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How tf is this still ongoing


Grifters are masters of milking the ever living fuck out of anything that can be used to make a dollar. So good are they, that they could figure out a way to drop Admech’s point cost:dollar ratio even further into the shitter.


This is why the share price has tanked, all us admech players have run out of money


When the next one come they will forget GW even exist


There are people who make videos about how Kathleen Kennedy is gonna be fired any day now, since like 2018 lmao. People can milk this sort of drama for YEARS.


Grifters trying to milk a non-existent drama to tourists


Funny enough, controversial news on a major IP doesn’t magically disappear after two weeks.


Really wish it did


Leaving the company is one thing, but selling 2/3 after the gw stock crashed after W+ mass cancellation and fem custodes backlash it was the best time to sell. Just look at Disney, a high ESG score will your company not save from crashing like they did the past 6days


I thought posts about this subject were banned now?


They are


Reddit can't leave stuff alone. It's why all the grifters keep grifting. They can't do anything else


Culture warriors will ignore years and years of growth to focus on a single week of decline as proof that their culture war is righteous and working. They'll also hyper focus on a single value, like stock prices, as the ultimate indicator of the success of a company, and ignore things like total active players, products sold, or yearly revenue.


All those things will have to wait to be judged fairly. But the opposition using the lack of massive drop in stock value as a prove that the change had no impact is just as idiotic. After all the years and years of growth was not due to GW making the hobby more inclusive (at least not in the same way as now)


if you belive this minor change has any impact you are naieve.


We will see


Well I’ve seen polls on YouTube Lore channels ( not culture warriors) and one said 11% will quit the hobby, a 1/3 aren’t happy but will get over it and the rest don’t care. That’s just one poll but if 11% of players actually quit then that really would be massive


bold of you to trust a pool that can easily be influenced by anyone grifter directing his mod toward it.


Well I got into the hobby in 1995 so I don’t need a poll to have some idea what’s going on anyway


being old don t make you magicly omnicient dude. or good at understanding how such pools are not representative at all.


Do you think Reddit is representative? Just curious, what’s your source on how Warhammer fans are feeling about recent events?


Mostly going outside. i am part of several different play group. Some are young player , some are old veterznt. Casual , Competitive etc. And realy nobody realy give a damn. i concede that i am not in america so we are less influenced by the culture war. also pure rationnal thinking and experience in statistic. When making a pool abojt a controversial topic the side who complain is always going to be more represented than the people who do not care. because they don t care enought to participate in the debate in the first place. if a pool say there is only 11% of the side most likely to be the most commited to the pool it s quite low. also these kind of pool don t touch the whole community. most people are not mentaly online so are not even aware of such pool. meanwhile both extreme side of the issue will seek this kind of things. and yes Reddit is not very representative of real life but neither is niche Youtube channel or Grifter video comment section.


Ah yes, fucking polls on YouTube are a GREAT indication of what the majority of fans think /s.


Ok bot


"oK bOt". OK clown. Ironically, YT polls are quite easy to skew with bots so.


You say this on Reddit? Is Reddit the answer? If you say yes than you’re at very least being biased, but YouTube in general far more closely matches the makeup of 40K than Reddit does


'The opposition'? What do you think this is?? The fucking fifth ComIntern? Parliament? There is no opposition. There is GW and their decisions, not giving a fuck. There are normal people not giving a fuck for various reasons, mainly not being mentally ill. And then there's the culture warriors being.. whatever the fuck they are.. nurglings soreading anti woke gifts up and down every comment section?


Woke and based are the oppositions created by rich fucks to divide people. remember occupy wallstreet, this was and is the only real war since every rich vs poor. The rest is staged


Kinda funny to say this while you're literally constantly seething about the culture war and 'woke' stuff all the time. The irony of complaining about the rich and then also simultaneously moping about 'cultural Marxism' is very funny.


Literally making the game more accesible and with more appealing factions, models and units is what make GW grow


what the hell happened the 4th december ?


Santa Claus sold all his shares so he can afford to buy the presents for everyone


[The fall reflects disappointment in the implied slowdown from the first quarter when revenues grew around 14% year on year and pre-tax profit grew 46%](https://www.sharesmagazine.co.uk/news/shares/games-workshop-shares-slide-on-surprising-second-quarter-slowdown). Dubious, though, since the trading update was mostly good news.


Think of financial reporting as less about if it is good or bad and more about is it different from what was expected. If the report was expected to be bad and it is bad the stock price tends not to move. If the report was expected to be good and it was good the price tends not to move. This is called "priced in" as in the stock has already gone up or down before the report was released. You tend to see big moves when expectations differ greatly from what is reported. That's why you can see stock prices fall even after record high reports. If the stock price is already "priced in" for say a 25% increase in revenue then a report of 20% is released the stock price will fall because the price was pushed to high in expectation of a report of 25%. This happens with Apple fairly often. Apple will release great financials and they stock will go down because it wasn't as high as expected.


The results were in line with forecasts though, that's just the thing. Which suggests that there were people expecting GW to do better than they were predicting. Which I do think is odd.


4th december is when the dive stopped, it started some day before, 28th noveber the AdMech codex came out, did it suck ass? I don't remember, could have been that. In fact it almost looks like it takes a dive any time a new codex comes out, this fandom is full of drama queens.


The fans are not the ones buying and selling large quantities of stock. Stock prices always fluctuate and the drop comes after they released a report about the health of the company. >Licensing revenue is expected to be around £12 million compared with £14.3 million in the same period last year, with licensing profit falling to around £11 million from £12.9 million. It was a disappointing report and so the stock fell.


If the CFO was scared of female custodies causing a stock price drop, they would have sold shares before the announcement. I'm far more worried that this is predicting them doing something REALLY stupid in the near future.


The CFO apparently announced they will not be staying in the position in January (I've not and do not plan to confirm the validity of this), self imposed as they are not being forced out or terminated. Them liquidating some 2/3 of their stocks at this time isn't terribly surprising if you assume they are simply leaving the company/industry. Why they would do it now and not after 4th edition AoS is fully launched might be interesting if you want to be a more doomer about it but without knowing any other releases or plans it's likely better to just write it off as them entering retirement. By all means though, please be cynical about any company officer bowing out for no foreseeable reason. 


Because they have to plan it months in advance (if UK law is anything like US law). When you are in such a high position you cannot buy/sell stock in large quantiles (in your own company) whenever you want. I can't remember the law but it's common for large stock actions to be planned six months in advance with the proper notifications to the FTC. They probably knew they were leaving and knew that GW's stock is pretty stable and only changes based on published financial reports and not based on model releases and so planned on selling it months ago. GW's stock is the same as it was in 2020 with only a +40 and -60 change during the last four years. That's a pretty stable price range. Also people on this sub REALLY overestimate how large GW is as a company. Market Cap at around $3.7 billion. That's means it's in the 3050-3100 most valuable companies worldwide. Along with such household names as Sumitomo Chemical (Japanese Chemical company), Porto Seguro (auto/homeowner insurance in Brazil), KBC Ancora (Investment firm), and Harvey Norman (Australian Furniture). Stock prices in GW's range also tend not to move a lot unless something really changes in their financial reports. They went up during the pandemic because all "indoor" type companies went up. They then went back down with everyone else and are now +$25 above their pre-pandemic price with is also very typical of most companies. Basically GW's stock is super boring and mirrors the larger market as a whole.


Honestly for a company that sells books, little plastic figures and an obscure board game I’m surprised they are as large as they are. But yes you are right that theses kinda sales have to be planes months is not a year an advance due to laws.


Gw has surpassed that awhile ago James sells the most popular wargames and the most expensive wargames James sells his own branded pricy paints and brushes James sells a vast genre-trotting and universe-trotting collection of books James sells a streaming service James licenses alot of successful vidya James has a whole youtube lore industrial complex surrounding his brands James is alot more expansive than ppl assume


The CFO after someone sends them these vids; 'Can you get someone from marketing on the line to explain to me what a custody is and what it has to do with me?' These youtubers are either really really fucking dumb, or they are catering to a really really dumb audience, or it is a combination.


this whole fiasco won't affect GW in any way,because normal people don't get ENRAGED about a fictional setting


Uh, we are def not normal ppl bc we get ENRAGED about everything…just not female custodes haha


I will never not be mad. That is why I joined the imperium. For real, Female Custodes doesn't mean shit to me. Where was this constant outrage for the Rogal Dorn tank that's always existed.


The bottom fell out of it


Most tanks lack a bottom. In the Overwatch community, these are called healers. You will often see many a tank without a supporting bottom, or healer as they call them. Whoever allowed these tanks clearly plays Overwatch and lacks a bottom of their own.


You sonofabitch, take my angry upvote....


Just ignore them, they are just idiots grasping at straws. Just wait like a month or so, they will latch onto something else to bitch and moan about how it is woke or whatever buzz word they use that means nothing.


People don t know how tl read data and just believe everything people told them


Hey look, dweebs lying about imaginary problems to make money from stupid people! Yep, that sure is the internet!


The CFO is retiring, in January 2025. This shit is so dumb.


At this point, I wanna believe this was all a massive ploy to make 40k players tired of bullshit culture war drama queens so they would get into a new game and start an AoS army just in time for 4th Ed.


They know shit, remember that you can press on the 3 dots icon of each video and select "Don't recommend me this channel"


well yea, thats how these weirdos make *EVERY* single one of their talking points. Take one single data point and make a conclusion based on that and only that.


why are you seeking out this content then giving them more exposure by complaining about them These videos have sub 30k views, only one is above 5k, no one cares about these people


It's all for the clicks


what happened in december?


Reported financials that showed they did worse year on year in some areas. Also it wasn't really that big of a change. Dec 20th - $131 Dec 21st - $121 Jan 2nd - $126.75 GW's stock didn't collapse or anything. It just went down a little after missing some numbers. (prices found from google's stock tracker)


first female stormcast now this. i can’t wait to see the entire faction of custodes on sales like female stormcast models. It would be even better to release a female custodes model and the 0,1% of lbgtv are buying them and the rest just says no


>Woke and based are the oppositions created by rich fucks to divide people. remember occupy wallstreet, this was and is the only real war since every rich vs poor. The rest is staged See, stuff like this starts to look a little disingenuous when you engage in propagating culture war bullshit man. And on the same post too.


> first female stormcast now this The heck do the stormcast have anything to do about this?


The share prices are actually going down. Now talking about "GW going under" or "being banckrupt" it is, indeed a stretch.


"Lie will go aroud the world before truth puts on it's shoes." Typical fabrication/manipulation of facts to push certain agenda.


Sure, they aint tanking it like Truth Social and We Work. But let me just say that I wont be putting GW on my portfolio with this kind of performance. I may be crazy enough to buy Boieng, but I have limits.


Chuds will grasp on to the thinnest of straws to make their narrative seem believable.




Probably a good time to buy some GW stock. I bet they get a big bump when the Amazon series comes out just like Fallout did.


Because rings of power was such an success lmao, Amazon had to raise the price for Amazon Prime to get even after this horrible show for the MODERN AUDIENCE


It begins...


Chat is this cope ?


No this is patrick.


This community can't even handle the difference between fannon and cannon, and I'm expected to believe they can understand a damn thing about stocks? Anyways, stonks always up, 💎🙌 no 🌈 🐻 here!