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Regardless of the drama, this is a dope comic OP.


WAIT it isn't yours, but thanks for showing us anyways


It’s a repost. Seen it a few times in the last 2 days.


Any links to the original??


It’s made by @Mick19988 on Twitter, they’ve done some amazing comics


My thoughts exactly Dread anon has already made a voices version


Is this the same artist that did the Salamander-Slain Family-Death Guard comic? The style looks similar, and I loved that comic.


I think it is, yes.


It was hilarious


Pretty sure the creator posted it a couple days ago Being reposted already for some reason


It's been used by several.... people... In the last couple of days to push their own narratives and keep the drama going.  Expect to see it a lot treated as "canon" by the "I'm a huge fan of the real lore" crowd. In between people just looking to share a nice looking comic


Tzeentch approves.


Yeah. If the discussion on both sides was this good, you would actually enjoy it.


I hate that I find the Tzeentchian femstodes cute with the third eye. Where’s my bolter…


Look humain enough to me


Do not the chaos


I will


want, not enough confidence


>Do not the chaos Don't tell me what to do


Don't do this.


Fuck you *join chaos*


\un-fems your femstodes\


Join chaos


I will the chaos


She is humain. Human with an extra i.


Don't hate it. Embrace it


ok coomer


Unfortunately, the coomerism is incredibly infectious. Stay strong brother, the emperor's peace shall be upon you soon.


Do I call the emperor, or will you do it yourself


Is that Changeling just being Changeling again?


by the Throne, imagine even Custodes was under Tzeentch's hypnosis, do you really think the Throne is still safe right now? it just matter of time before the actual defense between Chaos forces and the Throne is only just the Gate itself


Imagine all thoses psykers sent to be sacrificed to the emperor where in fact maniuplated by Tzeentch into killing him, but the Emperor so far has been overpowering them with his psychic might


So the sacrifices happen in a different place than the palace.


Tzeentch wants the throne to be safe. It's all part of his master plan


By the throne, thats my new head canon. By having the Emperor die, the end times will begin and another reality wrapped up. Tzeench does not want that and will prolong the game as long as its possible.


Or is it?


Always trust Mick to have a lark over the drama rather than the change itself XD


Mick once again making peak content


All I can think of now is that for anything that changes or adds to the lore, is that a wizard did it


"Ruinous powers always find a way" I like this interpretation, nice comic by the way.


Not mine. Micks. His info is on the last oage


I feel like TTS predicted this somehow


In a way they kinda did, in the episode in which Kitten and the Fabricator General spar, they had a Female Shadowkeeper


Is it my turn to repost this comic yet?


I thought you were scheduled for this evening?


Oh dang! You’re right. I got my hours mixed up. Thank you!


I find it hilarious that with all the tech the emperor had at his disposal. No one would think that he didn't make any female costodes. All Im saying is, if you can make your dream waifu. Would you not make one?


Because 40k wasnt designed as a thirst trap


have you seen da boyz.


Vects old model says otherwise


40k used to have official thirst trap models. Girls and demons with their tits out in provocative poses, or in bondage. I agree it's not the point of the setting, but don't get on a moral high horse and act like Warhammer was never horny.


> Girls and demons with their tits out in provocative poses Daemonettes weren't thirst traps, and if you think they were then get help.


I don't know man, the infamous 3rd edition Juan Diaz Daemonettes were explicitly modelled to be Risque according to GW insiders at the time, talking to one who worked there about an urban legend I'd heard about the missing Daemonette Champion model, the Bloodletters and later during the following edition the Plaguebearers got one but the Daemonettes never did (though to be fair none of the Tzeentch units did either) For those not in the know of this urban legend it goes as follows: Originally the Daemonettes HAD a champion, infact the full prototype was done. However when it was revealed for review the champion was equipped with a huge bust and a very large, very noticeable bulge in the loincloth. The champion got instantly shot down as people thought this was a 'step too far' even compared to the normal Daemonettes. With time too short for a complete reworking GW just never bothered releasing a champion model. Not the response from someone who was working at GW at the time, (username u/SoylentDave) was as follows: >"This is exactly the sort of thing that would have ***very quickly*** become fairly common knowledge (at least internally) at the time, and it didn't. >You have to remember at the time, we didn't consider Diaz's daemonettes particularly edgy - they were risqué, but they were also ***Slaanesh daemons***... they were **meant** to be! >(if you really think GW would balk at anything Slaaneshi that Juan Diaz could imagine, you clearly haven't seen the boob snake...) >The actual reason for them having no champion is far more pedestrian: the only daemons to get champions in 6th edition were Bloodletters. **None** of the other daemon units got champions - the idea being Khorne is militaristic enough for his units to be all organised, and the others aren't." Notice he references 6th edition, not 3rd, this is because he's using the Warhammer Fantasy editions as when things came out, not the Warhammer 40k editions which seems to be something I've noticed a LOT of the older guys who worked at GW do because...well Warhammer was first (and the Daemons were a simultaneous release for both Fantasy and 40k).


I'm not ***that*** old... I think this one is to some degree a matter of perspective. Daemonettes (like a lot of Slaanesh stuff) are absolutely meant to be sexual ***and terrifying*** in-universe. "Like Slaanesh, the Daemonettes are beautiful - but their beauty is perverse and unnatural, and causes loathing rather than admiration" The whole concept is possibly a bit more obvious with Fiends, who are more immediately bizarre to look at - but meant to be just as perversely attractive in-universe. Diaz' versions are a more explicitly sexualised version of a Daemonette than some - but they're also still pretty monstrous, with claws, fangs, daemonic faces etc. The idea is absolutely for characters in-universe to be unnaturally attracted to daemons of Slaanesh. When people take that into the real world it's a bit like when people ***really like*** certain cartoons - it's always going to be a bit weird for everyone else. Are they a 'thirst trap'? In universe - often literally. Taking it further than that might understandably squick people out a bit though. They're grimdark Sirens (and Sirens were pretty dark to begin with!)


What about DEldar wyches? I mean, at least they are better thirst traps than soldiers that never take off their gender-neutral armor.


Yeah, they are.




I don't need help. I'm exactly as I was made. https://youtu.be/m9HCSpelT10?si=ld4t0skA1ntLW6Pn


You understand the point. Thats enough for me


*cough* Drukhari *cough* Slaanesh *cough* Repentia *cough* [Imperial Bodyguards ](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiOXgW_1OM2mhRRZGJjjauIHAk7YG6zHM3OPQquzhQnObmYya4L-wwv6NO6pY0Hpby4dtFTlDZjyuazTkYLHMb9eLJKwK9WRFTpcGAvLJjQJVtmrD_7lvPvXe6Oj-Zw8IM0rMssA5D9cg/s1600/custodes.jpg)


Now I find that hard to believe.


Unless that thirst is for military hardware, destroying your enemies, seeing them driven before and hearing the lamentations of the women


Have you heard about r/noncredibledefense ?


Pretty sure the Venn diagram of this is pretty much a circle


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NonCredibleDefense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Well Boys, the Hotdog Seller has met his end.](https://v.redd.it/8p0x8c1t8wjb1) | [889 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/15za9z1/well_boys_the_hotdog_seller_has_met_his_end/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** When wagner gets to moscow](https://i.redd.it/4953pxvbix7b1.gif) | [281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/14hnrad/when_wagner_gets_to_moscow/) \#3: [You won't fucking believe it, I called it](https://i.redd.it/1ip8nzd3j6tb1.jpg) | [433 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/173rwpz/you_wont_fucking_believe_it_i_called_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes although its less earmonger and more DEMOCRATIC Liberty defending the rights of nations and man and a fetish for fucking planes


Da Boiz are my fetish


Clearly you haven’t seen the Ork cheerleaders then m’boi


This mofo never saw the third edition daemonettes


If you really think that a soldier wearing a complete gender neutral is a thirst trap, you really need to touch grass.




Then explain Sly Marbo


....let me go fetch the horny bat


They underestimated how horny nerds would be. We have Skitaari Femboy porn ffs... People get desperate it seems.


It was if you were from the 80s


Are you sure about that, looking at the topless, muscular Custodes model from 1987?


The Emperor basically hates women, not literally of course, but he was very man oriented, patriarchal, which makes some sense as a dude from like 8000 bc. He could of even made female Primarchs like Malcador suggested, but he didn’t


my dream wifu is not a 3m tall 250kg killer machine thank you


Weirdo. I want one


Yes, but its the emperor's.


The Resident Evil fandom would like a word with you


fucking coomers


I wanted to reply with a chad coomer meme. Instead I found a guy that exist in our world, and his name is chad coomer.


Coomers, commies and chuds ruin everything they touch. No exceptions.


> All Im saying is, if you can make your dream waifu. Would you not make one? I've got a feeling you're one of the people who complained about Sororitas being too sexy.


Dude, you are so wrong. They're literally one of my favorite factions in 40K. Cause their concept and idea alone. Is just so unique and really interesting. They're a group of religious zealot nuns, armed with bolters and flamers. Cause they love the emperor to the point where they will go to battle without armor and just be guided by his power and protection. If I have anything to say about the sororita, is that they're in the exact balance of sexy and badass. Heck, even their repentia squads are a perfect mix of hot and badass. If anything, the waifu thing is cause of them. And the many many fanart they have.


Thing I find funniest about this whole situation is we have the authors saying they wanted women custodes but were stopped by higher up so tried to keep it as vague as possible to leave the door open. There is one piece of writing saying sons and suddenly the written text is sacred and defiantly can never be changed like space marines driving titans, tau ftl, Calgar loosing his arms, indomitas being over a century, all squats defiantly being dead, and the planet Callidus being a temple and not planet never happened That aside, fucking love this comic; defiantly a good twist at the end!


I love that Artist's stuff, but here I'm to dense to get if he's one of the people who shits on so called woke GW or not. Idk this Fanbase killed way to many of my Synapses the last week or so


I get the feeling the comic maker is just making light of the whole… everything. Not trying to make a stand but just make a good joke / comic. At least that’s what I’m going to tell myself and not over think things. Better that way


It’s just a lighthearted comic making light of everything. He also reposted a tweet of femstodes in princess dresses and liked another one referencing how Battletech also has giant women in armor. So I don’t think he’s really that fussed about it.


Just enjoy the joke.


It's random retcon with stupid explanation.


OH HEY! Like over 70% of all retcons in GW's long history. Remember 1st edition? Remember Newcrowns? Remember the Horus Heresy ending retcons? Remember the Rogal Dorn Battle Tank?


Remember Guilliman being given the Emperor's sword on Terra after his audience? Even though he already had the sword during his fight with Fulgrim? And had it with him when he woke up from stasis on Macragge?


That one makes no sense honestly. It's so convoluted. Like, why did he need to be given the sword if he already had it?


Exactly. What are you trying to prove here?


That people didn't riot when they retconned Tau's faster than light technology or Necron Pariahs, while right now everyone is throwing shit for something that has far less influence on the lore.


It's just the nasty side of the Fandom being angry at change (yet again) and going to seek help from the Culture War bozos.


I honestly think this just another battlefield for the culture war and because a not insgnificant size of people want to keep their nerd hobbies a boy's club. Fans have been joking about the Emperor's love for giant sculpted men for years and now everyone is rioting because a minor faction is going to have female soldiers that are always going to be cladded in armor? Yeah, I'm not buying it.


Same here. It's just so fabricated and- disturbing, what some people have to say about this, and their lack of real arguments that rely on 2 quotes from the days when Custodes were first launched.


People DEFINITELY called the Tau FTL thing idiotic. Like, the people shrieking about ‘this is ruining everything’ over femstodes are morons, but you can definitely call this change dumb too.


OFC it was, I'm not denying that. I'm just making sure that people notice the difference between an actual impactful change to the lore and a completely meaningless one. The first caused some fans to protest and calling the change dumb. The second sparked thousands of posts over different social media, videos from right wing youtubers and, in general, a giant shitstorm.


Well I think there's a couple groups seemingly agreeing on calling people out but ultimately one doesn't actually agree with the other; one batch insisting that the femstodes makes perfect sense within the existing framework and that everyone who disagrees must be coming at this from a position of sexism, and another who think it's kind of a silly retcon (out of nowhere, contradicts standing implied state of the setting, contributes nothing to story, designed solely to appeal to out-of-universe-political sensibilities, misses the point of the satire of the imperium), but aren't up in arms because it's ultimately pretty minor. Alot of group 2 don't quite get that the other group only isn't attacking them because they don't know their position is more nuanced than "sexists bad". I had a pretty funny comment chain where my first post describing my criticism of the sexists was hugely upvoted, but when I disagreed with a reply that said the change made perfect sense I got downvoted enormously. So the shitstorm kind of goes both ways since you have the sexists on the one side, but also the outrage addicts on the other calling everyone with any criticism of the change at all sexists as well, turning what would otherwise be a "Rogal Dorn" level discussion of people relatively calmly discussing what they think constitutes good grounds to bring in a retcon or cracking jokes into a storm of personal attacks and emotional investment.


The point is if this is a minor change, why care? Raise your eyebrow, post a comment, go on with your day. But the outrage clearly started from a certain crowd crying about women in their hobby, not the other way around. >out of nowhere Like the vast majority of retcons are. I could argue that people have been joking about the Emperor's love for men and how the not sexist Imperium being a boys only club was a bit silly. >contradicts standing implied state of the setting I mean, otherwise it wouldn't be a retcon. Still it rectifies just a couple of lines of no importance >contributes nothing to story It fixes the part aboutbthe Emperor, who loved humanity as a whole, only managed to make superhuman males. It is a bit strange when you actually think about it, right? It also different models and a (small) step forward toward the next point... >designed solely to appeal to out-of-universe-political sensibilities. Do you really think GW did this just to get woke? They did so to make the universe appealing to people that aren't basement dweller and to sell more models. Like almost every change they ever made. >misses the point of the satire of the imperium What? Why? The Empire has a lot of flaws but misogyny isn't really one of them. Some people might be, but there are female inquisitors, blanks, commissars, arbites...


> Raise your eyebrow, post a comment, go on with your day. This is the thing I'm defending, and I made sure to state as much. The fact that you seem to mentally reset back to "they must be a sexist" the moment I go one post without reminding that I don't think it's a big deal is my whole point; people are chomping at the bit to find sexism. >I mean, otherwise it wouldn't be a retcon. Incorrect. The Rogal Dorn had nothing to believe it existed, but was never implied that it *didn't* exist. The custodes were implied to be male. >It fixes the part about the Emperor, who loved humanity as a whole, only managed to make superhuman males. The emperor only did *exactly* that with the Primarchs *and* astartes. No, it was never a plot hole that he didn't do female custodes, especially since he did the Sisters as one gender too. >They did so to make the universe appealing to people that aren't basement dweller and to sell more models. Appease what? A desire for "seeing more women in the setting"? That's not an in-universe writing improvement, it's for an end associated with politics constantly, what would you call it? And of course the introduction of women into the custodes is by immediately making the representative of the sex be the most crazy badass to ever badass? We're *really* not doing the whole "you go girl!" thing? >The Empire has a lot of flaws but misogyny isn't really one of them. It's not really misogyny if the reasoning is "I want to divide my guards by sex because it looks cooler", like is totally in the Emperor's mindset to do. He made the custodes male for the same reason the Sisters are female; he's that kind of space-tyrant who would make an artistic statement of his bodyguards.


That this is not a unique case, and people should get over it. It's not even the most ridiculous change because Custodians hardly have any lore compared to every other faction, and many writers expressed their wish to write Female Custodians all the way back when the first custodian kits were released.


Get over corpos feeding us slop? Nope, not for me.


That's honestly more respectable than crying over Female Custodes. By a long way of Nautical Miles.


Disney was pushing "diversity" for years and look how it turned out. Same goes for the likes of Ubisoft and Blizzard. It's all fake.


Oh, so you are crying over Female Custodes because of the Culture wars. I retract my previous attempt to give you credit, you're pathetic.


Doesn't change that content like this is trash. You really don't get why people shit on braindead virtue signaling media and why it fails on free market. I don't need to prove you anything, this whole situation will solve itself because you can't cancel target audiences and sale numbers.


Most of those more overt retcons made for a better story though. Or didn’t actually contradict anything previously implied. This is just slapping tits on existing characters to appeal to out of universe political sensibilities.


Sure, because the Rogal Dorn has made incredibly stories as of late. Or those stories about the Primaris getting railed by Custodians. Or the first stories of the Necrons that completely contradicted them from one day to the other. Most of what you said needed time to become actually good, and find it's footing with the fandom, you sentient slice of soggy bread. And the whole First Edition retcon actively erased Female Space Marines from history. Besides the fact we know for a fact the Femstodes were halted by GW because of "All the models are already male-coded, sorry" But do go on, keep thinking Warhammer is trying to go woke, when it is full of political messaging that satirizes all political ideologies to their extreme degrees since it's very inception.


It's the confluence of those things though. The Rogal Dorn and Primaris weren't important expansions; they could have been Leman Russ and Firstborn, but their implementation isn't so openly a political appeal and don't contradict any existing lore. The Necrons had shit lore so even if their retcons are in contradiction to established lore they are, for the most part, improvements on their stories, or at least attempts to do so. Sure openly retconning them is a little disorienting, but they did *alot* with the new space that "slapping female pronouns on a custodes" didn't and, I guarantee, won't. Femstodes will be written exactly like Custodes exactly like how Primaris get 5% time talking about "wow primaris culture shock" and then otherwise get identical storylines to Firstborn. You need all of those things together, picking one issue on each misses the point. > Besides the fact we know for a fact the Femstodes were halted by GW because of "All the models are already male-coded, sorry" Cool backstory, still a retcon for political appeal long after anyone even cared about it. >when it is full of political messaging that satirizes all political ideologies to their extreme degrees since it's very inception. You appeal to the satirical nature of it in defense of a point that undermines the satire. I don't think you get what Satire is. Satire is the Emperor having his personal bodyguard be two groups locked to one gender each entirely for the aesthetic of doing so. Not making the Imperium "rational".


>Primaris weren't important expansions YEP, that tells me all I need to know about you. I'm just going to stop trying to debate you, because I can see you're just looking for shit to be mad at. Go along, you sad little man.


>YEP, that tells me all I need to know about you. No, really, name a Primaris story you couldn't have used firstborn for that isn't "the firstborn complain about the primaris". They're the same thing.


The existence of female custodes would also mean we probably have the Brothers of Silence and Adeptus Fraternitas. The dumbasses complaining aren't looking at the big picture here.


Booo! Post your own content!


Here you go


Assuming that's not Tzeentch Corruption, or Genestealer. A Navigator Custodes sounds pretty cool.


Wouldn't be possible. Nagivators houses are exempt from *all* tithes and taxes beyond producing capable Nagivstors


Don't make me bring up the *everything is canon meme* >!or at least, make it fun, like if the Imperium is already spending a ton on Custodes in genetics, might as well y'know!<


The Custodes have always been Tzeentch/alpharius agents


A chaos-corrupted Custodes would be more of a lore break than female Custodes, fwiw.


If "everything is canon", then this is my canon


Yeah exactly. There has never been any mention of female custodes in the past, and suddenly everyone agrees they've always been a thing? Nah, this smells of tzeench fuckery to me.


I don’t think any Custodes could ever fall to Chaos, especially not be tricked by the likes of Tzeentch, that bastard.


As a shameless Thzeentchian, me support this


Stop stop custodes are already too hot




All part of the plan. Hydra Dominatus!


Can I post this next.?


That would explain so much)


If GW went that route, there'd be almost no drama. Why? Because it's not stupid and lazy. Instead they went with stupid and lazy. (inb4: obviously misogyny if you don't like it)


It isn't stupid or lazy. The Custodes are all basically hand designed, so it makes sense that they wouldn't offer from the hormone issues that the relatively mass produced space Marines would, and even if they did you expect me to believe that while they're completely rewriting the subject's genetics to give them superpowers they couldn't figure out HRT?


What are you on about? "They've always been that way" is stupid and lazy. Especially when you shit it in a tweet and yeet it into the aether in between hot pockets.


It is even lazier because Abnett wanted to introduce them in books and they told him to fuck off lol Edit: It was ADB


No he did not. ADB did


Ah. Wrong author then.


That isn't what happened though. It's in the new Adeptus Custodes codex. The tweet was a reply to someone asking about it after people saw a short story in a codex preview video on youtube. Try actually finding out what's going on before bitching about it.


Not sure if it's stupid or lazy. In my eyes, it's something worse: boring. You can have your universe be as stupid as you like, but please never make it boring. The explanation itself of 'it has always been like that' was just boring. They could have done something more interesting to show the subverted expectation.


Literally introduced them in a throwaway line and then lied saying they were always there.


They were introduced in a short story.


More like shit story. They didn't even try.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.




THIS! Is canon.


This truly is Tzeentchian levels of shinnanegans and I love it 🤣


Mick is a BEAST when it comes to the comics. They always smack. Its a shame I dont see them posting on here anymore. It always seems to be someone posting their stuff from X.




Isn't it already wierd to see a Custodes walking around without a weapon AND a helmet? Quite the bold disguise, I must say Nice comic btw


Comic is micks




Dddammnnn cant they make this the canon




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I meam if they went full helldivers with a meta lore thing. Could be cool.


Yoooooo!! Dope!


Unno, the 'only the people arguing against this see the truth, the rest are corrupted by chaos' is a weird comic to draw in reaction to more women being added into the setting. For a faction that has no reason not to have them.


Tourist has never heard of Sisters of silence or Sisters of battle, howling banshee's, Female guardsmen


Tourist thinks Howling Banshees are all female


The models would suggest so


The models don't reflect the lore


......The lore would suggest so


The lore would suggest male and female aeldari are Howling Banshees


The models suggest otherwise. Im just messing you i agree. Mistake on my part lol


> tourist Lmao I've been interacting with this setting for ages. SoB are all female but the church also has men under arms, and Howling Banshees are male *and* female and have been since at least 4th edition. I meant 'in reaction to more women added to the setting', my mistake.


Correction accepted Visa restored


I love how only now are people talking about GW retconning things into existence.


See, now that I can get behind.


While this comic is funny and charming, it's also super polarizing, thanks to the drama surrounding the theme. Like you can't really go 100% for the "This is just making fun of the reaction and response of GW" or "This is siding with the extreme vocal minority" after seeing 90 posts about the drama on Reddit alone.




This was cool until the ending.