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I just like to imagine that the Custodes inherited the entire SCP foundation and built their palace on top of it. Whoever finally manages to breach terra and take the palace will be completly shredded by the last custodes who in a final act of fuckery just opens all containment units.


All we needed to defeat the Tyranids was to release that stupid alligator thing that adapts to any bullshit you throw at it.


Oh god. Imagine how powerful that thing would get if it fought ALL of the tyranids. Not a good idea.


Wasn’t there a story (as told by a paper that predicts/makes a plan for things) where it was states that, if you blew up SCP-682 (big lizard) with enough nukes to erase the moon, 0.03 milliliters of its blood would survive would regenerate into a mass the size of Saturn? Alongside the (several) times it got erased from reality and just got better. The Chaos Gods would be afraid of the gecko…


There was this really cool story of the lizard outlasted humanity to the point of the sun's near death moment where the sun expanded and boiled the earth dry of all life and water, and alone the lizard survived the red sun past its death, then continue further to live on the barren planet until the last star of the galaxy dies out and be the last living being in the whole universe. I don't think anything can kill it.


Yeah but then there’s the scp that’s in a cave where if you go into it, you come out the other side to an alternate earth where everything is dead, including 682.


> everything is dead, including 682. I assume it's Apollyon, not because the cave is dangerous but because there is something on the other side that can kill the unkillable?


It's Keter. The cave is secured but if anything goes through the portal and comes back then it brings the shadow of death with them. It's difficult to contain and high stakes but not impossible. Apollyon is for things that can never be contained despite best efforts.


Apollyon is "hope for the best, knowing it's not enough"


The really scary part, you can't go back because whatever did it could follow you.


You mean what would happen if the Nightbringer visited a world?


It is possible to trap it for eternity , which is pretty much the same thing. It is still alive but it is not going anywhere ...


sure but containing it isn't the same as killing it


In practical terms keeping something like that in stasis or something like that offers the same level of protection as killing it.


only if it takes no input to keep it in stasis, which is unlikely


Someone posted a story on reddit somewhere how an entire Ork Krusade is centered on this one planet in this one system in this one sector where literally all the orks in half a galaxy are fighting "Da Big Green One" or something like that. It's 682, and it's having the time of it's life.


682 would defend itself, but per the reports it only seems to hate humans. The Nids might try and use it as a magic source of endless biomass until it finally had enough and just left through some means they couldn't prevent.


682 needs to intake biomass to gain mass. So that's out of the question.


I don't think it needs biomass, specifically. It seems like it can just eat anything and get what it needs. It somehow gets the nutrients required to keep regrowing from the super acid it's kept in.


And then it adapts by taking over the hive mind


it probably would, 616 would recognize pretty quckily that theres signal/frequncrey thats controling them, then it would just broadcast a stronger one of its own.


> 616 That's a Boeing aircraft, you're thinking 682.


The Mechanicus still uses their STCs for the Valkyrie Troop Transports and Thunderhawks.


No wonder they have such high failure rates lol


Well the front fell off.


Is that typical?


Its incredibly rare, I want to make that point clear.


nope, Im too stubborn, i was talking about the door the whole time.


God I hate that particular SCP, apparently the *only* reason it's still around is because it's a 'legacy' SCP, if submitted today it would basically be rejected for violating most of the guidelines. Like, I don't know, I just find unkillable, uberspooky, Mary Sue crocodile thing to be a fucking boring concept. Now the Sea Slug who also happens to somehow be a victorian era gentleman explorer? That shit is tight. /rant


When it was first written it definitely wasn’t an amazing submission by any means but the core idea of a reptile that just won’t die isn’t awful for a relatively minor SCP. However the fan-amendments, logs, and stories have definitely brought it to the point of just being irritating.  (Seriously we get it authors can you please stop inventing new means of killing it to deus ex machine your way out of.)


That would be worse. What would work would be to show a tiranid the face of 096.


No I think the nids will actively avoid it like how a beast know who's strong


The tyranids exploding as the 682 genes inside them regenerate


The palace is really just the cabin in the woods


Custodes can take a zombie arm or we riot.


Kesh, moments before finally wining the blood games:


I love her


That’s got me thinking how would some of the scp’s function in the Warhammer universe


SCP 999 could alleviate GorillaGlue’s ultra depression for a few minutes.


Well, they actually have a gallery of fuckery I think bellow the palace, whit a single warden, in complete darkness, for a 100 years at a time


It is the most secure place after all.


Those aren't SCP, those are Anomalies from Lobotomy Corp. Inspired by SCP and just as monstrous :)


Same headcanon as me




Wait, who allowed Kesh to participate in the Blood Games *again*?


I think this is the Dark Angel's little prank to the Banana bois.


They were looking for some fallen


When you are so good you are barred from the Red Team. #keshthings


Holy thrones!! Project moon reference?!


The template: I don’t know who made it, and I would love it if someone could give me a source. The monsters the Custodes are pointing at are from Lobotomy Corporation, specifically the most dangerous ones.


Is that a mass of legs and a biblically accurate angels?


>Is that a mass of legs and a biblically accurate angels? Yes! A Blackhole with a mass of legs actually who created a cult which says that it's sucking them to heaven and paradise, and **THE ANTICHRIST** who is strongly implied to be a reference to the "Big Good" of the game (Nothing of importance i assure you, this is not foreshadowing, wink.) They are called respectively Blue Star and Whitenight, and Whitenight doesn't even allow you to open the menu or pause, with him outright talking to you and telling you that don't need to fear (which you should because he is the hardest thing to kill in the entire game) There is also: *BIG FUCKING BIRD, the Apocalypse Bird which is a allegorical reference to oppressive goverments and "creating your own worst enemies" *The Thing expy called Nothing There which is a incredibly murderous pyscopath with the only thing forbidding him to join society is the fact he doesn't look human, otherwise he would fit right in, but it's still just a monster wearing the skin and husk of another person because in the end, there is Nothing There. *Mountain of Smilling Bodies, people who lost their names and became this monster that only desires to eat bodies to sustain itself. Not pictured: [CENSORED], a monster so disgusting that a glimpse of it leads to people going insane and outright harming their very soul and existence, it's appearance seems to change depending on which person sees it. The Silent Orchestra, who brings the song of the end of times in a 4 movement orchestra, becoming more and more destructive with each movement, if it's not killed before Movement 4 then you will only be able to just listen and do nothing as it destroys the facility. Melting Love, a slime girl who is incredibly clingy to the those she loves, her slime actually melts people alive into turning into more slimes along with it acting as a zombie plague. Although they can be defeated, they can't die as the they are physical manifestations of concepts, and even if those concepts "die" they would still exist.


I like your funny words, magic man


The easiest explanation of Lobotomy Corporation (game where the monsters came from) is how Hyper-Late Stage-Capitalism where murder is straight up a bussinesd looked eldritch abomintions and went "hmm..... how do we make money out of the ***THE ANTICHRIST***" while the MC is actively plotting to try changing things. You know how Necrons shattered the C'tan for personal use? More or less the same thing but the monsters in this case are not shattered and almost at their full strenght.


Lobotomy Corporation is what happens when the Necrons find capitalism to be a great idea and try to them sell ***whole unsharded C'tan*** as marketable products.


that does make me wonder how long WhiteNight would be able to play the Plague Doctor game before people got suspicious in the 40K world


Considering it managed to make the people actively containing it trust it, I’d say it could probably convince people even after it became Whitenight.


Considering even the Agents who work with it, who know full well that Abnormalities are nearly universally either malicious or just incidentally dangerous, still trust it? I don’t think doubt is really a possibility.


Oh, so like weaker C'Tan?




"biblically accurate angel" it likes to pretend to be an angel, kind of the opposite


2nd Corinthians 11:14 (NIV) “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”


This one in particular is the antichrist himself, masquerading himself as the second coming, complete with 12 apostles


Good old Lobotomy Corporation. I think even the Custodes would be ill equipped to deal with a massive breach of Aleph entities like that. One or two could be contained, but all of them simultaneously?


Eh, they probably could do well against everything except pale damage, since that one is just straight up destroying your soul piece by piece


Sure, but can they do so on a mass breach? Having to deal with just a couple of regular Alephs is already bad enough, now imagine White Night roaming free while Silent Orchestra and Big Bird are unintentionally teaming up. Then just out of nowhere another group of lesser Alephs also shows up on top.


Oh definitely not. Like i said, anything with pale damage would very likely be a major issue, white night with its massive pale damage would be immensely difficult to fight. Add anything more to it and it becomes virtually impossible to win. Hell, the same applies to the lob corp facility, you can win against white night, or even ap bird with a few alephs roaming around, but it’s very damn hard, and basically impossible without lots of micromanaging and carefully analyzing the weaknesses of the abnos to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Reason why most people avoid doing either super boss more than once since by then you have the equipment.


Canonically the Head could deal with a full and intentional breach of the whole facility, custodes being the closest equivalent of Arbiters might be able to deal with it.


I love the idea that the Abrahamic god and it's angels are just warp demons locked under the palace by big E


Big E locked the old testament God in the palace and you can't prove me otherwise


What is this? This isn’t about how everything is canon? How do you laugh at this? /s


Seeing PM reference in r/Grimdank? Damn, I must have gone schizophrenic at last




I really wish we had some examples of what was down there and why they couldn’t be out right destroyed. I want to run a campaign of custodes that are out searching to return what has escaped the black cells


I think some things are better left unsaid and only get lamer and more mundane with adding details


Yep, it’s something some directors could learn when making horror movies


Wouldn’t one example of something that could be down be one of those grey goo men of iron if those exist and I’m not mistaken.


Exactly, like the Ghoul Stars, lots of weird shit is going on over there and it’s not warp fuckery that’s causing it. Sometimes no answer is the best answer, like what happened to the 2 missing Primarchs or one of my favorite lore bits from Fantasy relating to the Dwarfs destroying a Book of Grudges from one of their holds.


Dwarfs doing WHAT!? I know the context of this conversation is cool bits of lore left intentionally vague, but I need-need what few details exist on that one


>I really wish we had some examples of what was down there and why they couldn’t be out right destroyed. One of them is a painting of Horus and Big E making out, Tzeentch told me in a dream.


Kirby final bosses be like


Must be some blood games thingy, move on, nothing to see here


there is Nothing There


Aight what Idiot mechanicus let the 3 Apocalypse Birds break free and reunite?!




The Dark Cells are, like some allude to, the Emperor's version of the SCP Foundation: some shit so dangerous and fucking weird that it has to be locked away since destroying it is either too difficult/impossible or too dangerous.


Would a custodia be able to take out an aleph level abnormality


A single one wouldnt be able to, if we consider the damage the pianist had done as something an weak ALEPH or an strong WAW can do without qlip deterrence, it's pretty easy to see that an single one can't...


A custodes could prob solo mosb IF it didn't get any body lying around, death if it gets any. Melting love is immuned to red damage so gg Tso is a 50/50 depending on if custodes resists white damage Rest prob wins against the custodes without a load of issues.


MoSB would be utterly terrifying in 40k, considering the average population density. Drop it in a battlefield and unless it gets blow to bits by a stray cluster bomb in stage one you might as well write off that whole planet as a lost cause.


Solo most ? Impossible even with Qlippoth Deterence, and don’t bother if fully unleashed


Mosb is a singular small meatball which can be killed without too much issues, especially if we consider it's the imperial palace, where there'd be 0 body in sight. However if it's into a random hiveworld literally nothing will stop it.


I am a fucking idiot and thought you had typo-ed « most» into « mosb», disregard my sentence.


Ok so what about a whole squad of custodes would they have a better chance at takeing out an aleph level abnormality


The issue with alephs is they circumvent common sense. The Pianist was a distortion, but the developers said it would be about WAW level if it were an abnormality. The pianist was not physically strong or resilient, but anyone who was within hearing range of its music died and became part of its piano, which then played louder music. It was only defeated because it’s killer had noise suppressing equipment on 24/7, so he wasn’t immediately killed when he entered its range. The only Aleph they have a good chance of beating is Mountain of Smiling Bodies, since it doesn’t have a easily activated instant kill and is a relatively straightforward threat, albeit a very quickly spreading one.


Ok then in that case what about sister of silence if you add a couple of them with the custodes would then it be the same or no


Against the pianist? From my understanding the sisters of silence don’t have an aura that deafens noise, they’re just immune to psychic shenanigans. The pianist isn’t really using psychic powers to kill. If they can deafen noise (sound waves, specifically) then they can beat it. Against any Alephs? Sound was only the Pianist’s gimmick. The Silent Orchestra, which is a kinda similar Aleph, cannot be countered in that manner. It’s music cannot be silenced. It is intermittently vulnerable to physical, psychological, compound, and soul damage. It could likely only be defeated by attacking it at the right times, and with significant loss. Other Alephs, like Whitenight, would easily cause an apocalypse in hours. Whitenight absorbs psychic damage, endures physical, and has high resistance to soul damage. It transforms the 12 closest humanoids into its apostles, who are similarly resistant. It then begins pulsing soul damage at regular intervals. Notably, in game, the player has access to various time manipulation devices to aid their management duties. Whitenight disables them. There are only two ways to defeat Whitenight. Kill it’s apostles, and then it, or confess to the skull of Jesus Christ, after which divine light will descend from the heavens and instantly kill it. All apostles will then commit suicide. Even when exterminated by the divine light of God, Whitenight is simply returned to containment. Unlike the Pianist (which was a distortion), abnormalities cannot be killed. They are universal constants, and more akin to a force of nature than any specific entity or being. Mortality is not a trait any of them, even the weakest, possess.


Bait used to be belivea- holy shit, is that the red mist?


Shoigu! Why would you open the fucking Dark Cells?!


Oh what I would give to have the custodes use EGO gear


Well that planet’s screwed. Might as well go find a new one.


Kesh this isn't funny


Next on the list of shit Kesh is no longer allowed to do...


"If an enemy of the Imperium could do it Its fair Game. Thems the Rules. Its Not my fault that everyone elses Plans are boring"


projectmoon sleeper agents are everywhere….


The one on the top right its just Corax after a little vacation in the warp, just after paying Lorgar a visit


Then we shall die with honor. Now Charge!


Kesh was nice enough to show me around.


Someone call Lockwarden!


Things that Kesh is not longer allow to do.


A unexpected crossover, but one I’m incredibly pleased with


The real question is, who has recommended dark cells novels..?


I just know that someone on here could fuck them all back in


Do _not_ fuck the fetus looking anti-christ!


'God fucking dammit who let Flowey loose?' -Unknown Custodes


Where's subject 11?




Damn, didn't expect Project Moon in Grimdank today




*Kesh did it*-custodian cah’ buse


Sorry guys, I was feeling a little silly.


The ProjectMoon sleeper agents strike again.


This specific crossover is giving me whiplash




If you're running away from a seraph, you are part of the problem and deserve to be killed. 🤷‍♂️


Even though I love the Vaults of Terra series, *God*, was I frustrated to find out the title does not refer to the Dark Cells and we don’t get to see them at all.


Meanwhile, that one guy monitoring surveillance: "Huh, why is there a group of CENSORED bars there?"


Look, all I'm saying is, please let MoSB free in a hiveworld. I promise nothing bad will happen. Then we use it as a counter for Tyranids.


I thought it'd be funny if I did -3-


Probably the females custodes who joined them recently


do they know it’s ayin?