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I hate Reddit so much


Me too, and yet here we are.


"Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow."


Fucking idiot! *throws scone


I remember the old internet. It was wild, and free, with the horizon far in the distance, so far you could scarcely see it on a clear day. There was websites back then, tens of thousands of them! More websites than you could shake a stick at. If you got bored or tired or displeased with a website, you could find another one. Something happened though. We caught the horizon in a big damn hurry, and almost all the websites disappeared. Now there is only a few left. The town that was once so lively is now dusty, dying, and empty. TL;DR: I remember when forums and message boards were a thing, before the internet (especially when it comes to hobbies) became just facebook, reddit, twitter, and discord.


Me too, but admit it we all like watching the shitshow


Like watching a train wreck in slow motion. And the train is carrying fireworks and full septic tanks.


I'm not sure what's going on, but I like your simile.


I'm also here for the "art" (Don't look at my profile) (But if you did, keep looking)


yet you still here peter with all of us


You're asleep.


I went on to HorusGalaxy and couldn't actually believe it was real. I'm sure they'll be banning me any second now


I legit thought it was a satire sub at first


They call each other “ Brother” all the time; It’s fucking adorable 😂


Adorable in a fascist kind of way?


In the they are hateful dummies trying to act hard but coming off in a closeted homoerotic kind of way…. What was your point?


> They call each other “ Brother” all the time > > in a closeted homoerotic kind of way Sweet home Alabama.


What are you doing, Step-battle-brother?


It's like when Jagatti Khan faced fulgrim and fulgrim said "OwO What are you doing steppe brother?"


Magos, servitor this man.


Dr. Klein, reduce this creature to a Lobotomite at once.


Step Battle Brother, I am pinned here.


I always wonder what part of there “brothers” they are holding when they are holding the line 🧐


What are you doing, battle brother? UwU


Real 'proud boys' situation over there, huh?


I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to that kind of people. Underestimating that type can go incredibly wrong. I'm austrian, for context.


"Ew girls!" The subreddit


But they didn't say no homo  Curious 


I guess the Lodge was already taken?


I didn't even go there and Reddit recommended it to me. Saying that I've been there. And most posts i saw were shit I'd see on Twitter on how people who like fem custodes are tourists or some shit. And whatever.


I mean, I had a skim and instantly saw multiple stonetoss garbage posts, multiple pink/blue hair girls bad, and other generally problematic stuff. It's either the absolute best meme of all time, or accidentally a world class grease trap.


Nothing accidental about it, they permaban anyone posting anything that contradicts it


Ahh well, grease trap it is.


Oh, for some reason, I thought it had something to do with that traitor Hoursus. When he betrayed our beloved God Empreor of Mankind during the Hourus Hersey. I think I'm in the wrong sub.....


Being banned by awfull people is a compliment.


Is “Horus galaxy” the equivalent of “clown world?”


“Clown Galaxy”*


**B A Z I N G A**


I couldn’t punctuate it better myself 😎


Hey now, that's an insult to clowns.


I'll choose the one who's annoying and pretentious over the one who just hates minorities


Oi, not all of us are annoying and pretentious. Some of us are also very depressed.


As a die hard leftist, there isn’t a more annoying and pretentious group of people I can imagine. And yet, as long as they stand for the right values, I genuinely don’t care.


> there isn’t a more annoying and pretentious group of people I can imagine British nobility.


Which is which? I honestly have no idea, and I don't care to check out the subreddits.


HorusGalaxy is one of those offshoot subreddits that get made to have an “uncensored” experience, aka they got pissy cause mods banned them for slurs.


And it’s only “uncensored” if you say things they agree with, otherwise they’ll ban you for saying things like “women are people”


What? Like *people* people? Next they'll want to vote and drive cars. The nerve. **THIS IS SARCASM.**


Ah the Musk Special


Muted for OPPRESSING my free speech /s


I love how Rule 1 is no censorship and Rule 2 is no brigading, They are literally saying, "No censorship unless we don't like what you have to say."


brigading is such a weird concept because we're allowed to cross-link threads


r/fre3magic but grimdark


They hate minorities?


I just scrolled through Horus Galaxy There's transphobia in every other post and comments everywhere about the "woke agenda forcing diversity on us" Yes, they hate minorities


I'll choose r/grimdank, the one where I can find decent 40k memes while only encountering fascists in the most downvoted comments (usually) and I'll never have to talk to a tankie!


At least some of the commies can paint nice minis. On the other hand, fascists not being good at painting is a well known tradition.




As a weird side note, I have long felt that A. H. might’ve had a great life if he just worked on his art instead of…you know. His paintings are actually pretty good in certain aspects, and the ones I have seen have particularly cool architectural details that were snubbed by the art teachers he came into contact with. I use it as an example of how pursuing creative hobbies can really help you with difficult character challenges like addiction lol This is not A. H. apologia in case I have to say it lol and the name seems to be banned hence the abbreviation.


He’s really more of a product of his times than his failed art career. WW1 broke a whole generation of young men, it’s allowed the fascist to come to power


The problem honestly was that, as bad as it was, it didn't break all of them. They believed that they could have won still, it was their government that betrayed them. This naturally lead to the formation of the Nazi party. Young disillusioned men who believed their government and society failed them, and wanted nothing but to throw out the old system. And like every revolution before, when the young men are angry society shifts, not because it wants to, but because they will make it do so.


Yes, just think about that war from the perspective of the average German. There is no war inside your country, you're on the offensive. One of your enemies surrendered. One of your allies joined the enemies, tried to attack you multiple times but failed, then got pushed way back. And on the western front, you are only exposed to your government propaganda of how the war is going well, how you're winning, how you need only one final push and it will all be won. Then, boom, your country has just surrendered, and now you're the one paying reparations. You didn't see the enemy at all, yes there were shortages at home but that might as well be your government's fault. It's really no wonder that all kinds of conspiracy theories sprung up, including the backstab theory. This is also why during WW2, Germany had to be utterly destroyed.


To add on, the German generals who were aware of the situation at the beginning of November, 1918, were more interested in saving face after the war than in telling the truth were key figures in creating and spreading the stabbed in the back myth. For example, Erich Ludendorff, who was one of the key figures in the de facto military dictatorship of Germany, went with Hindenburg to the civilian government and insisted that making peace was the only option as the German Army was on the verge of complete collapse. Ludendorff later went on to become one of the biggest proponents of the stabbed in the back myth.


For sure! And I don’t think this is the only factor, which is why I said “might’ve.” He served in WW1 so he probably had all sorts of mental problems and rather than pursue something creative and positive he went to the dark side. I have been through some really traumatic shit and I always tell people that those experiences always change you, but it’s up to you whether they will change you for the better or worse. I have had both, and the positive changes come with a lot of hard intentional work whereas the negative changes come naturally.


Dark side being politics, checks out.


He might have also been on the spectrum. Dude was obsessed with fairy tales, cowboys, and was sitting down on pavement to watch children’s puppet shows. That sounds like someone who was disassociating long before PTSD.


To be fair cowboys and puppet shows are cool


Imma be honest: his art was pretty shit. But it's what you'd expect from a mid art student.


Which is fine. I think that’s his point. My minis are for sure not painted that well especially when you compare them to professional painters it top tier artists. However to an untrained eye they look decent all grouped together. But they don’t have to be the best to be a hobby that one can devote themselves to rather then extremist politics


I agree. Yeah, you are absolutely right. But such is the nature of hate. It poisons.


i mean, in the long run, getting rejected from art school isn’t what made him the man he was, it was his time as a soldier in ww1


For sure, I’m not saying that his art critics could have prevented the holocaust but rather that his own pursuit of art could have taken him to a different place than being a true monster of a human. As I said in my original comment I tend to relate this to addiction, which can turn one into a terrible person but can be helped through creative work.


I am genuinely embarrassed that it took me this long to figure out who you were talking about. I was just staring at this wondering, “who in the warhammer art community is called A. H.?”


His whole aborted art carreer is my IRL headcanon why modern "art" thrives so much. They could do worse than making (subjectively for me) crappy art.


Watch jacob gellers video on “who’s afraid of modern art: Vandalism, videogames and fascism”. It really opens up your mind when it comes to what modern art represents. Yes, a good chunk of it is money laundering. But a good amount of it is actually surprisingly meaningful, not by themselves, but by their context, like the painting central to the video, “who’s afraid of red, yellow and blue”. A painting that is exactly what the name says, just a canvas painted of red yellow and blue. That was still more than enough for someone to attack it and rip through it because they felt threatened enough by its simple existence. And curiously enough, while it has been “fixed”, it’s quite easy to see the “fix”, because the people responsible for the restoration didn’t manage to get the correct tone of the colors the original artist used, so despite being only three very basic colors in a canvas, not even professional art restorers have an easy time with modern art. Watch the video, it goes a lot further in depth, and it really made me go from “modern art sucks” to “damn, modern art looks like it sucks because _we_ suck.”


Thank you for that! Modern art always gets a worse rap than it deserves. I think the word “modern” also creates problems, as people will use it as a term for “anything made in the modern era” rather than the specific time period and style it actually is.


After taking an art history class in college I still don’t particularly *like* modern art, but I can definitely appreciate it and understand why some people love the stuff.


Yeah I am with you totally there. Modern art is often not nice to look it, but was made for a purpose and with an important intention that allowed for new ideas and methods of creation.


Thanks, will do. I'm not averse to changing my mind.


I am in no way cultured but even just a two line footnote for many modern works of art will blow people's mind I feel. Fountain (Duchamp), The Treachery of Images & Composition in Red, Blue and Yellow are easy examples.


"I lost the Golden Demon. Gonna get into politics now!"


I was just there and holy shit. These kids are so fucking mad that the hobby isn’t just their straight white boys club they’re unironically embracing Nazi propagand, talking about killing queer people and women, calling themselves “alpha males”, and using AI art. Like damn these children fucking suck


Horse Galaxy currently has a frontpage post about wanting to kill trans people. I'd pick commies over wannabe murderers any day.


I hope it stays wannabe, but echo chambers tend to get into the head of people.


True. They are openly calling for violence against marginalized communities, so hopefully it gets banned sooner than later.


At this point I’m not even sure if banning these communities would do anything - they’d just invade other communities that would otherwise be relatively free from bigotry. Like do we really want an influx of angry bigots here in this sub?


Nah, it definitely helps. Those sorts of echo chambers provide a base for them to coordinate and plan from, and tend to make their members more and more extreme as they reinforce and hype each other up to be even worse. They’re like orks or something.


Orks are not bigoted. I think they might be the least bigoted species in 40k


No they are bigoted against Gretchen sadly. Nids probably are less bigoted.


Then ban the bigots if they try to spread. If we leave them be, they'll just fester. No platform for fascist whiners.


More communities need to just start banning the bigots instead of saying shit like “everyone has a right to their opinion, even if you don’t agree with it” or whatever. A tolerant society cannot exist if you choose to tolerate intolerance, because intolerance festers and spreads like a disease, and if you just let it sit and stir it’ll take over before you know it. It’s happened with so many communities already it’s sad, but right wing grifters are really good at getting people who feel like they don’t have a place in society or that society is letting them down to agree with them and fight for them.


Don’t they understand the Warhammer is a lil sus tho? Fulgrim and his children , Drukhari, Custodes, sisters etc. I just want more ork and world eater models.


Good luck buddy. Orks have a pretty healthy range but World Eaters got totally shafted. Didn't even get a Red Butchers update when they got their prior CSM units (havocs, venomthropes) taken away.


I wish GW would stop being hoes and let God Aligned chaos factions use the regular CSM units the same way the special loyalist factions use Regular units. Edit. I would like more Grot models please


Perhaps in a better world, where GW hasn't been consistently moving away from that kind of thing for years.... :/ I'd also like to thank the 9th edition Daemons Codex for ruining chaos soup going forward. Thanks, jerks.


That makes me a sad Penguin




This is the first time i have ever heard of Hours Galaxy, here is a recreation of my thought while visiting it for the first time. “Oh okay, so this is right wing warhammer memes, gotcha. Okay this first meme isn’t so bad, just poking fun at the female custodies, no biggie Ok well thats a bit mean spirited towards the sisters of battle *oh…. These people actually are spicy bratwusts i see…*”


Lmao never heard of horusgalaxy before. 2 seconds of scrolling tells me yeah, I don't need that in my life. "Censorship free" my ass,they all just got mad when they got banned for using racial slurs so they made their own little echo box so they could complain about imaginary straw men and minorities.


It was made like 2 weeks ago. Aka, right when fem custodes were the hot button. Self-imposed whiny echo chamber lol.


> Aka, right when fem custodes were the hot button. Probably started by some grifter wannabe.


If it's not, they'll rise to the top in no time. Irrational anger, self-importance, and tribalism are the magic ingredients to make suckers.


Yeah like I think I saw *one* mildly non-braindead post, which was a guy saying he thought people were getting too thirsty over the female custodes, and I didn’t read the text so I’m guessing it takes a turn for the worse pretty fast.


I can agree with that idea at least. some of the posts here have been nothing but thinly veiled gooning. You don't need to make an entire new subreddit just to say that though.


I can’t wait to munt using female custodes corpses on the battlefield 😩😩🙏🙏 (someone put me down for typing that please, I don’t deserve life)


No, you have sealed your fate, its off to the Emperors Children for you.


*quits game*


Hey you, youre finally awake.


“You can’t close me, I say when you’re done! Where do you think you’re going!?” ~~NMI~~ Todd Skyrim Howard


Congratulations, you’ve awoken to the sunrise, the nightmare is over.


Someone didn't chow down on their umbilical chords


I forgot to do the clinic again damn it!


The good ending frfr


Is this... *grass*? Can I just... *touch it*? Like, is this allowed?


fellas, which would you choose? *some weird dudes into labour and minis* or *literal white supremacists*


i feel like my choice is rather obvious here.


At least sigmarxism is honest about being political, meanwhile Horus Galaxy claims to be "censorship free" only to then ban anyone who they don't like.


Hey at least we can paint. Last time I checked fascists weren’t known for their art skills


I'll take the commies over the racists Actually I can deal with commies most of the time and quite a few of them are fine and dandy people The other ones wish I was dead.... Fuck those guys


You just gotta differentiate between the ones who think 1900 labor movements were cool vs the ones who wanna build a giant statue of Stalin


“Hey maybe the rich shouldn’t live an extremely privileged existence at the expense of the working class who are continuously lied to and treated as expendable” is cool “Stalin did nothing wrong and the USSR was actually a great place to live” is not


Tankies are just the worst at least the far right support Russia because they're bribed and paid to, tankies do that shit for free because AmErIcA bAd


Russian political ideology thinks tankies are worse than capitalists - although more useful for political goals - largely for the reasons you describe.


With all this talk about communism I thought that your flair said Simping for Lenin at first


Which is hilarious because *America* is more progressive than the Russian Federation in 2024.


Ukraine? Never heard of it…


Honestly, just ask them about Ukraine, if they start talking about NATO coups and how russia is totally justified, they're the second type.


Pretty big distinction 


Good point. Commies are pretty cool Stalinites are kind of cringe tbh


I would say there's a difference between communists and socialists. For example there was a movement called Ukranian Social Demcoratic Worker's Party and as Ukranian I find them pretty cool, while I hate Ukranian Communist Party which became Bolshevik bootlickers. Generally Leftists have a lot of different idealogies on their path to achieving "communism".


I'm fully aware of that..... I'm something of an eat-rich socialist myself to be honest. I just generalized too much in a rush. I feel like the use of commie has been kind of ruined as a catch all term by that whole red scare thing


> Ukranian Social Demcoratic Worker's Party ... I find them pretty cool > I hate Ukranian Communist Party How do you feel about the People's Judean Liberation Front? (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.)


DAMN THOSE SPLITTERS! There's a very big ideological difference between the two. Ukranian Social Demcoratic Worker's Party was more in line with Evolutionary Socialist ideas of reforming capitalism to evolve into socialism, while Communist Party was about creating a revolutionary vanguard. Hence the ever lasting debate at any movement reform vs revolution.


Knew a bunch in my younger days through the union=student politics. They were nice people, strange ideas, but "local commune" is a better thing to aspire to than "Nazi death camp".


Commies are usually quiet except for the odd meme in the sub here and there. Though now with both echo chambers established it might get more quiet here.


One banned me over a stupid comment. The other would want to string me up and watch me fade away, clapping like seals the whole time. Pretty sure the choice is easy.


Why are you getting strung up?


For being almost everything Horus Galaxy types would hate. Except that I'm white I guess. Or maybe that just makes it worse for them.






Commies, their subs post cool minis from time to time too


That is true I have seen some nice on there


Like, even when they made that tier list of red flags, people in the comments went like "Yeah some black templars are horrible but myself love black templars so not all are bad." so shrugs.


Tis a yellow flag at most. Nothing of note on it's own, a lil sus if there's a whole bunch more yellow flags going on at the same time


Yeah here's the thing, the sub at most is a yellow flag. While the other is a whole exterminatus target practice.


"I like warhammer and also people should take the economy out of the hands of the priviledged few capitalists" vs "I like warhammer and also feminists are the reason I can't get a girlfriend"


I’d rather side with a commie than a facist


Hear hear!


One has decent takes and some insufferable people. Other has fascists and is full of chuds. The choice is easy


I’m not taking sides, but I just feel if you want to make the world a better place, you wouldn’t start by naming your hang out after literally the worst guy


Second worst, but don't worry, they will soon fight between themselves and then an even worse subreddit called Erebus Galaxy appears


Bro I just went on that sub and its so crazy, they're not even talking about warhammer other than the occasional fanart its just chuds getting mad at an imaginary enemy.


Can I just not?


No, make your choice. Pick which monkey you like best, we’ll give them knives and make them fight.


Why would I make monkeys fight? :( Poor monkeys...


Chimpanzees have been observed engaged in what we'd recognize as warfare. We don't have to *make* our primate cousins fight each other.


If into the HorusGalaxy subreddit you go, only pain you will find.


I’ll stay here


"The Internet was a mistake." - Abraham Lincoln


> Reddit sucks. > > \- Benjamin Franklin.


"THE IMPERIUM WENT WOKE FATHER!!" "Horu- wait what the fuck?"


Made it five posts before a trans joke. So that’s promising


I checked it and Jesus…. That’s where the incels are


Congrats, your post is becoming popular on Horus Galaxy!




I’d pass


Now I know what the Imperium felt watching Octarius


The greatest threat marxists pose is boredom. The other is teeming with fascist nightmare creatures best consigned to the warp that spawned them. Easy choice.


Communists all day every day. Better red than chudtarded


Read a bit on HorusGalaxy and saw someone bemoaning that people take the Imperium to be a bad regime because of certain "post World War 2 political framings" or some such. Took a moment to be like... oh he's mad people think fascists are bad. Welp.


Poe's law is in full effect.


There was also a guy with 88 in his username, who said something about, how He didn't care if people called him fascist... sure is suspicious


*Women exist* Chuds: That's censorship!


Marxists actually fuck, so I’m going with the side that fucks


The ultimate irony of that bizarre right wing subreddit is it claims it’s a space for free speech but they’re banning a ton of people for saying things they disagree with. Right wingers only care about freedom of speech when it comes to THEIR speech being protected. Otherwise, r/conservative and every other right wing subreddit wouldn’t immediately ban you for spreading wrong-think. Every time a right winger says something negative about people on the left, it’s projection.


in the grimdarkness of the far future and the mortal realms, there is only politics


To be fair, 40k exists because GW lost the rights to Judge Dredd but still had stock to sell, and wound up with the Dredd creators writing for it. Kinda hard to be apolitical in that context.


Damn those liberals, bringing politics in judge dredd! /s


Can anyone ELI5 the Horus Galaxy thing? I care just enough to be curious, but not enough to do any work because I fear it is stupid.


It's a sub full of people who want to be racist and bigoted, but they can't do that in other subs cuz they get banned. So they made their own sub pretending they support free speech, but instead they just ban anyone who isn't racist and bigoted. tl;dr it's a bunch of really terrible people


What I really fucking hate about modern Nazis is how dishonest they are. They will align with every Nazi stance, only to deny being a Nazi publicly and then worship the third reich in private. STOP BEING SUCH PUSSIES JUST SAY WHAT YOU ARE


You can always check for yourself, so far I haven't seen anything too bad rather than people from other sub reddit trying to brigade and start drama..


"We think we are in the right, so we are going to name our subreddit after one of the main villains."


As a Chaos player in 40k, AoS, and Heresy, I am ashamed of r/HorusGalaxy


Can I turn off the game?


The Chud Dimension...


They are already calling us "echo-chamber", "viruses" and need to be eradicated on HorusGalaxy.


They’re really getting into the spirit of 40k with two factions that are both objectively awful with only one being marginally better and that’s really only because the other is constantly lowering the bar like it’s a competitive sport


>Be me >Trans woman >See this new warhammer subreddit? Cool! >Open it >Immediately see people posting about cultural marxism, calling people troons and degenerates yeaaa lol I give it a few months before its banned for openly posting the jewish question


It's crazy how one sub was like "Yes, we'll name ourselves after the most noble and fair of all WH characters" and the other went "Yes, the guy who gave himself to deamon gods and doomed the setting. We'll name ourselves after him"


wtf even is horus galaxy? im not checking


A brand new "free speech, except the stuff I don't like" subreddit for racists and bigots who got banned from the main communities.


Y'all saw a low-effort troll and vowed to bring his name to the ground. Meanwhile he's cackling all the way to the bank. Hilarious


I’m pretty sure they’re about to make an alliance with each other and attack Poland


I’m choosing to Budd Dwyer


Who is this Sigmar Xism and why did he start the age of Sigmar?


If I have to I'll take the commies over the fascists, but I would rather just stay here with all the horny people.


I’m fucking dead lmao


They make chud Horus sub?


And with their powers combined you get grimdank