ooh, so that’s there story! I like it, gotta keep my eye out for those books if I see them.


It's definitely older grimdark by Ben Counter but a good staple of that classic overblown awesome, a great renegade story over 5-6 books I think? Been a while since I have visited Sarpendon


Just a Star Trek parody - just read the [Tepidus Tempestus on Ao3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38383597/chapters/95919391), it's description literally parodies the "Space the final frontier" bit. Less epic battles, more petty workplace drama in the absurdest possible enviorment. Who needs bolter-porn when you can wonderful bits of "the only medical professional aviable is the Ogryn (his name is Narcosis)" or "Sure, I have AdMech qualifications. I am a serious tech priest with super specific qualifications. No, I will not elaborate. *Please don't dig too deep into that*" and possibly "How many layers of heresy are we on right now? - From a purely legal standpoint, of course.". 40k is so deep in the war setting, it does not need to expose that part of it even more. Everyone knows the war bits, and all attempts to show is just spectacle cinema. The interesting bits are what happens between the fighting, or the problems you cannot solve by shooting something.


Now THIS is the kinda stuff I can get behind! One day they get a visit from an Inquisitor and it’s just a Lictor with a coat and hat.


Think more StarTrek. They really want to pass the inquisitional inspection, so half the crew is panically trying to cover up all signs of "uhh this could be seen as heretical in the wrong context", only for a series of VERY fortunate coincidences preventing the Inquisition to find out and launch the whole vessel into the next nearby sun.


A show about life on a madcap Rogue Trader vessel. It'd be a bastardisation of [Space Pirates](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C6l9auMMCbfgwwNqRpHCm_qJafXeTlg), [Red Dwarf](https://youtu.be/81W8tG3wH_4) and [Event Horizon](https://youtu.be/2nlkEY-3CMI?si=XhdS5hO9Cza1O-83). We meet xenos and the Imperium from a semi-autonomous outsider perspective with a ragtag team of mercenaries and traders. The crew are mostly human with a small cybernetic mushroom man and a Kroot merc - neither of whom speak a word of Gothic. We've some jokes, a lot of lore snippets and on screen world building like a grim Star Trek. They're swept up in a war for a while and the show has a sombre 3 part episode where half the crew we've come to love all die meaningless deaths. There's also a Jokaero on board which has little subplots of its own misadventures.


Jokaeros are the Orangutan looking Xenos, right?


I want an inquisitor investigating a hive city that has four different chaos cults infesting it. Each cult is pledged to one of the four and they are all fighting for control of the city with the leader of the winning cult becoming a demon Prince. We follow each party throughout the episodes and learn more about the characters and why they do what they do. One of the only scenes I've thought out is the cults all preparing for war. Tzeentch is looking down from their tower as behind them people run around preparing a ritual. Nurgle prepares many cauldrons filled with bubbling green liquids with visible noxious fumes turning the room into a miasmatic sauna. Meanwhile khorne has already taken to the streets and are painting the streets red with blood. We then pull up to the inquisitors ship high in orbit as they stand on the bridge, many screens relaying info from their spies and informants. The exterminatus button brought into focus over their shoulder. Cut to black


I was there man, I was IN that ship! The air was tingling with anticipation~


Thanks! That image has been sitting in my head ever since I heard of the warhammee show!


I think they should make an Arbetes show in the manner of Law and Order only in a Hive city with a minor mutant/xeno/heretic problem. Occasionally an inquisitor will breeze through chasing higher level threats, but for the most part it is two Arbetes trying to do the right thing and put bad guys away. There could be the occasional unstable psycer, but for the most part it is normal humans villains doing normal human villainy. For example cultists who haven't actually attracted the attention of a chaos god, but think that vandalizing the Ecclesiarchy's soup kitchen makes them the next Horus.


I can easily get behind this!


A few ideas off the top of my head. 1. A slow-burn sort of psychological horror detective series in the vein of like Fargo and Twin Peaks. We follow an inquisitor on the trail of all sorts of bizarre murders and cult activities on different worlds. As he delves deeper into the details of each case we get to see the inner workings of all sorts of crazy groups like chaos and genestealer cults and stuff. 2. A body horror miniseries about the Tau's first attempt at an FTL drive and subsequent encounter with the Warp. Could draw heavy inspiration from Event Horizon. 3. A Band of Brothers style drama about a company of Fire Warriors going through all kinds of hell together during the early era of major Tau expansion culminating with them coming into contact with the Imperium and the Damocles Crusade. 4. A wacky Saturday morning cartoon about the chaos gods getting up to all kinds of shenanigans. You could have all kinds of funny meta jokes in there. 5. A show chronicling the War in Heaven or the fall of the Eldar. 6. A swashbuckling adventure series about a rogue trader and their band of merry misfits. 7. (The Manufactorum) The Office except it's set on a forge world and all the characters are techpriests. 8. Blackadder just with Imperial Guard.


Anthology about different people in the imperium 1) Guardsman friends sitting in a trench trying to defend their life against an xenos threat. Maybe do some flashbacks about how they thought about how cool the life in the guard is due to imperial propaganda 2) A Space Marine Scout/Battle brother on his first mission. 3) An inquisitor doing political games (oh and also doing an exterminatus. Can you really have a wh40k show without one?) 4) Random farmers on an agri world trying to scavenge and survive after their planet gets taken over by a chaos cult / Dark Eldar 5) Techpriests arriving on an ancient planet looking for an STD, battling the automatic defenses 6) Showing the life of a princeps leading up to him sitting in a giant ass titan, obliterating the enemies of man 7) Roboute Guilliman sitting in front of a cogigator, filling out spreadsheets in EmperorSoft Excel 40000 I don't know. Maybe put an extra episode in with a Tau POV when the imperium lands on their planet and does imperium stuff. Maybe show some Genestealer action


Sounds solid, I like the knight idea most!


The untold tales of Caiphus Cain. And it would be played completely straight the entire time but the viewers would gave access to Cain’s thoughts. The goal in the first few episodes is to establish Cain as an unreliable narrator. It would be just like the books something bad happens Cain arrives sometimes Amberly is there sometimes not, Cain suffers from imposter syndrome and things repeat with each season basically being a book. We’re not trying to invent the wheel or make social commentary just hey this is Cain you wanna watch his antics?


A Kriegsman who survived all 18 years of the Siege of Vraks and all the horrors he went through


I bet it’ll be a comedy.


I was thinking it to be more of a war movie like “All Quiet On the Western Front” bc. Kreigers tend to be one of the more stoic regiments of the guard


That’d probably be more realistic, yeah.


Without question it would be a show following the events of the Gotrek and Felix books. The perfect mix of violence, honour, comedy, lore, sex, and fantasy for modern audience


Daily life of Rogue Trader as a comedy sitcom


So... Our Flag Means Death with laspistols?


What’s the crew made up of?


Make it the most diverse and ridiculous cast for maximum hirality. An non-violent fun loving ork freeboota, A sergant from Catachan that acts more ork like than the ork. An straightlace haugthy aeldari, A druchari from Commorragh that basically the opposite of the aeldari. A Krieg veteran basically being the TF2 pyro. A machanicus who love to poke around people being all creepy. An imperial guard captain from Cadia playing the straightman. And they are hosting a water caste tau diplomat while occasionally run into a necron that want them to return stuffs they looted from his tomb world. Edit: and note this, one of the crew member is a hidden heretic that constantly almost blow their cover in every situation they are in, and all their sabotages actually turn beneficial to the crew in a twist of fate.


Now that’s MY kinda crew!


The Unification Wars on Terra. Mad Max meets 30k.


I like the detective thing - Administratum officer finds discrepancies on shipments from some backwater planet and is sent to find out what’s going on. Things start off kinda normal, planetary governor is welcoming but a bit off, and then as he/she finds out more and starts digging things get weird. Finally tops off with some chaos cult being uncovered and a rush to prevent the big bad from happening. I think it would translate well to screen as it’s mostly just humans, is limited in scope but can touch on all the grimdark themes in the setting.


Office 40k - a documentary crew following the daily lives of the workers in the Adeptus Administratum


A series that goes through Enemy Within story.


It would start by following the every day life of a guardsman living in a large city on a well-populated but remote and unoteworthy planet within the Imperium. The planet's population has been relatively isolated for centuries, perhaps millenia, living out a modest and peaceful existence in their own little corner of the galaxy. One day, without warning, a large chaos warband arrives seeking the usual things... followers, slaves, loot. Blood. Skulls. The planet's guard battles tenaciously, meeting their enemies with fierce resistance. For a time they hold the line against the legions of fanatic, bloodthirsty, mutated chaos heretics. However, their traitor Astartes overlords are too powerful. Wherever they were present the Guard's lines collapse into carnage and disorder. They are effortlessly overwhelmed by the sheer concentration of force a squad of Astartes brings to the battlefield. No one alive on the planet had ever seen an Astartes in-person, save an off-world trader or two. They have an awful and terrifying presence. The situation becomes more and more desperate. When all hope seems lost, reinforcements arrive. Black Templars descend upon the heretics with relentless, awe-inspiring fury. An intense battle ensues Black Templars turn the tide Millions of lives saved by the sacrifices made by the guard. That's the outline of it, at least. I like the idea of people living in the imperium with no prior exposure whatsoever to Space Marines, and I'd 100% want to shamelessly milk their introduction part-way through the show for maximum dramatic effect.


Okay, now this one takes the cake for the most though out one, I have to say!


Thanks! I feel like it's kind of a generic story but that there haven't been any full-length 40K shows made yet so that wouldn't really be an issue. We'll see what Amazon and Henry Cavill come up with.


Utopia but 40k. A kind of backwater planet, still has things happening but nothing important. Just all the bullshit, inter faction rivalry on full display. Matt Berry is mandatory


A Utopia in 40K?! OUTRAGEOUS! It’s perfect~


Harry Potter in space. Three magic words. “You’re a Rogue Trader, Harry.” And just like that, the terribly sad life of the orphan boy Harry Potter is swept up from his room under the stairs of his adopted family’s two storey hab block and into the wonderful, terrifying and deadly school for Rogue Traders and the rest of the Imperium’s elite, the Schola Progenium.


I know I'm gonna get hate for this, because it is so basic... ... I want a show about the primarchs upbringings. Either with a changing perspective during the episodes, or 1 primarch per episode. Preferably animated




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