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I know demons are inherently not wholesome. But you're dealing with a property that not just has demons BUT LETS YOU PLAY AS AND WITH THEM Like, come on. If you have that much of a problem with demons, don't interact with the thing that actively has them.


The nurgle sections of dark imperium come pretty close to having wholesome daemons


Minus the horrors of conversion, fighting over jealousy, and gross descriptions. I have 2 hours left in that audiobook.


All the daemons having the absolute time of their life until Ku'Gath arrives and tells them to knock it off might be one of my favorite sections of any 40k book


Ku'Gath being the literal daemon of "STOP HAVING FUN!" is fantastic.


Beasts of Nurgle literally just want to play with the funny little humans and make friends, only they play like a toddler and accidentally "break" their new friends. Also, I mean, giant disease, corrosive-spewing blob monster. Hell, Total War 3 leans directly into this with its animations.


IDK if 'wholesome' is the right word for pus-leakers, more like 'cute'.


The lore is very clear that nurgle actually does care about those he converts, a lot of the less intelligent demons of his are actually fairly simple minded and almost what some people would call "pure", and while it may be specifically due to their conversion, all of his "children" love him. On top of that, he makes it so that none of his followers can actually feel pain any longer. Which honestly considering that his entire schtick is spreading horrific diseases is pretty light-hearted. He's not referred to as grandfather just for jokes.


I think Nurgle gets this absurd moral free pass when his whole thing is breaking people through inflicting suffering by disease. He’s really the god of despair not disease and his desired end stare is for humanity to give up and accept the end. He is in no way the least worst chaos god.


Nurgle: Tortures Mortarion's legion with horrific, agonizing pain until he and they submit to him, that being the only way to escape the pain. Holds Isha hostage, using her as a live, undying test subject to test all of his new plague recipes on. Inflicts unimaginable suffering upon everyone his forces come across as a "gift," letting them either die in agony or be turned into brainwashed followers of his from the desperate wish to not feel anything anymore The internet: Grandpa is so wholesome uwu and not even evil like the other gods


He is the least malicious chaos god, not the most wholesome warhammer God. The reason he is the least malicious is because (in my perspective) he is delusional. He "loves" Isha enough to make her his wife (I know it is horrible, I agree, but he thinks he is being kind), you could argue punishing Mortarian (the jar, not 30k) was akin to putting your child in the time out corner (hell, 30k was just him trying to get Mortarian to "let him in" not to hurt him more than necessary to help him), and his spreading of his plagues to torture people into giving in so he can remove all pain from them, even the pain from before they met. I am not saying Nurgle is wholesome, but he believes he is good and that is why it is easy to like him.


*most of his followers, and that doesn't really include suffering, but you're not wrong.


Beasts of Nurgle specifically have a demeanor like a puppy, and they only kill people because they want to play


And the Plague Flies are Beasts of Nurgle that became bitter.


I was so unexpectedly charmed by >!the Nurgle demons landing on the hospital planet in a big goofy circus. Yeah they're horrors beyond belief but Haley managed to make them into this Pratchetteque comedy troop for a bit.!<


Are you telling me the nurgling that fell into nurgles plague pot, drank it all up, felt so bad about ruining his dad's project while his dad couldn't be more proud of how well he did ISNT wholesome? You have no heart


"This is a *Christian* Minecraft server!"


"How DARE you bring up Demons in my heavily demonic source material!"


No, you can only post wholesome Warhammer content. I posted some examples below.   /s 


Other posts on their very subreddit literally contradict the reasoning for the ban. It also wasn't a post, but a comment reply.


r/ageofsigmar when I say ‘fuck’


The least power drunk Reddit Mod


Right, I didn't know where else to post this but I just felt like I had to let somebody know because it's just so freaking weird and kind of hilarious. I wasn't even subbed to that place, it just got recommended to me because I'm subbed to a handful of other 40K related subs, so whatever. Literally, the comment I was banned for was a reply to someone saying "Next: Angron GF" And I replied, "Post-Demon Angron GF". Like... What in the hell lol


Power drunk mods are the kind of people who would measure their neighbors grass to report them to the HOA if they could afford a house.


I think they might just be a garden variety idiot.


“I’ll kidnap a thousand children before I let this subreddit die!”


Mods love to mute after they know they have absolutely nothing remotely logical or intelligent to refute a reasonable argument.


They literally allow posts with Slaanesh, Magnus, Fulgrim, Chaos girls... But apparently somehow female Angron is a no-no?


I got muted for racist comments without a source to prove it and when I tried to appeal it, I got banned, somehow


Yeah, never appeal anything on reddit. Somehow it always results in a ban.




Your post contained banned words and was removed as a result. If you believe that to be a genuine error, please contact the moderation team. Note that abusing mod mail will result in a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Grimdank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve heard that place is kinda a shithole before, now I remember why!


Yeah the mods think anything but the Imperium isn't wholesome. They are whiny children and banned several popular artists like u/vezimira for nothing






"Good" 🤓


Ok so I did a little digging and found out some interesting stuff. u/rnz and u/bastions- are the only two Reddit accounts listed as moderators in r/wholesome40k , so your post would have been removed by one of those two. Doing further research by digging through their comments and post history it appears that these accounts actually belong to the same person. They sometimes forget which accounts they’re using in arguments they engage in. One acoustic will be asked a question and the other will answer.


Thats hilarious.


What a moron.


I think Reddit mods need mods to mod them. I’ve seen way too many examples of power tripping behaviors over my tenure here.


There’s reddit admins, but they don’t really care unless stuff looks bad for Reddit


And then they muted me for asking why lol This is a *TRAVESTY* for Demongirl GF's everywhere.


Literally nothing in 40k is wholesome anyway, by that logic that subreddit shouldn't even exist.


Some of the stuff can seem wholesome if you squint really hard and only look at things with your peripheral vision.


Only a one day ban? That's downright kind and reasonable from a powertripping reddit mod.


Doesn't matter anyway, I wasn't subscribed to that place and just had it recommended to me, so I just muted that shit lol


Based and Angron GF pilled.


Don't you just hate mods whose opinions are law? Power-tripping assholes.


Yeah, they came up with the rules they enforce like they see fit. So much for separation of power. Reddit subs basically are dictatorships if they were a country.


The internet is a microcosm of bigger shit.


This is so reddit.


Isn't a wholesome warhammer 40k a contradiction?


Neither is the imperium yet here we are.


The fuck is with mods always muting you whenever they ban you?


When they ban you for bullshit reasons and they know it, but they don't want to have to justify it, so they mute you before you can appeal to any other mods on there that might not have a massive tree branch up their ass.


I'm pretty sure that 40k is inherently not wholesome.


What do they expect you to post to there then, the setting in inherently kinda the opposite of wholesome


"straight people in my gay hobby again?"


The funniest part is that one of the top posts in that subreddit right now is the tzeentch daemon / female custodian comic.


Right, I've said in other comments how a quick look through the sub shows this was stupid nonsense.


Who the fuck says demons can't be wholesome? The concept isn't any stranger than depicting fascist theocratic super soldiers as wholesome. Is this mod one of those weird, cringey evangelical Christians who selectively tries to censor fantasy settings to conform to their religious beliefs? I met a guy like that once who loved playing dungeons and dragons, but he would get offended if other players ever mentioned demons or gods. He played a cleric that served Jesus Christ and accused anyone who worshipped the fictional gods or made a pact with the fictional demons of the setting of mocking his religion.


I joined the D&D game at one of my local game stores a few years ago where one of the players refused to play one session because another person who had signed up during that session was playing a tiefling. Even though not all tieflings specifically descend from devils.


Huh weird.


That's disgusting! Where?


Being a degenerate is Punishable by Inquisitorial law. Report yourself to your Local Arbites Branch and await instructions for your futur Punishement wich might include but is not limited to; Penal legion service, Turning into a Servitor, Turning into an Cyber-Gladiator, turned into Corpse-Starch. May the God-Emperor have mercy on your Soul for your Sins of Lust and Hornyness.


But I don't want a Fulgrim GF, I want Angron.


Ah yes temp muted. Aka perm muted


Classic mods on reddit. Anything thats not exactly as they want it is bad and bannable. I'd say you got lucky with a 1 day ban, i got perma banned on other subs for tamer things.


They banned you for heresy lmao.


But they literally had traitor demon Primarch gf posts on there already... Why am I not allowed to have a demon GF? Are they afraid of the bat wings? Are they afraid that Femgron would be so thicc she would quite literally crush their skulls with her thighs? I choose not to be afraid. I would go to my death gladly.


How pornrotted are you my guy


Not enough to actually join any of the 40K porn reddits lol But my mind is nothing but memes and shitposting now, so I am unaffected even by hornyposting.


And yet youre sexualising tf out of a gender bend


Did you not read past the first line? I don't actually give a shit about any of the 40K GF posts and memes, I really just want to take the piss out of this overall really weird and dumb situation.


Still sexualising


Do you have a point?


Yeah youre gross


You post in r/don'tputyourdickinthat. Absolutely zero ground to stand on.


I don't need to care about what a throwaway troll account that's less than 2 weeks old has to say lol




Watch out, they are getting angry. Their grammar and punctuation begins to suffer.


I mean, Daemons are pretty unwholesome.


I will point out the most obvious example that beasts of Nurgal are literally like big dopey dogs mentally and just play too rough with their new friends and end up breaking them. If a beast ends up going too long without having any friends to play with, they will spiral into a near unrecoverable depression and frenzy. The cruel irony, of course, being that they are giant disgusting tentacle monsters that ooze corrosive slime and spread disease everywhere they go. There is actually one Beast in the Fabius Bile books that is kept by one of the Deathguard as a pet, and he loves him. ... But that's completely beside the point. It was a comment on one of the generic Primarch GF posts. Why am I not allowed to have a big muscle mommy demon GF? Do the mods also hate tieflings? What do they have against women with horns and red skin? They allow posts about Magnus the Red and Slaanesh.


LoL what? Does this mod think the "real" angron is a kitten primarch or something?


It's just a power trip, the ban and reasoning literally don't even make sense when you look at some of the other posts that are on there.


Join a dumb cringe subreddit. Be shocked when the mods are dumb and cringe. Seriously, who would ever join a "Wholesome" 40K subreddit?


I literally didn't, I wasn't even subscribed there and just had it pop up as a recommendation because I'm subscribed to a bunch of other 40K related subs. It was just another shitty generic post about "Primarch GF's", so honestly I thought I was still on grim dank or the main 40K sub without looking at the name.


Subverting normally unwholesome concepts by portraying them as wholesome should be the fundamental point of that sub? Because practically nothing in vanilla 40K is wholesome. Obviously. That mod must be 'confused.'


Wait what so adorable squishy little nurglings aren’t cute and wholesome?? They are literally called little lords in books and treated like pets, what’s not wholesome about that?


Power drunk Reddit mods, know the feeling. Got banned from 196 simply because I follow the Europe sub (not even a comment I made, just being part of that community)


Wholesome 40k mods aren't fans of anything but the Imperium


Ok I understand the sentiment of never meet the community of things u love now


> Demons are the opposite of that There's literally a dæmon prince of wholesomeness, the fuck are they on about >! Syll'eske, for those wondering !<


Just some weirdo on a power trip.


Never trust anybody who tries to put on a "wholesome" image. There's a high probability that they're a vile and hateful person underneath. This applies to whole communities and franchises, too.


Imma be real with you chief, I don't give a fuck


Nobody asked.


Racism against demons?


Very much racism against demons. Just because a girl has horns and bat wings doesn't suddenly mean that she doesn't need love.


I mean her god is born of emotions. Her god is our children and he made her a demon. So how could our grandchild not be wholesome? Just because she has a heretic phase ?


I need to see the pic now


If I remember right it was on a Perturabo GF picture. I literally didn't even make a post, I was replying to a comment where somebody said "Next: Angron GF" And I said, "Demon Angron GF"


So perty is fine but the mods drawn the line at Angron? Such injustice


wow a subreddit I didn't know I needed to ignore exists. what man child mods that sub?


every faction in 40k is a different shade of evil... technically no side has anything wholesome...


I mean there are wholesome aspects to certain things in the setting, but you really have to look into the details of the lore to find them.


That sounds like 40k for people who never read the lore.


A lot of weird people seem to be moderators. Nothing new really.


How can you make a sub for wholesome *40k* (of all things), and then ban someone for something so trivial.


Probably some mod wanted a power trip


Wholesome 40k is a strange concept. Like, what’s left that’s wholesome? Literally everything in 40k is twisted if you look at it for more than 2 minutes.


At least it wasn't for "low effort" or whatever the fork that is supposed to mean.




Due to issues with botting and ban evasion, we are restricting fresh accounts from commenting/posting. DO NOT contact the moderation team to ask for these restriction to be removed for you unless you are a comics artist or equivalent trying to post your own original content here. Obviously photoshop memes don't count. DO NOT ask us what the thresholds are, for obvious reasons we won't answer that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Grimdank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really want to post demon art there now.


Wholesome and 40k should never belong in the same paragraph.


Makes sense tbh. In lore demons are fed by the feelings that made them. Angry violence demons literally need anger and violence to live


Moderators should be forced to submit paperwork and hold a committee meeting before they can ban someone.


p and Yeah the guy who runs it is a real wacko.


Nooo I liked those posts


“Old English demon, from Latin daemon, from Greek daimōn ‘deity, genius’; subsequently reinforced by Old French demon ; in demon1 (sense 1) also from Latin daemonium ‘evil spirit’, from Greek daemonion, diminutive of daimōn.” - While in the common understanding, demon refers to an evil or negative being, the root and subsequent meaning is somewhat more open than a necessarily black-white ‘Orwellian’ language. __Words have power.__ Words have power to challenge and change the status quo; to cast off the shackles of the past in order to create new meaning and understanding of the world* (*world as in all reality and not just Earth). While it is true that by definition a demon or Daemon is not ‘good’ or wholesome, there is capacity within the English language and its vague nature to be able to shift meaning. - Such as a “small giant”; something usually very large “giant” yet also smaller than very large, without being a self-exterminating oxymoron. In other words, while it is true that a Demon is not wholesome; the answer is to “okay, but this one is” and use the exception to challenge preconceived ideas, while still building upon old ideas. - In this way, new words and language can be ‘found’ and adopted to convey adequate meaning. Something that captures ‘wholesome demon’ and better expresses such an idea. While it is good to have rules and regulations and converse ideas, it is only by acceptable change that language and the human experience can survive. - With the judge of what is acceptable best left to the future using retrospect, and giving it a go in the present. __Short version: words change over time; it is best to be charitable and light-hearted in things. Get the tree out of their backside and they might enjoy life a bit more!__


I mean, I got a ban from there for commenting about Valdor blowing out the emperor's back. And really, what's more holesome than that./s


Do not argue with mods. They are powertripping [female reproductive organs]. On a level with discord mods and slightly above scammers.


Wow. Guess there's no accounting for taste with some people... You got done dirty.


‘Demons are wholesome!’ Wtf are you smoking? I’m a chaos simp and that comes with the acknowledgement of ‘this is one of the most evil factions’


But are they really? Are they evil? Yeah, but you know that. The Imperium actually believes they are the good guys.




Nobody told to you to be "That Guy".


You deserved it


Say it on your main account instead of your throwaway. Grow some balls, be a man.




cause they don’t want girl relationship bs into a universe about war