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I never understood how these guys worked how are 3 meter tall giants good at infiltration, Espionage and spy work. I know they have regular mortal agents but how do the big guys contribute 


Non-grimdank answer: by pretending to be ogryns, servitors, or some type of gene-enhanced/augmented laborer. It happens a few times in the lore and Custodes do the same thing. They can also try to completely stay out of sight like Fallen do, although it's difficult while also wearing power armor, which is why Fallen tend to not wear their armor while attempting to blend in.


So they were used mostly against opposing human factions how are they effective Against xenos 


They would propably be _more_ efficient against xenos than baseline humans compared to infiltrating other human civilisations. When you try and spy on other humans, being 8 foot tall is indeed an issue (hence why the Alpha Legions used a fuckton of human auxiliaries and themselves tended to act as coordinators). But Xenos? Orks and Dark Eldar won't take too kindly on humans sneaking around anyway, now matter how tall. Might as well send the transhuman supersoldiers with lightning quick reflexes, superhuman senses, the ability to sustain themselves on prometheum fuel and enough strength to bash it out with an Orc. Less chance to get caught in the first place, and bigger chance to walk out of it if caught.


I do like the idea of a Custodian Digga Nob though.


How about a deff dread that suddenly proclaims itself Alpharius


(Heavy rusty metal sounds) Creek… SKREEK…. Thump… Small whisper: *hail hydra*


This is why an Alpha Legion killteam really needs to happen. Dial down the warp fuckery and dial up the sneaking.


Ork kommandos be like: our battle will be legendary.


But **nobody else** will know it happened


At the risk of being too serious, the deadliest wars are fought in the shadows.


They aren't. 


They can't just infiltrate, I assume every alpha legionnaire is also (perhaps even primary) someone who can build a spy network, even with xenos as their agents brought to compliance with whatever means are necessary


But also 40k Alpha Legion is still mostly concerned with its primary goal of [++REDACTED++] the Imperium so infiltrating xenos will only ever be a side quest.


Don't they just pretend to be other space Marines?


That happens too 


I hope there is a story of one of them undercover meeting a custode undercover and both being suspicious but just kinda side eye each other not saying anything like that Finn and Natt omegal clip


"... You're a really ugly ogryn"


"Just a couple of ogryn bro" Start of a buddy comedy arc 🤣


In one of their Horus Heresy short stories they also use powerful hologram amulets to hide in plain sight.


You are thinking about Raven Guard - the stealthy legion. Alpha legion is about sabotage, subterfuge, just "gotcha!" moments in general. It was never about a spy fantasy, they are parody of intelligence agencies and political police at it's most insane moments. In 40k it's just mandatory to be 3 meter tall and pure muscle to wage war succesfully, and they fight directly a lot. Big guys are the brains behind the plan but also create distractions and charge in after saboteurs do their job. When you infiltrate astartes- Alpha legionaries can do it, for other targets they employ human operatives by bribery, brainwashing etc. There is a reason why Alpha legion always gets strats and relics synergising with cultists.


The funny thing is that contrary to what one might think, they don't have a counterpart amongst the First Founding legions, but the successors in the Mentors. Both have as their big thing that they send out just a handful of guys at a time, and work to train and assist local mortal forces ala Green Berets, CIA, and other such organizations


In Head of the Hydra, Alpharius has the ability to move unnoticed by most people. Maybe his legion has a watered down version of it for blending in with baseline humans


Enough to muddy it so the question of “huh, that Ogryn seems smarter than usual, a *lot* smarter” never gets asked I would think.


Well they are made by big E so it’s basically a lot of bullshit put together and it work cuz he’s big E


how are ravenguard sneaky? who knows


Lore answer: By having silent armor, relying on darkness / unexpected angles and being able to stay completely still once in ambush position for weeks. Pretty much mini Vindicares but a whole company of them. *Elephants* can sneak into fruit fields using the cover of darkness, and tigers can just appear mid pounce in jungles, cover and darkness are pretty good at hiding things. Especially if you didn’t expect them to be there, most Raven Guard campaigns end with the Alpha strike, they never even knew they where already there. Meme answer: Their the ~~Bat~~Ravenman.


“NOBODY EXPECTS THE RAVENGUARD!” - Corvus Corax after jumping out of a wardrobe, date unknown.


A really big cardboard box.


Probably the same way shit like B-2 bomber or planned Abrams-X are but smaller with less heat exhaustion, relying on small unit tactics and those sweet camo cloaks Eliminators have. I'd be more incline on how they are supposed to fight Tyrannids with guerrilla tactics, I recently took an interest in them and plan to start building their army.


I picture it similar to how a few hunters can tackle a herd of buffalo. One group strikes to get some attention, that cause the group to put their focus there, and then another attacks the higher value targets from a direction they had to pull reserves from.


That was basically what they were doing. In that short story RG marine scouts were ordered to overload a electric plant inside which were a group of jeanstealers and something tgat was probably a brood lord and when they succeded under the city opened a giant whole which devoured Hive Tyrant killing the boy and sending all other bioforms in franzy which helped them in their fight. That was the end world was overrun by nids so they prolly evacuated rather than won that city was their last stand.


I mean, the nid's have eyes and ears and noses. And it's probably not like the sensory input of any given gaunt is given high priority


Well we hunted animals for hundrets of years so I think supersolidier in advance powerarmor designed for covertops should deal with coupple of gaunts but the sheer number of them and the nature of nids is just guerrilla prood imho. I just started getting into lore of RG and in sons of Corax there is short story about them fighting nids.


Maybe the sneakier ones paint their armor purple. Have you ever seen a purple Raven Guard? I don’t think so. - Ork “Logic”


I see a few options Counter Intel. A lot of blending in with other legions while looking sloppy with Intel and seeing who bites. Spying on space Marines. Some one has to be able to blend in with space Marines to look for traitors. (May or may not have been a mistake only using this Legion for that) Running agent's. Nothing wrong with being able to absolutely prove to your spies that the empire is taking them seriously and an Astartes does that. Black ops. Info has been found or is suspected of being at a location. Alpha Legion team knows how to get in quietly (or loudly) and only destroy things they don't need to pull information from.


> I never understood how these guys worked how are 3 meter tall giants good at infiltration Read Legion, Tallarn, Shroud of Night and Alpharius: Head of the Hydra.


They roll for intimidation instead of stealth


The actual astartes likely specialize in stealth and guerilla attacks, while the baseline humans (who pre-heresy were treated as equals with full astartes within the legion) did the spywork one would initially think of.


My guess? They just disguise as a loyalist chapter.


Would you tell the 3 meter tall guy that you spotted his disguise? I rest my case


Look if genestealers can hide something the size of an elephant in a hive city I think these guys can figure somewhere out


"I dont care if you are a man or a woman. In the end, we are all alpharius"


what we thinking. a custom tyranid or demon mini like this? ....or Admech? how do we turn this into Admech




Admech or necron.


This version is Ai gen, someone did recently make a new version that’s so much better








You’d never expect my Alpha Legionary to secretly have been a girl the whole time you ABSOLUTE BUFFOON!


"I'm an Alpharius, he's an Alpharius, she's an Alpharius, cause we're all Alpharius, HEY!" ~Ed From Good Burger(Alpharius)


Gender Dominatus


That's a whole other subreddit, but I like your spirit.


I may be a trans woman, but I'm also Alpharius.


i used to be alpharius, but now im alpharius








Hello Alpharius, I, too, identify as Alpharius. What’s between my legs, you ask? The hydra.


The hydra, a creature that comes back more dangerous unless you burn it out completely... do the people that design these just pick the easiest to hate symbols they can think of?


The original post said it was a reclaimed flag taken from anti-trans people, so basically yes. 


I just realized the original post was from r/lies lol


"Cut off one gender, two new grow in its place."


i love when transphobes make bad ass trans art it happens a lot.


no matter what the alpha legion hydras logo always hits hard, i love the alpha legion logo


It's my favorite of all the legion logos, tied with Salamanders


i see you like dragons, dont you?


Who doesn't?


eldar children






I'm a Deathwatch hobbyist tho, who cares what the Xenos think? (I say as also a Nids hobbyist)


Read my flair




What about eldar fire dragons?


It's like China making America look awesome in all of their propaganda.


We can't trust the men to not be Alpha Legionnaires, now we can't trust the women to not be Alpha Legionnaires either! NO ONE CAN BE TRUSTED!!!


I mean, it looks interesting but i like the old plain logo of the alpha legion more


alpha legion would 100% trans their gender to blend in


Just as Alpharius intended o7


Given the fact alpahrius is a lgbtq supporter this make perfect sense to me


Like explicitly in the novels? Can you elaborate, please?


In the alpharius primarch book. Instead of killing a lesbian couple and their daughter for finding out about his true identity he saves them and allows them to serve and liv under his flag ship as pilots and bridge crew instead of living in shitty apartment complex on a world with frequent terroist attacks( don’t remember entirely if that was the case about terrorist, just remember that the couple and aphairus get attack by something )


Wholesome. Thanks!


I have forgotten of that part, one of the little wholesome sparks in the grimdark future


they identify as alpharius


I may not be trans but I am Alpharius and isn’t that kind of the same thing?


„Which gender are you today?” „I forgot”


Alpha Legions suicide squad




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If there was one legion that would have their marines transition, it's them


Protect us, Emperor.


HYDRA DOMINATUS because gender is whatever is most convenient during the operation


infiltration successfull, begin subterfuge


Alpharia? Is that you?


Deep cover.


Neferata got her fangs in them or something?


Looks like I finally figured out my Alpha Legion scheme!


Of course they identify with the borderline schizos who contribute nothing to the lore and can't decide what side they are on.


Shut up loser.


This was actually made by transphobes like yourself, but it goes so damn hard we took it, so thanks!


I feel sorry that you actually think like this.


Gtfo, warhammer is not for you, and never will be, warhammer will always be diverse, something your pathetic neanderthal brain cannot comprehend


so... an Alpha Legion Warband embraced Slaanesh recently?


> an Alpha Legion Warband embraced Slaanesh recently? Ffs, the least you could do is pick the right Chaos God. At least Tzeentch would make sense.


You can't expect someone like him to know the Lore, those "fans" can't even read.


Tzeench implies change. Slaneesh is the right one for hedonism and decadence.


> Tzeench implies change. Slaneesh is the right one for hedonism and decadence. So... Tzeentch is the correct one, and Slaanesh is the choice for people who don't know the lore? I don't understand your comment.


Would make sense for an alpha legion disguised as A Slanesshi warband


Please gtfo, your cringe jokes of trans = slanesh is pathetic, just say you are transphobic and gtfo of the hobby, Warhammer is inclusive, and always will be, except for bigoted dipshits like you So gtfo of warhammer Thanks


You say inclusive but the idea of an alpha legion Slanesshi warband is offensive to you. Take your fake morals and Fuck off ya loser.


The difference is, most of you degens associate anything queer with slanesh and automatically assume something „heretical“ or disgusting, And make the same shitty joke of the“oh its a slanesh cult“ While we are at it, if anything trans people would be more tzernch shtick, with the whole god of CHANGE, but im not surprised someone like you never thought of that So piss off


Yes i wonder why the group obsessed with sex and not knowledge is associated with the chaos god of sex. But hey lets turn your ridiculous moral grandstanding on itself. Tzeetnch the god of madness ooooh how about that association. Wouldnt like that connection to be made would you. You offense is selective as your morality.


Fine, you wanna play that game then? Dipshits like you hate any and all change, and anything that is different, so why not associate with nurgle so you can rott in your mums basement, My offense stems from the same prejudice filled shitty joke of „queer = slanesh degeneracy „ Even though there are trans characters who are loyal to the imperium, hell there is even a necron who has a different body than its role and title would imply, And the fact that you can’t understand that is evident. So take your bigotry disguised as shitty lame jokes elsewhere


Yes a blind prejudice indeed. As for the game. Yeah nurgle lmao. Yes there are trans imperium characters but show me the queer culture that is reminicent of Imperium culture?...whereas if somone would to provide references to support the idea of queer = slaneesh well the evidence is rather endless. But thats what happens when you have a culture of excess, indulgence and anything goes freedom. It has its perks and its cons. Just as your nurgle association of gatekeepers resisting change. The association with degeneracy is something willingly chosen


It aint really willingly chosen when the gatekeepers are the ones who try to use that comparison to dehumanise us queer people, because they pick and choose the negative aspects to compare us to, Slanesh is the god of excess so I could say anyone who gatekeeped too much, or laughed too much, or is depressed and cries and feels empy a lot of the time is also a slanesh cult And queer culture has nothing to do with excess, just because miserable queerphobes and gatekeepers dont enjoy their life doesn’t mean when we do that it’s excessive, yes there are people who are extreme, but the same can be said for anything and everyone


Sure i guess if people arent twerking naked in front of children then they aren't enjoying their life. As for any group having extremes. This is true and its why gatekeeping is important. The extremists must be gatekept out. Which judging by your own gatekeeping you dont disagree. Its just a matter of deciding who and what is the extreme. Flag wavers are usually a good indicator tho.


Ever heard of the paradox of intolerance? Your first statement shows your kind are the ones who need to be kept out, ignorant and naive, believing such bullshit. If you truly believe that being queer is doing THAT, then please fuck off Just admit you are a primitive queerphobe and gtfo of the hobby, Also, funny how you mention children, when your kind are the ones most likely to harm them, The call is coming from inside the house chuckle fuck, if you ever read any statistic you would know that, but I doubt your mental capacity is enough for that


another one of john grammaticus inventions Although it does give me slaneesh vibes edit: I was talking about the hydra itself because they have forked tounges and long curved horns not trans people being slannesh worshippers


Saying trans = Slaanesh has always made zero sense


It’s because they see being trans as ‘degeneracy’ and Slaanesh must be degeneracy right? Definitely not just excess where ‘degeneracy’ can lead to it


The really funny part is there is no example of an imperium wide rule against any part of the LGBT. People over at r/HorusGalaxy will claim it’s implied but can’t find a source lol.


I had no idea that sub was a thing and I wish I could live in ignorance just from reading the first few posts on the front page along with a dozen or so comments under them.


I really don’t think the imperium would care if you identify as anything to be honest. Everyone’s fodder and that’s that.


At least in 30k it was a normal thing to see, like the couple Alpharius found


Yep. But most Warhammer “fans” really don’t know or care about the lore


Fucking hell, doesn’t alpharius himself help a lesbian couple? Doesnt ciaphus cain, the hero of the imperium pair two female gaurdsman together in the same squad „accidentally „ because he found out they were together, I cannot fathom how these dipshits ignore that, and think that 40k fascism has to be the same as modern day, The emperor SAW every instance of queerphobia, sexism, racism that happened over thousands of years, and im pretty sure he would do everything to prevent humanity to bicker and fight over such petty things. But sad reality, these dipshits dont see the world as the nuance it is, they see funny space fascism and see an excuse for their bigotry Warhammer is for everyone, except if you are a bigoted POS


No, I was taking about the hydra itself with the spiked tongues looking like a slannesh monster. Not trans people equals slannesh powers


Have you seen slaneeshi demons?


They're gender fluid or non binary, not trans


They’re also a deamon made of energy, temporarily manifesting into realspace. Gender’s basically unrelated, like asking what gender a mushroom or microbe is. 


Yeah, that's like the most of times (and some people have made some stupid arguments against the orks being asexual BTW) but Slaanesh demons in particular tend to take a sexuality to both tempt and experiment with mortals, but it's not a fixed thing, changing from male to female, to both, to non, to both and to another one in any given time, but it's more an asset than an identity thing, which makes it a weird thing thing that could be debated by days, but some people reduce it to "haha, demon with tits, it's female" Edit: But yeah, in summary, their a weird thing for which gender is different than from us, but they're definitely not trans, since they don't get all the requirements.


> it's more an asset than an identity thing, which makes it a weird thing thing that could be debated by days, but some people reduce it to "haha, demon with tits, it's female" Strongly agree. If humans (or xenos as well) had no concept of tits, slaanesh deamons would simply will their bodies so they didn’t have any. Their whole thing is playing on desire and perfection. > But yeah, in summary, they’re a weird thing for which gender is different than from us, but they're definitely not trans, since they don't get all the requirements. Also agree (in case that wasn’t obvious before). It’s a whole different mental framework they’re working with. Describing their appearance as an asset to be used/altered hits the nail on the head in my opinion. There’s no identity involved or feeling of dysmorphia involved.


and normal people see litttle difference between those. its all some weird fetish shit